Criminal Psychology
Chapter 200 Table of contents

If it wasn't for Duanyang's constant whispering of his questions about the dangerous period, Lin Chen would even have the illusion of a vacation on board.

After all, his journey to Dana was abducted.

He was on a helicopter that was about to fall apart and had a high fever, so much that he didn't have time to admire the vast virgin forest here.

Although in fact many places in the Dana Forest have been damaged a little bit, but as this light ferry ferry goes deeper, he still marvels at the magic of nature.

At that time, the words that Mrs. Jiang Chao said in front of his hospital bed always appeared in his mind from time to time. However, the reality is even more exaggerated than she said. As a person who has never seen the world, he has seen the real million woods and the blue waves. In short, he has learned the beautiful words that describe the forest.

Of course, the most amazing thing in this process is still a Dana python.

It was a very chance.

The reason was that the light ferry he was riding on would rely on fishing to get some food supplements during their escape. The Dana python crashed into the net bag when it was under the fishing net. Although ordinary fishing nets couldn't catch the big guy, the python that had hit the net bag couldn't get away for a while. The two entangled, the rolling python stirred the sound of crazy water.

Lin Chen was lying halfway in the cabin, and Xun Conglian sat on his bed and peeled a banana.

Although Lin Chen didn't know why the simple task of peeling a banana had to steal the labor for the past, Lin Chen was never a particularly stubborn type, and it was good to watch Xinglian even do these things for him.

Suddenly, he heard the excited and terrified roar of Gao Meng people from the side of the ship's side, followed by the voice of the dynasty and Xing Cong shouting "Boss".

The rushing footsteps came and the hatch was opened suddenly, the dynasty poked out its head and said excitedly, "Boss boss, there really is a python in the Dana River!"

Basically, it should be the first time he saw the dynasty since he was seriously comatose and awake. After the dynasty opened the door, he blinked at him, looking extremely alert.

Lin Chen didn't quite understand why Xing Conglian excluded everyone from this cabin, and spared no one except Dr. Duanyang Duan, even the dynasty didn't enter. The reason for Conglian Lian was that too many people would affect his rest. Anyway, after listening to this reason, he probably had such a thorough understanding of what the dynasty called "control desire". In fact, he could probably guess why Xing Conglian did so. As long as he is lying in this cabin, on this bed, everything outside the room has nothing to do with them.

They don't need to pay attention to how many people are sent by Chalatou to hunt them down, nor do they need to understand what is behind them, or even all the aftermath matters that are not related to him.

Before Xun Lian responded, the dynasty had sneaked to his bed and pulled his hand first. He was very nervous and his eyes were red.

"Go out!" Xing Conglian stared at the dynasty and said coldly.

"Boss, my brother Chen will be sick like this!"

"First of all, correct you, he is mine, and secondly, he will only get sick if he sees you!"

The dynasty's face suddenly became red: "Boss, you don't want to face!"

"How?" Xun Conglian took a bite of the peeled banana and handed it to him.

Lin Chen looked at Xun Lianzhuo's eyes and forced him to show affection or how he looked. He had to bite another bit along the place where he had bitten.

The dynasty was stunned again, and before any more shocking remarks broke out, Lin Chen asked, "What happened outside?"

The dynasty really broke easily, he was excited: "Boa Boa Boa, brother Achen, do you want to see Boa, Boa!"

Xing Conglian stared again: "Do you think Achen's body is suitable for going out to blow hair?"

The dynasty rubbed his ears, as if he hadn't heard clearly what had just come out of his boss' mouth: "You, you, what did you say?"

Xun Cong shook his legs and shook, as if he had finally found the invincible commanding heights in his daily fight, and said happily, "I will give you a deeper impression, my home, Achen!"

The dynasty blushed, Lin Chen felt helpless, interrupted the two again, and asked the dynasty: "Monkey, is it big?"

"It's quite big. The pillars are so thick. Do you feel that our boat has been towed?"

"Less exaggeration. It depends on you. Roll!"

The dynasty sat down by the bed and said, "But Gao Meng ’s elder is still the high priest or he is flickering. The old man whose ear lobe is so scary says that it is the millennial golden python, which is particularly spiritual. With all my heart in mind, it's good for Brother Achen to go to see the sick. "

"Are you wishing the water overflows the Golden Mountain, how old are you, and the Africans engage in this set of faith?" Xun Lianlian said inconceivably.

At this time, probably when the hatch was opened and Duan Yang came in, the doctor was about to come to give him a sling. Now looking at the appearance of Xun Conglian, Duan Yang said, "It's okay to ventilate, It has been stuck in the ward, which is not conducive to recovery. "

"He hasn't been bored for three days!" Xun Lian said dissatisfied.

Duan Yang looked at Xun Conglian, but just raised his arm and didn't speak.

Lin Chen reluctantly lifted up the thin blanket and stepped out of bed with one foot: "It's good to stand up. I want to see it. A rare opportunity."

"What a rare thing!"

"You have to buy a ticket to see the safari park," Lin Chen said.

"The safari is not that big!" Said the dynasty.

Immediately before he landed, Xun Lian took an unpleasant note from the dynasty.

Then he turned his head and said to him, "Would you like me to hold you?"

Looking at the two people in the ward who looked at each other with arms folded, Lin Chen had to pull the neckline of Xun Conglian's shirt, and said gently in the other's ear, "Now it's not necessary, I'll hug you at night."

Hearing that Xun Conglian nodded very satisfied, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

In fact, the words of the dynasty were not exaggerated. When Lin Chen walked from the medical room to the second deck for a short distance, he had indeed felt the slight shaking of the ship.

Lin Chen looked down, and many Gao Meng people with dark complexion and black body gathered on the first floor, watching the yellow-brown python on the surface. Most of them were already kneeling on the ground, and began to chant things like prayers. This was also the first time he had seen these Gao Meng people rescued by Doctor Duan after he was awake.

Actually speaking, he used to see these primitive tribes only in travel magazines, and he did n’t feel too real, but now that these living people appeared in front of him, he suddenly had a diversity of human life forms. With a deeper experience, this kind of experience was not experienced when sitting at home and reading a travel magazine.

Of course, his little emotion lasted only a short time. Xun Conglian held his neck with his hands and gently drew his head to a further river: "Look at snakes, don't look at people."

Lin Chen did not refute. He held the railing and looked at the situation. The python on the water was still tossing and slamming a few meters of water. The captain directed the person who might be tortured to try to loosen the fishing net, but because the python struggled so hard, it became more entangled in the net bag The tighter.

The Gao Meng exclaimed, and the ship was pulled slightly.

The prisoner was tired of watching Lianlian, and rushed downstairs and shouted, "Kang An, cut the fishing net."

"Boss, I'm just about to catch it for you, let it go!" The young man pulling the fishing net downstairs said.

Lin Chen looked down and nodded to the young man, but when the other party saw him, he suddenly stopped and didn't speak.

At this moment, a foot in black shoes suddenly stuck out from behind Kang An, and slammed his calf.

Kang An was frightened and almost planted in the water. Fortunately, the captain with a beard next to him had troubled eyes and grabbed people.

"Zhang Long, you're neurotic!" Kang'an turned back angrily.

"Look at the boss to pluck your eyes down to feed the crocodile." A rather arrogant voice came out slowly.

Lin Chen saw another man in black with a slightly cool hairstyle and dress walking out from behind. He took off his sunglasses in the direction of the gentleman and bent down to salute.

"Your friend?" Lin Chenhan asked Xunlian with a smile.

He hadn't finished talking yet. It was like playing a gopher game, and another Chinese young man came up from behind, looked up at them, and jumped up and waved.

At that time, the Captain's face was as black as the bottom of the pot as dark as the night sky.

"It's funny," Lin Chen said.

Finally, Xun Conglian looked at him, and then looked at the curious gossips below, who said, "Cut the rope and roll up."


Lin Chen received these individual "friends" of Xing Conglian in his ward.

He leaned on the hospital bed, Xun Cong sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and said nothing, the dynasty crouched on the floor of the bed.

A group of 6 people stood in line at his bedside. This was also the first time he had seen the men who had been sentenced to Cong Lian. For the squad who was looking over the Chalatu Poison Factory in front of him, he also wanted to hide it. No better adjectives.

He glanced at the irritable man next to him and introduced himself to the people standing in front of his bed: "Lin Chen, currently a consultant, majoring in psychology."

As if counting the numbers, his voice fell, and the six people in front of the bed shouted in turn.


"Wild boar!"

"Little Five!"

"little six!"

"Zhang Long!"

"Zhao Hu!"

Every time these people reported their names, Lin Chen thought it was funny, and finally, the young man was weak in the bed.


Lin Chen was helpless to look at Xun Conglian: "What evil do you have?"

"Ah, it really doesn't matter to me." Xing Cong even kicked the dynasty. "Explain to Brother Achen that your father's name is Wang."

"Brother Achen, my father is Wang!"

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow at Gonglian.

"The ancestors are all based on the dynasty." Xing Conglian seriously said, "Really."

After Xing Conglian said that sentence, he rushed to the six people in the front row and said, "Okay, please end, you can get out!"

At this time, Lin Chen was very surprised that Kang An, who was standing in front of the team, suddenly knelt down and said to him very loudly, "Consultant Lin, I'm sorry!"

Lin Chen was startled.

Kang An's face was mournful: "I ... I really don't know what will happen ... If you know that the boss is going to cause you to be kidnapped and you will almost die, I ... I ... will not ask the boss to please Come! "

"Get out and hear nothing!" Xun Leng said coldly.

Xiao Wu pressed Kang An's shoulder and followed him to kneel.

Lin Chen generally knew what was happening, but he calmly watched them kneeling side by side in front of himself, and then said to Xun Conglian: "Are you a feudal patriarchal legal system, how can you kneel?

"They don't have a good mind. You ignore them."

Lin Chen nodded, turned to look at the two on the ground, and said quietly. "You kneel like this, but it makes me embarrassed."

There was a helpless expression on Kang An and Xiao Wu's faces. They wanted to stand up, but they didn't know what to do.

"I was embarrassed because you did this and turned me into a type that requires human protection and can only depend on people." Lin Chen said slowly, "But in my self-perception, I seem to Not so useless yet. "

"I ... I don't mean Advisor Lin."

"Since this is not the case, the logic you just made is not valid. For example, please go to your boss to kill me and kill me. Because his departure was an accident, and my abduction is also an accident. The true culprit is dead. So you do n’t think it is right for you to think you are wrong. "

"But ... but I still think I'm too selfish." Kang An said, scratching his head. "I ... I said badly, I didn't get it right!"

"It's useless me," said the thin young man named Xiao Wu seriously.

"Yeah." Lin Chen whispered softly.

During the conversation, he felt that Xiao Wu looked up at him, and there was no resentment in his eyes, but only strong self-blame.

Lin Chen felt that Xing Conglian put his hand on his wrist. Lin Chen took a look at Xing Conglian and said, "This is the meaning of a person like him."

Xun Lian heard the words, got to his ear, and whispered, "I said the same thing, right?"

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing, and then said to the two people on the ground: "I have also encountered this completely unresolvable situation you have encountered. Fortunately, your boss reached out and helped many impossible things. It's possible. The meaning I said is probably this. Anyway, when he is there, he tells us that there is always a tall man standing in the sky, and no matter how difficult it is, I feel a little hopeful. "

Xiao Wu's tears are about to shed.

After experiencing life and death, Lin Chen felt that his ability to irrigate chicken soup seemed to be better. He said, "So, I still hope that you will not be afraid of those things that you think are right, no matter how difficult or difficult they are. No, there are always tall men standing in the sky, and then you can work hard to be tall. "

Kang Angeng nodded to the extreme and immediately nodded vigorously: "I will really work hard and try to get it myself next time!"

"Then, please get up two," Lin Chen said.

Kang An and Xiao Wu hurriedly stood up. Xun Lian couldn't bear it anymore, and drove people away like a fly: "I know you're going to do this, get out of here, and annoy Lao Tzu!"

The two were immediately blasted to the door, and Xun Conglian looked at the four people standing at the bed and said, "Why are you doing this, and wait for me to invite you to dinner?"

"Not the boss, I think consultant Lin is speaking very well. You are very professional, can you show me?" The very arrogant Mr. Zhang Long came to the bed and said to him, "They always say I have Mania, do you think I'm really sick, should I take some medicine? "

Xun Lian even smashed the medicine at the bedside: "Go!"

Zhang Long hurried to the door: "There may be more than one manic mania!" Zhang Long said and winked at them, "I'll see you next time!"

Probably it was the patience of the torture Conglian to the extreme, and the group flew out in an instant. Finally, the torment of the tortured threw the slippers onto the **** of the dynasty.

The hatch finally closed again and everything was quiet.

"What's wrong, just two words ..."

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, he was held down by his neck and kissed hard.

Xing Conglian's action was slightly impatient, Lin Chen didn't respond for a moment, and was kissed to breathe.

He stroked the man's back lightly, but could not stop Xun Conglian's further aggressive actions.

Xing Conglian was close to him, sucking his lips hard, and he did not hesitate to pry open his teeth and spoof his tongue.

After the kiss was over, Lin Chen found that his coat was almost completely unbuttoned, and most of his skin was outside. He gasped and watched Conglian, trying to calm himself.

"Advisor Lin."


"Why are you so good ..."

Lin Chen touched Xun Conglian's ears, and felt that the atmosphere was good, so he didn't speak.

Xing Conglian gently gnawed at his collarbone, finally raised his head, and said, "Hurry up, I am getting older, and maybe my patience is not very good."

"Good endurance." Lin Chen kissed his forehead and said with a smile.

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