Criminal Psychology
Chapter 227 Table of contents

Countless dust floats in the light scattered by the projector. Looking in the dark, it looks like there is a vast universe, hidden and elusive.

No one in the room wanted to talk.

Lin Chen stared at the drug configuration still rotating on the wall for a long time.

Finally, Conglian Lian said, "Begin, we may not have much time."

"What time is not much, I don't understand." Wang Chao desperately scratched his head. "Why does Shen Lian do this? Is she sick? Those are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs, and more than 90% of the users are elderly. People, why spend so much time giving this medicine to grandparents, why? "

Xing Conglian's big hand pressed on the young man's head: "Xiao Wang, just you IQ, guess the idea of ​​the criminals. This is not an annoyance? According to your brother Achen, the first thing we must do is to find Evidence that there is a problem with the previous generation of drugs, pinpoint the population, and find solutions. "

Lin Chen thought that probably only Cong Lianneng said the words "finding a solution" very calmly in this case, because they knew very well that if this was a neurotoxic substance, then It is likely that there is no so-called solution.

"So what is the so-called predecessor drug?" Wang Chao asked.

At this moment, all eyes in the house are on the faces of young people who have been trembling in the corner, including Huang Ze.

Xiao Zhan was sitting on the sofa, and his face was confused: "What are you guys always saying? I'm a chemist, I don't understand what you say ... But ... can there be poison in it? , If so, why didn't the FDA find it? "

"I don't know," Lin Chen replied, but you don't need to pay attention to these. "Please explain to them the predecessor drugs and the ingredients of Nordlen."

Mr. Zhan stood up very little, rubbed his hands on his clothes, held the whiteboard pen he had just used, and swallowed: "The previous generation was the cardio-cerebral vascular drug brain Kangning. The two-drug fixed-dose combination of tern and the antiplatelet agent adp. And Norden, I don't know much about this drug. From the promotion just now, it mainly consists of three components. "

Xiao Zhan wrote on the whiteboard:

Norden: "tern", "adp", "ton".

Brain Corning: "tern", "adp"

Mr. Xiao Zhan continued: "ton is a newly introduced ingredient, it is said to be obtained from the cultivation of some soil bacteria in the Dana rainforest. Since you think that the previous generation of the drug has a problem, can the new ingredient ton be excluded?"

Hearing "Dana Rainforest", Lin Chen glanced at Conglian, and the other side also looked at him.

"Ton ... this should be the element found in the legend by the old section?" Xing Cong shouted, "Dynasty."

"Ding, the dynasty is online, what do you need for this gentleman?" The dynasty looked at Xing Conglian with a very intelligent look.

"Show Mr. Zhan the information obtained from Duanyang."


The young man reacted quickly, and he took out the tablet and put it in Mr. Zhan's hand.

"Ah, what is this?" Mr. Zhan was almost in a state of obscurity with his eyes, "What do you want me to see?"

"You just need to confirm, is the ingredient pointed out in these materials that has serious drug side effects, is it ton?" Lin Chen said.

"I ... I have to watch for a while."

Mr. Zhan said, turning it over: "This ... this ... Can you adjust it, can you show me the ton ingredient announced by Zhou Rui?"

The slide on the white wall has been changed to another smaller structure.

Mr. Zhan raised his head and lowered his head from time to time, and then frowned tightly: "According to the information on this tablet, the animal experiments in Ton do have problems."

Lin Chen stabilized his breath: "According to this, Shen Lian has always forged the material that Duan Yang sees, that is ton. That is, from the beginning to the end, this component has diverted Duan Yang and our sight." Lin Chen saw Mr. Xiang Xiaozhan, "The new ton drug has been tested and marketed, and this component does not exist in the previous generation. It is possible to exclude the problem of ton separately."

Mr. Zhan was very blessed and happy. He dropped the word ton on the whiteboard: "If we basically make sure that ton is okay, what is left is tern and adp?" It ’s clear, but adp is a complex antiplatelet agent developed by Hui Box Pharmaceuticals a long time ago ... "

"Twenty-three years ago." Comrade Xiao Wang just finished searching and quickly answered.

"So, of the three, only tern is the problem, and tern also changed the configuration?" Lin Chen asked.

"The tern class is a compound independently developed by the research and development department of Zhourui Pharmaceutical, which is mainly used for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases ..." The dynasty began to read the encyclopedic knowledge.

"Is there love in the R & D team?" Lin Chen asked.

"At that time, Shen Lian should have graduated from college not long. I just came back from Dana Rainforest. I look at the time ..." The dynasty quickly compared the timeline. "No, then, Shen Lian submitted an improved tern compound. Proposal for saving production costs in the production process! "Comrade Wang Chao finished, and gave Mr. Xiao Zhan a snap," Friend, the proposal is in your tablet. "

Mr. Xiao Zhan probably hasn't seen someone as simple and simple as the Dynasty. He asked weakly, "How can you find this so quickly?"

"Ah, we copied Stancon's computer hard disk before ..."

Hearing that, Huang Ze coughed a little, and the dynasty glanced at Huang Ze: "Why, you are the most useless here, do you find it?"

Huang Ze looked at the dynasty coldly.

"Okay." Xing Conglian interrupted the dynasty. "How much do we know about tern?"

"Tern, tern, tern ..." The dynasty kept thinking about it, fishing for half an orange from it and biting it. But all of a sudden, all his movements stopped, the juice dripping from the lips of the young man splashed onto the computer, the dynasty lifted the petrochemical, hurriedly swallowed the orange juice, and seemed very nervous. "Boss, I know why Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical did not The method to solve the problem by discontinuing production must be completely eradicated through the replacement of drugs! This and this, Shen Lian is simply desolate, tern was developed by Zhou Rui. It is not wrong, but it is not just Zhou Rui's mind and brain Vascular drugs have been used tern ... "The Dynasty was at a loss.

"Clarify clearly, calm down." Xun Cong shot the table continuously.

The dynasty's mouth shouted: "Boss Achen, brother, look here. At the bidding conference in September 2009, the bidding team including five pharmaceutical companies including Huihe, Yingmeng and Kangtai Delin won tern compounds. Rights to use and will develop a variety of new cardio-cerebral-vascular drugs ... Zhou Rui Pharmaceuticals cannot stop production directly because there are too many cooperative companies involved. If they find that there is a problem with tern, they must solve it unless There are reasonable reasons to update the main components, so we must push Norderon to the market. "

"This is too exaggerated, why are so many companies used it suddenly?"

"Is there any problem with this?" Mr. Xiao Zhan said, "Well, patented products, big companies sometimes spend money to mark the right to use them, just like many type 2 diabetes drugs are listed in the category of tintin ... There may be several drugs. "

"But if there are problems with these drugs, why have there been no reports of large-scale adverse reactions?" Huang Zezhi asked.

Lin Chen said silently: "Yeah, I'm afraid that this is just a matter of time. Whether it is using Duanyang or the teacher to divert attention, even including using difficult means to find the murder weapon ... Delayed, she may be waiting for a large-scale illness. "

"But this time will not be too far away." Xing Conglian said.


"Dynasty, sum up all the drugs that have used the tern component, and began to look up the list of all people who have taken these drugs in major hospitals, and then compare the related cases of these people in the later period ..." Xing Conglian said, looking at him.

Lin Chen knew and said to the dynasty: "Be aware of the relevant keywords for those who take drugs. In their later cases, there are keywords such as irritability, irritability, cognitive impairment, mental retardation, mental disorders, and logical confusion."

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" The dynasty crossed his fingers, moved his muscles, and then started searching. "But the major hospitals are not connected, I need a long time ..."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Chen nodded toward the dynasty, then got up and walked to the bathroom.

He turned off the faucet, washed his face, the toilets were pushed away, and Xun Lian came in.

Lin Chen looked at Xun Conglian's face in the mirror and the other's deep eyes and said, "Before more than half a day ago, I felt that the death of Teacher Duan in exchange for exposing love was too heavy, but I just suddenly I feel very fortunate ... The outsider Duan, who was originally used as a chess piece for convenience, accidentally rescued the Gao Meng tribe who was used as a test product. Although he gave his life for this, it now seems that his death is like a hand The sharp knife opened all the shady moments, no matter the purpose of indulgence, or whatever was concealed by Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical, was peeled open and exposed to broad daylight. "

"This is destiny. All those who try to manipulate fate will be manipulated by fate." Xing Conglian supported one-handedly on the wall covered with white tiles, in a very simple tone, saying very seriously, "The old section will be very happy."

Lin Chen nodded, he could not refute the last sentence. He hugged Xun Conglian with a wet bracelet, patted the other's back, and the right was used as a mutual encouragement.

"Oh my **** my **** ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Suddenly, a scream from the dynasty came from the living room, and Xun Lian's face condensed, then he turned and pushed out the door. Lin Chen followed and ran into the living room. I saw the dynasty hands turning up and down on the keyboard at a deadly speed. Lin Chen had never seen such a shocked expression on the young man's face.

At one instant, all movements of the dynasty stopped. He pushed the computer away and rushed out of the house. He flipped open the distributor and slammed all the switches.

Lin Chen stepped out of the room. The young man crouched on the ground and covered his face with his hands, looking very overwhelmed.

Lin Chen squatted down and patted his back: "What's wrong?"

The dynasty bit his thumb and looked restless: "It can be said that it is not human. There are actually trap programs in the prescription library of the top three hospitals in major cities across the country. When anyone starts searching for brain Corning usage, the tracking program will automatically start."

"So what?" Wen Yan said that Xun Lian kicked the **** of the dynasty.

"I thought it was a prescription check, so I set up two layers of virtual machines, and the tracking program is trivial. But when I downloaded the prescription just now, I may have exposed that if the other party ’s level is high enough, maybe I can track the real thing in our home. ip, I was careless. "The dynasty twitched his hair in annoyance.

Lin Chen patted the young man's back again. When he didn't feel very nervous, he suddenly remembered what Xun Conglian said just now: "It's not necessarily a bad thing, because according to you, no matter who set it Trap, they have a chance to know that 'we' found the secret, is that so? 'Lin Chen asked.

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