Criminal Psychology
Chapter 234 Table of contents

The number of police officers eating downstairs has not diminished.

Lin Chen's co-conspirator had very little movement when he went downstairs. They crossed the foggy and sultry shop, opened the plastic curtain, and walked outside the shop.

The summer sun is shining, and the winter haze has dissipated.

If you count the last unfinished story, Shen Lian changed her confession four times before and after.

From the perspective of criminal investigation, at that time she was not an adult but was not a child. The factors affecting the authenticity of her confession were about internal physiological factors and external motivation factors. For example, the trauma * suppression of memory, the failure of memory retrieval, or the confusing of external factors to memory are all internal physiological factors, while the external motivation factors are simply motivated by some motivational reasons to make false testimony.

Lin Chen sat down next to the small flower bed outside the store and did not answer the question immediately, but said to the dynasty: "Are the dumplings we ordered still in the store, can you get them?"

"Ah! Brother Achen, do you want to eat outside, more sun, and ash." The dynasty struck a spirit, as if suddenly awake from the cold atmosphere just before.

Lin Chen looked at the police car passing by from time to time and said, "You don't have to remind me again."

The sentence of condemnation kicked the dynasty: "Hurry up and do it, who gave you the qualifications to question."

The dynasty ran back to the store in a sullen mood. Xing Conglian also sat down, and the shade was not very dense, so most of their bodies were bathed in the hot sun.

Xing Cong's company commander sighed, "What is this?"

"In fact, when you ask this question, you can already feel what kind of thing it is." Lin Chen said.

"So, why did Shen Lian revise her testimony repeatedly and entangle the death of the old wanderer over and over again?" Xing Xing asked, leaning his head against the trunk as if he didn't know anything.

"Obviously, Shen Lian is paranoid, but she does not do it because she is paranoid. The problem is obviously more serious than this. She is good at lying, and used to deceive others with lies in order to control others to achieve their wishes. "Lin Chen tilted her head slightly and looked at Xing Conglian.

"Reminds me of Li Jingtian."

"The people we're dealing with are the same people from the beginning, aren't they?"

"Continue." Xing Conglian said, "Based on your analysis, what happened that night and what purpose Shen Yan wanted to achieve."

"Of course, what she wants to achieve is to safeguard her personal interests." Lin Chen said, "Of course you will ask why she did not directly tell the truth about the matter, but chose a very roundabout way to correct her testimony little by little. That is, of course, because the truth is contrary to her personal interests, and she chooses to hide the truth for her personal benefit. "

Xing Conglian asked: "Why did Xiao Shen Lian go to the police uncle?"

"Because of the concealment of the truth, it is not in her personal interest to let the person she hates go free."

"It seems that evil and evil in human nature are fighting each other, pushing people to a worse situation." Xing Conglian said, and took out a cigarette.

"Your statement is in line with the life experiences of most anti-social personalities." Lin Chen put the topic back on track. "But no matter how many times testimony has changed, we can use certain techniques to separate out the truth and the lies. . "Lin Chen shook the dossier on his hand.

When Lin Chen finished this sentence, the dynasty just came out of the shop with a disposable lunch box, and the young man stood under the plastic roller shutter and grinned at them, making everyone feel warm.

But soon, the dynasty was caught up in the heavy work that came immediately.

sva is such a procedure for evaluating the authenticity of a statement. It is based on the assumption that a memory statement from a true experience is different in content and quality from a statement based on creation or fantasy. Although it is often used to determine the authenticity of the testimony, it is necessary to complete a face-to-face structured interview with Shen Lian, but now it is not time to pay attention to these standard procedures. Using the old confession record of Shen Lian that year can barely reach The goal of separating truth from lies.

The dynasty crouched next to the flower bed, turned on the computer, Lin Chen turned his mouth for the first page, and said to the dynasty, "We divided the things described by Shen Lian into several parts, and then used the standard basis for the corresponding content of these statements. Content analysis, using scoring to calculate the truth and falsehood inside. "

The eyes of the dynasty were all bright: "Scientific, I like it!"

Lin Chen opened the first page: "First, all the testimonies of Shen Lian are obvious unstructured narratives. She first told the core event 'Chen Jianguo killed the old tramp', and then returned to the beginning to tell what happened at the time. . Victims of sexual assault tend to state in an unorganized and incoherent way. "

The dynasty paused at the time: "What the hell, Shen Lian was sexually abused?"

"Now that you mention this, let's look at Shen Lian's description of the main triggering event in the case." Lin Chen said.

The dynasty nodded strongly.

"In the second testimony, Shen Lian described the intersection of Chen Jianguo and Li Wanru like this. 'The two men leaned against the wall and didn't know what they were doing. Chen Jianguo took off his pants and Li Wanru was chanting.' In the third edition, the testimony became, 'The girl said to Chen Jianguo and walked away, but Chen Jianguo covered her mouth and laughed. The girl's pants were unbuttoned and she cried.' Lin Chen calmly said, "The latter has more descriptions of the interaction between the victim and the victim than the former. It can be judged as relatively true, with a score of 1."

"Why is it one point and not two points!" The dynasty was puzzled.

"Because this was not her testimony, she said that she saw Chen Jianguo doing those things to the girl, but her perspective was subjective."

The dynasty pushed the computer away: "Chen Jianguo 猥 The obscene person is infatuated ???? Why do I rely on incapable of informing me?"

"Because there is no evidence." Lin Chen shook her head. "We next evaluate her next sentence. Details about the old tramp interrupting Chen Jianguo's intentional assault on the girl. Shen Lian said that she was very scared, thanks to the arrival of the old tramp. The old homeless man put down his burden of picking up trash, and rushed to Chen Jianguo like God came. The old man's face was dirty, and he had the smell of leftovers and leftovers, but it made people feel very secure. "Lin Chen paused, Continued, "This testimony contains many details including smell and many subjective psychological descriptions. The old man prevented Chen Jianguo's actions and saved her."

"So Chen Jianguo didn't succeed because the old tramp saved Shen Lian?" Said the dynasty. "Shen Lian was not really hurt, so she never said to anyone that Chen Jianguo was going to hurt her that night?"

Lin Chen looked down: "In fact, I wish she had never told anyone that Chen Jianguo wanted to molest her that day, nor did she want to find out that no matter how many times she said it, no one believed it, so in the end She changed her testimony in the face of the police. "

During the conversation, Lin Chen felt an extra weight on his shoulder. Xing Conglian put his hand on his shoulder: "Don't think too much."

Lin Chen nodded and continued: "Here is the most critical place. How did the old tramp die? I directly talk about the result. Shen Lian mentioned that there were many neighbours watching the dispute between them. Here is Really. Chen Jianguo deliberately sought old vagabonds for revenge and killed people. It is difficult to judge. Chen Jianguo missed the old vagabonds. It is difficult to judge. But in all the results, one thing is true. She did see the old vagabonds that night. 'Body'. "

"So we can't judge whether Chen Jianguo has murdered?" Xun Conglian asked.

"It should be said that I cannot judge this from the testimony of Shen Lian. I tend to think that she only knew the result of the old man's death, but did not witness the incident."

Xun Lian touched his chin and said, "This is more reasonable. The old tramp and Chen Jianguo argued, and the neighbors came to watch. After encountering such a thing, the adults will surely drive the child back to the house. So Shen Lian doesn't know who killed the old tramp, but can only think that the murderer was Chen Jianguo, according to his own reasoning. "

Lin Chen continued: "Therefore, there is also an explanation for why Shen Shen was so excited when he learned that the real death time of the old man. She thought that the old man was dead. In fact, the other party did not die on the spot, but lay a few in the cold rain. Hours and died in the end. "

When Lin Chen finished this sentence, the sentence never even said anything, as if they were very motivated. They looked at each other so that all the inferences would end there. No one would ask the next question.

However, at that moment, they all forgot that the dynasty was there, and the young people who were full of energy were not as keen on these ugly and dark things as they were.

"Rely on, are the residents of Xiaolin Alley saying that they can't be saved? This is too cruel. Why!"

Lin Chen raised his hand, trying to rub the hair of the young man, but he did not press it, because Xun Lian pulled his hand.

There are police officers coming and going around, but of course when Xing Conglian wants to do something, it is certainly impossible to pay attention to the eyes around him.

Therefore, Xun Conglian took his hand like this and answered the dynasty's question for him: "Because all the residents of Xiaolin Lane are murderers."

Xing Conglian's voice was low and dumb, with compassion.

"Yes, of course they are all murderers!" Chao Chao whispered, but stopped suddenly when he said the last syllable.

Xing Cong used the other hand to pat the head of the young man: "Just now you found us so much about the Xiaolin Lane dossier. I didn't read it. There are many complaints about the old homeless man. Well, the old homeless man, He likes singing in the middle of the night and yells at the air. The simple dwelling he lives in often smells bad, often scares the children in the past, and even the bad history of smashing the residents' windows with bricks when he is emotional. You imagine, if we There is such a person living near the house, and even the police have a hard time controlling it. How would you feel? "

Although the sunshine is still the same, with the narration of Xing Conglian, Lin Chen only felt that the surroundings were gradually cooling down. The wet and cold atmosphere of the southern winter night reappeared.

That day, Shen Lian was driven back to the room. No matter what the little girl said before, these adults would not believe it.

One is a big brother with a good reputation and helpful on weekdays, and the other is an old tramp with a mental problem. When the two people have a dispute, all the neighbors know how to stand in line. No one but the parties knew what was happening at the time, but there was only one possibility for everyone to adjust their confession to a consistent confession, and these people became a community of fate. Maybe it was Chen Jianguo who overthrew the old tramp, or Li Wanru overthrew him. It may even be that the old and nosy old grandmother next door became the murderer. No one knows who is actually doing it. When he passed, the old man had fallen into a pool of blood.

The water in the river was smelly and black like ink.

People will start to blame each other and shirk each other's responsibilities, but no matter what the debate is, no one can say clearly who is actually doing it.

These people begin to mute, and at this time, the people with the most voice will express their views.

He would say: Since everyone hates the old man so much, and now it's not clear who's doing it, let's go. I will call the police tomorrow morning. Everyone insisted that the old man was wrestling on his own. We were all sleeping. I do n’t know what happened.

This is just a proposal. When there is a proposal, there is a choice, and the next choice is too much torture human nature.

However, countless psychological studies have proved that under great social pressure, people will only choose to follow the herd.

Some people agreed to let everyone choose the relationship, and therefore, no one made a living option for this annoying old man with mental problems.

The dynasty seized Xun Conglian's trouser legs, his face was very ugly, and even seemed to cry: "But I will not let him die in the cold rain because I hate such an old grandfather!"

"Even if you accidentally overthrew him, you must bear legal responsibility and high medical expenses for this." Lin Chen inserted a dialogue between the dynasty and Xing Conglian.

"Yes!" The dynasty said firmly.

The shadow of the tree fell on the young man's face, so those bright spots of light were like tears.

"So ah." Lin Chen wiped something under the eyes of the teenager, which may not be tears, and said to him, "You are a very good child. There are still many, many people like you. Don't be too sad."

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