Criminal Psychology
Chapter 241 Table of contents

The dynasty circled around the Guanghua Chemical Laboratory.

He didn't know why the boss would throw him here to fight a small chemical engineer. Although he was obviously younger than the busy engineer, anyway, he thought he might be more useful at the crime scene.

Xiao Zhan was busy in front of the temperament chromatograph. In front of the chemical engineer, there were a lot of complicated and incomprehensible chemical instruments in the beaker test paper. The dynasty sighed heavily and looked back. Xiao Zhan suddenly stopped working and looked at him.

"What's wrong!" Comrade Xiao Wang stood still and asked.

"I ..." Mr. Zhan murmured and stopped talking. After a while, as if he had made up his mind, Mr. Zhan silently walked to the desktop computer on the other side of the test bed and began to tap the keyboard slowly.

The typing speed was too slow, and the dynasty realized that the other party just wanted to ask him for information.

"Wait a minute, you want to check what is left with me, if you have me, you have to do it yourself, don't you look down on people!" Wang Chao patted his notebook vigorously.

"An experiment report is mainly in English, I'm afraid ... I'm afraid of you ..."

"What do you want to say!" The dynasty cried. He didn't know if his own words were too loud or what happened. In the next second, his cell phone rang, and Lin Chen's name on the caller ID made his hands tremble.

The dynasty answered the phone with excitement. Of course, he knew the news about the nursing home and no one was spared, and he was deeply worried about Lin Chen, but the feeling of being unable to help him almost drove him crazy. Now Lin Chen called and he Finally I had a chance to speak to the other party: "What happened to Brother Achen, are you okay? Would you like me to go?"

At the other end of the phone, Lin Chen's calm voice came along the radio waves: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I need you to do something."

"You say what you say!" Wang Chao gripped the phone with his shoulders and side faces, and made a gesture to Mr. Xiao Zhan, let the engineer search for the information himself, and then took the pen and paper, adding, "Brother Achen, you can speak. "

"First, I want a road map from Shenyang nursing home to abandoned car; Second, I want to show the location of the roadblocks controlled by the police; Third, I need Chen Jianguo's current position, and Shen Lian's junior high school teacher Position, the position of the old police officer who received Shen Lian with Laobian at that time, the position of Shen Lian junior high school, and the position of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical. Third, please arrange the above requirements on the map of Hongjing City and send them to me. Fourth, do we have a backup communication network, the one that is not easy to be monitored? "

The dynasty quickly finished writing, and suddenly realized something: "Brother Achen, what are you doing!"

"Prepare a chess board."


Like the dynasty, Li Nuo seemed to understand the last sentence of Mr. Advisor, but this did not prevent him from following Lin Chen's command line.

He was driving, the window was half open, Lin Chen was sitting beside him, and their destination was a small police station close to the nursing home. Mr. Advisor's forehead was blown a little by the wind outside the window, and they seemed to be leisurely going for an outing, rather than doing anything related to life and death.

Li Nuo's palms were slightly sweaty. After Lin Chen made the call, the atmosphere in the car was again dignified, and the engine sound was clear and audible. He always felt that what Lin Chen was going to do was very dangerous, but he couldn't ask at all, so he could only shut up and drive carefully.

They quickly arrived at the police station.

It takes about three to five minutes from getting off the bus to getting in and turning on the computer. This period is short to almost negligible. But when Lin Chen opened his mailbox, a complete Hongjing map appeared on the old computer screen of the police station.

On the blue and white basemap, a yellow line from Hongshu Town to Yulin District indicates the driving route of Shen Lian. In addition, there are many small markers of various colors on the map. Li Nuo was shocked. For such a short time, he could make such a detailed map mark. Such a person is too scary.

Among them, the red round punctuation mark Li Nuo can recognize. Most of those positions are crossings, which should be police-controlled locations.

He stood next to Lin Chen, and saw Lin Chen click the mouse on the green logo, and a note popped up, which clearly indicated the specific person and place and the situation of the place.

Li Nuo found that that should be the information Lin Chen asked about Chen Jianguo's work place.

Chen Jianguo is a security guard. He works in Hongjinghui Mansion Shopping Center. The schedule indicates that he should be in the class now. The distance between Hui Mansion Shopping Center and the abandoned car location is about 5 kilometers.

He followed Lin Chen's click on the logo one by one, and each logo was arranged on the map like a predetermined chess piece. For a moment, he finally realized what Lin Chen's so-called "checkerboard" was.

"Do you know where she is going?"

"do not know."

"Then ... are you going to take Shen Lian ... to Shen Lian?" Li Nuo looked at Lin Chen in shock.

It seemed that Lin Chen had finally read all the points, and finally leaned on the back of the chair, saying in a very peaceful tone: "Well, thank you for reminding me just now, I want to try to guide Shen Lian to the desired position."

"What did I just say?" Li Nuo hurriedly waved his hand. "I just casually said that I really don't understand criminal psychology."

"This does not require much professional knowledge, and more importantly, human analysis. It is actually very simple. You remind me that there are too many targets that may be attacked, and suddenly, she cannot have a chance to think about the final attack location. , So her choice is very random. Since it is random, we can make a fuss about her choice. "

"Assault?" Li Nuo took a half step back, accidentally bumped into the back desk, the table feet and the ground made a long harsh noise.

"She killed all the people in the nursing home. So crazy, how could she survive alone?"

"Do you think she'll have enough books before she dies to pull more people on her back?"

Li Nuo asked subconsciously, and at the same time, Lin Chen's phone rang.

The office was very quiet, and Li Nuo could hear a clear voice from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Achen, the boss asks if you are going to seduce Shen'an!"

Lin Chen's face appeared calm because of that, but she answered the phone: "Well, I have this intention."

"Then the map I posted, can you help? Can you help me to mark so many places just now, where will you finally seduce Shen Lian? There are new confidential communication routes that will soon be settled, and we will What to do. As for you, Mr. Wang will get it for you! "

There were renju like words in the microphone, which is of course what Li Nuo wanted to ask.

"Well, I chose a place."

When Lin Chen answered the call, she supported her side with one hand, tilted her head slightly, and looked at a location on the map.

Li Nuo followed Lin Chen's gaze and looked at Lin Chen inconceivably again.


"Lin ... is consultant Lin crazy?"

In the city bureau's command room, the voice of the dynasty was publicly released by telephone. Everyone was listening around the square table. When they heard the location, someone couldn't help saying it.

Xing Conglian was sitting at the table all the time, raising his eyebrows for thought, and didn't answer immediately. Then, another police officer said after listening: "If we really lead Shen Lian there, the media reporters will definitely speak to us!"

Xing Conglian listened like this, as if he could not see the people around him asking, he turned his head, and the monitor behind him was a Hongjing map sorted out according to Lin Chen's request.

He looked at the colored dots above, imagining the many pros and cons that Lin Chen had considered in that short moment. Although there were many personal emotions, he could only silently say one sentence in the end. Lin Chen.

At this moment, another police officer tentatively said: "Consultant Lin's arrangement, no matter what the outcome, suspects of endangering public safety can't run away, the other party can be so troublesome, maybe we will finally sue our police!"

Hearing that, Xun Lian spoke faintly and asked, "Otherwise, let Shen Lian go to experiment in junior high school?" He turned to ask the first police officer who questioned, "Nearly two thousand teachers and students."

The other party was dumb asked.

"Or Huihaodi Mall?" Xun Liankan looked to the second person. "Today's workday, there is not much traffic in the mall, but the problem is that we know this and Shen Lian knows it too. Similarly, if she It appears at the peak of the flow of people after work, and the risk factor in shopping malls is obviously no less than that in schools. "

"The Louyuan neighborhood is good, isn't it there?"

During the public release, the dynasty suddenly explained: "Brother Ah Chen said that the range of locations to be monitored there is too large, it is a very remote new-style community, and it is difficult to meet the psychological appeal of love for large-scale injuries. She chose there It's very unlikely. "

"Office buildings are not remote, but there are too many people!"

"Lin Chen's meaning is actually very simple. He wants to choose an area that seems crowded to attract love, and it is convenient for our police to control the collection of nets for arrest." At this time, the old director who had been drinking tea silently at the rear finally spoke. "Single building with a single entrance is certainly good."

"Can there really be no other way? No matter where Shen Lian appears, as long as consultant Lin's plan is circulated, it will be considered a manifestation of police incompetence." A policewoman said, "Moreover, this punishment Team you are really very unfavorable and will be considered ... revenge. "

The female police officer aggravated the last two words. Sentence looked at the other party, nodded, expressing gratitude for the concern, and then looked at all the people present, calmly: "You should be very clear, the so-called incompetence is the public Evaluation of us, but oftentimes what we need to care about is not these false touting or malicious reproach, but whether we have reached the limit of our ability in each case. "

After finishing the sentence, he stood up from his chair.

"Squadron!" The police officers around spoke up.

Xinglian was not heard, but decisively said: "The city can mobilize all police forces into three groups a, b, and c from now on. Group a will use the original communication equipment to remain unchanged, and will be assigned by Lin consultant; b Group C replaced the more confidential communication system. Group B was responsible for guarding the following locations, and Group C followed me to the final position where Shen Lian might appear to control. "

The execution of the torture of the prisoner was detailed and detailed. For a time, there were only rustling notes in the office.

At the end, suddenly someone raised his hand suddenly and asked, "Cruel, you are fine with all this, but how can consultant Lin guarantee that Shen Lian will really go there!"

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