Criminal Psychology
Chapter 244 Table of contents

The black stiletto heel stepped out of the elevator, and the corridor was very bright.

Bright floor tiles, bright sunset, and bright floor-to-ceiling skylights.

It is basically difficult to hear the complete tune from the height of the round dance music on the square, but the sweet and greasy tune is more sweet because of the wind, which reminds many things. Such as syrup on children's lips, cherry blossoms flying from branches in spring, and graceful legs of women.

The meeting was so unusual, it didn't mean anything.

Lin Chen put his hands in his pockets and stood at the corner. Someone happened to walk past the corner and stopped.

"Miss Shen Lian, hello." Lin Chen said calmly.

They were separated by more than twenty floor tiles. The lady standing opposite him was calm and peaceful. When she saw him, there was no smile or anger on her face, just like a ghost.

Only at that moment, Lin Chen knew very well that she did not belong to this civilized society, she was a mixture of evil and hatred, and human life had no meaning to her.

However, Lin Chen is also very clear that the current attitude of Shen Lian is only her own attitude, which does not affect the stability of the target aiming at Shen Lian, and this allows him to take a serious look at each other.

Shen Lian's skin is very white, her eyes are a bit wide, her eyebrows are curved, and her eyes are soft and faint. She wore a black dress, a black hair draped over her shoulders, and pinched a black bag on her hands in black leather gloves, and the black stiletto heels were firmly on the floor tile dividing line. Obviously she fled in a hurry, but she was completely cluttered, like coming to a banquet instead of murder. Of course, for people like Shen Lian, killing is more exciting than going to a banquet.

Shen Lian didn't speak, her eyes were soft, her eyelashes flickered, like penetrating him and aiming at the void behind him. Of course, behind him was not a void, but a door.

The next moment, Shen Lian started to move forward again, her high heels pointed lightly, then her heels fell, elegant like a swan, and only death could stop her.

At this moment, a red light burst into the air and shot at Shen Lian's chest.

Shen Lian slowly bowed her head, her footsteps paused for a moment.

Lin Chen realized that there were 12 tiles left between him and Shen Lian.

Cross-dense inquiries came from the communication channel, and more densely, footsteps from a distance. It is estimated that in less than 10 seconds, the elite team that has risen from the corner will smoothly withhold or kill them. . Everything will be very smooth and simple, and they can go home soon.

Shen Lian raised her purse and gently put her hand on the buckle. This movement was very subtle-usually, it meant that she was about to take out a weapon.

Obviously the victory was in sight, but Lin Chen suddenly looked at Shen Lian's dress again and felt a horror.

He seemed to see the most delicate chess game, and the most important black spot was about to reach her position.

He suddenly raised his hand.

Time was still at that moment.


Above 400 meters, the wind is difficult to predict.

Xing Conglian was lying on a simple desk, because Lin Chen's simple raising of his hands, his headset channel was filled with one after another tense inquiries.

"What is Lin Chen doing, why suddenly gave up!" Huang Zedao said.

The deputy captain said, "Are you sure of the criminal team?"

Changfeng scraped his face like a knife, and Xun Conglian's fingers kept on the trigger. There was only a figure of Shen Lian in the sight, but he was also very clear that he stood at the other end of Shen Lian at a distance of 1,000 kilometers Who is that person in front of me.

Xing Lian slightly bowed his head and said only four words to everyone in the headset channel:

"Stop it, don't fret."


Only a few seconds.

The movement of Shen Lian putting his hands on the bag buckle was very light, but Lin Chen's mind was flooded with countless thoughts.

Shen Lian is beautifully dressed today. A psychological pervert wants to die beautifully at the end of her life. There is no problem.

But this skirt is too conspicuous.

Too conspicuous means that Shen Lian is not afraid of being found. Of course, she has no fear of holding the potion, and this is no problem.

The problem is that, just moments ago, when she knew she was aiming at herself, Shen Lian didn't hesitate to act.

She even wanted to open the bag and make a dangerous move that no one seemed to hesitate to kill.

This shows that Shen Lian is looking for death.

Shen Lian wants to die under the police gun, why?

Lin Chen found that he didn't know the answer, and an uncontrollable chill came from his back.


The footsteps of Shen Lian stopped.

She bowed her head slightly, no blood red splashes were expected on her chest, and she could see all this with her eyes, which showed that she had not been shot with a headshot and she had not died.

She put her hand on the buckle of the bag, and saw the muzzle behind her with the light, she looked up again, and finally focused on the person opposite her.

I have to say that today's sunshine is just right. The young people bathed in the setting sun are calm and natural, with a fresh breath of life.

That's Lin Chen, and it's hard to overstate the long-known name such as Lei Guaner.

This made Shen Lian narrow her eyes slightly and couldn't help but inhale the air around her mouth deeply.

In fact, after Lin Chen thought about it a lot, it was her turn to think about it a lot, but in the end, she only nodded to the other party.

"Alive, are you okay?"

Suddenly, she heard each other asking.

Shen Lian remembered that I never knew who said that Lin Chen always asked a lot of questions that you really wanted to answer, even if you sew your mouth with a needle to avoid communicating with all his eyes, He could also guess that one thing or another was invincible, and it was annoying.

So don't say anything to Lin Chen can be regarded as a golden rule.

Shen Lian continued to move forward. After two steps, the floor tiles between her and Lin Chen became 10 pieces.


The torture never moved, as if returning to a certain moment in the rain forest.

In his mind, he can reproduce the scene when his heartbeat exploded when he saw Lin Chen in the sight, but now, his heartbeat no longer accelerates, but just calm.

"Dynasty," Xing Conglian whispered.

The cobweb-like communication channels were instantly filled with anxious voices of young people: "Boss, there was a riot in Yongchuan University, in the third canteen. It is said that there were students who fought because of queuing problems. The casualties at the scene were more serious. I was dining in the cafeteria! "

Xun Lian's breathing was delayed, and he did not speak, but the communication channel exploded.

Those who can speak now are those who have the right to speak in action.

"Shen Lianren is here, why is there still riots in Yongchuan?" Someone in the channel asked.

"Does Zhou Rui's drug not only target middle-aged and elderly people? What is going on? Shen loves associates, and others are poisoning at Yongchuan University?"

"Wait a minute, find out, is the riot at Yongchuan University really related to Shen Lian?"

The problems are endless and noisy. Xun Conglian knew very well that these voices would pass into Lin Chen's ears intact, and all the pressure would fall on his shoulders intact.

The distance between Shen Lian and Lin Chen is getting shorter and shorter.

Others said: "Captain, Shen Lian and Advisor Lin are too close. Advisor Lin may be in danger of life."

Huang Ze shouted: "Xing Conglian!"


Lin Chen can certainly hear those words on the channel.

He could hear many people's subconscious problems, he could hear warnings about the safety of his life, and he could hear the nervous voice of Huang Ze finally calling out Cong Lian's name.

But in the end, these voices became completely unimportant, because Xun Conglian said two words: believe me.

Although she is extremely nervous now, the woman in front of her is like a puzzle, and the time for solving the puzzle is short enough to be ignored, but because of the two words Xunlianlian, Lin Chen's mood suddenly relaxed and calmed down.

He stepped in with one hand, and the hand raised in the air did not fall. He didn't say anything, he was waiting to sink in love.

Shen Lian finally stood at a position five blocks away from him, and finally spoke.

"Counselor Lin, what are you doing here?" It's not the same tone that Shen Lian should have in her imagination. Shen Lian was unexpectedly ... very crisp.

"I'm waiting for you," Lin Chen said.

"What are you waiting for?" Shen Lian asked.

"I have a question for you."

"Did you watch too many movies?" Shen Lian asked strangely. "Did all bad guys have to be honest with the justice side before dying? Why should I answer your question?"

However, Lin Chen was not angry with the words of straight love. He shook his head slightly and told the other party: "In fact, this is a normal psychological phenomenon. People always like to show off, especially the one who has the advantage. In the end, it must be impossible Show off in front of your opponents. After all, time is running out. "

Shen Lian heard the words, looked down at the red dots on his chest, and looked back at those muzzles aimed at him, and said, "So, what do you want to show off, consultant Lin?"

Lin Chen shook his head again: "It is clearly you who have the advantage now. I am standing here just to hear you speak."

Lin Chen's voice was calm and gentle, and Shen Lian suddenly laughed. At that moment, she was like the banker who finally played a card at the gambling house.

The woman tilted her head and looked around, as if she accidentally saw a bench by the floor-to-ceiling window.

"I don't think you are polite, don't you ask me to sit down?" She said.

Lin Chen nodded: "I was rude."

After speaking, he made an inviting gesture, bowed slightly, and pointed at the bench Shen Lian had seen before.

The light of the setting sun was extremely bright on that log-colored chair, and there were potted flowers next to it, reminiscent of many words related to fire.

Shen Lian walked slowly, sat down at one end of the bench, placed the handbag elegantly on his side, and then patted the space on the side.

Meaning: You come and sit with me.

In Lin Chen ’s headset channel, some dissuasive voices also appeared, and some people suggested that he subdue Shen Lian, and follow-up personnel can clean up Shen Lian ’s handbag in a few seconds and do harmless treatment. These were all they had previously prepared. thing.

Lin Chen glanced at the back of the woman on the bench, sighed inaudibly, and walked over to sit down obediently.

"Aren't they annoying?" Shen Lian asked, pointing at something in his ears, not polite.

"It's true," Lin Chen said.

"Then take it down?"

Lin Chen looked at each other's bright black hair, and said sincerely: "They can still hear it when you take it down, including the eavesdropper under the chair you are sitting on, so we have to do a lot of work to keep the conversation private. . "

"Why are you so troublesome?" Shen Lian said. "It's no big deal to hear it."

Lin Chen stopped talking, like a policeman who surrendered his gun to the robber, took out the transparent and small headsets and placed them on a wooden board between them.

Shen Lian didn't look at the thing again. The next moment, she opened the handbag and moved quickly and forcefully. Like a samurai, she drew her sword, and the sound of stabs echoed in the quiet corridor.

Shen Lian accidentally glanced at the heavily armed special policeman at the far end of the corridor and glanced at her chest again. She was not dead.

All these actions were done in Lin Chen's eyes, and Shen Lian opened a gap in the bag opening. He followed it, and the bag was a group of injections that exudes the cold light. Even though he can't hear any voice in the channel now, but he is sure that Xing Conglian must be ordering various departments to keep calm.

"What's wrong, Miss Shen?" Lin Chen asked thoughtfully.

Shen Lian stunned the dust that did not exist on his chest, and said, "You will be very passive, consultant Lin. You let me know that you dare not kill me. I can now rush into that door and kill this building. Everyone! "Shen Lian raised her volume and frowned, very fiercely.

Lin Chen still didn't respond. He breathed smoothly, his eyes were peaceful, and his eyes fell in love.

The next moment, Shen Lian laughed. It was a crazy laugh. The laughter was so loud that he looked free and easy, like a real lunatic.

Shen Lian laughed for a long time, during which Lin Chen was shot twice by her, Shen Lian laughed and shouted: "Hahahaha, you are very good, I like you very much!" People like Shen Lian said they liked It must not be a good thing. The woman took an injection from the open purse and slammed it on the bench, heartily, "I invite you to drink!"


It is a small injection in a transparent ampule, about 10ml each.

When giving an injection in the hospital, the nurse will take one out, open the slender glass bottle with bare hands, **** the liquid out of it with a disposable needle, mix it with the powdered medicine, and inject it into the patient. This is about this thing.

At sunset, the contents of the vial were burned a little golden. From the perspective of Lien's sight, the liquid in those twelve vials was even more lethal.

Shen Lian took one, pressed his thumb on the narrow neck of the ampoule, and clicked it with a snap to break it off.

The speed of Xing Conglian's heartbeat finally accelerated unstoppably, because he saw Shen Lian passing the vial to Lin Chen.

Although Lin Chen had removed the earplugs, he could still hear his gentle and clear voice very clearly.

Lin Chen asked: "For me? What is this?"

"Dextrose." Shen Lian's tone was sweet.

Everyone knows that a killer's carry is certainly not glucose, and the sentence urged again from the earphone channel.

At the current position, he could choose to pull the trigger directly, but at that moment, he saw Lin Chen looking up, as if he had a deep and intent look at his position.

Lin Chen's gentle but loving eyes made Xing Conglian's fingers never stiff.

He looked at Lin Chen without hesitation and took the vial and drank it. Shen Lian interrupted him and asked, "Have you ever played runners?"

Lin Chen paused for a moment and answered, "No."

"It's the life and death situation. One person fired a shot at his own head. There was only one bullet in it, and anyone who shot was dead." Shen Lian pointed to the 12 vials between her and Lin Chen, and said, "A dozen here Twelve bottles, only one of which contains medicine that can turn people into animals. "

Shen Lian's voice made all the listeners in the channel unable to take a breath.

Followed by Lin Chen's voice.

He said, "OK."

"Lin Chen, you're crazy, don't you die!"

Huang Ze stepped out of the office door and blurted out.

However, the words were out, the communication channel was silent, and the regret came from the next second.

At this time, the dynasty said: "Lao Huang, we are all concerned about the safety of Brother Achen's life. This is not the time for you to be proud." The voice of the young man sounded very tense, and the things that made the dynasty nervous are not much. "There was also an attack in Meichuan, close to Yongchuan. The scene ... very terrible ..."

The entire communication channel, like a void universe, fell into a completely silent vacuum.

Huang Ze clenched his fist and let himself recover slowly from the moment he was soaked in cold water. Finally, he realized why Lin Chen had to agree to sink in love. This woman is almost bare-handed, seemingly without threat, but holding the most critical and deadly thing-the lives of many ordinary people.

And these people happened to include Lin Chen's teacher.

Listening to Lin Chen agreed very simply, Shen Lian nodded. She drew one out by herself and broke the bottle mouth. Her thumb and forefinger pressed together, holding the bottle mouth gently, and said, "Cheers?"


In the setting sun, two slender ampoules touched each other, making a tingling sound.


"Why so obedient?"

Knowing that there might be drugs, Lin Chen did not hesitate to swallow the potion, which made Shen Lian very confused.

"Because, I have a teacher." Lin Chen slightly bowed her head, looking at Shen Lian.

Speaking of which, Lin Chen's eyes are not very beautiful, but the pupils are very dark. At that moment, Shen Lian had a chilling feeling that her whole thought was opened and read.

But Lin Chen quickly looked back and looked at the sky farther away, saying, "My parents died, and there are no elders in the family, but there is no too tragic story in it. It is a normal death due to illness. My The teacher, who was my mentor in college, is what he said. It can be regarded as an old man with a little compassion. He probably raised every student as a child because he did n’t enjoy the joy of children ’s family. play."

"Why should I listen to you?" Shen Lian asked.

"Because my time may be running out." Lin Chen replied, and between words, he randomly took one from the remaining 10 bottles, and touched the empty bottle that was not thrown away by her hand, and quickly moved the inside. The liquid drank in a single sip, which caused Shen Lian to move his fingers slightly, but quickly held back.

Lin Chen didn't notice this, and continued, "The teacher is already like this, the master is even more terrible. She is the gentlest woman I have ever seen in my life. She is also very young, more than sixty, and still likes all pink She likes to cook, raise flowers, likes to take care of the weak, and likes to watch us in her study in a study meeting. She brings refreshments and listens to us boasting her ingenuity. "

"It sounds terrible." Shen Lian then pulled out one, broke the bottle, and drank one.

Then, Lin Chen slowly picked up a small bottle, but did not immediately open the bottle mouth.


"Now, my teacher is alive and dead in bed because of your medicine, and just before I saw you, my mother cried and asked me what was going on." Lin Chen bowed her head and laughed at herself, laughing. I I thought I knew what was going on, but now, "I don't know what happened."

"What do you want?" Shen Lian asked.

"Answer me a question, I will continue to play with you." Lin Chen did not wait for her to agree, but asked immediately, "Does the drug you developed have a corresponding antidote?"

Shen Lian didn't expect that Lin Chen would be so direct: "You spread a lot of bedding, and finally ask this?" Shen Lian laughed, "You know I won't say the answer."

Lin Chen smiled and showed a profound smile. He broke the glass neck and raised her glass to her: "Thank you, I already know the answer."

Lin Chen's smile was too self-confident, and Shen Lian was speechless. Suddenly, she felt that it was a wrong choice to sit down and talk with Lin Chen.

The next moment, Lin Chen pumped two new bottles at once.

Shen Lian glared at him, followed by two expenditures: "Why are you so greedy?" 8

Instantly, there were only 3 potions left in the box.


Before monitoring the screen.

The dynasty's heart had begun to his throat, and there were a total of 12 pills. When he responded, these pills had been drunk to only 3 pills.

It seems that Brother Achen and Shen Lian are not crazy, which indicates that the poisonous potion in Shen Lian's mouth should be in the last three ampoules.

He kept gasping, and couldn't even say words like "What to do" or "Boss, you can save Ah Chen's brother".

He turned back and saw that the chemist in the laboratory had just glanced at the screen, and then started thinking about what he was calculating.

"You are not nervous at all!" The Dynasty asked.

"Is there a medical record of Shen Lian?" At this time, Mr. Zhan suddenly looked up and asked him like this.


In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Lin Chen opened two bottles of medicament at once, like a bold alcoholic, and simply drank the two bottles together.

Two glass bottles crashed to the ground and shredded into stubble on the marble floor.

While talking, he went to get the vial on the bench again, and Shen Lian couldn't help but patted his hand away.

Lin Chen looked at Shen Lian and asked, "Why, is there anything wrong?"

"Don't you understand that lady is preferred, rushing to death?" Shen Lian blurted out.

Lin Chen's eyebrows were lowered, and he saw the liquid in the vial at his lover's eyes, and asked, "Isn't it crazy?"

"Look for it," Shen Lian said.

Lin Chen did not delve into this, but made a respectful gesture.

Shen Lian pulled out two of them, but said to Lin Chen, "You just took one less. This is for fairness. The last one is yours."


The act of sinking in love is obviously extremely extreme, which is equivalent to saying that the last one is a poison, and what I said is that it is a similar neurological drug. This is simply lying to you. This is fatal. You drink it.

In the air, the sound of persecution from Lian's ears persuaded him to shoot again, and that sound came from Huang Ze.

"You haven't even started to torture?"

"Wait a minute later." After that, he reached out, turned down the volume of the headset, and kept calmly watching what happened in the distance.


Shen Lian opened the penultimate branch and drank it in one breath.

"You asked me a question just now, and I have a question, and I've always been curious. You can honestly answer, you can use the bottle in your hand and change one."

"It's too cheap for me." Lin Chen said.

Shen Lian was too lazy to entangle him, and asked directly, "The police at my door that night really came to arrest me?"

"Yes." Lin Chen Xu Xu added, "Your company, probably because we know we are targeting you, this is why we have linked the cause and effect to you. Until then, you have been hiding perfectly."

Shen Lian drank the tube in his hand and sneered, "Where is my leak?"

The sunset in the distance was like blood, and Lin Chen spit out three words: "Duan Wanshan."

Shen Lian suddenly raised the volume: "He is back?"

Lin Chen suddenly stopped talking, but picked up the last potion on the bench and did not answer.

Shen Lian suddenly bit her lip and teeth, and just the name made her think hard: "No, this is impossible, he cannot return, the time is too short, you cannot even contact him in such a short time, So why can you rule out the murder of Duan Wanshan so quickly? "

There are only three people who know the answer in the entire communication channel and in the entire territory of China.

Lin Chen is thinking.

Punishment was silent.

Even the dynasty seemed to feel something, so nervous that it couldn't breathe.

At this time, everyone finally heard Lin Chen's answer. He said, "Because, he is my friend."

Shen Lian snapped the mouth of the bottle, and she didn't seem to think of such an answer. She said angrily, "So what?"

"I think people have a good vision and have always believed in their friends, so he will not kill Stancom for academic disputes."

There were about three or two seconds of quiet moments.

Suddenly, Shen Lian laughed wildly, and she laughed so loudly that she couldn't even support her back: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, what did you just say?"

Shen Lian thought that Lin Chen's words were so funny. She couldn't believe that she had come to an end now, just because someone was a friend of Duan Wanshan, and this person believed in his friend?


The laughter of Shen Lian didn't make all the police officers inside and outside the building feel a little relaxed, and the stern and decisive voice was full of killing.

Just then, a sound suddenly sounded in the channel, overwhelming the smile of love.

Xiao Zhan didn't know when to grab the dynasty's headset, and he suddenly yelled at the microphone: "Suddenly committing suicide, I can't let her drink the last potion!"

However, communication channels need time to spread, not to mention the interval between human brain thinking and ordering.

In the picture, Shen Lian has madly raised the small ampoule to her mouth, and the woman's wrists are like jade, with a touch of anger and relief in her eyes.

However, all the police officers who heard this sentence fell into a trance. Even if the sentence was issued, they could not stop the other party.

Lin Chen didn't have a headset, they couldn't pass the news in such a short time, everything seemed too late.

Suddenly, a hand appeared from obliquely below, clasped between Shen Lian's wrist like lightning.

Shen Lian stunned suddenly, and after two seconds, she found that her wrist was fastened. The fingers were fair and well-balanced, and there was a cocoon left by long writing between the knuckles.

The last ampoule in Lin Chen's hand did not know when it landed on the ground, and the liquid mixed glass simmered on the marble floor.

"Brother Achen!"

Looking at the hand that stopped Shen Lian suddenly appeared, the dynasty could not help shouting.

The voices of young people filled the channel, but it also made people sober.

Everyone found out that even at the moment of death, Xuncong didn't even pull the trigger.


Shen Lian's gaze shifted slightly and fell on the man's face, and it became clear who was stopping her at the last minute.

Who else can only react at this time, only Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyelashes are very long, and she trembled slightly in the sunset, then raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at her.

At that moment, Lin Chen was like the kind of white shirt student who was the most attractive girl in the university, clean, but there were certain moments that would make people throb.

Shen Lian watched Lin Chen for a long time, this is also her first time, she took a serious look at Lin Chen.

"Why?" Shen Lian asked.

"Because I don't believe that you can make yourself crazy like a beast. So unless you are sure which poison is in those 12 test tubes, you will not risk playing such a game with me."

Lin Chen said in a very determined tone, just like he said, "I believe my friends will not kill people with the same determination."

This remark made Shen Lian sneered: "But what does it have to do with your destruction of my game now?"

"Because you lied to me from the beginning." Lin Chen said, "Since you are lied to me, I can only rely on hypothesis tests to infer the true intention of you to come to play this game with me. Speaking of, people tried The intentions covered by complex behaviors are often very simple. "Lin Chen paused and said," When the concept and reasoning of the concept of college psychology class happened, it was too cold. We all studied at the teacher's house, so we learned everything. well."

Lin Chen stared deeply into Shen Lian. Shen Lian felt some unknown thoughts pierced by him again, uncomfortable in her heart.

But Lin Chen did not give her a chance to speak, but slowly said: "Suppose one, there is indeed a poison in these 12 test tubes, then you must ensure that the poison is swallowed by me. When we finish drinking the first and second I chose the third one first, and you suddenly wanted to stop me, but quickly resisted. "Lin Chen said," Look, people will always react faster than thinking. If your purpose is to let me drink poison No matter whether I choose right or wrong, you will not have a slight reaction that prevents me, so the question comes, why did your response come? "

Shen Lian squeezed her lips and refused to answer.

"Assumption two, these potions are prepared for yourself, but my advance action will hinder your plan, so you will subconsciously want to stop me. But the potions we drink are exactly the same, and my advance choice makes you out of control. The poison belongs, so which one of these 12 drugs is really puzzling ... ”Lin Chen said to Shen Lian,“ Speaking of which, I did n’t have the medical knowledge, but I almost desensitized because of penicillin. And dying, that's how I realized the importance of dosage. "


Lin Chen's voice passed through the earpiece lying on the bench, a little bit into Lian's ear. Through the sights, Lin Chen's face was extremely clear. When Lin Chen was irritating people, he was always a winning and holding gesture.

Mr. Zhan's tone became weak again: "Originally ... Consultant Lin had long guessed ... I ... I'm troubled."

"What the **** is Shen Shen fucking!" The dynasty seemed to be shaking the chemist's body vigorously.

"Shen Lian ... Shen Lian has severe hyperkalemia in her medical history, but she may also be allergic to a certain potassium drug. In short, I suspect those injections are high-concentration potassium supplements. Shen Lian took this drug to a certain extent. Sudden cardiac death may occur momentarily after concentration. "

But Xing Lianlian could hardly hear these voices, because when he heard Lin Chen talking about death, it wasn't that Lin Conglian recalled the scene of Lin Chen lying on the bed at that time. At that moment, he felt very funny. He guessed what Lin Chen was going to do, so he was irresistibly angry.


As if her mind was suddenly broken, Shen Lian suddenly wanted to pull her wrist, but Lin Chen firmly stopped her movements.

"Assumption 3. Everything has nothing to do with a single poison, but to the overall drug dose. In order to verify this speculation, in the next round, I will drink the first 5 and take the first 6 and 7, so that your dose will change. Less, and you really became very nervous, not only quickly took away two of the eight, nine, but also noticed that I actually drank one more than you, in the last round, you took one more, beautiful Its name is fair, but it is actually concerned that the dosage is not enough, which also tests hypotheses two and three. "

Shen Lian's eyes were finally full of murderous intentions. She looked at Lin Chen with disgust: "Counselor Lin is really smart, so is it fun to play with me?"

"I'm sorry, but this really isn't a joke, mainly because you are wary of me and you don't want to be honest with me, so I can only guess what you think in my heart by hypothesis testing." Lin Chen sincerely said.

"what idea."

"I said, I want to know why you proposed to play this game with me, and how should I use this game to make you give up the idea of ​​suicide." Lin Chen said, "You are determined, you must also be today Go to death, but why use such a complicated method to find death, I thought about it, probably because you still have untied knots before you die, but you will use too many appearances to cover your heart End, so I speeded up the speed of taking the medicine, and wanted to hear what you were thinking about before you died. "


Huang Ze was standing at a corner close to Lin Chen, and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable: "Lin Chen ... he would be very dangerous, torture, and if necessary, you should still be ready to snipe and love, we can Try something else. "

"Sorry, Lin Chen won't let me do this." Xing Conglian said: "This is a chess game. The site survey of the nursing home just returned the records. The wounds on the neck of the deceased were different. Three offenders, and the most critical nursing staff of the nursing home were all missing. Facts have proved that it can't be accomplished by indulgence in personal strength. She is just a **** put on the table and tempting us to make mistakes. "

"Missing, was the police killing Shen Lian?" Huang Ze asked back.

"Otherwise, why did Lin Chen ask Shen Lian about antidote at such a critical moment. If there is an antidote for this kind of drug, and Shen Lian is the only person in the world who masters the formula of antidote?"

Huang Ze was stunned: "Can't we capture love and segregate her limbs from all dangerous goods to keep her alive!"

"First of all, inspector Huang, your proposal is illegal, and secondly, if you are in love with such a person, if you want to die, you can and will die."

"So how is Lin Chen **** ready to keep this key figure alive?" Huang Ze asked aloud, "Duan Wanshan, is it Duan Wanshan? Lin Chen can make Duan Wanshan return to China and let Shen Lian wait for a while."

Huang Ze's words made Xun Lian somewhat sad, and he clenched his fingers tightly on the trigger.

He, like Lin Chen, only had a deep sense of despair when they knew exactly what Shen Lian was obsessed with.

Fate is indeed too cruel.


However, in reality, Lin Chen was not desperate. He said to Shen Lian: "I wanted to say whether the old section can drag you on for a while, but think about that since you are ready to die, you don't really care. He is. "

"So consultant Lin, I really don't have any attachment to this rotten world, please don't stop me anymore?" Shen Lian prolonged, bored, "believe it or not, I will bite my tongue and show you everything?"

"I have a proposal." Lin Chen interrupted her suddenly.

"No proposal makes any sense to me ..."

"You still have the medicine that can make people become beasts. Turn me into a lunatic. How about you to live?"

Lin Chen asked.

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