Criminal Psychology
Chapter 255 Table of contents

Chapter 255

The seminar finally reached the most critical point. It was very difficult for Xunlian to sit up straight and look at Xiao Zhan.

The dynasty also stunned Mr. Xiao Xiaozhan and asked, "What is an isomer?"

At the beginning, Xiao Zhan flipped through the previous test data, and was suddenly clicked. Some were overwhelmed and began to endorse: "The phenomenon that a compound has the same molecular formula but has a different structure is called an isomerism; it has Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures are isomers of each other. For example, the molecular structure of optical isomers is very similar to the compound itself, and to a large extent the melting points and boiling points are the same. Physical methods are generally used to observe come out."

"After the isomers are mixed, may the effects of the drug change?" Xun Conglian asked.

"It is possible. For example, chiral isomerism is widely found in nucleic acids and proteins in the human body, and most drugs also have chirality." Someone explained to Xing Conglian, "There is an anti-Parkinson drug levodopa, its D Type can cause optic neuritis and blindness. "

In addition, the younger brother who had stepped out also added: "A few decades ago, the isomerization of thalidomide caused severe teratogenic reactions in pregnant women."

"But when we did the TERN experiment at that time, no bad isomers were produced. This should not be our problem," Feng Zhenzhen pushed and pushed Li Zheng, with some anxiety, "Professor Li ..."

Li Zheng was silent for a long time, because of his silence, all the researchers around him were quiet.

In contrast, the other employees in Zhou Rui who were opposite them looked at these volunteers with a look of "Why did you know why?", But they were very likely to have dug themselves into a pit.

"Speaking of which, this kind of thing happened, I still think it is incredible." Li Zheng pushed the gold rimmed glasses, his face became lost and hesitant.

The dynasty looked anxiously at the first scientist who stood up, nervous enough to know what to say: "This, this is not your fault."

"In fact, no TERN isomers were found, which can be considered a gap in our R & D process, but I am not shirk responsibility, because it is certain that according to the pharmaceutical program we provide, it is impossible for bad isomers to appear." Li Zheng finally looked up, his eyes became calm and ruthless. "Related to Shen Lian's series of process improvement plans, I am afraid that our company" optimized "the pharmaceutical process in order to save costs, resulting in the optimized process to produce TERN, mixed A very small amount of optical isomers. However, due to negligence in quality inspection or factory concealment, this isomer was not found. "

"Li Zheng, speak with evidence, R & D puts responsibility on our production?" The supervisor in charge of Zhou Rui's pharmaceutical production scolded.

The fat researcher next to Professor Li slammed up and threw the process optimization report at his desk. He was very angry and pointed at the other side of his nose and cursed: "Then the old man tapped his chest and told me, after you have checked the process in detail, The purity of the batch of drugs, there is no TERN optical isomer in Brain Corning, do you dare to say? "

"Does it mean that you are being aggressive?" The vice president in charge of production did not hesitate to follow the table.

"Yeah." Feng Zhenzhen raised Erlang's legs on the seat and sneered: "Please tell us clearly, yes or no!" The other side was choked and wanted to answer, but Feng Zhenzhen did not give him a chance: "I'll find it for you Excuse me, or you did n’t test for isomers at all; otherwise, when you have a problem with the drug, you detected the isomers, but the amount is very small. Isolation and purification require huge investment, and you did it in production. A simple drug test found that there were no major problems, and this matter was covered up. But there are more and more adverse reaction cases, and TERN is shared by patents. You are afraid of being held accountable. You can only come up with new drugs instead of old ones. The female researcher said here, lowering her legs and sitting upright. "Although we now know that TERN has a problem, we can infer the isomers so quickly. Because the pharmaceutical process is very complicated, you are deliberately concealed. I have investigated the exact compound problem, but you have a full eight years, but if anyone of you dares to stand up and say that you want to break the wrist instead of hiding it, what happened? You can evolve into this? "

The dynasty was stunned when he heard it now, and interjected: "But I remember the reason we could find the new and old drugs is because Zhou Rui was removing the manufacturer. Does this mean that they do not know how the isomers are produced, otherwise Shen Lian won't hide safely until now. "

"There is an explanation."

A deep voice sounded. He has been taciturn, and even made people ignore the existence of Xunlian suddenly spoke.

The dynasty looked eagerly at his boss, and his boss' cold eyes fell on the fat body of the chairman of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical. At that moment, it was like the hottest hunter finally caught the loophole of his opponent.

Xun Lianlian began to speak slowly and impatiently: "Now, please ask Zhou Dong to answer. Is the person in charge of investigating the brain Kangning drug problem secretly?"

The dynasty was sluggish for a few seconds, but it quickly cleared up the problem.

Zhou Rui Pharmaceuticals knew that there was a problem with Brain Corning, but it has not been found that the ghosts are addicted. If it is not the investigator's failure, then the biggest possibility is that the person in charge of the investigation is addicted to himself.

The question of his boss is too tricky. The implication is: If you admit that the person in charge of the investigation is addicted, it means that your company has found the adverse reaction of brain Corning early and did not report it, and let the toxic drugs be on the market. Circulation.

"I don't know what the Captain Sentence is investigating the brain Corning drug."

Zhou Dong's facial expression was beyond control, and the dynasty didn't know how the dead old man could continue to quibble.

It was at this moment that Xunlian was waiting.

He stared sharply at the faces of all Zhou Rui's senior executives who dared to swear, and said casually: "Since the chairman doesn't know, let's talk about it."

He pointed to the production supervisor: "Speaking from the production department, have you ever noticed an isomer problem and chose to hide it for your own rice bowl without reporting it to the company's superiors?"

The vice president in charge of production did not expect that Xun Lianlian bypassed the chairman so easily and pointed his finger at him. He did not dare to look at anyone, and cold sweat seemed to drip from his forehead.

"It's not that complicated, there are two choices, whether to carry it or not." Xing Conglian still kept a gentle rate of speech, but the meaning was intriguing.

It was said that the anxious man looked up subconsciously and looked at the remaining 10 empty seats. He subconsciously put his hands on the table, and there was a movement that he wanted to stand up.

This action was seen by another executive next to him and stopped immediately.

The man shook his head slightly.

"They didn't say it, they didn't say it, it was a long time ago! Everything is evidenced by the minutes of the meeting. Cross-examination can always find out!" This reaction somehow ignited Li Zheng's anger, and the scientist raised a pen. Pointing to someone who spoke during the previous discussion: "You're right, why the sudden establishment of an improved drug project is the problem. If it is a normal new drug improvement project, Stancome changed the TERN configuration for reasons of improving the composition. , The company did not know about this, this is what Shen Lian did. My company is also a victim and bears the responsibility of oversight of the supervision. On the contrary, if our company collects the clinical feedback results and realizes that there is a problem with the drug, For some reasons to conceal the truth and let harmful drugs spread, then ... "Li Zheng looked to the chairman, and even said with some pain," That is 8 years from 2008 to 16 years. For your personal benefit, you help Shen Lian conceal. Crime, you are conspirators, murderers! "

Li Zheng's remarks, like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, were punished from the production supervisor named by the company.

Looking at this person's response, the dynasty felt that confession was promising, and Zhou Rui was about to collapse.

However, Wang Chao watched the man wipe his sweat on his wiper's head, his smile was bitter, but he heard him say in the most desperate tone, "What can I do, it can only be a problem that I did not report upwards. I and Shen Lian ... we ... have a secret relationship ... I am her accomplice ... "

The conference room exploded, and everyone looked in shock at the production supervisor who pleaded guilty.

"Get away from Nima." Feng Zhenzhen had already scolded her.

In the noisy environment, no one noticed the anomalies scattered on several seats in Zhou Rui's hundred-member team. Someone looked down, but clenched their hands on their knees into fists as if determined.

"Are you stupid!" The dynasty scolded hatelessly.

Just then, another senior executive also stood up: "I am also guilty, because I did not do a good job of supervision and management, and produced such serious consequences, but I chose to hide the truth, and it is hard to blame."

The dynasty looked like a neurosis and looked away where it happened.

However, Zhou Rui's confession action did not stop. As the production supervisor confessed, several responsible persons stood up and began to be frank about their crimes. Some people even came forward to the police after speaking, and stretched out their hands waiting to be tortured.

Others in higher positions are silent, watching their confession stand by.

The police officers looked at each other, some were at a loss, and could only look to Xing Conglian and wait for the director to show him.

"You ... why are you so stupid!" The dynasty almost overturned the computer.

Until now, the chairman's face finally showed a big smile. He drew up a bit of fat lips and looked at Xun Conglian. The anxiety and nervousness that he had pretended to no longer exist. That way, he is holding the big picture and holding the big picture. Afterwards, everything just went in the direction he expected.

Since Xing Lian even entered this office, he said very few words. At this moment, facing the real provocation of the chairman, he didn't refute or persuade him. He just picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message.

Before long, the back door of the conference room was slammed open.

An old man carrying a urine bag stood at the door and shouted, "What do you want me to do, nephew, are you ready? My urine bag is almost full, so I have to go to the hospital when I wait."

Everyone in the conference room looked like a ghost to the door, and saw a skinny old man with a mechanical leg.

The old man also found that there were so many people in the conference room. His tone of torture even changed immediately, and he said extremely rudely, "What do you tell the boss?"

Everyone then remembered that this old man seemed to be the driver of the previous sports car. If he was really the driver of the Captain, the Captain's home would be terrible.

Facing those questioning and puzzled eyes, Xun Lian didn't explain much. He politely asked the old man: "I have a question for you."

"I know everything and I can't say anything!" Said the old man. "You can put me out for another two hours and I will even tell you the bank card password."

"This is the case now. I have provided some middle-level employees with faults with the opportunity to get lighter punishment. But why would they rather plead guilty at the highest level of the company instead of accepting my kindness?"

When the old man heard this question, he looked at Xun Conglian like a ghost, and you clearly asked why I asked why.

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