Criminal Psychology
Chapter 272 Table of contents

Hongjing Municipal Bureau, Command Center.

Dense phone calls rang out, and nearly thirty police officers sat in rows to receive the latest news from all sides.

"Understand, isn't the main road in Meicun right?"

"Give you a special line three."

"Sorry, this part of the information is temporarily confidential, and we will keep you informed of the latest developments."

They are like weavers sitting on a dense information network, summarizing, refining, condensing countless information into the most useful short report, and submitting it again.

The hall was filled with enthusiasm, and police officers were shuttle-like. To the extent that no one paid much attention when the director of the Provincial Department accompanied him.

The simplest iron-grey overalls were worn by the visitors, and the cuffs and necklines were washed white, with gray hair and the most common golden-rimmed reading glasses, and they looked no different from the old men who raised children on the street.

The only difference is that the old man is dusty, and his eyes and eyebrows have a lot of tiredness in addition to wrinkles. However, you can still see the unique majesty of the superior from the eyes behind his reading glasses.

In fact, if there are no special accidents, the police officers present can only see this level of leaders on television throughout their lives.

Behind the old man were police experts, emergency department treatment experts, medical department professors who accompanied him, and even Academician Zhang, the coveted mentor of Zhang, followed.

In the entire hall, Comrade Zhang Xiaolong, who was the first to detect the situation, was sentenced to second leg.

The policewoman stood up salutingly from her seat. She was about to report to the boss. The old man had waved to them and just said, "Sit down, what should you do", and took the mighty team behind you. Through the entire hall, came to the innermost command door.

A piece of floor-to-ceiling glass separated the hall from the conductor, like two separate worlds.

The noisy outside and the quiet inside form a sharp contrast. In the large room, there is only one person tortured, and the air is stagnant. He is not busy, but sits quietly in front of the TV, smoking, watching the news broadcast The news of the attack on Meicun City.

The provincial director wanted to raise his hand and knock on the door, but was stopped by the old man.

A group of people stared at the screen across the glass, as if watching a silent film.

The bitter scene of Meicun's clothing market flashed on the TV picture.

At the time of the incident, it was the peak of the clothing market in the afternoon, and the escalators up and down were crowded with porters carrying large bags. There are too many dead spots to monitor, and it is impossible to verify where the incident happened. Someone rushed to the escalator entrance and ran down like crazy. Immediately, the crowd pushed each other down from the elevator, trampled and crushed, and the masses who didn't know the truth frantically wanted to escape, and then never escaped again.

The camera swept through a brown bloodstain from top to bottom, with children's sandals left by the railing.

There are no wounded people in the picture. The scene has been emptied. Below the dusty incandescent lights, there are only a large block of messy colored clothing, like a shell that has lost its soul, and it is wandering leisurely.

The news screen ended and the old man pushed in.

On the LCD screen, the TV picture has been transferred to the hospital, and the host is broadcasting the list of dead and injured and missing persons. Each name sounds heavy.

Xun Lian got up from interrogation, and when he turned around to see the old man, he didn't have much surprise or horror in his eyes. He frowned, his eyes were as deep as a pond.

"Secretary Shen." He calmly saluted the old man and then put down his hands. This attitude shocked many people around him.

"Don't delay, we've all read the latest briefing on our way. Can we catch the criminal within 24 hours?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Minister, he took a mighty team of experts to sit down at the ring table in the command room, and said to Xun Lianlian.

"It's hard." Xing Conglian said only two words.

"What do you mean?" The old man raised his eyes sharply, his eyes sharp, "You face me with so many people who have died? Can't I roll down from this seat for Lao Tzu, I'll change it for another!" Road.

Xing Conglian stood in front of the glass curtain wall filled with dense strategies, and he did not shrink from the old man's anger.

The news is interviewing witnesses at the time of the clothing market incident. Middle-aged women are covered with blood, and their voices sound horrified: "I let them not be crowded or crowded. No one listens, they are crazy."

Xing Cong raised his remote control and turned down the volume.

"This is not a simple assault." Xun Conglian said.

The old man was impatient, and asked, "I don't need to listen to difficulty. When can I get a confession for love?"

"Shen Lian's confession is probably no simpler than catching criminals." In the presence of so many people, Xun Lianlian still gave little respect to the big leaders.

"Xing Conglian!" Minister Shen did not raise the volume, but finally real anger appeared in his eyes.

The chief secretary hurriedly winked at the captain in front of the glass.

Xing Lianlian didn't accept: "You're angry at me here, it doesn't make any sense." He paused, very clearly, "the criminals are just playing with us for a time difference, before we really study the drug and The time lag between the drug's dramatic social impact. "

"Social impact is not bad enough yet?" Minister Shen said coldly.

"Compared to what the other party wants to achieve, now, it's just an appetizer."

The sound of Xing Conglian's voice was metallic and somber. He didn't deliberately make the sentence dark, but this sentence still made many people in the room shudder.

"What exactly is the criminal's appeal? So far, no organization or individual has declared responsibility for this matter?" Afraid of the elderly being punished from the fear of death to the onset of heart disease, the director of the provincial department came out to round the field.

"Appeal?" Xing Conglian looked cold, and he turned to erase a large piece of useless water-based pen writing on the glass plate behind him, and wrote three words with a red pen.

The edges of the handwriting were blurred, and the old man narrowed his eyes.

The sentence stopped from Lien, and he turned around and looked down at the experts in the entire office, saying in an unprecedented cold tone, "What's so great about killing people? His purpose is heartfelt."

Many experts with ample subject knowledge were stunned, but quickly responded.

"The blind arbiter is talking about the purposelessness of natural selection ..." Academician Zhang looked at the glass plate and said, "And ... human evolution ... morality, and genes?"

"Yes, genes."

Xun calmly recounted Lin Chen's point of view, saying: "More and more studies prove that antisocial personality, or some criminals, may be born with a criminal gene, such as a warrior codenamed maoa. Genes affect people ’s brain neurotransmitters, making people emotionally irritable, irritable, and irritable to control themselves; or generating a large number of 5-h2ta receptor mutant genes, which will weaken the function of the frontal frame cortex and cause people to have impulse behaviors such as emotional disorders, etc ... "

The sentence was interrupted before the sentence was finished.

"Genetic determinism is the most powerful argument for justifying crime. How can a police officer agree with this idea!" Said a grumpy medical expert.

"I did not endorse it, but take it for granted that this is a view recognized by criminals. Therefore, we believe that behind the scenes, the black hands have to convey two views on behalf of the criminal group. First, all human behaviors defined as crimes are Under the influence of the brain, the criminal does not need to be responsible for his actions. This is why he develops and spreads this dehumanizing drug. "

It seems to be to answer these words that should have been explained by Lin Chen, but was sentenced to him by Xunlian Li.

Emergency room footage appeared on television.

Even though the television volume has been shut down from the lowest level, the human-like roar still seems to be able to get out of the screen through the curtain.

"If the tern isomer affects the human brain and causes people to commit crimes, can people not be held responsible for their own crimes?" Xing Conglian asked, but did not give anyone time to answer. "The answer is yes, because we now All victims of the drug were judged to be victims.

He asked again: "In this case, if the criminals commit the tern isomer and then commit another crime, will he be exempt from punishment?" He paused and said, "The answer is very likely, because we cannot identify everyone affected by drugs. The context. "

"And if you think this has been calculated to be sinister, then the hidden problem of criminals is truly deadly. In the case of mass panic, a third situation is inevitable: many people who have not been affected by any drug are only for self-consciousness. Bao also produced aggression against others in the general sense. Should they be held responsible for this? "Xun Cong pointed to the TV screen and asked the most deafening question:" If our answer is undecidable and cannot be convicted, then he will Ask the world-why should criminals be held responsible for their crimes? "

Xing Lian was in awe, and his eyes were cold and cruel.

Someone immediately refuted: "There is a problem in the premise, the tern isomers cause special situations, and normal people can control their behavior."

"They don't think they can. They are born perverts."

"This is a paradox. The law restricts human behavior not to be transferred by individual will. Can you control yourself and the law restrict you?"

"Why does the law restrict me?" Xing Conglian questioned.

"Natural jurisprudence, social contract ..."

"Society matters to me, I am an independent individual!"

"The nature of human beings is social!" Shouted the experts who quarreled with Xun Lianlian.

At this time, the sentence of Cong Lian stopped suddenly.

He retracted the previous aggressive momentum, he put down his raised fingers, his eyes were distant, as if looking through a long history, he asked calmly, "So what if social morality itself is wrong?"

No one answered this question.

The room fell into the night as quiet as he felt when Lin Chen asked him this question.

Xing Conglian knew that he thought of Lin Chen as out of place, but he should have taken it.

At that time, Lin Chen sat in the library with a peaceful look and explained to him the terrifying thoughts after all these events.

Lin Chen asked him, since people always like to ask the question in the end, then what is the ultimate answer to the question, "Why does a person become a criminal?"

Xing Lianlian couldn't answer, he didn't even want to hear Lin Chen answer this question.

Because Lin Chen's thoughts on this issue obviously run through the long and dark three years after Huang Weiwei's death. This is a question raised behind the scenes and tortured his soul day and night.

What is moral?

Why did moral-based law come into being?

Why do people become criminals for violating the rules of law?

"If this is just an ordinary criminal, he has already achieved his purpose after he proved that we lack objective standards in the definition of criminal behavior itself." Said Conglian, "but it is clear that we have to face the criminal ambitions this time. He is vigorous, but he is anti-society, but he is not the social system, he is the ethics of survival in each of us. "

Since the beginning of the punishment, Mr. Shen has been silent. Until then, the old man raised his head too much and slowly said: "If ... social moral standards ... untrustworthy?"

"Yes, since everything is the result of random selection, there is actually no morality, no justice, no goodness, and no moral standard we have fabricated. Human nature is selfishness, and we can do whatever we can to survive for ourselves, so Things that are natural are not to be miscalculated, nor should they be punished. "

Although this idea is terrifying, it is also ridiculous because of its grandeur.

The expert who sat down to do strategy research could not help but laugh and said, "How can he prove that he is selfish by relying on fanning and poisoning everywhere?" Middle-aged man nodded and pointed at the TV "The more he does, the more people stand up to prove that he is wrong."

The news has progressed to the next stage, and the riots in Meicun's clothing market have not been reported. Instead, it began to tell the story of what happened at Meicun Railway Station.

A young train station employee named Lu Xiaotian prevented the poisoning at the train station. However, due to excessive drug intake, Lu Xiaotian suffered acute brain failure and was dying.

The wording in the news is very touching. In the aisle in front of the ward, reporters have to apply almost all the words of glory and justice to this young man who is only 22 years old.

There were also many people in the command who looked with pity, but Xun Lian didn't look back. He interrupted this moment coldly: "You are so stupid." He said.

The strategist started shooting at the table, and his level was higher than that of Xunlian, so he rebuked with anger: "Is Xunlianlian, what do you think? I haven't said anything so far, except that There is no topic at all, and it is no wonder that criminals can't catch the confession! "

Xun Lian even put his hands in his pocket, looking down not far from questioning his strategist.

In fact, how can a murderer say that there is no reason, a little bit of verbal aggression can bring apart the people who should be united, so when it comes to the interests of life and death, who can guarantee that the moral concept of this society will not be shaken.

Xing Conglian said: "I said you were stupid because, since you have read the briefing, you should know the voting incident that took place on the dark network. Then you think that the murderer is fanning the flames just to satisfy some network abnormalities and want to see violence and **** Event? "

"You!" The strategist was dumb asked and turned to the other way, "You didn't say it. He didn't have to take responsibility for his own criminal acts, but this kind of proof is not practical. The legal force is not him. After all, he'll have to take his fate if he is dissatisfied! "

"I said, this is just an appetizer." Xun turned around and drew a free map of the three provinces with a bright red water pen on a glass plate. "The appetizer proved that he can threaten our social security. It is widely used in the news media. After the broadcast, he can enter the second stage after all the people feel insecure. "

Xing Conglian threw away his pen and pointed at the glass map and asked, "Suppose this voting does not take place in the dark network. Assuming everyone in the real world has the right to vote?"

Like a storm or a thunder.

This is the feeling of Xing Conglian even after hearing about Lin Chen's problem. Now, in this simple command room, before the rolling TV news, everyone in front of him finally realized his feeling at that time. .

Shocked and then at a loss.

But Lin Chen's question didn't stop there. Lin Chen asked him: "Xing Conglian, have you ever thought that the problem I faced at that time was just a human experiment that can't be too small, it has no great social significance. But if today, he wants everyone to face the same human nature experiment? If every resident in the three provinces has the right to use the city as the unit and choose the location of the next attack, you don't think this can really shake our society. With maintaining ethics? "

Lin Chen's voice is very peaceful and gentle, and he is also reciting Lin Chen's words to the people at the highest level in this country with the same gentle and gentle voice.

However, as he was at a loss as usual, the weathered old man in front of him also began to be shocked.

Xing Lianlian thought, yeah, every one of their populations speaks of believing in humanity, but in fact, somewhere deep in their hearts is hard to tell--they don't believe that justice can overcome evil, and that goodness can destroy ugliness , Don't believe that some people can finally win over others ...

Moreover, they don't believe in human nature at all.

"This is the balance game on the wire." Lin Chen said.

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