Criminal Psychology
Chapter 284 Table of contents

Chapter 284

Those who have a clearer understanding of the results than Lin Chen have only torture.

After being with Lin Chen, he felt that what he had experienced was nothing, and now is the day of real excitement.

He had to watch the man he loved risking his life again and again, and felt that it was a smart and excellent choice because of thoughtfulness. Not only that, but he also had to endure some silly questions. He had never felt himself before. The temper was so bad that Lin Chen must have spoiled him.

In front of him, the public opinion expert is still asking for advice. Of course, Xun Cong even knew that these were all reported to Shen Heming, but when he saw the analysis article that was widely circulated on the Internet, he was still a bit out of touch. anger.

The article was written by a well-known online reviewer named Zhai Yong.

This reviewer was a well-known host, accumulated a large number of fans during the work of the media platform, and later transformed into a media, because he can always write spicy critical articles and attracted a lot of ... in the words of the dynasty Said to be patients with secondary disease. The number of people in this group is far beyond imagination. This is the first reaction of Xun Conglian after seeing the actual number of reposted comments.

The main content of the article is roughly to tell everyone why not to choose is the best choice.

——This is the responsibility that the government should bear, and the government just pushes the responsibility to the individual, so that the individual pays for the incompetence of the government. We really want to become indirect killers under the pressure of what seems to be democracy but incapable tyranny. Is the murderer responsible?

——Not choosing is a kind of protest. This is not cowardice, but the best choice based on rational analysis.

——Let those desperately want to decide, this matter itself has nothing to do with us.

Several paragraphs explain these viewpoints from the perspective of the legal system and social contract government responsibility, which is consistent with Zhai Yong's consistent position.

If Fang Aizi's classmate, Ms. Wang, sees this article, she will definitely regard Zhai Yongfeng as a male god. Of course, according to the time of the first few Weibo postings of Zhai Yong ’s letter to anti-socialists, Ms. Wang may of course be After Weibo deeply agreed, I tried to pass on this idea to more people.

Public opinion experts said: "Secretary Shen, this is the general situation. It is not ruled out that there is a speculator on the Internet, but it may also be a manifestation of public opinion. According to estimates, the growth rate of online voting is now 72% lower than the previous hour. Taking into account the error calibration of work and rest time, we think that this article will make more citizens abstain from voting and whether to take measures against it. "He paused and tempted," If you want a certain result, it is still early. Guide, after all ... people are really vulnerable. "

This sentence is very vague, and people are really easily affected ... The implication is that if we do not have the initiative, we will indirectly give the initiative to the other party.

Minister Shen's brow froze. Xunlian knew that the old man might be willing to gamble with confidence at a certain moment, but the higher the position, the less able he was to do whatever he wanted. After all, he had to bear more pressure and had to consider more.

So at this moment, he didn't step in to influence the old man's decision.

But at this time, the old man looked at him: "Conglian ... it's really difficult ..."

From the point of view, Lien can fully understand the severe pressure on the old man. In a sense, the old man has to bear more than him or Lin Chen.

"He probably told you something, such as forecasting the trend?"

"Sayed." Xun Lian nodded.

"Then why don't you tell me?" The old man asked again.

Xun Cong didn't really know what medicine was sold in the old man's gourd at this time, and his eyes and face could not reveal anything, so he could only answer truthfully: "Because I don't want to influence your choice, you have your consideration And determination, I should respect. "

On hearing that, the old man lowered his head as if thinking about something, his face was dim and he could not see clearly.

Just when Xun Lian wanted to add something, the old man suddenly looked up, pointed his thumb at him, and said to public opinion experts, "Have you heard?"

Including the experts themselves and Xing Conglian, they are a little bit stingy.

"What do you mean?"

"We usually shout to respect the people. You will drop the chain at a critical moment. Xiao Chen, your organizational consciousness will not work." The old man sighed and said quietly.

The strategist looked at the old man suddenly, and was panicked at the various meanings revealed in this sentence: "You ... mean ..."

"Although this world is noisy, but it is still quiet at night, and the night is quiet, so the word itself is so beautiful. Then we, people, do n’t have to know our humble opinions, and be quiet Quietly, let everyone think for themselves, isn't it interesting? "

After the old man said this, he walked up to the window.

The punishment was seen from Lian Lin's line of sight, and he saw the vastness of the starry sky, tranquility and beauty.

No one spoke in the room.


Zhai Yong has a bad schedule.

People like them are bound to appear day and night, after all, late at night is the time for literary thoughts to flow.

It was only after three o'clock in the morning that he finished reading the comments on Weibo, and analyzed and combed all the points, made a note, and prepared to focus on refuting tomorrow.

He is different from those who use money to speak, and what he publishes is his own point of view, never at the mercy of others.

It is too late or too early, and most of the students who are still communicating on the Internet are jet lag students. Zhai Yong finds these people very interesting, often his most solid ally and the most difficult enemy to overcome.

For example, this is the comment that has been voted the most popular reply.

——Mr. Zhai has always advocated democracy. Is one person, one vote not enough democracy? But when democracy really emerges, you actually start to hate why every day the government did not use tyranny to save you. You probably never thought that the mechanism you spurned to operate every day, from the teacher who teaches your son to the high-level who makes political decisions, is that the existence of these people essentially shares the society for you. Responsibility, now you just have to return some responsibility and return to a more rustic state of hands voting, you are afraid? What a pity ...

Zhai Yong was very angry when he saw this comment.

This comment certainly distorted his original meaning, and even distorted the meaning of his dedication to expressing his views.

No matter what kind of social mechanism, people like him need to say something that sounds hard to hear. The false Haiyan Heqing doesn't make any sense.

This is why he spoke today, because during the development of the incident, what he saw was the state of the government's incompetence without any guidance. He spoke, which is his social responsibility, and Mao has not grown up. Little fart kid knows.

Zhai Yong thought so, and opened this comment with a picture.

That's the official government voting website.

-I will vote for the execution of four criminals who have not previously been sentenced to death in order to save more.

A. Yes

B. No

The spokesperson chose "yes".

Zhai Yongjiu was speechless for a long time, he pushed on the keyboard support, ready to go out and pour a glass of water.

The thin bottom home slippers rang softly on the floor. When he opened the door of the study, he unexpectedly found someone sitting outside.

"Dad, did you get up early or didn't you sleep?"

His old father was sitting on the leather sofa in the living room. The TV was on, but the volume was not on. The old face of the bright and dark light was lined with shadyness.

His dad just watched TV and didn't answer him immediately. So he held an empty glass and sat down beside the old man. No one was doing live broadcasts so late. The daytime news was played back on TV.

That was the situation at the time of the Meicun clothing market. A large number of ambulances arrived, **** customers or shopkeepers were helping each other to withdraw from each other, and the ambulance staff went backwards.

"I went to see your Uncle Su today." Before his dad started talking, he put on the glasses on the coffee table again, not really to see things clearly, but to hide something real.

"Principal Su?"

"Can anyone else."

Zhai Yong did listen to his mother mentioning some things that Uncle Su would not do when he was stunning.

But at the age of his parents, from time to time there are always old friends who are going to die, and he is used to listening too much, so at this moment, he also linked the name of Uncle Su with the old principal of Yongchuan University.

"It is not stated in the news that due to the timely discovery, the large-scale adverse drug reactions of Nao Kangning did not fully erupt, but only that the elderly who took the drug had potential drug safety hazards ..."

Zhai Yong's mind moved quickly, as if he finally realized what was the key to the character relationship that had been faintly noticed and not really understood.

"Obviously, his good student has always troubled him a lot. This time he was probably implicated. Xiao Cui said that he was fine before going to school." There was a hint in the old man's tone. No anger, but more, it's sadness that hurts everything.

"Lin Chen is a student of President Su?" Zhai Yong's brain moved very fast. "So he proposed a new plan, really for President Su ..."

"Who knows what his good student is thinking." His father interrupted him coldly. "According to Lin Chen's consistent thinking, he would not consider the life and death of his teacher in this consideration."

"Dad, don't go around, what do you want to say?"

"Delete your article." His dad turned to look at him quite simply, saying so.

He looked inconceivably at his father, which was probably the first time he had asked him to work as an independent writer and since the media industry. And he knew that it was not a request, it was a request.

"We old friends, we have already contacted a lot of friends in the evening. The media direction will change tomorrow morning." His dad stood up and explained something less important, "If possible, call for more People, vote yes. "

The old man picked up the remote control board and pressed the TV decisively, Zhai Yongzhang was speechless.

Pressed down completely in the living room, his dad was leaving slowly, looking at the old man's back, Zhai Yong shouted, "Dad!"

"Call my dad, just do what I say."

Zhai Yong stood up: "Do you really think that as long as the majority votes in favor, this society can use four lives that should not be damned to trade more lives?"

"Tell me less about society. Isn't this the democracy you preach every day, and I don't teach you that little knowledge of law?"

"Dad, this is not democracy, this is lynching, no, it's worse than lynching!"

"Then you tell me, what is democracy?" The old head resumed the terrible scene when he resumed as a lawyer, and said, "In a certain class, obeying the majority is democracy!"

"You evaded the most important question. Is it legal to vote bypassing the legal provisions to execute criminals? This term is not a national vote, but only the opinion of three provinces. Even if our three provinces are independent and self-made states, they are not eligible. Bypassing the legal provisions and directly determining the fate of criminals by voting, this form is inherently wrong, so I think that not voting is the correct statement! "

The old man turned to look at him, his eyes were split, which made Zhai Yong think that the slap that was about to be fanned when he was young.

He closed his eyes subconsciously, but the pain in his cheek was slowly coming.

When he opened his eyes again, his old father turned back and looked at the dark night outside the window without saying a word.

"Everyone is selfish." His father said, "Since ancient times, hasn't the law just sacrificed the minority to protect the interests of the majority?"

Zhai Yong walked to the window and lowered his head. In the room where there was no trace of light in the high-rise building, he could see the vague outline of the city in the night.

"Suddenly, I think this is really a good way." Some corners of the city are still on, but most of them have gone dark. "You have your opinion, I have my insistence, but we, only We can represent ourselves. "He looked at his father and said," No matter what the outcome, you will respect the opinions of the majority, right? "

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