Criminal Psychology
Chapter 294 Table of contents

After the fire at the Yongchuan Christian Art Center, two groups of horses were jointly responsible for the follow-up of the Song Shengsheng case.

First, the original task force was led by Jiang Chao's head supervisor of Yongchuan Second Bureau.

Secondly, after Xing Lian convened various departments to meet yesterday, some police forces were dispatched to investigate this series of cases.

Now the two groups of leaders appear in the video at the same time, and have a remote conference call with Xun Conglian.

The dynasty was sitting beside the computer, not knowing what joint his boss could figure out.

Without greetings, Xun Conglian said directly: "Simply, let me ask questions, and you answer."

"Okay." They both voiced in the video.

"Because Song Shengsheng endorsed aih insurance, many of his fans bought aih products."


"A lot of people are specific."

"1922 people."

Xing Conglian nodded: "Jingmei et al. Used Song Shengsheng's comeback concert ticketing system to screen out 1922 silks who have purchased aih insurance for a long time and distributed the tickets to them?


"The beauty then caused a fire accident at the Kristin Cultural Center, with the intention of killing 1922 fans who bought insurance."


"If the 1922 people die, what is the total amount of the insurance policy?" Xing Conglian asked.

The two paused in the video, and then one of them recalled for a moment and said, "Each policy is different, but the total amount is 4.131 billion Won."

Xun Cong frowned: "So much?"

"There are a lot of wealthy women in the Star Chaser, which is no longer high." Another said, "On average, more than two million copies."

"But these policy beneficiaries are different?"

"Yes, they are usually their immediate family members."

The question and answer proceeded here, and the sentence stopped.

The two team leaders have been waiting for the sentence to ask 19 out of 1922 people about the same beneficiary's insurance policy.

He said, "In your opinion, they have set such a big picture and are deliberately killing these people. Why?"

Boss Jiang Chao and the boss of Yongchuan Second Bureau smiled bitterly: "We always thought that this was a conspiracy against aih insurance ... but ..."

"But aih insurance will be ruined by 4.1 billion claims." Another person in the video call answered.

"Causing social unrest?" The dynasty interjected.

"Even if the insurance company collapses and the reinsurance company accepts the insurance policy, the country will not cause turmoil because of this." Yongchuan Second Bureau boss answered.

"Who knows what the purpose of these anti-socialists is, maybe it's simply to kill people and do things!" Dynasty Road.

"Okay." Xun Conglian interrupted him, and then asked the two men on the screen, "Have you ever seen a financial expert?"

The boss of the second bureau nodded: "Experts have analyzed that if aih must settle a claim, the stock price will plummet. Although it will not go bankrupt, it will affect many aspects of the business ..."

Xun Cong frowned, thoughtfully.

The dynasty glanced at his boss and somehow thought of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical.

At this time, Xun Lian dragged the desk phone and dialed a phone number.

The arrogant voice of an old man carrying a urine bag came out during the public announcement: "I have billions of business here and there, there is fart."

Xing Conglian didn't talk to the old man and said directly: "I have a copy of the information here. Take a look and tell me which businesses of aih will be affected and how likely it will be acquired.

The imprisonment of the dynasty looked at Lian Lian, and he resolutely sent the documents over.

"Rely on, the pharmaceutical company isn't enough. I'm going to help you buy an insurance company. Are you **** guys so dead?"

The old man had to chatter and Xun Lian interrupted him: "Give you 15 minutes."

When he was finished, he hung up the phone quickly.

However, the old man had a loud voice, and both of them heard in the computer, and the scene was very embarrassing.

But with the current mood of Conglian, he didn't pay much attention to these.

The old man called back faster than expected.

"Aih's business is huge," said the old man.

"carry on."

"Fuck, is it grandpa your servant?"

"You have a few days to live and talk a little nonsense." Xun Conglian said.

"Well, that makes sense." The old man actually agreed with this sentence. "Let's say, how many small insurance companies went bankrupt when you knew 9/11?"

"I don't know, don't go around and say the result." Xun Conglian was very cold.

"Okay, okay, the result is that aih will definitely be maimed by this payment, shrinking the business in some regions and the deficit department ... bankruptcy and reorganization is difficult to say, the specifics are complicated, I will find someone to give you an investigation report ... The old man said, yelling on the phone, "I have a reading glasses!"

"No need, tell me, is the Republic of Angodo listed in the affected area?"

"Wait." The old man said a word.

The dynasty was stunned when he heard the words Angodo.

When they went to Dana, the plane landed at Angodo.

The Republic of Angodo borders the Dana area. I used to be clanging poorly, and later a good president, implemented universal medical insurance and free education, and cleaned up the country pretty well ...

If the opponent's layout for several years in order to defeat aih incidentally affect Angodo, then this game of chess is more than crazy words can be described.

There was a long time coming from the other end of the phone to discuss and pass the data back and forth.

After a while, the old man replied, "Be in the queue."

"A 30-second briefing," Xun Conglian said.

"Angold's national medical insurance is aih's plate. If aih encounters a redemption crisis, it will shrink its business in Angold. In addition, a large part of many hospitals in Angold are funded by aih."

"That is to close the door and run, making Angodo universal health insurance and medical facilities into decoration."

The old man protested: "You civilization, normal bankruptcy process, how can you say runaway ..."

There was nothing more to say on the other side of the phone, and Xun Lian even hung up the phone decisively.

The two team leaders in the computer video were confused, and did not know where Xing Conglian thought of Angodo. The dynasty knew that this was because of the Dana rainforest, but it could not be said.

"Angoldo is not a Chinese country, very poor, and there is no reinsurance company to take on insurance policies." Xing Conglian said.

"If Aih runs, National Medical Insurance will become a dead letter, and medical care will never be enjoyed by the poor." He added.

"This is what is called, the state has caused social unrest due to the bankruptcy of insurance companies," he concluded.

Neither the dynasty nor the two team leaders in the video phone could speak for a long time.

It is true that they have been immersed in this case for a long time, and they have a deeper understanding of the case than even a sentence, but even Lin Chen would not think of Angodo.

They have never been there, they have blind spots.

"Beauty, they deliberately murdered my Chinese citizen. In order to bring down an insurance company, why?" The dynasty asked subconsciously.

"Below, let's talk about MSC MSF." Xing Lianlian ignored him directly.

In the video call, the boss of the second bureau rushed to pick up: "Of the 1922 policies, 21 beneficiaries are MSF MSF, and unincorporated organizations can become designated beneficiaries."

He did not wait for the sentence to ask the question just now, he said directly.

"Msc, the world's oldest MSF organization, fans should be called by Song Sheng before filling the beneficiary as msc."

"What is the sum insured for these 21 people?" Xing Conglian asked.

"21 million."

"not much."

"Compared to more than 4 billion, just a small number, but it can't rule out the organization's suspicion of fraud." The second bureau boss said, "At least the insurance company will check or try to refuse to pay."

"If msc and Jingmei are in the same group, this is a fraud." Another humane in the video call.

"If not?" Xing Conglian asked back.

"According to the idea of ​​breaking down aih behind the scenes, making a MSF organization bankrupt is difficult, but letting it go bankrupt with credibility, 21 million and some public opinion can do it."

Xing Conglian looked at the other side with approbation: "21 million, it is not costly to pay for it yourself."

"Two birds with one stone? This group of people and the insurance company have hatred? What good would it be for them to break them down?" The dynasty interjected.

"This is also our problem all along," said the boss of the Second Bureau of Yongchuan. "Over 3,000 people, what is the purpose of the killer?"

"Looking at the mailbox, the dynasty just sent you two materials," said Xun Conglian. "Confidential documents, pay attention to confidentiality."

Those two materials were of course the virus material found in the server. Hearing here, the dynasty finally put together several pieces of the puzzle.

The Dana Rainforest, the bordering Angodo Republic, the MSF organization, the neurotoxic agent, the Borna virus, and the ambitious goals behind this organization ...

A terrifying idea came to his mind.

"Oh." He shivered.

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