Chapter 248 Table of contents

Next season, only Close is the 18-year-old.

The eighteen-year-old Triple Crown can only be Close.

Yuanze wants to team up with Close to win the global doubles championship.

Close and Kim Sung-hyun outside the door were stunned.

The door opened but I didn't know how to get in, and I didn't know how to respond when I heard the words.

The pancakes are fragrant and fruity, and they drilled straight into the training room. Although Yuanze could not hear the outside movement while wearing headphones, but his nose was very clever, he knew that he was obsessed with Chinese food. A two-hundred-jin fat man's delicate flower.

When Yuan Ze turned his head, Close gave Kim Sung-hyun the pancake in his hand, turned around and went to the training room next door.

Jin Jiaohua: "..."

Yuanze looked at him: "You can eat two by yourself."

Kim Sung-hyun glanced at the next door, and Motoze was keenly asked, "Close morning run back?"

Kim Sung Hyun sighed, "No."

Yuan Ze was obviously relieved, took a pancake fruit, and asked him: "Did you add eggs?"


"You can eat fried eggs and fruits!"

"There are fried eggs and fruits??"

"Well, there are fried flowers and fruits."

The two were right outside the door, and Close heard clearly in the next room.

He went straight to the computer screen in front of him: the customized screen with the team logo only had a glorious icon, because FTW won the world championship, there is a tiny F at the bottom of the icon, which is the highest glory for the champion team. Although only ten days, it is enough to tell the world who is the real world champion.

Close's eyelashes are slightly curled, and the corners of his mouth bend lightly.

People who don't laugh often laugh the most.

Kim Sung-hyun didn't break Yuan Ze, nor Close.

He was a little sour. In his early years, I didn't see Yuanze wanting to ride him down the air. Of course, one of them on the road and the other on the road was the furthest distance in the canyon.

It is also gratifying to be sour.

He is leaving, his teammates are more united, and he is more at ease.

Later, Kim Sung Hyun discovered that Close was also secretly practicing air riding.

He pulled back the gaming chair and gnawed on the sesame ball to watch Close: "Why are you practicing this."

Close: "Get familiar with it."

Kim Sung Hyun: "???"

Close calmly said: "Otherwise, I don't know how to cooperate."

Kim Sung Hyun: "..."

Okay, it's their old shi and Lulu who are right.

Uncomfortable, tsundere ghost, you two will die in double row, you have to be so familiar!

Close doesn't need to practice air riding. He is a jungler in the team of Gods, even in a double match.

But he was practicing air riding very seriously, and he knew all of his skills, mechanics, combos, and micro-manipulations.

Not to use him, but to be familiar with Yuan Ze when he is used.

Kim Sung Hyun feels sour again.

Sour, really sour.

Faced with such a genius boy, who the **** would be sour!

No one knew that the proud FTW Ueno had practiced the same auxiliary talent, but unfortunately he had no chance to use it.

When Kim Sung Hyun left, the top executives listed all FTW firsts.

The league has a transfer period, but if there is no transfer intention like them, it stands to reason that there is no need to list.

The management reassures them: "It's just a cutscene."

No one is a fool.

Walk through the scene?

Who do you look down on?

Yan Jiang, Xie He, Yuan Ze and Close, which one is not one of the best players?

If it is not listed, other teams cannot covet it; once it is listed, the sky-high price will be grabbed.

What's more, this is the transfer period after the global game, and it is possible to transfer across competition regions!

Such a listing is called a cutscene? Is the FTW management stupid, or are the players treated as stupid?

The eighteen-year-old triple crown dream.

Stop at the cruel reality.

Thinking of these Jin Sung-hyun, watching the space-time knight the two brought out, how could he not be emotional.

The destined difference, there is no need to leave too much thought.

After confirming the transfer, Yuan Ze's last sentence to Close was: "We weren't suitable to be teammates at all. It's good to be opponents. I wanted to fight you a long time ago."

If there is no time knight, Close may take it seriously, thinking that Yuan Ze wants to be his opponent even more.

just now……

Close whispered back to him: "Yeah."

Chenfeng asked Close: "Do you regret buying the FTW that people go to the building?"

Close shook his head: "No."

Even if it breaks with the family, even if the illusion of family affection is completely torn apart, even if it is only four years, even if you become the puppet in the hands of the person you hate most, even if the most important shoulder of a professional player is injured...

Close also has no regrets.

He wants to protect FTW.

Protect their FTW.

Seeing Close using the space-time knight, Yuan Ze was stunned for a long time, until Gary called him: "Captain, let's take both blood?"

Yuan Ze took a breath: "Okay." His voice was dumb.

Old G looks coarse and leafy, but in fact it is not so thick. He glanced at Yuanze from the corner of the eye, and thought: "Have you seen the air ride of Close?"

Yuan Ze closed his eyebrows, his voice was quiet: "No."

Gary didn't dare to ask any more questions.

The FTW of the match point was very hard, and Chenfeng did not spare a bit of energy, and fished out all the talents he could win.

Fighting wild violent thieves, the middle road fairy warlock, the archer is the rain hunter, and the support also took the medicine warlock that is more suitable for the functional top order.

Faced with such a high talent for operation assistance, Cai Ge was full of energy, sitting straight with his waist.

Seeing this lineup, the audience breathed a sigh of relief and cursed Chenfeng a lot less.

Although abandoning the third game, it did accumulate a strong enough talent pool in the fourth game.

Needless to mention the mad thief, not only can L&P not be able to grab Ban but also can not grab it, and it is clearly given to FTW.

Fairy Warlock and Rain Hunter, they have also been Ban, although they have not used it, but FTW grabbed it first, and they couldn't replace Ban.

Except for Close's time knights, the remaining four talents are considered FTW super lineups.

It is also a strong talent in the professional arena today.

Some fans worry: "Can Cai Cai's Medicine Warlock be OK?"

"It's okay! I've seen it after squatting in the fifth row. It's really not good!"

"I remember that Brother Cai used it before. Tianxiu took away Kim Sung Hyun in a wave. It was very domineering."

"Fuck, there is still this? Isn't our food FTW salted fish?"

"The salted fish will turn over too, not to mention Wei Xiaocrazy!"

"Beep beep, I am very worried about the time and space knight of the Great Devil."

"What are you afraid of! Maybe it is as strange and powerful as Wei Xiaofeng's spiritual skills!"

"Hmm... It is well known that the big devil is not good at cooperating with teammates..."

Don’t blame the fans for bad news. Whether it’s Team of Gods or later FTW, Close’s label is always the single player big devil, Solo is the first, team cooperation is a fart, either one wins the game, or loses. Lose lose.

One year plus three years and more than six months, almost five years of professional career, enough to form a player.

So is Close really like this?

Wei Xiao was very interested: "Captain!"

He also wants to fight back, no matter how Gary and Yuanze bullied him, how he bullied him back.

Lu Feng responded, "Okay."

Wei Xiao smiled brightly, but the camera didn't show up, and the fans screamed again and again.

It’s funny, it’s obviously the match point of the FTW. If they lost this round, they stopped in the quarterfinals. They were only one step away from being eliminated, but they didn’t instigate at all. They played like the first round. The battle of freedom, the whole state of flying, seemed to be a little bit afraid of being eliminated.

Are you really afraid?

They are all people, even if they are not afraid.

Let alone the three little ones, even Wei Xiao was a little scared.

Can't lose, dare not lose.

Can only win!

The bottoming and rebound may be that this belief is too strong, but it suppresses the tension and anxiety, all emotions are mobilized, and only the opposite crystal is seen.

Blast him, defeat him, and win!

Wei Xiao is also a character that is very easy to infect others. When he burns, his teammates will follow him into a state of fearlessness and fearlessness.

It's all done, thinking about it is useless!

Wei Xiao controlled the mad thief and rushed straight into the L&P Ueno area.

It stands to reason that the blood thief was very strong in the early stage of the blood war. The mad thief is not weak but the air knight has no big moves. It should be properly avoided, but Wei Xiao is not afraid.

Even if the air knight does not have a big move, he still has a shield. After seeing Yuan Ze's time shield, he believes that his captain will only be stronger!

Seeing Close's air ride, it is impossible to say that everyone does not expect it.

While worried, nervous, and afraid of the car overturning, they all looked carefully through their fingers, hoping to see a different big demon, hoping to see him show up with everything.

Close never disappointed.

The mad thief's sickle hit the red Buff, and Gary's heart was destined to burst: "Wei Xiao mad is here."

Yuanze's starting state was a bit fascinating, he adjusted his emotions and said, "Fight."

What is there to be afraid of? The **** battles and blood thieves that are tied in the early stage are not afraid of any 2v2.

Wei Xiao still remembers how old G played with his father Lan, this time he also has to play with it...Gary!

That's right, what are you playing with Red Papa? It's to kill you if you swipe the sickle out!

Mad Thief is one of Wei Xiao's talents.

Ancestral thief is an aura, this is another aura.

If Wei Xiao can converge by playing the thief, then starting with the thief, he is an out-and-out little canyon lunatic.

The audience also discovered: "Although Wei Xiao's thief has nothing to say, his overall temperament is obviously more suitable for mad thief."

"This deity is crazy enough, plus this crazy talent, it's okay...not like a human anymore!"

"What is implicit, when did Wei Xiaocrazy be a man?"

The direction of the live broadcast room is getting more and more strange. If you see it to passers-by, you will wonder: "Fuck, this is not 2:1. It's a match point. If you lose a wave and go home, why are you so hilarious?"

Don't ask, just ask Wei Xiaocrazy too!

Wei Xiao really hit old G with a sickle.

Gary took a deep breath, and the two sections of Huayu tried to get a distance. Wei Xiao had guessed it, and moved forward first, just to neutralize his Huayu.

Yuan Ze: "It's okay." The blood cutting and the general attack attacked Wei Xiao at the same time. This wave of damage was smashed, and the mad thief got half blood.

Wei Xiao didn't hide, calm and crazy, staring straight at Gary.

There is nothing to hide, the second skill of Time and Space Knight went out, and the shield fell from the sky, covering the mad thief.

Defensively cuts back to injury, one blocks the blood cut, and the other rebounds the general attack to the blood war.

The special effects suddenly started and the moment the time shield broke, Yuan Ze and Wei Xiao lost almost the same amount of blood!

The mad thief ignored the **** battle behind him, pulled his sickle back, and after pulling the blood thief, he pierced the flesh with a general attack.

Gary is also a veteran thief, of course he understands his moves: "Is it so painful!"

I cut the equipment panel and saw, everything, Wei Xiaocrazy really has you, the dignified jungler is not going out with a wild sword but with an iron sword.

Even though there are only 20 more attack points, in the early stage of this crispy skin like roast duck, two more attack points can burst the puff pastry and eat it in one bite!

Yuan Ze stayed silent and blocked Wei Xiao's retreat. This meant that he would be left behind.

Old G was alive and well. He had thought that Wei Xiao would turn against the wild when he went out, so he drove the second skill Huayu, which is flexible, but there is no damage, and it is not as strong as the first skill.

I thought that I could run away madly, but Wei Xiao was so excessive that he didn't need a wild sword to kill people!

system notification--

FTW.Quiet killed L&P.Gary!

Wei Xiao likes to mention a blood!

The voice of Brother Narrator Mouth was raised high, it was so full of hype, and Ou Xingxing also had his eyes shining. Although he couldn't grab the words, his expression was already full of admiration and excitement.

I was originally a fan of the master, and this will make me want to spit a rainbow and build a rainbow bridge for the master!

Wei Xiao is indeed a show.

Know who he is facing.

Last year's team runner-up wild king, last year's singles runner-up, one of the pillars of the new generation.

It is not G old, but G god.

In the match point game, the inferior side invaded the wild area and scored a blood. Let alone, Wei Xiao's wave definitely increased the morale of the team.

He boiled the blood of his teammates with practical actions!

Old G fell to the ground, but Yuan Ze did not intend to let Wei Xiao go.

Lost a blood, but Wei Xiao didn't even think of fleeing the wild area.

Yuan Ze settled down, the skill CD ended, and the blood slashed towards Wei Xiao. Between the lightning and flint, the shield of time and space fell on Wei Xiao's head again.

Because a person's head was accounted for, the second-level Wei Xiao didn't intend to retreat. He stared at the silver-white Shidun and flew his sickle towards Yuanze.

The commentator was shocked: "Do you want to double kill?" This is really a fairy start!

Moreover, it was Yuan Ze and Gary who killed L&P's arms!

Yuan Ze's eyes were sharp, and only one glance showed that Lu Feng was familiar with the Space-Time Knights.

His throat looked like a thorn, he couldn't pull it out and couldn't swallow it, and his throat hurt.

Close Why is a time knight?

Did you practice only recently?


L&P has been almost inseparable from FTW recently. How can Close have time to practice this...


If you don't understand Close, Yuan Ze doesn't need to be so shocked.

It is because he knows some of his habits that he will...

It won't be three years ago.

It must not have been three years ago.

Really isn't it...

Yuan Ze knows that Close will practice the talents that his teammates are good at in order to cooperate with his teammates.

The so-called copy is all lonely sweat.

The time and space shield is exquisitely switched, the defense and anti-injury are used to the extreme, while resisting damage, it also cherishes all the opportunities for output, and strives to suppress the Yuanze blood line.

Yuan Ze didn't move the time knight, only staring at Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao's blood volume plummeted, but he said, "Teacher Yuan is angry because I killed his baby G?"

Thanks to Gary couldn't hear FTW's team voice, he was so angry that he fainted.

What and what!

I'm a **** big baby too!


Old G's focus is also to catch something.

Speaking very slowly, it was actually very fast, and it was only five or six seconds before the mad thief and the blood battle were seriously injured.

Yuan Ze is more sophisticated after all, he must take Wei Xiaomad away to kill with his backhand.

Wei Xiao fell to the ground but didn't panic, because he saw the landmine above the **** battle.

Yuan Ze killed Wei Xiao.

He was badly injured by the black blood and stood motionless.

The time knight did not move either.

The two of them are separated by a bush, as if staring at one and one second.

With a bang.

The mine exploded, and the system announcement sounded soon after--

FTW.Close kills L&P.Marshal!

FTW exchanged two, and also took a blood and red father, blood is not a loss!

The space-time knight's early output was low, and Close did not continue to go against the wild, but went on the road without stopping to stabilize the line.

He was killed in the early stage and resurrected very quickly, but in a few seconds Wei Xiao had already returned to his own wild area and started the first round of raids.

The director put more shots on the road.

The space-time knight obviously couldn't do a **** fight on the line. Yuan Ze didn't know what medicine he took, and he was very fierce. The silent appearance, the black eyes staring at the screen, even the left ear The championship earrings are three points cold.

Old G didn't dare to show up. At this moment, he seemed to dream back to two years ago, returning to the season of holding a sigh of breath and winning the world championship anyway.

Not to mention teammates, even the audience can see it.

"Yuan Ze is so murderous."

"Fuck, it's really a little bit of affection, knowing that Lulu's early weakness, the air rider is so bullying!"

"The little madman is going to save the captain, your captain is going to be bullied by the old thief and cry!"

Wei Xiao didn't go much on the road. When facing the space-time knight who was "violently beaten" by Yuan Ze, he chose to set the fire on the middle and lower road.

It's not that he doesn't want to go, but Lu Feng said, "No need to come."

So Wei Xiao didn't go.

Only Lu Feng and Yuan Ze were on the road.

The space-time knight exuding a faint silver light was beaten back steadily by the bloodthirsty warrior with scarlet eyes.

The line was lost and the blood was consumed. Although it was not killed, it was unilateral.

It's rare for Gary not to go on the road to support it, not because he didn't want to go, but Yuanze didn't let him go.

Whether it is because Yuanze wants to Solo with Lu Feng so that Gary is not allowed to go up, or is it because L&P's mid-bottom road is caught by Wei Xiao and needs Gary's support to prevent him from going, I don't know.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes……

Yuan Ze killed the time knight, and the blood of the defense tower on the road was worn out by a quarter.

The audience began to be frightened, nervous and afraid, and began to dare not watch.

Although the bottom road in FTW is blooming steadily, and the rhythm of the mad thief can fly, but on the road...

Indestructible on the road, on the road that no one can match, Close, which no one can fight against, was beaten to the limit!

Even if he knew that it was talent restraint, even if he knew that Yuanze's firepower was full, even if he knew that the Space Knight without teammates was useless, he still worried.

I don't want to see this scene, it's uncomfortable and wronged.

The hardest thing to watch is not the fans, but Kim Sung Hyun.

Knowing everything, he indulged and stood in the canyon, as if returning to three years ago: seeing that door, Yuanze in the door, Lu Feng outside the door, the same time-space knight.

His eyes were red, and he was glad that he wore glasses, a mask, and a peaked cap.

FTW broke the tower on the road, and Yuan Ze closed his eyes and said, "Gary."

Old G: "Received!"

L&P's conventional routines, hit the road, tear the gap, and end the game!

Yuan Ze left the top lane and started targeting other lanes.

At the same time, Lu Feng whispered: "Change way."

Yue Wenle responded: "Okay!"

When Yuan Ze arrived in the middle and threw a set of skills to the fairy warlock, Wei Xiao's sickle flew over, and at the same time his auxiliary medicine warlock and his captain time knight landed on the ground.

4V4 in the middle, without even a slight pause, the firepower of both sides is full!

The attack special effects of the blood thief battle are very similar. The former is full of crow feathers, drawing blood wherever they go; the latter is hostile, bright red blood, dark red knife, and hot blood flowing!

The clouds and mists of the fairy warlock were tumbling, the spirit method was surrounded by blue spiritual lights, the totem of the elemental shaman was everywhere, and the medicine warlock danced on the wire rope carrying a huge amount of damage...

There are also mad thief, flamboyant red hair, snow-white face, bright red mouth raised, bloodthirsty sickle locked the prey!

Skills fly over, damage and explode.

The ever-changing battle is dizzying!

The blood war and the blood thief opened up at the same time, and the immunity and high blood sucking resisted the celestial cloud of the fairy warlock!

The medicine warlock moves accurately, avoiding damage while changing the output to treatment, maintaining the blood of his teammates!

The elemental shaman madly adds totems to his teammates, attacking speed and healing, but it is too late to rub the resurrection totem, but it's okay, give enough damage, and the team battle can win!

L&P's damage is indeed enough!

When the crow feather fell to the ground, after a shock, a set of strong spiritual control provoked three people, accompanied by **** battles and three enhanced basic attacks, hurting the place and exploding, the medicine warlock skills were completely empty, and they were unable to return blood!

Did the FTW four fall down?


They are only bloody, they have tended to be seriously injured, but they have not fallen!

There was another crisp ticking sound.

It was a whisper from the hour hand to the end, and it was the last two seconds to look back.

No words, no sound, no need to say anything.

At this moment, the skill returned to the fairy warlock two minutes ago. The sage of the madman locked the three opposite people at the same time. The skills of the medicine warlock were all activated, and the overwhelming green light enveloped the teammates, causing them to be seriously injured. Return to a healthy light red.

It was not FTW that exploded, but L&P!

The time and space knight's ultimate move gives FTW the perfect match at the most essential moment!

The venue exploded, the live broadcast room went crazy, and the old fans burst into tears.

Who said Close can’t cooperate?

Who said Close has no teammates?

Who says FTW only has Close?

Do not!

FTW has long been reborn!

The fallen Yuan Ze was stunned.

The time knight on the screen is very strange, and Close is also very strange.

But inexplicably familiar, very, very familiar.

"We weren't fit to be teammates, it's good to be opponents, and I wanted to fight you a long time ago."

——I'm sorry I can't be your teammate. I'm sorry I can't accompany you in the double match. I'm sorry for the 18-year-old Triple Crown.


——It's okay.

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