Chapter 250 Table of contents

The three words deciding game itself have natural stimuli.

In the BO5 game, hitting the fifth game is a great test for the players, whether it is physical strength, concentration, mental strength, or even psychological endurance.

With the BP link in each round, there is a full hour, and after four rounds, including the rest time, it has been four and a half hours!

At this time, we are faced with the final moment of decisive victory, the key to victory, whether to continue the battle or leave the field alone...

Multiple physical and mental pressures are enough to crush people.

Not to mention that this is still the overall BP model. If the spirit is a little lax, it is a big difference, let alone the players, even the coaches are nervous, for fear of leaving them regrets.

The commentator took advantage of the gap to drink water to moisturize his throat, and then he spoke a little bit hoarse. Ou Xing sat on this small bench for five hours, and his waist was sore.

The chairs of professional players are relatively comfortable, but in this kind of game, the tension of the body runs from beginning to end and it is difficult to relax.

The spectators who watched the game eagerly were also very nervous: "It's a tiebreaker, and it's too **** wrong to lose!"

"Who wronged, FTW or L&P? Lu Feng or Yuanze?"

"Sisters talk as soon as they talk, what kind of knife should you send!"

The whole world is panicking, but the players who should have been exhausted on the field are all in good spirits.

FTW just won the next round and played with blood and high spirits. It is estimated that the four little ones above have forgotten that this is the decisive round and that this is the last battle in a few days.

When L&P lost the fourth game, he was obviously stunned for a while, and he didn't know what the team had communicated. It would all sit up straight, and his attitude was even more serious than the previous four games.

The commentator doesn't dare to talk about L&P, but the audience also has an objective evaluation: "This is the style of a strong team, the more frustrated, the more courageous, and the next generation can be driven to desperation, but can cheer up and go all out!"

Of course, the sprayers are indispensable: "Hehe, go all out? I was forced to go all out by the FTW who was kneeling in the finals last year? L&P can reflect on myself, the storm has changed into this, it is better to go back to herd and milk!"

In countless people's synchronized breathing, BP began.

It's already the fifth game, and there is no reservation at all, and no choice. The decisive game is not a battle of freedom, but it has the taste of freedom.

The Ban position was released, and there was no way to fight for the choice position. Fortunately, they both kept a hand, and now they have been able to draw out strong enough talent.

When the lineup was given, the audience was also ignited.

Look at FTW: Death Knight, Shadow Thief, Spirit Wood Wizard, Elemental Shaman, Musket Gunner.

Double-darkness and double-spirit (spiritual and flexible musket gunner) and a TO-level auxiliary element shaman, this is the rhythm of the explosion!

L&P is not too much: Berserker, Hidden Thief, Fairy Warlock, Holy Priest, Hunter in the Rain.

The Kuangyin combination can open and close together to start the group, and it can also stabbing the knife behind to make a sneak attack. It is the only classic Ueno combination of L&P; the fairy warlock and the rain hunt are the C-level Tianxiu CP, a cloud flying in the sky, a rain in the sky Shows are all dizzying fairy talents!

Finally, add a holy priest of Mo, who can milk, control his appearance and fight (bushi), and the lineup is perfect!

It is difficult for ordinary viewers to calculate what talents they have used, and they think they will be stretched in the last game-if the decisive game is a rookie, then fans can not only kill the coach but also give the committee to the competition. autistic.

What kind of stupid competition system, let people watch the game!

Facts have proved that the coaches are awesome, and the competition committee has not underestimated the players.

The talent pool is full of tricks, and the five games are not the same, it looks more exciting.

When it comes to the deciding game, taking out the stock at the bottom of the box is indeed going all out!

The commentator mouth brother was a little excited: "Death Cavaliers are fighting madly, and some hit the road in this round!"

Ou Xing smiled: "I heard that Close's death knight was brought out by Marshal."

Brother Zui is also an old fan: "It is indeed the team of gods that has opened up a new path of death knight jungler."

The death knight belongs to a relatively early talent. It has been used as a top road before. Later, Close was used as a jungler during the time of the Gods team, opening up new possibilities.

No one knows why Close would want to use the death knight to play wild. At first everyone thought it was the team of gods who were arrogant and didn’t treat their opponents as human beings. Then the opponent was beaten into dogs. They changed their tone and thought that Close liked the death knight. Talent, so it is used for jungle.

Do you like the talent of death knight?

Maybe he likes the unit.

The commentator added: "Speaking of which, the double-dark combination was also formed in FTW."

The Ueno double-darkness that was once popular all over the world is not the current Motoze and Gary, but the former Marshal and Close.

Yuan Ze has his own double darkness.

Close also has its own double darkness.

In the third round, Yuanze and Gary won. In the fifth round, what answer will Close and Wei Xiao hand over?

Everyone is looking forward to it!

At the end of the game loading, the camera gave a panoramic view. Ten heroes turned into ten lights and fell under their respective springs. Lu Feng’s death knight pierced the skin of the night dead, and Wei Xiao’s shadow thieves pierced the legend of the necromancer. skin.

CP fans screamed, although the official did not give it, but in private everyone knows this is for CP skin!

There is a dark night in the death knight, and a knight in the dark night, and even the skin names are complete sets.

The official secretly rubbed, the players were shining brightly, and the CP fans liked to run all the way, and the panic of the deciding game was alleviated a lot.

The night dead and the necromancer have a small easter egg, they will say a few words when they appear in the same lineup and beside each other.

Dark Night Dead: "My Dark Night."

Necromancer: "In the name of a knight."

The two at the same time: "Defend the territory!"

The director was messing up to the end, and the close-up showed the two heroes. The hero's low voice sounded, and the venue screamed again and again.

Regardless, even if the big and small demon kings kneel in this round, this beautiful CP is still locked tightly, and the keys are thrown into the Pacific Rift Valley to feed the lantern fish!

it has started!

Accompanied by the tense atmosphere is the system sound prompt: the whole army strikes!

Death Knight and Kuangzhan arrived on the road almost at the same time. Neither of them helped their wild king against the wild this time, but went online for the first time like never before.

At the same time, Ning Zhehan and VIVI met in the middle, and the bottom duo also met. The overall vision was sufficient, and everyone had a bottom line.

As for the two wild kings...

There is a similarity between the hidden thief and the hidden thief, that is, both are invisible.

However, the stealth thief’s invisibility is stronger and there is no time limit. As long as he is not attacked and not attacked by others, he will not be released.

The thief’s invisibility has a time limit, but his invisibility is more for skill combos. Under the effect of invisibility, it is easier to back attacks. Back attacks must make a critical attack. Coupled with enhanced basic attacks, it is easy to hit a set of bursts.

The invisibility of the former is more fascinating, while the invisibility of the latter almost means entering into combat form.

Based on Wei Xiao's knowledge of Gary, he took the reclusive thief and didn't go against the wild. Old G might as well change his name to G Guy.

Note, it's not as simple as writing it backwards.

As Wei Xiao expected, his red father hit halfway, and a dark blade hit him, only at his waist.

Wei Xiao always pays attention to the minimap, of course he knows the enemy's movements: Yuanze is on the top road, Mo is on the bottom road, and the middle road VIVI has exposed his vision when clearing the line, so...

Old G only has himself!

He thought a lot in his mind, but his actions were faster than his thoughts! Hidden the Dark Blade sideways, attacked accurately after hiding into the night, pierced the stealth thief's invisibility, and hit a crit at the same time!

This operation is absolutely stunning, even from the perspective of God.

You must know that even from the perspective of God, what the audience sees is only the phantom of the reclusive thief. The phantom is almost covered in the grass, and you can't see it without staring. Wei Xiao can't see anything here. You can only look at the air, and you can accurately attack this. How can it be done?

The commentator gave the answer: "Queit is based on the direction of the hidden thief's dark blade. Although Gary has a fast hand, and immediately hides after the knife, with Wei Xiao's dynamic vision, he must have captured the position, plus predicting the direction. Bit, so an accurate hit!"

It's okay not to explain, the audience is even more stunned: not the same, we are really different from Wei Xiaocra! He deserves to win the national championship in the first year of his debut and become famous in the global competition!

Old G didn’t panic. Since he moved into FTW, he had spent time with Wei Xiao Solo. He knew that this was a routine operation for Xiao Crazy, and he was prepared for it. Although he suffered a back attack, the recluse did not retreat. Slashed hard at the thief's throat.

The damage is different depending on the hit position. The waist and throat are fatal. Even if it is not a critical strike, there will be high-volume lacerations.

Wei Xiao's eyes did not blink, and the imprint was stacked on the hidden thief's head, and the shadowy attacks were connected.

There is a fight here, the Red Papa, Stone Man, Three Wolf Monsters and Five Little Bears are not as valuable as the blood in front of them!

The audience could see it, but the director suddenly cut a quad.

Audience: "Eh...what are you doing...stupid director, fucking..."

Silence every minute, you can't scold you anymore. Such a fairy director will give you another shot. Thank you!

The director really did not deliberately cut through such an exciting battle, but the whole situation has a wonderful game!

More than just fighting in the wild area, all the battles on the line started a prairie fire, but only the first-level players played a devastating weather situation.

The elemental shaman of Baicai on the bottom of the road made the audience shine: "Yes, for nothing, turn over the salted fish to show Yuansa!"

The elemental shaman's operation is very high, no less than some C-bit talents, and it can make people scalp numb when showing up.

The little white hand of Bai Cai slashed and pulled on the keyboard. It looked like a dish.

In fact, he has always been micro-manipulation, conscious and instinct, and hardworking, but he is not confident.

In his early years in the youth training camp, Lao Bai was also one of the best players, but unfortunately he didn't believe in himself, and he played poorly with his teammates and couldn't get results.

There is no such thing as Solo in the support position. If you can't get results in the team competition, then it's hard work.

Wei Xiao gave him a glance and dragged him into the group.

They singled out the second team of major clubs. After becoming famous, Cai Ge's new generation **** auxiliary status was also implemented.

Now going around and around, winning two domestic championships, under the strong buff of the big devil and the little lunatic, Cai Ge finally gained confidence.

Yuan Sa is like that, I can use it too!

Bai Cai and Yue Bunle, the bottom road combination, actually steadily resisted the top bottom assistants of Mo and A. Not to mention the domestic audience, the Internet was also surprised.

"Are they so strong? Didn't they collapse in the global game last year?"

"The game collapsed, but the people did not collapse. This is also capable!"

"This year's FTW is really different...Is the newcomer so motivated?"

"Look at that jungler, what did Gary look like? Isn't he strong?"

"The middle road is also very beautiful! This grandma has something in gray!"

The mid lane is also very hot. VIVI is a peaceful mid laner, usually holding the mid lane, waiting for the jungler Gank, and rarely fights like this with the opponent. Now...

I don't know if Ning Zhe was so angry, or the veteran was inspired by the **** nature. Today, this posture obviously needs to be tuned to teach newcomers.

Under the tutelage of Wei Xiao and Yue Ye, Xiao Ningzi has long been developed clearly.

Solo? I'm not afraid anymore.

Want to use momentum to pressure people? The more pressure the more courage to understand!

Unexpectedly, it was the middle lane that broke out first.

Ning Zhehan's Lingmu Mage single-killed VIVI's fairy warlock, and the system announcement caused an uproar in the audience.

Although Lingfa does have an advantage in playing the fairy warlock before the sixth level, it is VIVI, but the champion team mid laner, Xiao Ningzi, a newcomer who just made his debut, took a blood of VIVI in the deciding game?

Let alone the audience, VIVI feels like a dream.


Bot A always points to death: "Be careful."

Before Cai Ge died, an attack speed totem was given to Yue Wenle, and Yue Wenle shot after shot, and swept half the blood of AA. If Mo blocked the bullet in time, AA would die!

Knowing that no one would come to Gank, Yue Wenle directly shifted his face from his second skill and clicked on Mo's face.

The musket gunner’s basic attack damage has a distance bonus, and the closer it is, the higher the damage. Such a face-to-face output, the **** and animal husbandry is not very talented, and it instantly bottoms out.

AA took a deep breath, and the rain arrow flew towards Yue Wenle. Yue Wenle took away Mo with the damage, and another bullet hit Yuhun.

AA: "..."

Fuck the back wave, the front wave is very angry!

Yue Wenle still failed to kill the agile Rain Hunter, but it forced A to be unable to defend the tower, and it was very profitable for him to wear out a quarter.

The middle and bottom lanes all produced results, but the field duo who started the battle first broke up.

The hidden thief and the dark thief exchanged a round, and the blood volume dropped to half blood. I thought they were going to fight to death and death. Who knows that Gary slipped away in hiding, and Wei Xiao did not chase him, turning around and brushing the wild for a while. No waste.

The real highlight is on the road.

The death knight and the berserker who came to the second level after clearing a wave of troops have been fighting for hundreds of rounds.

If this is a martial arts movie, the two are masters, and the details are full of details. People can't wait for 0.5 times to slow down, take a good look at what they have done!

A death knight without a big move is supposed to be a berserker.

Regardless of the fact that the death knight has dual forms, the talent of dual forms in the glory is not necessarily strong, and eight skills may not be able to beat four skills.

Under the balance mechanism, if the players' abilities are almost the same, as long as the talents that are not particularly suppressed collide, they will definitely play a difficult situation.

Just like the current death knight and mad fighting.

The heavy sword form of the death cavalry body enchanted armor, the blade oozes black energy, and the undead form of the face mask is a pale jaw. It is not in the form of a skeleton, but it is still full of death, as if to drag everything around it into the abyss hell.

The berserker’s weapon is one-shot and one-axe. This is a talent that male players love very much, because it is cool and strong enough, and the skills impact is cool, even if you can't kill people, you will be refreshed by this bold and sharp pleasure!

The heavy armor's death knight moves slowly, and the berserker's burly posture is slightly clumsy, but these two talents are used smoothly and naturally in the hands of Lu Feng and Yuan Ze.

The long sword sanctions, and the swept away evil spirits engulf the undead tiger roar; drastically, the dust from the ground covers the sky and the sun!

The skills of the two are just right, they can change their blood if they can't hide, and they won't let their opponents make even moves when they are accused. Similar talents, similar output mechanism, the blood volume of the two is measured like a measuring cup, if I drop one, you will lose one.

The narrator quickly set his sights on the road, speaking quickly on the countless details he saw.

The audience listened very carefully, dazzled and unconsciously sighed.

The former is easy to say, this special effect and hand speed are not dazzling; it is normal to not know that it is normal, and the talent will be used, so I really don't understand how to play this effect.

As for the regretful sigh...

It's not that I regret goodbye, but the singles that have been in the past few years.

If Yuanze participated, it would be so exciting!

The former Solo King and the current Solo King!

What did their solo match look like!

It wasn't that Gary looked down upon, but the old G had to accept Yuanze's single-handed ability.

Fortunately, this year's single Sai Yuanze signed up.

Not enough here, the global singles scene can be refreshing!

In the first wave of head-to-head, the result was that the top road ended up at the same time. Ning Zhehan liked to raise a blood in the middle, and the bottom road assisted the exchange. The wild kings rushed the most fiercely and withdrew the fastest, and they were smooth and stable.

It seems that FTW has the advantage, but VIVI, who is resurrected to the middle road, has a set of skills to go straight to the spirit wood mage, and take the grandma's life between the lightning and flint.

A large film in the live broadcast room: "66666..."

Obviously the local players were brutally killed, but the audience was all overjoyed, no matter which side it was or which team it was, even the grievances in the competition area were let go.

Strong is strong, Xiucheng deserves applause and applause!

Xiao Ningzi took a deep breath: "I really want to anger Mr. V."

Very untimely, a line of words floated in the head of Cai Ge's Gua Di-Domineering V's grandma, the little fugitive wife-Fuck, what the hell, brainwashing after the game, Lao Bai!

Grandma Ash really irritated Mr. V, but Grandma Ash did not seduce him at all, she became more brave as she fought, and said excitedly: "No loss, I got a blood!"

A blood cost more than one hundred dollars, Xiao Ningzi who fell to the ground stood proud.

Regardless of winning or losing, this team's voice was cut out for Rongguang Fried Maiwang, and all FTW members did not run away.

Oh, the big heart is insulting, this **** really has a heart!

Swearing in the tone of Coach Chenfeng is--

A group of heartless boys, do you know that this is a tiebreaker, do you know this is a knockout, do you know that if you lose, you will stop in the quarterfinals!

I don’t know or don’t know, it’s over, no matter what year it is this eve, it’s all done!

All members of Level 6 have reached a new node, and Wei Xiao knows the movements of old G with his eyes closed.

This kid must go straight to the road after clearing the red zone, and whether he is in Solo or not, he will go to Ueno Linkage.

Will Wei Xiao let him go?

Want to be beautiful.

Old G touched the river and saw the exclamation mark above his head when he was invisible. He took a breath: "Little crazy is coming."

Yuan Ze: "Stop him."

Gary hasn't agreed yet, Wei Xiao already has a set of skills flying on his head.

Stop him? I don't know who stopped who!

When Gary saw Wei Xiao's posture, he wouldn't understand. This kid started his shadow attack, and the arc light was accumulating power.

Although the eight arcs of level six won't stop him in seconds, what if the kid has nine arcs?

The crispy skin that hurts the hidden thief is too much to eat!

Old G immediately moved away from him, avoiding the core output.

Wei Xiao set the shelf well and didn't have any problems with his hands. Even the audience felt that he was going to be arcing, and they regretted him in advance. This is an empty arc that can't hurt old G, a slippery hidden thief. In the concealed state, there is still no injury. Running so far away, let alone the eight, the nine can at most scratch him at the edge, and it can make old G half blood.

Next second...

A large slumber sounded.

If the commentary were not for professionalism, I would also like to fuck.

Yuan Ze: "……………………"

Yuan Ze gritted his teeth: "Wei Xiaomad, you are done!"

system notification--

FTW.Quiet killed L&P.Marshal!

After setting up his posture and expelling Gary, Wei Xiao stopped talking about the Nine Arc Light. He didn't use the Arc Light at all. He insidiously attacked even the monsters and went straight to the road.

The two people who Solo couldn't talk to each other belched one because of the arc of the sky.

The arc is FTW, and of course Yuan Ze is dead.

In order to avoid Wei Xiao, a wave of Gary who was shifting to the middle of the road was stunned: "This...this..." This is different from what he said! ! !

Wei Xiao chuckled, "Soldiers are not tired of fraud."

He was still beeping softly in his heart, "Why do you always pester my boyfriend, elder thief!"

The game must be played, the head must be taken, and the vinegar must not be forgotten.


What do you want, this is a 5V5 team competition!

Besides, he hasn't been with Captain Solo for a long time, Yuanze, stand aside!

This wave of Wei Xiao's Sao operation blinded everyone's titanium alloy eyes.

Can we occasionally, almost, give a chance to be a man again!

The match was even more exciting after being stirred up by Wei Xiaofeng.

It was originally a three-line brutality, but now it has become a pool of muddy water.

Gary is also on fire. You arrest my captain and I will engage you in the middle.

Xiao Ningzi yelled: "Brother Xiao!"

Wei Xiao pressed the teleport and provided timely support. He didn't catch the old G who was concealing his whereabouts, but left the VIVI on the ground.

Gary felt tight in his chest and almost fainted out of breath: "Wei Xiao crazy, our beam is getting bigger!"

The two wild kings began to "go crazy" everywhere, and the audience didn't dare to blink their eyes, for fear that they would miss the wonderful moment with a mistake and regret for half their lives.

The barrage in the live broadcast room had to be shielded, and this overwhelming scream of passion blocked the entire screen strictly, and it was impossible to watch the game without shielding.

Wei Xiao and Gary were able to fly in rhythm, and the ten people's gorge was shocked by the excitement of corpses everywhere, and it was also embarrassing.

What's more terrible is that their teammates cooperated perfectly, everyone showed their talents to the fullest, everyone did what they could do to the extreme, and everyone faced equal opponents!

Go on the road to die and fight wildly.

Middle Road Spiritual Law and Fairy Warlock.

Xia Lu Yuan Saga shotgun gunner and Shenmu plus rain hunting.

The cheers of the audience never stopped after the recruitment was flying all over the sky, the special effects bombed the stage.

The outer tower on the road was broken at the same time, and the two teams started the Ueno linkage together.

Other people’s Ueno linkage is just a jungler to go on the road to support, crazily pressing on the road defense tower.

Their Ueno linkage is that Ueno moves together, wherever they go, they fight wherever they go, and when they meet each other, they fight, and they fight to death.

The two teams with ‘reckless’ attributes finally let go of their hands and feet after four rounds of fierce battle.

I don't think about anything anymore, I don't care about anything anymore, I put everything down.

There is only a canyon in his eyes, a game in his heart, and a victory in his head!

This is really exciting. The commentary has been hydrating several times. I can’t wait to wear my glasses to see more clearly and in more detail.

The headcount is the same, and the number of control towers is the same, even the economic gap is tight.

There is no gap!

After forty minutes of the fight, everyone bought the Resurrection A, and everyone entered a state of heyday, and it was still difficult to determine the outcome.

The game will always end.

There are always winners and losers in competition.

Comparable opponents will also compete.

When the Hurricane Dragon King roared in the canyon, everyone knew that the decisive moment had arrived.

It's the real decisive moment!

There is no hesitation, no need to think, follow instinct, trust in my countless day and night hard work, death knights and berserkers open the group at the same time, long swords soaring to the sky, violently shook the ground, as the vanguard fighters, they beat their teammates Opened a **** road!

Lianyun dances, spirit woods are flying around, a shuttle bullet bangs, raindrops all over the sky light up the sonata of war like musical notes!

Fall down and stand up.

Fall down again, stand up again!

The severely wounded blood bar couldn't stop the surging blood in the chest, the dark screen couldn't stop the dancing fingers, the faith of victory filled the narrow but infinite gorge of glory.

The hermit took away the exhausted spirit tree.

Kuangzhan cut off the gunner's head.

The elemental shaman wrote the totem of resurrection with his own life.

The death knight leaped off his horse, and his evil spirit rose from the soles of his feet, turning into a magic armor to envelop the sturdy horns, his long sword was swung out, and the three opponents instantly left blood.

The most beautiful melody is the quietest.

When the nine arcs that covered half of the screen fell, everyone forgot to blink, forgot to breathe, and forgot where they were.

The holographic projection sprinkled the arc light over half of the venue, more brilliant than fireworks, and more eye-catching than the bright moon. This is the infinite glory of the scorching sun!

The icy kill announcement sounded----

Bai Cai fell.

Mo fell down.

VIVI and AA fell.

Yuan Ze and Gary fell down.

Lu Feng and Wei Xiao also fell.

With the resurrection totem of the elemental shaman, standing FTW's C position-Lingmu Master Ning Zhehan and Shotgun Master Yue Wenle!

The crystal has not been exploded yet, the venue has exploded.

"Congratulations FTW, rushing to the top four in the world!"


Under the bullets of the musket gunner, the L&P crystal exploded.

Hearty and hearty game, extremely exciting duel.

Whether you win or lose, everyone fights to the last minute!

The most exciting game is not necessarily the finals, today's matchup will definitely be recorded in the history of glory!

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