Chapter 260 Table of contents

FTW has a good grasp of EVE's tactical system.

After entering the global game, the coaching staff never stopped, and they looked through every opponent they might encounter.

The previous games, the current state, the characteristics of each player, and the analysis report were piled up. Wei Xiaocras, who was not human, was stunned when he saw it.

I won’t mention how many days and nights Brother Chenfengtang has spent to extract the essence.

Therefore, they were psychologically prepared for the explosive rhythm of EVE after Xiao Ningzi fell.

Even if you are prepared, it is still a bit daunting to actually match up.

After finally clearing the wild area, Cai Ge breathed a sigh of relief. Who knew that a thin cloud fell from the sky, and his back was cold: "What the hell..."

Wei Xiao: "..."

Brother Cai reacted fast enough to stab the way, and Wei Xiao also threw his soul blade. This speed of reaction should not be a problem with retreat and thank you. Who knows...Lianyun-style rushes toward his face, and the clouds spread straight from the grass to the vegetables. Under my feet, the ground thorns were so full that the fairy warlock could find a gap and slip in!

Wei Xiao's black eyes are bright, and his thin lips are slightly curved: "Awesome."

Really powerful, more than avoiding the ground thorn, but also avoiding Wei Xiao's soul blade!

The Soul Warlock's soul blade is a range attack. This arc Wei Xiao deliberately cooperates with Cai Ge's ground stab. The tacit understanding between the two is one of the few in the world. With such a sky and earth, the fairy warlock is like entering a man's land, straight towards Wei Xiao Pounced.

What is even more suffocating is that the fairy warlock is level six!

Wei Xiao is just in the fifth level, and Xie He in the middle is at the sixth level!

Ning Zhehan's blood gave him experience points, and it also meant that he didn't lose a single **** in the early stage, so that the crazy guy didn't even lose a pawn, and this micromanagement was also absolutely impossible.

In addition, the EVE jungler gave him a blue, so the fairy warlock can reach the sixth level.

What is the concept of a sixth-level fairy warlock?

The clouds that hit it all turned into deadly blades, and the cold light pierced the clouds, and the fairy warlocks who shuttled through them were assassins under the scorching sun, and took human lives in an open manner!

Cai Ge gritted his teeth and said: "I interrupt him, you retreat."

Wei Xiao glanced at the minimap, but said: "Don't come the old."

Can't fight, there is a Guangmu next to Xie He, waiting for the thousand layers of clouds to fall, a light locks the reinforcements, the early fairy warlocks only relying on Lianyun and Luoyun styles are enough to fight back successfully.

As for the retreat...

How can a spirituality pass the fairy warlock flying on the clouds.

A thousand layers of clouds rose, and Wei Xiao and Bai Cai's sights were obscured by the fog, and all they could see was the bloodline that plummeted crazily.

system notification--

EVE.xiehe killed FTW.Queit.

EVE.xiehe killed FTW.White.

EVE.xiehe double kill!

The system sound was higher than one sentence, and when the last double kill sounded, the audience couldn't help but applaud.

After yelling, he scratched his head in embarrassment: Cough, the local team is inferior, what a fart!

The commentator Xi Shangzui commented on Xie He’s operation objectively and neutrally. Although it is euphemistic, it translates to——

The glory of Dharma is well-deserved.

Even if Xie He didn't win the championship in three years, he couldn't hide the strength of this player!

Brother Zui knew that Yue Ye was Xie He's fan, and couldn't help but hand him: "Yue Ye feels like Xie He's operation?"

Moonlight's cold face: "Regular operation."

Brother Mouth: "..."

There was a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room, and Mo Youqian waved four red envelopes with a big hand: "Hey, Xiao Yueyue, say more."

Yueye: It is impossible to say more, we have to save the captain's pants-like this.

Xie He for regular operation put FTW all over.

In just one or two minutes, FTW is really terrible.

Xiao Ningzi couldn't resist thanks to the same economic situation. Now that the economic gap has opened up, it can only be a ghost.




Rongguang Fried Mai Wang: "Don't seal it, this is really a game recording!!!"

It stands to reason that the local competition area is hammered into such a **** shape. Fans have to swear and slam their heads against the screen. The strange thing is that fans from the live audience to the live broadcast room are very calm.

Not only not cursing, but also a little gloating.

People at the scene watched Wei Xiao's life and death, and the corners of his mouth were filled with fascinating smiles.

The live broadcast room is more direct and has tacitly played "Wei Xiaocrazy, You Have Today" all over the public screen.

Occasionally, a passerby clicks in and looks at the situation with a confused look: "Are you so proud? Your own team is about to be on the street and still smiling? How much hatred and resentment, is FTW the Chinese team or EVE is the Chinese team? ?"

The explanation is that the explanation is not clear. If there is no one million words, Wei Xiaocang's evil deeds are endless!

Of course, they are so happy, because they have seen the spirit system once.

Less than the sixth level, Tianda's advantage is just an advantage.

It's not too late to scold Wei Xiaomad at level 6.

EVE also knows this, so even though half of the canyon has been exploded by Xie He, they are not at all relaxed, always staring at the experience bar.

Control the dragon, oppose the wild, and suppress Close.

We must slow down Wei Xiao's progress. If we can fight for an extra second, EVE will have an extra chance of winning.

Over time, the audience couldn't laugh a little.

This rhythm...a bit procrastinated.

Wei Xiao was robbed too badly in this wild area.

Why is it so slow every second?

Why is Wei Xiao's experience bar less than Level 6!

The director gave out the economic panel at the right time. Everyone took a breath while looking at the fairy warlock's equipment and gold coins!


One thousand yuan more than Close, the highest FTW economy?

Wei Xiao is about to rank six, the fairy warlock is already rank eight?

The optimistic fans started to numb their scalp...

This economic difference is a bit scary.

Although the upper limit of the level is 18, but before reaching the level, it is crushing to death.

Poor grade means poor economy, but also means skill intensity.

If this continues, this fairy warlock will not be frowning even if he can beat three times!

The audience saw that the situation was not right, and Wei Xiao knew more clearly that his eyes had never left the economic panel, he was always paying attention to Xie He's economic situation and his own situation.

EVE is undoubtedly a strong team in the early stage, and their strength is very different from L&P.

L&P's strongest is Ueno. FTW's top road is stable enough, so you are not afraid of getting on the road.

EVE is not, they are strong in the middle, and they are the kind of strong strong.

A wandering middle is extremely scary.

No matter how the Ueno is linked, there are limitations, because the canyon is so big, the upper road wants to support the lower road, even if you click the teleport, there is a long cooling time.

The middle road is different. Highly mobile fairy warlocks can really appear anywhere on the map anytime, anywhere.

The middle road is the central axis of the canyon, whichever is the closest.

This is the strength of the Rongguang Dharma God, and the Nakanosuke linkage is the real battle.

Wei Xiao is at level six, and spiritual skills can finally possess his body, but at the moment this economy, he dare not act.

Double Melaleucas damage is worse than Xie and a Melaleuca, how can this be done?

If Xie and one beat two wins, then...

Wei Xiao took a breath and stabilized his emotions.

Today's battle was difficult. FTW started from eight to four. Every game and every small game was stepped on the rope, and it was difficult to move on the cliff.

Can't lose.

You can't even have this idea.

Stop is the abyss, you can only move forward.

Wei Xiao: "Brother Cai, Golden Dragon."

Bai Cai's pupils shrank sharply and his hands tremble a little: "Yes, can..."

Wei Xiao: "It must be done."

After that he shouted: "Captain."

Lu Feng: "Come on."

Miraculously, when Lu Feng's low voice rang in his ears, Wei Xiao calmed down.

He no longer stared at the economic panel, no longer looked at Xie He's movements unblinkingly, and no longer thought about what would happen in the next second.

Winning the Golden Dragon and regaining the economy and the right to the line is the only thing that must be done at the moment.

Can't drag on any longer, must disrupt EVE's rhythm, so that he can regain the dominance of the canyon.

Wei Xiao told Ning Zhehan a few words.

Ning Zhehan looked solemn: "I understand."

The commentary from God's perspective and the audience understood what Wei Xiao wanted to do.

Brother Mouth's voice trembled almost imperceptibly: "The Jinlong Pit side...EVE has eyes."

Those who watch the game can see the vision of both parties, and the optional hands cannot see, especially the expensive real eyes. Unless they have special skills, they will not know that they have exposed their vision unless they have special skills.

The FTW's ideas are easy to understand. They have too much economic fall, and they will definitely not be able to fight, so they have to risk a wave of dragon pits.

In case of winning the Golden Dragon, the team's economy and experience will be greatly improved, which will not only equalize the gap, but also boost the team's momentum!

The intention is good, but the risk is too high.

The golden dragon at this time is the battleground in the military book.

FTW is ambitious and wants it, how can EVE easily let them start.

To put it bluntly, EVE hasn't taken the Golden Dragon so far, and the most likely thing is to ask you to enter the urn.

Once FTW enters the Dragon Pit, it is even more difficult to get out alive.

What the audience understands, doesn't Wei Xiao, who made this decision, understand?


But you must fight.

Even if the team is destroyed in the middle of the game, there is still a chance to fight back. If it is delayed to the later stage, it will be powerless.

No matter how high the risk is, the best time is also.

Wei Xiao took a breath: "It's on."

Brother Cai, who pressed the teleport button, shook his finger.

The Soul Warlock arrived at the Dragon Pit, and his true eyes revealed his vision. The Fairy Warlock directly gave up the blue BUFF he was playing, went through the wall in a cloud-like manner, and doubled towards the Golden Dragon Pit.

There is no vision, and he has exposed his vision.

Wei Xiao had a clear heart, but he couldn't persuade him.

At this moment, he is the team's support and the team's rhythm controller.

There must be no panic, no chaos, no mistakes.

Ning Zhehan fell into the sky and smashed Xie He on the head. Goosebumps jumped on his body: "Stop it!" Fortunately, he did not humiliate his mission.

Wei Xiao: "Good!"

Even one second is enough.

"Brother Cai, Kailong."

Bai Cai pressed his beating heart: "Yes, it's open!"

At the same time, the shadow thief came down from the road and reached the Dragon Pit within a few steps.

Ning Zhehan was beaten to half blood by Xie He, and he yelled, "I can't hold it anymore."

Wei Xiao: "Let it go."

Xiao Ningzi retreated slippery, almost useless Melaleuca Cloud to escape.

For two seconds, he only held Xiehe for two seconds, but...enough!

The thief has marked EVE's jungler CC.

Wei Xiao possessed Lu Feng at the extreme distance, without saying a word, overlapping arcs.

At this moment the audience was excited and shouted: "Double Nine and Double Nine!"

Double Nine is impossible. This kind of pulling battle must save skills and overflow damage.

No need to communicate, Wei Xiao borrowed the skills Lu Feng gave him the pad, and brushed out the first nine arcs.

You won’t get tired of seeing the brilliant glow many times, especially under holographic projection.

The spectators who were a little panicked, their hearts returned to their place because of the arc landing, their expressions were calm.

Obviously there is no result yet, but as long as you see the big and small devil mates, you feel at ease.

Wei Xiaocrazy who is not afraid of heaven and earth.

No one can match the indestructible big devil.

These two are in the same frame, the world can be broken!

Wei Xiao brushed the CC to death with arc light cleanly, and the moment Lu Feng took the blood, he used up the teleportation in his hand, and instantly came to Ning Zhehan's side.

Xiao Ningzi breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll leave it to you."

He has been seriously injured, and if he consumes it, he will give the fairy warlock a head.

Wei Xiao agreed, and at the same time a soul blade flew towards the fairy warlock.

Between the lightning and flint, EVE assisted the fairy warlock and blocked Xie He.

Xie and his eyes didn't blink, facing the two newly released strongest Uenos, he didn't look afraid.

The clouds and mist were all over, and the thousand layers of clouds that had been pressed down from the sky fell from the sky, the mist enveloped all directions, and there was no trace of the fairy warlock, but it was accompanied by huge amounts of damage.

Wei Xiao refreshed the spiritual shield, trusting Lu Feng wholeheartedly: "Captain!"

Lu Feng: "Yeah."

Quiet voice, murderous arc.

Another nine-arc light is easy to start, no need to pad skills, no need to block control, it seems as if you just click the keyboard casually.

Melaleuca cloud and Nine Arc Light collided, the clouds and mist were mixed with Xiaguang, and the two of them were also immune to damage.


The upper limit of the Melaleuca Cloud is destined to be less than the nine arcs of the thief.

Guangmu's cage was interrupted by Wei Xiao's soul blade, and the thief wearing a spiritual shield stood at the end.

At the same time, another system announcement sounded.

FTW.White killed the golden dragon.

Brother Cai succeeded in stealing the dragon!

Explain that Brother Cai has to stand up. If he sits and talks, he must pat the table and stand up: "Pretty!"


Wealth and wealth are in danger, this wave of FTW withstands huge risks, taking three heads and taking down the golden dragon at the same time.

As the entire economy is soaring, Wei Xiao and Close are bursting with fat!

Xie He's head is too valuable, and Close became the highest economy in the game after killing him.

Wei Xiao also caught up. Although he couldn't get past Xiehe, with the current equipment, he could possess his body at will.

Whether it is Fairy Warlock or Rain Hunter, they all have the fighting power to compete with EVE.

An analyst in the live broadcast room was typing frantically, and analyzed the FTW's operation just now.

For example, Ning Zhehan stopped Xie and procrastinated for two seconds.

Another example is Wei Xiao's decisive CC, a strong spike.

Then there is Brother Cai’s "You fight as much as you want, but I only see the golden dragon".

Even Yue Bunraku interrupted EVE shooter Dunn's transmission and was circled.

This analysis is absolutely perfect, the highlights given are more essence than the explanation.

Mo Youqian lifted his waistcoat as he swiped the money: "Old Fu, how much money did you charge to send such a long barrage?"

Fu Li: "..."

A question mark on the barrage: Fuck? What the hell? This analysis is actually the Fu team?

Analyze Emperor: "Fool."

The two characters of the bunker, this ruthless tone of scolding Team Mo, is that Team Fu is right!

Two big guys airborne in the live broadcast room, the audience frantically recorded the screen, even more on top.

The canyon is changing rapidly. Once the FTW, which had been showing its decay, turned over, Wei Xiaofeng's flower butterfly danced.

Thanks to the soaring hostility, this little madman's madness could not be suppressed.

Xiao Ningzi, who had spurned most of the game, was exasperated. It was obvious that there was still a big gap between his own economy and Xie He, and it was obvious that the output of him and Wei Xiaojia together might not be as good as the Xie He protected by Guangmu.

But... if you lose, you don't lose. Xiao Ningzi is so courageous, he just wants to jump at the grave of thanksgiving.

Whether it’s dead or alive, it’s normal to be thanked and taken away. If you slip away, you can earn it. If you change one, you get the **** jackpot!

Xie He has always been a soft-hearted character.

Xiao Ningzi provoked him like this, he couldn't bear it, and he fought him in the middle in minutes.

Wei Xiaole said, "Brother Ning is fine."

The ridicule was full.

I'm afraid to thank you and avoid fighting.

Since you want to fight, do it to the end!

EVE was invited into the urn this time.

Play the momentum, grab back the rhythm, and the FTW that fights the blood is like a broken bamboo.

How aggrieved in the early stage, how irritable in the later stage.

Xie He, who is known worldwide for his irritability, also fell under their madness.

In the first game, FTW scored a point.

FTW's spiritual system played twice in the global competition, and the winning rate was 100%!

Looking at Victory in front of him, Cai Ge was still a little trembling: "It's dangerous."

His head was full of beads of sweat, and this dish was so scared that he wanted to get under the table.

Xiao Ningzi was very motivated: "We won!"

Wei Xiao said, "Ge Ning is awesome."

Ning Zhehan said modestly: "Brother Xiao led the flight."

Wei Xiao also became humble: "Where is Ning Tianxiu."

Ning Zhehan: "No matter how beautiful it is, Brother Xiao...Ouch..."

Chen Feng gave a horror and stared at them with his eyelids down: "I just won a round." The tail was up to the sky!

The business talk between the two little ones can be regarded as stopped.

Chen Feng raised his eyes and looked at the opposite side, and said in a low voice, "Stop the fairy warlock in the next round."

He understands that Xie He, other players will lose a game, he will explode the more he loses.

Especially when he was so embarrassed to lose, if he didn't find his place in the next game, then Xie Fugu could change his name.

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng said: "No."

Not only Chen Feng, everyone looked at Lu Feng with a little surprise.

Lu Feng added: "I can't help but the fairy warlock."

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