Chapter 292 Table of contents


Not being 3:0, not being eliminated, FTW has hope!

The advantages of home games are undoubtedly evident in the shouts of the audience!

After winning this third game, the audience off the court was even more excited than the players on the stage, and the emotional out of control even hugged each other and cried.

It was only 2:1, FTW only won one round, and every one after that was still a last-ditch fight, which was still extremely dangerous.

I understand the truth, but emotions cannot be restrained.

In the wild screams of the audience, the players waited for the intermission.

Taking off the headset, they got up one after another and walked backstage one after another.

There is a long and narrow aisle from the stadium to the lounge. The lights are very bright and not dark, but after many times, I feel that the road is very long.

It’s very long before the stage and very long during the break.

I am afraid that it has no end, and I am afraid that it is already an end.

In the old days, when walking on this road, Wei Xiao would make a few jokes, but today all five people were silent, and there were only footsteps.

The one walking in the front is Close. When he opened the door of the lounge, Wei Xiao whispered to him: "Captain."

Lu Feng's hand holding the door handle visibly stiffened: "Huh?"

Wei Xiao looked at him with a straightforward vision: "I have something to say to you."

Lu Feng loosened the door handle and turned around: "Come here."

Wei Xiao had something to say to him, and he also had something to say to Wei Xiao.

The conversation between the two fell into the three little ears, and Cai Ge's heart flicked. Only then did he notice the strangeness, and he was a little flustered-don't go wrong at this time!

Ning Zhehan and Yue Wenle looked at the captain and Wei Xiao. They didn't know what happened, but they felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Chenfeng in the room greeted everyone in, without looking at Wei Xiao and Lu Feng.

All he can do is hold the three little ones, trust Wei Xiao.

I believe this little madman can support Close!

There were many rooms in the logistics area of ​​the venue, and Lu Feng took Wei Xiao to a vacant room next door.

When the lights came on, Wei Xiao looked straight at Lu Feng and asked straightforwardly: "Who made the call before the game?"

In the three games, no one could see the difference between Quiet and Close, and no one thought there was any problem with their performance.

But it's just a calm sea level, and only they know how torrents are underneath.

In the face of Y1, what they need is not only normal performance, not error-free, what they need is extraordinary performance, is the consciousness of letting go and fighting back!

Only in this way can we hope to win the championship!

Lu Feng didn't want to hide it from him. He didn't say it just now, just because there was no chance: "Qing Lei."

Wei Xiao's pupils shrank. He had guessed it, but he could not suppress the anger that surged into his chest. He clenched his fist and cursed, "Fuck!"

The biggest joke in the world is that any kind of scum has the right to be a parent!

Wei Xiao suppressed his anger and asked, "What did she say?"

Lu Feng lowered his eyes and repeated Qing Lei's words in a tone that was so calm that there were no ups and downs.

Photos, public.

Destroy Wei Xiao's career.

Homosexuality is increasingly being viewed more objectively and rationally in today's society.

It will not be screaming and killing, and it will not be too paranoid, but it takes a long way to go before it can be regarded as a normal relationship.

E-sports players are a very special group. They are public figures. They also bear the ‘original sin’ that has existed since the birth of this industry.

-A group of bad kids who don't have a high degree of education, impulsively advance.

Internet addicted teenagers were played into obscurities, and many players laughed at themselves.

But self-deprecating is also mocking, and the prejudice never fades.

Over the years, the e-sports environment has become healthier and more recognized. What does it rely on?

It is a more standardized system and stricter management of players.

Live broadcast regulations, game regulations, rules before and after the game...

The organizers are cautious, the major clubs are strictly guarding against death, and the players are even more disciplined.

Countless people have worked together to create the e-sports industry that is now thriving.

Not to mention between the same sex, even normal male and female love, after being exposed, it will have a big impact on some players.

Of course, FTW does not care about these commercial impacts.

All Close cared about was the dirty water and abuse that spilled on Wei Xiao.

The largest audience in the gaming circle is still men.

A **** player is absolutely disgusting for them.

It feels uncomfortable to be an alien. When everyone mentions Wei Xiao, what they think of first is not his achievements, but his sexuality, which is the most intolerable for Close.

The competition committee does not clearly stipulate that homosexuals are not allowed to participate.

But once he is discredited by someone with a heart, and is tempted indiscriminately, how can Wei Xiao, who has just debuted for a year, bear it?

It was originally on the cusp of a storm, and had to face the rain of bullets.

Wei Xiao is only nineteen years old!

Close just thought about it, as if he had been stabbed.

"I'm not afraid."

Lu Feng was stunned.

Wei Xiao walked to him and shook his hand firmly: "Isn't it just coming out? Lao Tzu won the championship, and it's open to the world!"

Close lowered his head and saw Canruo Xingchen's beautiful eyes: "Little..."

Wei Xiao and his fingers intertwined, all on the face of firmness and persistence: "I like you, it doesn't matter to tell everyone."

Because of his two words, the knife in Close's chest oozes a little sweetness. His eyes are gentle, and his eyes are locked in the only treasure that belongs to him in the world:

"You just came back this year."

They missed it two years ago, and Wei Xiao gave up his career two years ago.

Now he is back, he has finally come to the present, finally started a new career, and is about to reach the top.

It's only half a year, one season, just when the sun is in full swing, how can Wei Xiao...

"What do you think I play for?" Wei Xiao asked Lu Feng back.

Lu Feng couldn't answer for a while.

Wei Xiao told him the answer directly: "In order to fight side by side with Close, in order to win the championship with Close, in order not to let the shadow thieves stand alone in the global arena!"

With a bang, what Lu Feng heard was his own heartbeat.

He looked at Wei Xiao blankly, unable to say a word.

Wei Xiao's eyes were red, and there was some water vapor in his eyes, but the pair of eyes reflected by the mist became brighter. His expression was firm and fearless, but his voice was utterly soft: "Captain, we said it."

They said they won the championship together, they said they were free together, and they said they trust each other.

What if it's made public?

What about being discriminated against and slandered?

Even if you can't play, what about retiring directly?

After winning three championships, Wei Xiao has achieved the goal that countless people have pursued in their entire lives.

The half-year career is short?

No, Wei Xiao's career is longer than that of the longest active player.

His achievements are unprecedented, and the glory he embraces is the most shining and dazzling!

If his career is destined to be short, then he chooses to live like a summer flower!

Lu Feng finally found his voice: "Okay."

"Captain!" Wei Xiao wiped away tears and hugged him hard: "Don't be afraid!"

These are two words that Lu Feng often tells him, and he will tell him this time.

Lu Feng hugged him and took a deep breath: "Yeah."

There is nothing to be afraid of. Soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and two people were there when the sky fell!

This time, Lu Feng really smelled the breath of freedom.

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