Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 17 Table of contents

Xie Chi was stunned for a moment, then recovered his calmness, leaning on the wall lazily, and left after the two police officers checked.

He still remembers the results of the previous investigation-those who were selected by the app disappeared for a while, and after reappearing in the public eye, either died bizarrely in just one day, or they got what they wanted.

Therefore, only by dying or fulfilling the promised wish to untie the app, can he return to the real world as a physical entity. During the transaction with the app, he can touch the real object and live normally, but he cannot be seen by the naked eye. Yan Jing may be able to see if he opens the Yin and Yang eyes he.

To put it bluntly, he is no different from a ghost now.

He can even create a "spiritual incident" to scare away the two policemen, but Xie Chi is not so boring.

A policeman searched and said: "You said what happened to the missing person Xie and his parents. The family is weird. You said his mother didn't care about him. Her son was missing. She was the first to report to the police; you said he Mom cares about him, but his parents have already immigrated abroad, leaving him in the country..."

"And the most amazing thing is that he asked how his mother found out that her son was missing. His mother couldn't tell, so she was sure that her son must be missing, and asked us to check it. There was no tension on her face. He didn't look like a mother. ...By the way, um, how can I say it, probably-I will tell you that my son is missing, you feel like you love to check."

"Yes, that's the feeling!" The other immediately echoed.

Xie Chi curled the corners of his lips slightly, and the bottom of his eyes was somewhat cool.

He didn't expect that his nominal mother would care if he was missing.

She can know that she is missing because he has... a positioning chip.

Xie Chi followed the distant memory and touched a place on his right shoulder. It was obviously smooth and warm, but there was a certain inherent cold mark.

Pets are easy to get lost and will make the owner sad, so the imprint exists to allow the owner to always find his pet the first time.

The woman must have found that she couldn't locate herself, so she called the police.

The two police officers left after searching to no avail. The mobile phone rang in the bedroom and Xie Chi went to pick it up.

Yan Jing sent several messages in the friend column:

Yan Jing: Thank you brother, congratulations, I just say you will do!

Yan Jing: We are soul bodies now, so exciting!

Xie Chi replied a few words, just about to turn off the phone screen, a message popped up——

[Your agent Zhou Tong invited you to his office. Do you agree? ]

Xie Chi wanted to meet that idiot, and clicked [Confirm].

In the next second, the scene in front of him began to twist and tear, and when Xie Chi opened his eyes again, he was already standing at an office door.

The transfer function of the app can still be used like this, Xie Chi smiled.

"Come in!" Zhou Tong's voice was filled with anger.

Xie Chi chuckled lightly and pushed the door in.

There were seven or eight people in the small office at this time. Zhou Tong was surrounded in the middle. He was a man with a bit of a vicious face. He was in his thirties. He was thin, with thin lips, small distance between eyes. Go up like a male white-collar worker.

A few people nearby secretly looked at the gentle man who came in, and his eyes were faintly unkind.

"Little Shen Yi is here." One person said with a strange air.

"230 points, Ren Shen Yingdi was only 210 back then, Brother Zhou, you haven't brought such an awesome newcomer before, so cherish it."

Zhou Tong sneered: "Little Shen Yi? You will really praise him."

Xie Chi glanced at the man coldly: "Don't call me Xiao Shen Yi."

Zhou Tong sarcastically: "Do you still know humility?"

Xie Chi smiled slightly: "No, he is 210, I am 230, I am better than him, it is obvious to all, so don't call my little Shen Yi to insult me ​​and thank you."

"Arrogant!" Zhou Tong was choked into anger, and the actors with the agent were all incredulous, suspecting that there was a problem with their ears.

Xie Chi's friendliness is only to meet social needs, but he is actually arrogant and narcissistic.

For him, if one thing is impossible, it is really impossible. Awe is a disillusion that transcends the possibility. He is not a continuation of other people's names, he is Xie Chi.

He couldn't ask for anything good, Zhou Tong threw a stack of contracts to Xie Chi, and said with a straight face: "You were here to apologize to me for the matter before, and then sign the contract, I don't care."

The eyes of the few people on the side suddenly showed strong jealousy. They knew what Zhou Tong was thinking about. Xie Chi's potential was obvious to all. He joined, and Zhou Tong's points will definitely be credited afterwards.

The relationship between the agent and the actor in the app is not bad compared to reality. The stronger the actor, the more accommodating the agent is. The weaker the actor, the stronger the agent is. Those who have a few hundred points less, don’t understand. If there are too many, they will usually be randomly assigned to bring them with agents. Accordingly, they have to pay points to please the agents in exchange for necessary information and help, so that the more knowledgeable agents can check and choose the horror movies that are more suitable for them.

The agent is also an actor. It is a sideline that the actor can choose to earn points after reaching a certain point. The level of the agent is generally one level higher than that of the actors, and it can indeed help lower-level actors.

With a few people's minds flashing, Xie Chi has roughly finished the contract and sneered.

He did not expect that Zhou Tong would still engage in a guild system. New actors who joined would have to pay 50% of the points to the guild in exchange for the recognition of the guild actors and Zhou Tong’s unilateral help.

Zhou Tong was instantly irritated when he heard the laugh, and stood up: "What do you mean?!"

Xie Chi shrugged and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I'm a bit...don't want to write off."

Xie Chi never thought of reconciliation, after all, a fool is not developed in a day, and he will continue to be a fool. These actors standing here, since they can "request for perfection" and pay 50% of their points to the guild, they will definitely not be able to help him.

As for Zhou Tong, perhaps he does have the experience he needs so much for the time being, but it is definitely not worth using his points to exchange.

Whoever cares about his points is to prevent him and his brother from meeting soon.

Xie Chi's eyes were cold.

The other actors were shocked by Xie Chi's choice, and could not speak for a long time, but Zhou Tong was trembling with anger: "You better think clearly! Don't **** do it!"

He was thinking about Xie Chi’s points before trying to reconcile, but if Xie Chi is disobedient, he will not be angry. Whatever he has potential, he has the means to strangle him in the cradle. He has seen too many talented newcomers die. In his infancy, Xie Chi just killed the most **** Zhou stew. I don’t know how many people here are better than Zhou stew.

Xie Chi chuckled: "I think it's clear to me, but you are the one who doesn't know how to promote it."

Xie Chi knew that it would be very troublesome to provoke Zhou Tong at present, but he was not affected by it, he was spoiled by his brother a long time ago. Anyway, there is no refund, an apology is impossible, and the points are not to be discussed, so you can only face the difficulties. This is as simple as that, and there is no other choice is the best choice.

Several actors have incredible faces. This man... is he crazy?

Xie Chi let go, and the dozen pages of contracts in his hand were scattered and falling. He walked out with one hand in his pocket, his back as thin and tall as a cedar.

Several people on the side watched Xie Chi disappear and couldn't help but said, "Brother Zhou, he takes himself too seriously, right?"

Zhou Tong patted the table and sat down angrily: "Before Zhou Yu's agent called and asked us to explain to Zhou Yu's death, I also gave 50 points to settle this matter!"

Zhou Tong got more angry. Xie Chi originally had 230 points. After signing the contract, he could get half of it, which is 115 points. No matter how it counts, he earned it. Now he has lost 50 points for nothing.

Someone tentatively said: "Then you are ready to..."

Some of them have acted in more than one horror film. They still have the title of white. They often don’t get the rewards of comprehensive evaluation. They suddenly saw a newcomer who was more dazzling than the movie king at the beginning, and felt very uncomfortable, wishing him offend others. Self-defeating.

Zhou Tong sneered, his gaze at the door was a bit cruel: "He asked for it."

It happened that he was going to go to a zombie horror movie with unobtrusive quality in three days. Although Xie Chi's title level is too low to enter this, the agent has special permissions to allow his actors to enter a higher quality horror movie.

By the time……

Zhou Tong stooped to pick up the contracts scattered on the ground and sneered.


At the same time, in the same building, another agent opened the door of the actor's lounge.

The decoration in the lounge is low-key and luxurious, and the tall man is facing the door with his back, attending to the flowers and plants at hand.

Shen Yi, who sits firmly on the app scoreboard for more than a year, is a well-deserved actor.

"Something?" Shen Yi turned his face sideways, frowning slightly, obviously disturbed by Yaxing, and his handsome face was full of impatience.

The agent stood up straight subconsciously: "There is a newcomer, I paid special attention to him, and he looks a little bit like you."

He said that he was conservative, and he added more words in his mind, more than a little bit of imagery, and the similarity was at least 30%, but the two temperaments were completely different, and the person looked more gentle.

"That..." The agent also mentioned that the person had brushed away Shen Yi's record.

Shen Yi interrupted him: "Have you been too idle lately?"

Not even interested in knowing that person's name.

The agent suddenly felt that he was troublesome and stupid, and even compared a newcomer who had just passed the novice book with the top1 of the app. Shen Yi didn't scold him and he was already a shame.

With so many newcomers, what is it to do with Shen Yi? It's just that it looks a bit like he happened to set Shen Yi's record, but what can the newbie film prove? Maybe it was good luck, but it was not luck that Shen Yi could climb to this position.

The agent instantly dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to pay attention to the newcomer.

If the app has one Shen Yi, there will be no second one.


Back in the bedroom again, Xie Chi opened the app and typed "how to change a broker" in the search box.

There are two answers found:

1. There is a chance to take the initiative to replace when the points reach 1000.

2. The agent died unexpectedly in a horror film. Note: The agent is also an actor, a sideline that the actor can choose when he reaches a certain point.

He may not reach 1,000 points in the short term. Xie Chi was a little helpless. He put down his cell phone and took a bath. Just after he came out of his pajamas, the cell phone on the table rang again. Xie Chi went to open the app.

[Congratulations on your completion of the novice compulsory film and officially became a qualified actor. Your wish realization plan has now been designed. ]

Wish realization plan?

Xie Chi realized what the word meant to express, clicked on the sent plan and glanced casually, and his hands began to tremble.

Actor Xie Chi's wish realization plan:

Your wish: Let Xie Xinglan get a body

There are two implementation schemes for app design:

Option 1: You can select the corpse owned by the app and let Xie Xinglan's soul inject into the corpse.

Step 1: Pick the body you are satisfied with.

Step 2: Divide the souls of you and Xie Xinglan.

Step 3: Inject Xie Xinglan's soul.

After step 3, you can choose to consume the points for a short time, or you can choose to redeem them forever after reaching the required points.

Corpse? The blue veins on Xie Chi's forehead jumped, his heart thumped a little fast, and he swept down quickly.

Option 2: You look for a painter to model, first construct the body, and inject Xie Xinglan's soul into the body when necessary.

Step 1: You will find a suitable artist, design Xie Xinglan and model.

Step 2: We will complete the manufacturing (we can guarantee 100% restoration, as long as the artist paints in place).

Step 3: Put the model Xie Xinglan into your app, you can split the soul into the model and let him come out when needed.

Same as above after step 3.

[You have completed the novice compulsory film, now you can proceed to step 1. ]

Xie Chi stayed where he was, and there was no movement for a long time. The surprise came so fast that he could not parry him for a while, and Xie Chi felt unrealistic for the first time.


He is a painter, although he paints horror paintings, but Xie Xinglan's appearance, he has imagined countless times since childhood.

Design Xie Xinglan...

Xie Chi couldn't even think about it.

The hands were shaking uncontrollably, and Xie Xinglan's low smile came from his mind suddenly: "Koike, if I might be—your tailor-made."

Xie Chi was stunned for a few seconds, rushed into the bathroom, rushed his face violently, lowered his head, and his hands on the faucet turned pale due to force.

Listening to the sound of the running water, Xie Chi gradually felt real and at ease. He slowly raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror in the white and soft light.

The man's eyebrows were soaked in water, his face was a little pale, and his tight lips were carefully raised a little arc, as if he was afraid that his dream would break if he laughed too presumptuously, and he woke up.

His elder brother, he drew it himself, it was his, tailor-made.

Xie Xinglan said warmly: "Koike, it's true."

He can only confirm over and over again.

After a long while, Xie Chi said "Uh" very softly.

The young man in his early twenties, like a child, rushed into the living room irrespective of his image, and ran out of spare easels and paints. The orange lights in the living room seemed warm on people.

Xie Chi adjusted the paint: "Brother, what do you want to be like?"

Xie Xinglan lazily said: "The way Koike likes it."

Xie Chi's gesture of lifting the pen paused, and the corners of his mouth hooked recklessly, and his tone was a little headstrong: "Then it's all as I like?"

"Yeah." Xie Xinglan chuckled lightly.

"No idea what kind of painting?"


When finally drawing to an indescribable position, Xie Xinglan still did not hold back his opinion: "Draw bigger."

Xie Chi: "..."

He was silent for two seconds, and said blankly: "I'm afraid I can't swallow it."

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