Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 141 Table of contents

[? ? ? He is Yu Yao. With Xie Chi's words, he thinks he can beat Yu Yao? ? ? ]

[No matter how awesome it is, the orange slices can also bring three orange pinnacle props! At most, one more talent is added. Yu Yao's top ghost control talent plus three props. Although almost invincible in the orange slice, it is not impossible to be defeated, right? ]

[? ? ? He is Yu Yao! ! ! Yi He Song is the younger brother than him! Sober ahead! This is Yu Yao with top physical quality and top skill! There is also a ghost with bursting power for him to control! ]

[Xie Chi wants to cool? ]

[I don’t think! Chi Chi will definitely do what he says! ! ! Yu Yao is still killing! ]

[Are Xie Chi fans so naive? Ha ha]

[Do you understand the plot and speak well? I don’t know don’t bb, I think Xie Chi has a big chance of winning, and Yu Yao really fell behind this time]

[Rising star kills the line? Dreaming ahead? moron]


The wilderness chuckled. He has his pride, not something a new star can provoke.

Yuan Ye took the shot, the speed is as fast as lightning, the skill is very vigorous, the movements are clearly trained, each move is powerful, his weakness is pretended, his physical strength is full, the state is full, and he was previously black. The appearance of the ghost fighting powerlessly is a disguise.

Xie Xinglan's gains were fully expanded, instead of retreating, he greeted him. He easily dismantled the seemingly flawless action in the field, and still had the power to predict his attack, avoided it in advance, and was unharmed.

The two of them passed a few simple moves, extremely fierce, the people outside were dazzled and frightened. Ren Ze watched intently for a few seconds, and breathed a sigh of relief. Xie Xinglan's skills were not lost to the wilderness, even more ingenious and flexible. If they were of the same level , Xie Xinglan must be better, but the wilderness is obviously deep, the body strengthens more, it is more resistant, stronger, and better.

After a tie with a new star, Yuanye couldn't help but stop entangled with him. He stepped back two steps, his mind moved slightly, driving the talent to manipulate ghosts.

A huge black shadow appeared quietly behind Xie Xinglan, the black shadow was as high as the field, hiding under the black robe, and extending a pale hand towards Xie Xinglan.

"Xie Chi be careful!!!" Ren Ze shouted silently.

The hand attacked too fast. Xie Xinglian's heart was scratched, and he stepped back a few steps to let go of his excess energy. The blood in his body began to pour, and his throat knot rolled for several rounds, reducing the sweet air pressure.

Wilderness sneered: "Just about this?"

"Come again." Xie Xinglian gritted his teeth, ignoring the strong smell of rust in his mouth, and raised his eyes slightly, his eyes burning.

Yuan Ye Ju condescendingly looked at him: "Have a backbone."

He responded with a more fierce blow in black.

The ghost in black has the same skill as the wilderness, but the speed is faster, so fast that it is almost indistinct, the movement is more crisp and clean, and there is no flaw at all, its power is amazing, it is a big punch, and it did not hit the person. It can also sink a hole in the white wall.

The earth and rocks loosened.

Xie Xinglan relied on his agile skill to avoid a deadly attack once, and retreated a large length. The black ghost chased wildly and instantly flashed in front of him, accumulating a blow, the action was too fast, Xie Xinglan was He flew, fell out, and hit the reception desk on the first floor with his back, a burst of glass shattering and something falling.

The mirror with the two letters "c" was broken in the fight!

Xie Xinglan rolled down from the reception desk, squeezing his hands tightly, almost crushing the wooden edge. He gasped with a big sigh, and he was so painful that he couldn't recover, looking at the broken glass on the ground, the bottom of his eyes But the light flashed.

[It's totally impossible to beat, just beaten, er, it looks so stifling]

[Yu Yao is handsome! ! Yao Yao is the most handsome in ghost control! ! I can see Yao Yao here, it’s worth it!]

[Chichi! ! ! What about ghost stars? ? Why not come out! ! ]

[All said that they are not capable of it]

The first floor of the small hospital was suddenly messy, the bench fell, the table turned over, and the white paper fell to the ground like snow, and the blood of Xie Xinglian was still stained on it.

Ren Ze's eyes were red, and he couldn't bear it anymore: "I'll help him!"

Ye Xiaoxiao immediately grabbed him: "Don't! Calm down!"

"My mother watched him beaten?!" Ren Ze wanted to shake her hand away.

Ye Xiaoxiao is Xie Chi's fan, but Xie Chi knows clearly, but excitedly: "You believe Xie Chi! He is Xie Chi! He doesn't do things that are not sure!"

The strength in Ren Ze's hands gradually loosened, yes, he is Xie Chi, he is currently being beaten, there must be his reason.

Caring is chaotic.

Ren Ze's neck was tight, and he stared at the battle intently. As long as Xie Chi's life is in danger, he must rush out the first time.

Three minutes later, Xie Xinglan's wounds were criss-crossed, and he was bathed in blood, looking at the wilderness, but neat and clean, high above.

"Do you still insist on living?" Yuan Ye mocked.

To be honest, it has been surprising for him to be able to persist for so long, but Xie Xinglian's physical strength is almost consumed, and the battle is almost over.

Xie Xinglan smiled unclearly and opened the app backpack.

There were more bottles of blue potion in his hand, Xie Xinglian pulled out the stopper, and looked up and poured it.

[HN! ! ! Yeah, why did I forget my memory]

[Hope! ! He used it in the silkworm chrysalis before. Yu Yao didn't see it outside. ! ]

[Ahhh, the most potent HN potion! ! ]

[It’s as if the wilderness has no props, exaggerated]

An accident appeared in the eyes of the wilderness.

HN agent? Shen Yi gave him this thing, no wonder he was so confident that he dared to challenge himself.

But what about that?

Others may not know HN, but he has first-hand information in the organization. The organization has thoroughly studied Shen Yi inside and out. He can't understand what props he has and how the props are effective.

If this HN medicine Xie Xinglan is used to deal with other front lines, it is enough to cause people to be afraid and frighten to make people retreat temporarily, but he ran into him Yu Yao.

HN is a potion for fighting alone, but he can control ghosts. This is not 1v1, but 2v1. Xie Xinglan using HN potions in front of him is tantamount to death.

Can he protect his body?

Yuanye remembers clearly that if the body is destroyed during the use of HN potion, after the potion has passed, the powerful soul body that has come out of the orifice will no longer be able to return to itself. He will lose his memory and become a lonely wild ghost. In other words, it is equivalent to the death of the actor.

The face of the field was full of mockery. Did Xie Xinglan think that he could not move when he was controlling a ghost?


court death.

The HN potion entered the throat, a pungent sensation irritated the stomach, a scorching breath spread from the throat to the limbs and the limbs, and the blue droplets spread out like fireflies and flew into Xie Xinglan’s body. In every corner, the hidden place where it landed, the infinite potential of the human body was stimulated instantly, and a huge force burst out from Xie Xinglan.

In the next second, Xie Xinglan's soul came out of his body, and the out-of-body soul body, or ghost body, was no weaker than the black ghost in front of him!

The battle turned abruptly, and the battle was endless. He smiled in the unmoving wilderness, used the moving props, and instantly flashed to Xie Chi's body.

Because he wanted to make up for the negative aspects of his own talents-he was distracted when controlling ghosts, and his strength was mostly weakened, so he specially prepared this teleportation item.

He only needs to take advantage of Xie Xinglan's soul body to get out of his body and destroy his physical body. Once the effect of the HN medicine passes, he will undoubtedly die.

Yuan Ye stretched out his hand, and on the hand that easily killed Yi Hesong, a black wolf totem appeared in the palm of the hand. The wolf was lifelike, and the bloodthirsty light leaped in the forest green eyes!

It's this totem, which has the power to destroy the dead, can easily devour the soul and destroy the human body!

[Wolf Totem! It really is Yu Yao! ! ! ]

[Yu Yao father ah ah ah! ! ]

[Oh, thank you Chi! ! ]

Xie Xinglan was dragged by the black ghost, Yuanye's hand was about to cover the Tianling Gai of Xie Chi's body, completely destroying it, but Xie Chi's body suddenly opened his eyes!

In those eyes, the color of blood red flashed.

A larger breath spread from Xie Chi's body without warning.

The wilderness was too close to dodge. He was hit and flew straight out. He fell to the ground and spit out a big mouthful of blood. His breath began to be disordered, his face was bloody, white and red, and the inside would never get better.



"Xie Chi, a lunatic!" Yuan Ye stumbled up and cursed.

He thought that Xie Chi was cherishing his life, but he did not expect that Xie Chi wanted to end up with him. He dared to self-harm and raise the ghost power because he could control ghosts 100% and was not afraid of ghosts. Are you not afraid of ghosts and stars occupying the magpie's nest and crossing the river to demolish the bridge? !

What a lunatic!

He finally understood why Xie Xinglan was beaten and forbearing before, Xie Xinglan was raising ghost Xinglan!

He thanked Xinglan, and the strength of Ghost Xinglan was rising in the dark!

Yuan Ye thought of the way Xie Chi was seriously injured when he went downstairs before. He raised his head and looked at the soul body Xie Xinglan in front of him, and sneered: "Raising a tiger is a problem, stupid."

He let Ghost Star Lan's upper body protect his body, and he was clever on the surface, but in fact there were endless troubles.

Xie Xinglan also laughed, Yuanye mocked him for being stupid, but his eyes were clearly mocking Yuanye for being stupid.

Yuanye got angry and greeted him again.

This time it was Ghost Xinglan who faced the Guiyuan Ye, and Xie Xinglan of the soul body faced the Yuyuan whose strength dropped sharply after being hit hard.

The situation is completely different.

The wilderness retreats steadily, groaning, untidy clothes, blood flying all over, as if being pulled down the clouds, Xie Xinglan, the soul body, is calm and relaxed.

On the side, Guiyuanye was beaten by Gui Xinglan, which had been strengthened many times, without the power to fight back, and howled. The glass in the hall was shattered by the sound wave attack, and even the windshield glass hummed, as if it was about to burst in the next second.

[My Cao Yu Yao was beaten like this]

[I...I slowly]

[? ? ? ]

Things went beyond what the wilderness had expected, and began to inevitably develop in a direction that was not conducive to him. The wilderness secretly said to his carelessness, knowing that he could no longer delay, seizing the opportunity, and when Xie Xinglan posted himself recently, he used his most critical The most hidden props.

It was a Rubik's cube as small as a nail piece. Because the unknown power was suspended in the air, the moment it appeared, it began to spin frantically, like a beautiful silver top. At the same time, as it turned, it was destroyed. The white light of heaven and earth was generated from it and spread quickly. In an instant, the blood-red world turned into a blinding pure white world, and an explosion spread rapidly from around that small cube point!

With a loud "bang", the entire hospital seemed to be trembling, as if it was about to collapse in the next second, the huge overwhelming energy exploded from the Rubik's Cube, and the nearest was Xie Xinglan!

Yuan Ye sneered, and calmly opened his last orange pinnacle item-it was a 100% non-injury protective shield.

Completely blind, Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao, who were farthest from the Rubik's Cube point, flew out together, fell more than 30 meters away, crawling on the overgrown lawn, motionless.

Only a slightly undulating chest proves that they are still angry.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze’s five internal organs and six organs seemed to be broken together, and there was a burst in the stomach. The continuous flow of blood overflowed from the mouth, nose and even the seven qiao. They could not stop it. Their clean and white faces were full of blood mixed with internal organs. Horror anomaly.

The actress who was rescued by the wilderness was not so lucky. She was directly killed. Her body was too tough, her limbs were split, she was flying around, and when she fell on the ground, she jumped like life. .

The spilt blood scorched into charcoal smoke in the air, and a charred head grumbled down the steps and lay quietly on the rough concrete floor.

Ren Ze braved the last breath and urged the healing technique to heal himself. Ye Xiaoxiao also used his life-saving props to draw aura from the world to fill his loss of blood and life, and he was barely taking his own life.

Ren Zehuan climbed up, his eyes were out of focus, and he stared incomparably at the beginning of the explosion. He and Ye Xiaoxiao were so far apart that they were seriously injured and dying, not to mention Xie Chi in the inner circle of the explosion...?

The ghost star can reach the sky, and it is far away from the wilderness, so it will definitely not be affected, but what about the soul Xie Xinglan...?

The tip of Ren Ze's nose was sour. He didn't want to believe this fact. He raised his head and covered his eyes and was silent for a while. His lips were wide and he couldn't say anything. He just felt as if he had lost his voice. He bowed his head in despair, staring at himself dirty. Xixi's hand was in a daze. At that moment, something very important seemed to be missing.

[Ah ah ah ah ah my Xie Chi? ? ? Do not! ! ! I do not believe! ]

[No way, no way]

[...Okay, I'm leaving, I don't want to watch]

[Let’s just talk about it, it’s a shame, it’s a pity, it’s a dazzling star, and it’s cleared]

[Unlucky, I can’t do anything with Yu Yao]

Wan Lai is silent.

Then there was a "poll" sound.

The white light gradually faded, and Ren Ze's eyes were introduced to a beautiful male ring spinning on the ground.

The ring is elegant and simple, exuding the unique luster of silverware.

It turned a few times on the ground and was picked up by its owner.

Ren Ze looked up along the blood-stained hands and saw Xie Chi's, or Xie Xinglan's face.

Xie Chi tilted his head and blinked at him, smiling heartlessly.

Ren Zexin's big stone went away in an instant. If he couldn't get up, he almost rushed to kill Xie Chi, a fearsome guy.

"Your mother!!!" Ren Ze was furious.

"Sorry." Xie Chi apologized very sincerely, and then slowly put on his own ring. After the white light was completely dissipated, together with the ghost star ring in the distance, he looked into the defensive hood in the center of the hospital and seemed to be holding the victory ticket. And it seems a very indifferent field.

Wilderness' face was instantly ugly.

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