Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 153 Table of contents

Xie Chi was about to step forward. Gu Yu, who was closest to the feather, had stooped to pick it up, and naturally handed the feather to Jiangshuo. +++ Popular Danmei novel: My Website Jiang Shuo did not mean to share with other actors, just whispered with Gu Yu.

Other actors are also a little bit annoyed by Gu Yu's selfish behavior, but they dare not to speak out.

Xie Chi glanced before, it was a red feather, not too big or too long, very soft and very velvety.

Ye Xiaoxiao thought of the huge movement of the unknown things before, and said softly: "Is it the hair of Zhu Lu?"

Xie Chi: "It should be."

They can now be sure that the star card is now in charge of the timing, and the only tree in the star card is stopped with a red-haired bird, which is Ibis.

Zhu Lu, if it is white, it is Zhu. It is a kind of protective animal with a long beak, a phoenix crest, white feathers with red in it, and a slim and elegant posture. Of course, in the tarot card, Ibis has a different meaning.

The patron saint of time in ancient Egypt was called Thoth. According to unreliable information, Thoth's body was a ibis. Thoth is the guardian of "Akassi Records", which is the legendary book of cosmic life.

Ren Ze was a little dizzy: "What does this mean to imply?"

Xie Chi frowned: "Let's go first."

He looked at Jiangshuo, and Jiangshuo's face was tense, and apparently he didn't get anything.


A group of people followed the path to the castle and came out to greet them with a waitress.

The maid wears a black robe made of unknown velvet. It has an excellent sense of drape and looks very warm. Except for the extreme black, there are no other colors to decorate her, which makes her look a little solemn and ominous.

"Hello, how did we get here..." Gu Yu pretended to be suspicious in accordance with the initial settings of the character and story.

The maid opened her mouth, but did not make any sound. Everyone thought it was dumb. Upon closer inspection, they found that there was no tongue in the maid's mouth!

Her tongue was cleaned uprooted, with no residue at all, and her mouth was empty and moist, like a dark bottomless hole.

Ren Ze whispered: "How do you eat..."

People can chew food and swallow, not only for the credit of the teeth, but also for the tongue to play an important role. Without the tongue, eating is a big problem.

Xie Chi said nothing, obviously thinking about this.

Pulling the tongue, don't you want them to learn from the maid

Xie Chi looked up and looked at the old castle in close proximity.

At present, things may be a little complicated.

The maid's eyes were empty and numb. Instead of paying attention to them, she took out the dark keychain from her pocket and unlocked the fence gate of the old castle.

After everyone had entered, she directly locked the fence door, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, the key... was stuffed into her mouth.

Her throat rolled twice.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Xie Chi could even hear the key falling into her stomach and hitting the crisp sound of the capsule wall.

Several cannon fodder scalp numb.

Ren Zexin felt a bitter cold, was it still a human being?

The fence behind him is two meters high. The whole body is black and sharp as a sword. There is no point of focus. Once the door is locked, ordinary people want to escape, it is impossible.

That is to say, they will spend the next seven nights in this horrible old castle.

The maid didn't make them enter the main entrance of the castle for the first time, but took them around the castle for a small circle and came to the side gate of the castle.

Xie Chi took the opportunity to look at the castle. The castle is not different from the one on the poster, except that he used to look at it from afar, but now he looks at it closely.

Xie Chi found several spots on the walls of the old castle with residual burnt black marks, which are especially obvious on the pointed top of the old castle. The ball on the spire of the castle, like a white ball in a Santa hat, is now black.

The castle does not know what happened.

Has arrived at the destination, Xie Chi immediately recovered.

In front of them, three people with the same costume as the waitress were feeding a few crows. They have men and women and should be servants of this old castle.

"So the crows outside the forest are also fed here?"

Ye Xiaoxiao asked the exit, but after listening to Xie Chi for a moment, he said irresponsibly: "It's good to eat."

Ye Xiaoxiao turned his head to look at him, his face puzzled: "What?"

Xie Chi didn't say a word, only pointing to the small golden bottles held in the arms of the three servants.

Without tweezers, I saw servants using the slender pliers of the lobster in the Black Forest to pinch a piece of meat from the extravagant narrow-mouthed gold bottle.

The meat was cut so thin that there was no wind blowing, and it was shaking and shaking naturally, and the crows were tempted to jump up and down.

Those servants' lips twitched, and they seemed to want to say something to the crows, without a tongue in their mouths.

Xie Chi said heartily that someone pulled out the tongue of all the servants.

He approached slightly, and saw the meat that was caught.

It's raw meat, but it doesn't have the clear texture of ordinary meat. It's rotten, like the skin that has been rubbed on the ground made of stones and rubbed into the skin of the meat. It has large pores, purplish red, like the color of the lips for a long time. .

"What meat?" Ren Ze came up.

Xie Chi shook his head and told the truth: "I can't see it."

Xie Chi covered his nose with his hands. After his body continued to strengthen, his sense of smell improved a lot, and the meat seemed a bit rotten.

The servants are very particular about feeding. A crow only eats the meat in a golden bottle, and never eats it. The crow is not obedient and wants to grab the meat that does not belong to it. Get ready to drive them with straw sticks.

Xie Chi counted, there are countless crows outside the old castle, there are only eleven crows in the old castle, and there are small red marks on the black claws.

Xie Chi leaned his head and asked, "Crow outside, did you notice any marks on your body?"

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao are struggling to recall that the mature woman not far from him cast his sight on this side and answered directly for him: "No."

Xie Chi gave her an accidental look and slightly nodded: "Thank you."

Women seem to be reluctant to talk, but the word is like a golden word: "Look up."

Xie Chi thoughtfully.

So these eleven crows are carefully cultivated by people, and the outside is wild.

Eleven crows, they happen to be eleven.


The moment the crows ate the meat, the thick side door of the old castle "creaked" and opened from the inside.

Several servants came out from the inside, and the servants who fed the crows in the yard also stood up and merged into the queue of the servants. They lined up and stood together at the side entrance, bowing respectfully to everyone, as if welcoming them.

Xie Chi counted again, they also happened to be eleven.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

Eleven servants lined up and walked to the crows in the courtyard. In order, they each stooped to pick up a crow.

Those crows have always been raised by people, they are not afraid of people, they are very cooperative in their hands, and they have no idea of ​​struggling.

Soon, the eleven servants held a crow in their hands.

Ren Ze was confused and couldn't help whispering: "What are you doing?"

This piece of nagging made him feel a little hairy, and to be honest he didn't understand it until now.

The servants holding crows were photographed again according to the original queue, standing in a row and standing in front of the actors.

The head maid, the one who swallowed the key before, walked out of the column, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, held the piece of paper, and walked to Jiangshuo.

A trace of something appeared in Xie Chi's heart. The maid seemed to distinguish clearly who they were?

The maid over there handed the paper to Jiang Shuo.

Jiang Shuo looked at it and said, "You are all here."

When everyone gathered around, Jiang Shuo distributed the paper to everyone.

The paper says-"To welcome you, please enjoy the crow show. Please stand side by side, each standing opposite a servant, his hands spread out, hanging in the air. After the crow show, we will Welcome you into the castle."

Xie Chi didn't see any fame anyway, so he acted decisively, just picked a position to occupy the past.

The crowd followed suit, and the eleven actors quickly lined up and stood face to face with the eleven servants.

"Crow show, is this too bad for mold?" Ren Ze pouted.

Xie Chi: " say less."

As soon as the servant on the opposite side loosened his hands, the crow began to dance.

They are like wild geese, in groups of three to five at a time, one at a time in a group, two at a time, kiss me and two, and at the same time fight with two mouths.

Xie Chi's mouth twitched.

This is probably the most ghost animal show he has ever seen.

[Hahahaha funny]

[Although it may have a special meaning, it’s stupid]

After the crows jumped, they did not return to the servant's hand, but flew to the actor one after another, and randomly landed on the actor's hand. After a while, each actor stopped a crow.

Ren Ze was on the side, and Xie Chi paid special attention to it. The mark on the crow's leg in Ren Ze's hand was no different from that in his hand.

Xie Chi faced the black eyes of the crow and felt a little uncomfortable.

After the crow show was over, the servants let go and welcomed the people into the castle.

The door was closed behind him, and everyone's eyes fell on the huge disk in the center of the hall.

Ye Xiaoxiao was slightly nervous: "It's the wheel of destiny."

This round/disc is too iconic. Of the Tarot's 22 major Arcana cards, only the "wheel of fortune" card matches.

The actors seem to think of this, with different looks.

The maid and other servants led by the front gesticulated. The other servants realized that they went on to do things one after another. The maid came over and walked to the edge of the disc, beckoning the crowd, and everyone immediately passed and saw the disc.

It was a perfect round disk, made of wood, with a smooth surface, some symbols and arrows lined with ink lines, a lifelike snake painted on the west of the disk, and a strange creature with a human face and dog head on the right, wheel/disk There is also a sphinx sitting on the top.

There are yellow stone sculptures on the upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right, which are roughly seen. They are some animals.

The maid took out the paper she was carrying, wrote it on the fly, and then handed the paper to Jiangshuo. Jiangshuo impatiently spread the word and directly stuffed the paper into Gu Yu's hand. Gu Yu said aloud: "We What you promised will definitely come true, as long as you can successfully complete the game. The game has started, I will first introduce some of the rules of the game, and then take you to see our master."

Xie Chi pursed his lower lip without trace.

The maid said not "the game starts after the introduction", but "the game has already started, and now I will introduce the rules", so when they know nothing about the rules, the game has actually started.

Which node did he start from? He didn't know, maybe it was the strange crow dancing just now?

And she said "introduce some rules" instead of "all rules", that is to say, they will play the game if the information is insufficient and complete?

Xie Chi was worried.

Gu Yu continued to say: "First, there is no day in the castle, only eternal night, but night is divided into two different celestial phenomena, "star" and "moon." You can roughly understand that "star" is day," 'Moon' is night."

"When the "Moon" appears, there is a high probability that something bad will happen in the castle. Of course, when the "Star" appears, you are not completely safe. Please be aware of this."

Everyone's expression tightened, and they raised their ears and listened.

Gu Yudao: "Second, the game time is seven nights, and the game results will be available on the seventh night of the game. During this period, you must not leave the castle for half a step, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

The actors know that most of the "concealment" refers to "death".

Gu Yu: "Third, do not enter any room with a lock on the door without permission, otherwise we will not be responsible for what happens."

"Fourth, whether "Stars" or "Moon" dominates the sky is determined by the "Wheel of Fate". Every six hours, you send a person to the "Wheel of Fate" to turn the wheel of fortune, the arrow of the wheel of fortune. Stopping on the left half of the snake is the dangerous'moon', and stopping on the right half of the anubis is the safe'star'."

Xie Chi frowned.

So the so-called Seven Nights does not exclude the 7x12, 84 hours after the day, but refers to... the chance of turning the wheel of fortune seven times, once every six hours, so the exact game time is 6x7, 42 hours , Not in two days.

Everyone was obviously aware of this, and looked a little nervous.

The shorter the time, the faster the rhythm and the denser the danger. The time left for them to sort out the clues and find a way to live is shorter. They were too happy before, and did not expect Qiye to be such a seven night.

Gu Yu estimated that the meaning revealed on the chewing paper continued only a moment later: "In addition to delimiting the celestial phenomena, the wheel of fortune may also give guidance, please players to explore this point."

Regarding the wheel of fate, Xie Chi checked detailed information before.

The wheel of fate is named after fate, the meaning is self-evident. The wheel of fortune never turns. Things may get better or worse, but the change is affirmative, and things cannot stop.

On the left side of the wheel of fortune, a snake is drawn. This snake represents Seth, the dark **** in Egyptian legend, representing disputes, decay, and death. It constantly tries to lower the order of the universe and make everything become. Bad mess.

So it is reasonable to go to the side where there is a snake to represent the dangerous "moon".

Correspondingly, on the other side represented by "Stars", the monster with a kobold face and human body is Annubis in the mouth of the maid. Although it is ugly, it is a good symbol. In Egyptian legend, Anubis is the mentor of the soul of death and the beginning of a new life. Anubis provides shelter and can help people move from death to new life and find new opportunities from change.

Annubis represents vitality, new life and opportunity.

So in the game, it corresponds to the safe "star".

For now, the rules are reasonable.

Gu Yu read the last line: "Now I will take you to stay, and then lead you to see our master. The first night defaults to "Star", after six hours, you will send one person to turn the wheel of destiny, if no one arrives at the time When we come down, we will do it."

The author has something to say: The explanation of    The Wheel of Fortune refers to Tarot's physical teaching book "Actually, you are already Tarot". Some of the explanations are not original.

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