Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 161 Table of contents


[Xie Chi, on which floor is this wave? ]

[Awesome! ! ]

[Gan, my enthusiasm for the new actor is now all over Xie Chi, dreamy]

[Xie Chi is smarter than Shen Yi, I rely on... Shen Yi's father can fight, Xie Chi, Nima, is outrageous, is this still a human? ! ]

[The whole journey is stunned]

[Jiang Shuo, I think it is also a big guy (fuck cao)... Why is it so inconspicuous now]

[No harm without comparison? ]

[You guys are funny, what about the lead? The actor really wants to start (kill sha) Xie Chi in advance, isn't Xie Chi the only part of being stepped on the ground? How do you say that, in the face of absolute force, wisdom is useless]

[Yes, does Xie Chi have red (color) props, a group of brain-disabled people, this is a place where I can win only with IQ? Without the strength to talk bullshit, he can speak loudly)

[Where is the group of kneeling and licking the actor? Can't stand up, right? ]

[Can you not say it so bad, it's a fact]

[fact? You **** watch, it's not Xie Chi himself, know the facts]

[Clearer than you know]

[Are you blind? ? The fact is that Xie Chi is ahead]

[Thank you for "temporarily" lead]

[You guys don't make noise, it's annoying, can't it be quiet? ? ]


The barrage was so noisy that Xie Chi didn’t know. He took the two back to the hall, found a table seat, took out his tarot cards again, and placed them one by one on the huge dining table. stand up. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels: My Website

Because the next person to die was him, it was not safe for him to return to the room, so he temporarily chose to stay in the hall without any trace of lightning strikes.

Ren Ze looked at Xie Chi, who didn't say anything about tarot tarot, and felt that Nu Wa was eccentric when she smashed the mud and made people. His brain was probably thrown on the ground for her.

There is no one else in the hall. After Xie Chi finished setting, he waved to the two waiting (gangan): "Come and see."

Ren Ze stretched out his head hurriedly, and Ye Xiaoxiao also stood behind Xie Chi.

Xie Chi said: "At present, it is basically certain that there is only the Major Arcana card in the dungeon, which is 22 cards."

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao had no objection to this. The progress is now complete, and the plot is still complicated and confusing. It is definitely not like there are 56 small Alkas. Otherwise, in terms of the complexity of the plot, it will take at least ten nights to be clear.

Xie Chi pointed to the dozen cards farthest away from him, and said, "These have already appeared."

There are neatly placed cards, the first moon and stars, the wheel of fortune and the tower afterwards, the fool, magician, pope, queen, emperor, pope, lovers, hermits, and hangers just now.

Up to now, there have been 13 major arcana cards in the copy, and only 9 major arcana cards have not appeared.

Xie Chi pointed to the 9 photos in front of him: "These 9 are left, in order: Chariot, Strength, Justice, Death, Temperance, Devil, Sun, Judgment, and World."

"It can be seen that abstract words make up the majority, and those that have appeared are basically non-abstract words."

Ren Ze and Ye Xiao smiled and nodded, Xie Chi did a lot of clarity after sorting them out.

Xie Chi sat down and divided the 9 photos in front of him into several categories: "Come and see."

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao concentrated immediately.

Xie Chi: "The meaning of the power, justice, and temperance card is not very different from its name. The chariot represents willpower. These four cards are grouped into one category and are all abstract positive qualities."

"Reaper and the devil are together."

"There are three remaining, Sun, Judgment, and World. The Sun is in the celestial card. It seems to have been removed from the dungeon at present, but it may not be necessary. The two of Judgment and World are too abstract and will not be discussed for now."

After Xie Yu cleared his thoughts, Ren Ze suddenly got inspiration: "Reaper, Devil and Tower are a bit like! They are all relatively negative cards. Is it possible that there are other forms of crisis that have not yet appeared in the dungeon?!"

From the possible situation of the known tarot card reverse, it can indeed give them a lot of clues.

Xie Chi clasped his hands and looked up at him, nodding in approval.

Ye Xiaoxiao hesitated and said, "Can these 4 strengths be eliminated? There is no shadow at all."

"I don't know." Xie Chi answered very crisply this time.

He paused, and frowned: "But I counted the Tarot, and felt that the copy is currently complete, and the clues should be given. The rest of these photos are too obvious, some are too abstract, they don’t look like It looks like we can get higher, but we still stand still, which shows that we have ignored the key clues."

Ye Xiao smiled for a moment.

Xie Chi squeezed his eyebrows, obviously a headache. He looked down, rubbing the thumbs of his hands unconsciously.

That feeling came again. He ignored very important clues, which could be fatal.

After a quick review with Xie Xinglan, the feeling was even worse.

He forced himself to put the congested thoughts aside, and raised his head: "One more thing, the strength of the Tarot wizard should increase with the passage of time, and why does it increase? The greatest possibility is due to the actor's (死si ) Die."

"Are you saying that the death of an actor is equivalent to a'sacrifice'?" Ye Xiaoxiao has seen many horror movies with similar themes, and the word came to mind for the first time. "Is the death of an actor will increase the power of the Tarot wizard? "

Ren Ze also knows this well. In many horror films, the growth system of ghost power is a variation of sacrifice. In "Blood Demon" that Shen Yi filmed, every time the blood demon steals and replaces his body, his own power will grow a little bit, which belongs to this category.

Xie Chi nodded and continued: "Xie Qiuying's method of death is relatively strange. It is not the lightning of the tower. It is currently unknown whether it is the death card and the devil card (gan gan), but the most likely is her own knife."

"Werewolf (kill sha)?" Ren Ze was very excited about playing this in the real world. He was still a member of the club and felt strange for a while. "Do you think she is self (kill sha)? She cut herself like that? Doesn't she hurt Or does she not feel that the body belongs to someone else?"

"I don't know." Xie Chi replied without procrastination, now is not the time for nonsense.

Ren Ze suddenly knew what he was wondering: "Actually, I'm very curious, whether Xie Qiuying is one of the many clones of the witch, or whether Xie Qiuying is a real person. In the beginning, she was indeed a cannon fodder, but the witch had invaded her body. ?"

These two are completely different systems, and figuring out which one is specific can help them understand the witch's methods at a deeper level.

Xie Chi: "I don't know."

When Ren Ze was about to be disappointed, Xie Chi paused for a few seconds and said, "But I am inclined to the first one now."

"According to the number of actors corresponding to the tarot card, it is correct for actors to count'ten'. If it is'eleven', it proves that the extra is not considered an actor, so she is the clone of a witch from the beginning. One, there is no such thing as Xie Qiuying."

"She can control her consciousness to wander among multiple avatars, but whether she can possess her is uncertain."

Ren Zepin said: "If this is the case, wouldn't her (fuck cao) be equal to self (killing sha)? Doesn't she hurt? Will she not lose strength due to self (killing sha)?"

"This is also something I can't figure out." Xie Chi said.

Xie Chi put the problem aside for a while, supported it with one hand, fell into deep thought, and suddenly raised his head after a moment: "Follow me."

Ren Ze: "Where to go?"

Xie Chi walked up the stairs: "One point is taken for granted and needs to be confirmed."

"Do you have a new idea?"

Xie Chi said nothing.

Ren Ze knew what he meant by default, and instantly relaxed from a tight state, and followed Ye Xiaoxiao.


At the same time, Gu Yu hid in the closet and pulled the cabinet door tightly.

He listened to the movement outside the cabinet, his heart beating a little fast, and his spirit was very nervous, quietly holding the weapon, ready to be discovered at any time.

Jiang Shuo had to do other things and sent him to sneak into the strange maid's room to see if there were any useful clues. As a result, before he had time to search, the maid returned.

Damn it. Gu Yu cursed and hid in the closet. When I looked up, I found some strange numbers engraved on the back of the wardrobe door.

The Arabic numerals are written from 1 to 10, and 9 is engraved in a closed circle.

Gu Yu's heart was shocked, could this be a clue? He was about to think carefully, the phone screen in his arms suddenly brightened, Gu Yu was startled and realized that Jiang Shuo had sent him a message, and quickly opened the message interface.

Jiang Shuo: Have you found it?

Gu Yu's eyes clung to the upper door, and through the tiny gap, he observed the maid, and found that she was sitting in front of the vintage bronze mirror, slowly combing her long black hair, he was relieved, and he lowered his head to reply: No time to see, she Just came back.

Jiang Shuo: How long did you come in and she came back?

Gu Yu obviously didn't expect Jiang Shuo to ask this question: almost fore and aft.

After Gu Yu returned, he suddenly grabbed something.

Yes, I have hidden props, and I haven't exposed (exposed) whereabouts, so I won't be so unlucky, just to get her back.

This time it took a while before Jiang Shuo's news came: there was a watcher. Did you meet anyone along the way?

Gu Yu's heart jumped, and he hurriedly replied: No, I opened the hidden props, and the props became invalid after entering the room.

Jiang Shuo: What did you see in the room? Is there anything that can be peeped like eyes and mirrors.

Gu Yu suddenly suffocated his heart, then he woke up and immediately replied: Crow! ! It's the crow! !

When he came in, a crow was staring at him evilly in the window, and then immediately flew away! Within tens of seconds, the maid returned!

Gu Yu immediately thought of something more terrifying, his heart beat wildly, and he said: I'm exposed (exposed)! !

Since it was the crow who informed the maid, the maid in the room clearly knew that he was in the closet now...

Jiang Shuo also seems to realize that the situation is not good: I will go to you.

Gu Yu turned his head and met a pair of  Black Wuliang eyes like crows.

The dark pupil, through the gap in the closet, locked on him.

Gu Yu held the weapon in an instant and was about to break open the closet to go out, but the closet door was held down first, and he tried his best to not shake it.

With a "crunch", the old wardrobe was opened by someone outside.

Gu Yu was abrupt, and met the smiling face of the strange maid.

Gu Yu turned over and got out of the closet, but the maid grabbed his shoulders and dragged him back. He was just normal, and his stature was unstable, so he immediately fell back and was pressed by the maid to the ground, unable to move.

The maid opened her mouth to him, and in that scarlet mouth, there was clearly a slender and flat tongue stirring!

Gu Yu was shocked, she was not dumb at all!

Gu Yu immediately remembered that she had never opened her mouth! Although she has been writing and gesturing at everyone, she has never really opened her mouth!

She is acting!

(Death si) The order of death is wrong! Otherwise, how could she move (kill sha) to herself! Even if Xie Chi has escaped the death crisis once, and the death order automatically shifts backward, it should be the next Ye Xiaoxiao's turn, not the last one!

When the slippery tongue fell, he was about to lick his face.


The male cannon fodder stood by the door, staring at the three of Xie Chi diligently and timidly.

Xie Chi lay on the outer railing, his head aching even more as he lowered his eyes and said nothing.

No, really wrong, not right.

Ren Ze was also completely confused. He turned around and looked at the male cannon fodder behind him: "Xie Chi, his (sexual xing) personality is not up to the hermit..."

Doesn't fit any of the hermit traits such as solitude, reflection, tranquility, and listening to inner callings. He is an ordinary male high school student with no memory points except age.

Ren Ze felt terrible after thinking about it. If Xie Chi hadn't consciously come to confirm it, they would have taken it for granted.

But the result was unexpected. If the tarot card really corresponds to the actor, the male cannon fodder in front of him is definitely not a hermit.

He can even rule out the possibility that this person is pretending to be true (sexual xing).

Because there is no motivation.

There may be actor vests in the official actors, but it is absolutely impossible in the gray name cannon fodder, because the official actor chooses the copy by himself and needs to enter the copy for some purpose. The gray name cannon fodder is stuffed into a random copy by the app (强qiang).

Would an actor who spends a lot of points and can afford to wear a vest be treated like this?

Xie Chi suddenly opened his eyes, his face (color) gloomy: "It's awful."

Ren Ze was shocked and could make Xie Chi say bad. It must have been a major problem. He said anxiously, "What's wrong?!"

Xie Chi glanced at the male cannon fodder, his face (color) completely darkened: "Guess irresponsibly, he might be a blank card."

Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly heard this term, her face (color) pale.

Yes, in addition to the big arca and the small arca, there are sometimes...blank cards in the tarot cards.

Drawing a blank card means "life will lead you in unexpected directions". There is a blank space in front of you. It is not predictable by the Tarot. Everything is possible, but it is mostly beyond your expectation, not what you planned. The product.

If there is a one-to-one correspondence between the actor (sexual xing) and the person card corresponding to the tarot card, there is a possibility-perhaps there has never been a hermit card among them.

Because none of them has the character (sexual xing) represented by the hermit.

Moreover, the order of death is placed there, it is impossible to be chaotic, and the tarot cards have their own order, which is absolutely impossible.

It can't be messy, but... it is still possible to miss one, and this will not affect the order of death.

Tarot fools, magicians, popes, queens, emperors, popes, lovers, hangers.

Corresponding actors Liang Wen, Xie Chi, Ye Xiaoxiao, Liang Zhen, Jiang Shuo, Ren Ze, Lovers, Gu Yu.

Losing the hermit card does not affect the death order of the actors (death si), but the corresponding actor is missing, and the male cannon fodder is queued out.

A hermit card is missing, maybe some...a blank card.

It seems ridiculous to use the actor (sexual xing) grid to correspond to the tarot card. After all, the actors are registered by themselves, not selected by the app.

If you think about it, if the actor's (sexual xing) character does not match the Tarot card, the app can add a... role (color) setting in the copy, which is just a sentence for it.

For example, it is assumed that Liang Wen is a fool, and Ye Xiaoxiao is a kind person.

It's just that some of the characteristics of the actors who participated happen to correspond to the tarot card, so the app directly saves this step, making the copy look natural.

Xie Chi finally knew where the problem was.

He bid farewell to the bewildered male cannon fodder and began to go downstairs.

Ye Xiaoxiao hesitated to say something and stopped: "Xie Chi...what is he..."

Xie Chi calmly said, "He is probably not a hermit, but a blank card, because he happens to be a student and a fledgling young man."

"When he grows up, he can become any Tarot player card. He may be an emperor card with leadership (gan gan), or a pope card that focuses on the soul, or he can only be obedient. He will even change (sexual xing) and become a benevolent queen, an introverted and kind pope."

Ren Ze was full of disbelief, and his heart jumped.

Xie Chi: "Blank cards represent changes and infinite possibilities."

Xie Chi turned his head and glanced at the timid male cannon fodder standing upstairs looking at them, thoughtfully, as if he had understood something for a long while, sneered, and said, "He may be'forced' to take away any actor. Identity card."

"This is a variable in the order of death."

"It's also part of the hidden rules."

Ren Ze was stunned, his face (color) ugly: "Is it true that if the witch wants to (kill sha) me, but due to the order of (die si) death, other actors in front of me must be dealt with first, but she can actually avoid this Trouble, she can silently follow the rules of the game that is beneficial to her, and directly let the blank card take away my identity card, so that I can become a person without identity card, so that I will not be in the (death si) order of death. She was wantonly slaughtered (sha)... and the male cannon fodder inherited my identity card, he also inherited my (death si) death order, completely replaced me, and continued to play this game..."

"So this game looks like eleven people on the surface, but in fact there are only eight identity cards, and one is a blank card... Eleven people, plus the couple's pair, nine have identity cards, and one is a witch’s clone/body. One is blank, which can take away the identity of the actor and replace it, but it is not his initiative. The decision is in the hands of the witch..."

Xie Chi hummed softly.

The more Ren Ze thought about it, the more frightened.

If this is the case, the consequences can be imagined.

According to the order of death, the actor who shouldn't die suddenly died. The actor definitely has a huge question about the order of death, and this is the second time.

Xie Qiuying's death has almost succeeded in confusion once, and another actor who died out of the order of (die si) died unexpectedly (dead si). Who can firmly believe that... the order of death is correct?

Moreover, actors who think they will not die in the order of death will underestimate the enemy and relax subconsciously. As a result, they will die unexpectedly and ruin themselves.

And actors who think they are going to die will indulge in fear and sorrow, and will not concentrate on the game.

In any case, the situation caused by the two confusions is completely beneficial to the witch.

And... the witch can rely on this method to skip people who cannot be dealt with temporarily, such as Jiang Shuo, and directly (kill sha) kill actors who have made major discoveries and can pose a huge threat to her, and stifle the danger (kill sha). In the cradle.

Countless birds with one stone.

Ye Xiaoxiao held the stair railing tightly.

Xie Chi frowned and was absent-minded.

No, the problem has not been solved before.

He still didn't remember what he had forgotten, but he felt that it was very close.

"Xie Chi, then what should we...what should we do?" Ye Xiaoxiao was already at a loss. Such a cunning opponent made her completely unable to comply. She felt that the difficulty of the red film indeed exceeded her expectations.

Xie Chi dragged a chair again and sat down in front of the wheel of fortune in the hall, and calmly said: "No (guan), knowing that there may be blank cards, it is actually a good thing for us."

He smiled meaningfully.

Ren Ze was puzzled, his mind was never on the same channel as Xie Chi.

Xie Chi said concisely: "We just wait. Once there are actors who die out of the order of (death si) death (death si), we can be sure that there is a blank card. This is the first step."

"Secondly, once he dies, he is very likely to make a major discovery, which gave birth to the witch's (kill sha) thought. We only need to follow his (die si) death trajectory and go all the way (touch Mo) back. Can know what that major discovery is."

"Third," Xie Chi suddenly smiled mysteriously, "maybe then we can explore why there is a lack of a hermit card."

The author has something to say:    work hard to write the second update. ,,,...:

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