Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 163 Table of contents

[Xie Chiwei! ! ]

[Cool hahahahahahahahaha]

[Hey Xie Chi has no time]

Less than ten minutes after Yu Jie's death, the third night came. Everyone simply followed Jiang Shuo down to the first floor and stopped in front of the wheel of fortune.

Jiang Shuo was full of thoughts and absent-mindedly dialed the needle.

The pointer slowly stopped, everyone was stunned, and then they looked overjoyed.

The pointer unexpectedly stopped on the side with Anubis, that is to say, in the next few hours, the stars will dominate the sky, and they are relatively safe.

This is undoubtedly exciting news.

The actors dispersed, Gu Yu stood beside Jiang Shuo, waiting for him to signal.

Jiang Shuo leaned against the wall, took out the pure black mechanical crossbow from the app backpack, and tied it to his left hand little by little.

His movements are light and meticulous, and he seems to be full of love for this prop.

It was this prop that aimed at the enemy, pierced through the misty forest of tombstones, and inserted it straight into Shen Yi's back heart, damaging it.

Gu Yu recalled, unavoidably a little frightened.

This is the top red item, the crossbow of the void, which is as famous as the blood demon sword.

Because the crossbow bolts are as fast as lightning, they are imaginary, as if they are shot directly from the boundless void, so it is called this name.

There are two types of arrows in the Void Crossbow. One is the ordinary crossbow, which is continuously produced and will never run out; the other is a horror film that only produces one and can only accumulate two at most. A deadly arrow.

Ordinary crossbow arrows are black, and soul chaser is red.

The one that hit Shen Yi before was the Soul Chasing Arrow.

The soul chasing arrow, as long as the flesh and tissue of the person or ghost being chased, such as blood, hair, etc., is smeared on the arrow to make it work. The soul chaser will chase the breath of the person or ghost until it hits, and it is inevitable.

Often one hit kills.

Jiang Shuo mounted the black ordinary crossbow arrow and sneered: "Come upstairs with me and kill the crow."


Xie Chi was sitting on the stairs with thick carpets, Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze leaned on the railing to look at him. They had already learned how to learn, and they would no longer interfere with Xie Chi's thoughts at this time.

Xie Chi drew out the Tarot cards again, looked at them one by one, the cards slipped from his fingertips, and quickly went down the stairs, Xie Chi annoyedly threw all the remaining cards in his hand onto the steps beside him.

Xie Chi: "Brother, I always think I missed something."

"No hurry, think again." Xie Xinglan said warmly.

When Xie Chi concentrated on thinking, Xie Xinglan would generally fall into a deep sleep, so as not to cause unnecessary interference to his logical activities. This copy was really compact and perilous, and there was no spare time for them to communicate.

He has always been.

Xie Chi mumbled, and suddenly felt that his head no longer hurts so much. He was about to pick up the tarot card and continue to look at it. Thinking of something, he began to look around, suddenly frowned, and asked Ren Ze next to him: "You Have you seen those servants?"

Ren Ze was stunned, yes, he hadn't seen the servants for a long time. He had been thinking about the plot before and didn't pay much attention to the servants. When Xie Chi mentioned it suddenly, he remembered that those people had not been seen for a long time.

Xie Chi's expression changed slightly.

Suddenly there was a "bang" from upstairs, followed by the horrified screams of crows.

With a "click", something outside the window hit the ground.

Ren Ze was taken aback, and hurriedly ran to the window to see. On the ground was a dying crow vomiting blood and writhing wings.

He looked up and suddenly saw a pale hand protruding from the window upstairs. A black crossbow was tied to that pale hand. The owner of the crossbow was putting up arrows, preparing to shoot the next crow. In the gloomy midair, the remaining ten crows seemed to be greatly frightened, and began to flee around, the flapping of their wings continued.

The black crow's hair was flying, a little bit of black covering the eyes, the scene was really unknown, and the screaming and weird ears made people shudder. Ren Ze stared at the blood spit out from the pool of crows on the ground, feeling a little weird in his heart.

"Xie Chi, Jiang Shuo is shooting a crow, come and see!" Ren Ze said back.

Xie Chi had taken three steps and made two steps to jump off the stairs, rushed to the window, and met the crow's eyes.

The crows were fed artificially very well. Their eyes were originally dark and energetic, but the eyeball in front of them was hollow and gray. The black eyes were shrouded in inexplicable gloom, and there was the reflection of Xie Chi, which seemed to be like a vast ocean. Sorrow. Its dirty corners of eyes, even hot tears flowed down the blood.

Xie Chi stared at him for a long time, his face changed drastically: "That's it!"

"what happened?!"

Xie Chi's expression was like facing an enemy, and Ren Ze suddenly became nervous.

Xie Chi shouted out Xie Xinglan, turned his head and quickly went upstairs, and said as he walked: "Toki's hair, Thoth, the supervisor of the Akashic Records, is the supervisor, and the crow is our supervisor!"

Ren Ze immediately recalled that when they first entered the instance, Jiang Shuo had picked up a red feather.

Xie Chi said that it was the feather of a bird like the ibis in the star card. The ibis was a symbol of Thoth, the patron saint of time in Egypt.

Thoth is the "supervisor" of the book of universe "Akasi Records", so the feather is trying to imply...the crow is their watcher? !

Ye Xiaoxiao breathed, and that feather actually meant this.

Seeing Xie Chi's expression in a hurry, the two immediately caught up, Ren Ze said anxiously: "Where are you going Xie Chi?!"

He and Ye Xiaoxiao looked at each other, each with doubts in their eyes. Even if Crow was the supervisor, why did Xie Chi react so strongly?

After all, the crow hasn't really harmed them right now.

Xie Chi was too late to answer: "Keep up!"

Xie Xinglan moved quickly, disappearing to the corner in the blink of an eye, Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao chased after him, watching Xie Xinglan go up to the second floor, circled the circular corridor of the old castle for a half circle, and finally stopped. In front of the row of servants.

When they chose the room before, they paid special attention to the fact that the servants' rooms are all here.

Xie Chi kicked open the servant's room and looked over one by one, his face gradually gloomy.

Sure enough.

Eleven rooms are empty, none of the servants are there, they are not in the room, but not outside, as if suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze looked at these eleven empty rooms, completely dumbfounded.

Ye Xiaoxiao: "Where did the people go?"

Ren Ze: "Wait—"

After contacting the ibis Mao's suggestion, Ren Ze reacted suddenly: "Did the crow become a servant?"

Eleven servants are missing in the castle, but there are just eleven crows outside...

Ren Ze suddenly remembered more. Those servants always wore black clothes. The clothes were made of unknown hair, shiny and soft...

Could it be crow hair? ! Is that the clothes made by the hair on the crow? !

This can also explain why the leading maid can swallow the key! She is not human, she is a crow!

Ren Ze's heart was pounding.

Xie Chi only had time to nod his head to affirm him, no time to explain, turned around and left.

"Where are you going?!" Ren Ze went after him.

Not only did Xie Chi keep running, he let Xie Xinglan run as fast as he could, without looking back: "Don't follow! Stop Jiang Shuo!"

Ren Ze was startled, thinking that he had heard it wrong, Xie Chi...stop Jiang Shuo?

Isn't that to save the crow?

But he also knew that Xie Chi never made jokes when it was critical, and his heart jumped out of fright. Xie Chi and Jiang Shuo were confronted with him at this time, and he had to live without death.

He couldn't catch up with Xie Chi, so he could only shout anxiously behind his back: "Don't worry! Just watch, and Jiang Shuo shooting crows is good for us! Why save the servant! Anyway, don't confront him now !!!"

Xie Chi turned his head, his voice was cold: "There may be a'hermit' in the crow."

Xie Chi sighed deeply and tried to stay calm.

He finally knew what he had forgotten.

There are eleven actors on the surface, but in fact only ten are real actors, and the extra one is a clone of a witch.

Then why are there eleven servants and eleven crows corresponding to one of them? ! What is the extra one? !

——He ignored the connection between the actor, the crow, and the servant.

These three are not separate.

When the crows danced, eleven servants each picked up a crow and stood in a row. The crows flew out of the servants' hands. After the dance, they flew to them in disorder.

It seems that there is a one-to-one correspondence, a servant, a crow, and an actor, but... what if one of the actors is a clone of a witch?

That becomes ten actors, eleven crows, and eleven servants.

What is the extra servant? What is the extra crow...?

Since it is the order of death, there have always been only ten real actors participating, and Xie Qiuying is not in the order of death, so why are there eleven servants and eleven crows participating in that weird dance?

All these seem to correspond one by one, but there are many errors and omissions after careful consideration. The conditions for eleven actors are no longer valid, and the conclusion naturally falls apart.

If Xie Qiuying wanted to hide among them, she was bound to become the eleventh one, and with one more "actor", one more crow and one servant must correspond to one of them.

This was his previous thoughts. He stayed in this place several times and couldn't go deeper, and even thought it was a useless road.

But if you look at it the other way around...

Is Xie Qiuying's purpose really to hide among them?

Obviously not.

Otherwise, she wouldn't die so easily. It took so much energy to hide among them, just because of a temptation or two from him, it was too ridiculous.

After all, except for the three of them, the other actors at most had only slight doubts about Xie Qiuying, and he would never tell other actors that Xie Qiuying had problems.

Why is she so? She can keep lurking.

But thinking deeply, what is the meaning of lurking?

Xie Chi couldn't figure this out.

Why does Xie Qiuying want to be around them.

This is simply meaningless.

If it's for eavesdropping, isn't the crow a better choice? She can get any information she wants without much effort, and the witch has become such a big living person, and the actors have always intrigues. How can they easily confide information to her?

What's more, it is a cannon fodder with no sense of existence.

If it is to kill people, it is even more untenable. Tower cards, death cards, and some unknown cards. These cards can easily kill people invisible. Why should witches end up in person?

As of now, what the witch has done can be summed up in only four words—confusing.

Hiding oneself is not an end.

The real purpose is... to hide the rules.

Further down, the purpose is... to hide the crow.

It wasn't for lurking among them that a crow and a servant were created to correspond to her.

But... because there is an extra crow, she needs to create an actor clone and a servant clone to hide the existence of this crow.

It just so happened that there was a pretty maid among the servants who was very weird. She praised the woman on the frame as "the greatest Tarot wizard".

Behind the deliberate confusion of the order of death, the key information points that are really hidden are the "crow" and the "hermit."

And why the witch killed Yu Jie with the blank card, the answer came out at this moment-she needed the death of the blank card to cover the real hermit card.

After all, in the eyes of other actors, You Jie is a hermit.

And even if the actor knows that You Jie is a blank card, In You Jie's death, he will only think of it, maybe it's just a hermit card missing.

Or Yu Jie's death convinced them that Yu Jie knew the key clues related to the hermit, but was silenced.

They will start the next exploration around Yujie's death.

Attention shifted.

She lets the actors focus on Yu Jie and ignores the real clues about the hermit.

The correct number is always "ten", whether it is an actor, or the corresponding servant or crow number.

Xie Chi hadn't thought that the extra crow was changed from a witch.

But motivation is everything.

All the actions of the witch are showing her true purpose.

It just so happens that the hermit, literally interpreted, "hidden" means hiding, whether active or forced.

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