Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 169 Table of contents

The person guarded by the hermit died, and the room no longer adhered to the obligation to resist outsiders, and the stone gate was directly opened to the outsiders.

The disgusting smell of blood came over.

All the actors who were still alive in the dungeon saw Xie Chi's body on the ground in the center of the secret room at a glance.

He has a rare good looks, his hair is black and soft, and he puts it on his clear and pale face, ignoring the terrible blood hole on his body, it seems that he is just falling asleep.

The red arrow stuck in his belly reminded everyone that he would never wake up again.

He fell in a pool of blood, and the blood under him was rendered into a shocking pattern, unknown and gloomy.

Everything is announcing his death.

Jiang Shuo winked at Gu Yu. Gu Yu understood, went to squat down, probed the breath of Tan Xie Chi and the lifeline of his neck, then raised his head and shook his head towards Jiang Shuo.

Xie Chi is really dead.

Jiang Shuo's eyes were cruel, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he smiled.

This is the end of being right with him, Shen Yi, and Xie Chi.

Insult yourself.

They don't understand his great ideals, they will only limit their vision to the present, short-sighted, and stupid.

What about the demigod gene? One or two, not all dead, died under his hands without demigod genes.

Jiang Shuo sneered.

He especially wanted to ask the old thing, and he didn't regret putting Bao on Shen Yi. If it was him who had obtained the demigod gene, he might have realized the unfinished ideal of the old thing.

He will do thousands of times better than Lian Shi.

He will make mankind free of illness, away from emotions, and sensible and selfless. He will strip away the ugly comparison genes of mankind and push civilization to a new height.

These people are just stepping stones on his way forward.

He doesn't need anyone to understand, because when he does it, all those who misinterpret and slander him will be grateful to him.

Jiang Shuo gently touched his right leg, and the ridicule in his ear flooded like a tide, accompanied by the eyes that dodge a guilty conscience, and his mother's attitude of fear of alienation.

She obviously prefers Shen Yi that way.

In those years when he was stuck in the mud, he was very eager for someone to come and save him.

But the old thing who was sitting on everything chose to stand by and watched him struggle in **** calling for help.

So when he grows up, he can only choose to become that person and save countless people like him.

No one can stop him.

Jiang Shuo's mood was ups and downs, and his eyes became colder and firmer.

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows triumphantly, Zheng Luan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and was overjoyed. Xie Chi was dead. He didn't have to stand in the wrong team and he didn't have to fear Xie Chi's hatred and revenge.

The most powerful second line, in front of the actor, is still a big gap.

Liang Zhen's regret was even worse.

Glory has always only belonged to the living, and the audience's forgetfulness is always huge. In only thirty years, the grandeur, like a demigod, has been forgotten in the long river of shadow history. Of course, the dead Xie Chi will never be remembered.

After all, he was just a second-line genius who was terminated by the movie emperor, rare, but disgraceful.

At most, he received a short-lived evaluation, and there was no possibility of even entering the Ten Temple.

Jiang Shuo's stains can still be cleaned with time, but everything in Xie Chi has died with his life, and that is the end.

Many amazing things have all turned to dust.

The sword of the blood demon was like a piece of scrap iron, lying alone in the corner, Jiang Shuo walked over, and in the fierce resistance of the sword of the blood demon, he grabbed it strongly, and wiped the blood that remained warm on the sword with a cloth. , Thrown to Gu Yu.

"Take it away, take it back and destroy it." Jiang Shuo said coldly to Gu Yu in the buzzing sound of the blood demon sword's struggle.

Gu Yu froze for a moment, then nodded. It was because he did not take it away last time that Xie Chi was left behind. It was as powerful as the sword of the blood demon and must be destroyed to prevent it from being used by others to bring it to them. unnecessary trouble.

It's just that in the copy, other people's props can't be received in his backpack, Gu Yu can only barely hold it in his hand.

Liang Zhen frowned secretly, and it was disgraceful to take the dead weapon, but the right to decide has always belonged to the winner. Even if Jiang Shuo wanted to share the corpses of Xie Chi, what could they say?

The red top prop, Blood Demon Sword, changed hands twice, but it was also helpless and fate.

She sighed, said goodbye to the people in the room, and went out first.

Not falling into trouble is the only thing she can do. She can't do anything that goes against her heart. I hope she won't offend Jiang Shuo for this.

Zheng Luan was still complimenting, Jiang Shuo was annoying, and there was nothing in the room. He said with Gu Yu: "You go to deal with the other two."

Gu Yu knew that he was referring to Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao, and immediately replied. Seeing Jiang Shuo's brows furrowed, he should be thinking about the plot, so he said warmly: "Be your own, and I will deal with them."

Jiang Shuo pressed his temples and nodded impatiently: "Hurry up."

The crow that represents the hermit is not in the room, I don't know where it is going.

His only relief now is that Xie Chi is dead, but obviously, the plot has not moved forward.

Everything is still confusing and irritating.

He always feels something is wrong.

Gu Yu walked out in response, his eyes rolled slightly, and his own plan was in his heart.

Xie Chi and the others did not catch the live, and they could not get any useful information from him, but it was not difficult for Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao to catch the live. Xie Chi was good to the two of them. Looking at what they looked like before, Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao definitely knew a lot of key clues. When the time comes, they will know everything.

Jiang Shuo didn't bother to do such a thing, but Gu Yu was very happy.

The actors' minds were different, and they dispersed. Only Xie Chi, who looked at Jiang Shuo's departure, was left in the room.


[Fuck, I was really scared to death, Xie Chi stood opposite Jiang Shuo the whole time, but Jiang Shuo couldn't see him, it's really... I can't find the adjective]

[The actor must be very proud now, hahahahaha, why do I secretly poke and feel cool? Is it because I watched his stupidity the whole time? ]

[Jiang Shuo’s ten-minute shocking move whipped a corpse hahahaha, looking forward to the scene where he knows the truth at the end of the movie]

[No, you don’t have to be so mean, right? Does Xie Chi fan like obscene so much? Xie Chi is only temporarily safe from the body, it is not that he won, found a way to end the dungeon, can I trouble you to figure out the difference between the two? ]

[Yes, and have you seen it? His app terminal said that he is no longer affiliated with an actor in this state. You all know what this means, right? If he can't find a way to get out of the current state, the copy ends, and he has only a dead end, is it okay? ]

[So the actor didn’t lose, Xie Chi just found a way to save his life temporarily. Don’t be complacent. It looks really stupid. If you don’t know, you think this is a green vegetable market, please take it out. Meet the quality of red film consumption level, thank you]

[And this is only the fourth day, everything is possible, friendly advice, don’t say too much, otherwise it hurts to slap your face, once again, it is a fact that the actor did not lose]

[Your family is qualified and polite, high-end atmosphere is high-grade, if you fall behind, the opposite is going to be a dead end, "Xie Chi is still a dead end", as if your family has found a way out of the copy, hehe who is not dead One, who is more noble than anyone, shameless]

[It’s more noble than yours, thank you, otherwise, why is your house just a corpse? The Blood Demon Sword was taken away, and he would give Shen Yi his revenge? So funny]

[Why didn’t you see you when the actor was vomiting blood by a small second-liner? Spicy chicken, come in early]

[You guys don’t make a noise, okay, it’s hard to watch a movie well or2]


Xie Chi heard the bell of the fourth night. The bleak moonlight shone into the room from outside the window. Unsurprisingly, the fourth night was a dangerous moon.

More than half of the game time, as time goes by, the copy will become more and more dangerous.

The hermit's body was almost transparent. He knew that he was about to dissipate. He could see everything that happened between the electric light and flint just now, and now he was watching Xie Chi, his mood was indescribable.

He sighed, and solemnly said: "You have gone farther than all of us. This step has never been reached by no player. Unfortunately, in fact, I did not help you. The next thing is for me. It’s just blank, I can’t do anything, I have the heart, and I don’t have time."

"Long story short." Xie Chi urged coldly, he has more important things to do.

He was so cold that he was almost inhuman, and he seemed to never be affected by emotions to make correct judgments. The hermit became more admired and spoke faster: "Did you find me based on the symbols I left?"

Xie Chi was startled: "What symbol?"

The hermit was also stunned: "I pecked ten numbers in the witch's wardrobe with my mouth, and pecked a circle on the ninth number, suggesting the hermit card."

Xie Chi said truthfully: "I don't know. I guessed it."

The hermit was shocked.

He thought Xie Chi was the one who saw the symbol he left, but he didn't expect the truth to be like this.

He didn't get any obvious clues, but he still found himself.

The hermit smiled bitterly, and realized again that Xie Chi found him and had nothing to do with him.

He smiled a little with relief, and hidden guilt inside: "I take back all the doubts I had before, I think you can end this game, and I will wait until that moment arrives."

Xie Chi said "Yeah" and said, "Thanks."

What he gets is what he deserves, and there is no need to be grateful to others.

The hermit turned into a ray of firefly-like shards of light, which instantly dispersed, and the room returned to darkness.

Xie Chi was not afraid, and walked directly back to his body.

Living towards death has solved his urgent need. In his current state, as long as he is unwilling, no actor can see him, because he is no longer affiliated with an actor but a living person.

Not only the actors can't see him, the app specifically states that as long as he doesn't make any movement, witches, servants, and crows can't perceive him.

His is indeed dead.

He no longer has an identity card. In the game, the actor represented by the magician card died, in the order of death. His death made the progress of the witch's game even further. According to the hermit, the power of the witch will be further enhanced.

According to the order of death, it was now the turn of the Pope Ye Xiaoxiao.

Everything is proceeding step by step.

But he is really alive.

He was reborn as the wheel of fortune suggested.

But new crises are also conceived with new students, because life is a cycle. After being reborn, people inevitably fall into a near-death situation again, and the wheel of fortune begins to spin again, from death to life, from life to death.

Life and death, life and death.

Never rest, never rest, perhaps is the true meaning of life.

For the next three nights, he has a high probability of acting alone, and after three nights, if he can't find a way to regain his identity as an actor, he will be left in the copy forever.

And now there is a clear way of life before him.

Xie Chi stood up in the darkness, leaned against the wall, tilted his head slightly, the light in his eyes flickered.

At the moment he recovered from suicide, something repeated a spell in his ear:

"Tarot reincarnation method, only the living dead are qualified to be reincarnated..."

"Only the living dead..."

"Only reincarnation..."

At that moment, in the darkness, Anubis smiled at him friendly, his eyes were so gentle and pious, but Xie Chi couldn't understand even a word of what he chanted.

On the contrary, the words spoken by unknown creatures in their ears are clear and deep into the soul.

He suspected that it was the devil who said this to him.

He suspected that the devil was bewitching him.

But on the app, clear words appeared immediately, confirming the correctness of what the unknown creature said.

The meaning of that sentence seems to be well understood.

The living dead, the living dead, the person who lives first and then voluntarily goes to death, is his current state.

He is the living dead.

The phrase "the living dead have reincarnation" is more appropriate in other words-only the living dead need reincarnation.

He doesn't belong to an actor now. He needs to be reincarnated, become a living person again, and regain his identity as an actor. There is no doubt about that.

And the word reincarnation, from the beginning of the copy to the present, has been used for... witches.

So... the witch is the living dead, and the witch needs to be reincarnated through the Tarot reincarnation method and live again.

So now the witch and him... are in a state, just more advanced than him.

And in his current state, before the end of the game, although his strength is low, he is immortal.

Therefore, the witch is not immortal. The meaning of this sentence is that it is impossible for the actor to kill the witch during the game.

But these are actually not important, what is important is... the method of reincarnation.

The Tarot reincarnation law clearly records that sacrifices can even plunder the power of the witch in the game and become the next Tarot wizard.

And the way of life has been clearly set before him.

——According to the order of death, use the devil, tower, death card, plus one's own strength to construct and kill sacrifices.

Take the path the witch is walking, change your identity, and work hard for a successful reincarnation.

Killing more than witches and contributing more sacrifices than witches will be favored by the Tarot reincarnation method. In the end, he will seize the opportunity to reincarnate witches and become the next Tarot wizard. Have the identity of an actor.

It was not too late, and the witch killed two sacrifices-the fool and the magician, leaving seven.

It is not easy for him to kill more than witches, but it is definitely not difficult, let alone impossible.

And he is no longer an actor, and killing an actor will no longer be punished by the app.

If he successfully seizes the power of the witch in the game and kills Jiang Shuo, it seems that he is in front of him.

This is a path that has been clearly identified as the correct one, and the app’s language is impeccable, and it is by no means deceiving him.

All this is true.

He seemed to be free soon.

He can get his brother, can fulfill Shen Yi's wish, and can leave here.

The phone screen brightened again.

Xie Chi lowered his head and glanced.

[Whether to join the reincarnation? Countdown 10, 9, 8...]

Xie Chi smiled suddenly as he watched the number beating time slip away.

He narrowed his smile, pressed "No" blankly, and then slipped the phone back into his pocket.

Everything is beautiful, except in the order of death, the next **** thing is Ye Xiaoxiao.

To choose reincarnation, he must kill Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze himself.

Gu Yu's words faintly lingered: "I thought they would let the sword and me delay time to escape, but they put the crow on the sword, let the sword take the crow away, and greeted him desperately..."

he can not.

Xie Chi has never been a warm person. Whether he feels it or not is one thing, but it is another thing not to return.

It's not that there is no other way to go. The Tarot Reincarnation Law clearly records that players can successfully escape, destroy everything, and seize the power of witches to become the next Tarot wizard.

This is clearly at least three ways.

It's just that the last road is close at hand and easily accessible, and the other road is clueless and the future is uncertain.

"Xiaochi, don't do what you don't want to do, and we don't have to do it." Xie Xinglan said warmly.

"I hope you're happy."

Feeling Xie Xinglan's support, Xie Chi smiled easily. It was actually very simple.

He can be selfish, but he cannot be without a conscience, he can be indifferent, but he cannot be unfeeling.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze can be killed by other actors, but this person cannot be him Xie Chi.

He can be happy forever only if he has a clear conscience.

And he can definitely find another way.

Because he is Xie Chi.

"Brother, let's go."

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