Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 171 Table of contents

[Isn't this the closet where Gu Yu squatted before! ! ]

[Fuck, so Gu Yu was actually only one piece away from the truth before? This is too non-Chief! ]

[No wonder he sneaked into this place and the witch rushed over immediately, she was afraid that the secret road would be exposed! ! Kill Gu Yu at the expense of destroying the order of death because she thought Gu Yu knew the secret of the secret road! ! ]

[Puff that hermit is also very unlucky, he is only a short distance from the truth, he used his mouth to mark in the closet, I did not expect the secret room to be under the closet]

Xie Chi remembered very clearly. The hermit said before that he pecked ten numbers with a crow's beak in the closet, of which there was a separate circle on the number 9.

He should be here.

The surroundings were silent, and the witch's footsteps were clearly audible in the secret passage below him. Xie Xinglan quickly opened the closet door, jumped out, and then locked the closet.

A few seconds later, the witch's angry sound of hammering the cabinet door came from the closet.

The fragile wardrobe was overwhelmed and almost exploded. Xie Xinglan used his body to hold it back, and the movement of the wardrobe gradually diminished. Xie Xinglan guessed that the witch gave up this exit and went back to the secret room to find another exit. She leaned close to the cabinet door, looked in from the gap, caught off guard, and met a pair of gloomy eyes.

Xie Xinglan's heart sank and pressed the cabinet door tightly.

The witch's pale face pressed against the inside of the cabinet door, wishing to squeeze her eyes out of the cabinet door. She thanked Xing Lan and slowly showed a cold and evil smile, and said, "What if you know?"

The moment he heard the voice of the witch, Xie Chi felt a chill in his heart.

It was clearly a man's voice.

The body of a woman, the voice of a man. A man has always lived in the witch's body.

The old woman did not lie, she was the Tarot wizard who first discovered the Tarot reincarnation method, and the game with them was actually the player who successfully seized the opportunity to reincarnate the old woman in a certain game.

That is npc.

No wonder he pretended to be dumb at first, because once he opened his mouth, he would reveal a lot of information. His true gender itself can give the actor a hint. The actor can easily follow his gender and guess that the old woman lying on the bed might give them. Provide key clues.

And he did have a tongue, which also proved that the previous guess about the crow was correct. The servant has no tongue, and the servant can become a crow, the witch has a tongue, and the witch cannot become a crow.

Xie Chi's expression couldn't make waves, and looked at the witch.

"I haven't thank you for giving up'reincarnation.'"

The "Witch" laughed, full of sarcasm, as if to mock him for losing an easy opportunity and making him one less competitor.

The closet returned to calm, and the "witch" should have opened the wooden board and returned to the secret path.

Xie Chi looked around. He had previously noted that this was the room of the weird and beautiful maid, so the two openings of the secret room were under the bed where the witch was lying, and the other was in the closet in the room where the witch was cloned.

Xie Chi walked to the window and opened the black curtains. A crow flapped its wings and flew away.

Sure enough, there are crows under surveillance in both places.

Xie Chi checked in the room absently.

He was thinking about what the witch said.

In the eyes of the witch, the secret of breaking the secret room is obviously several times more difficult than choosing "reincarnation." He dared to laugh at himself and laughed at himself, surely he was confident about it.

It can make the treacherous, insidious and cautious witch feel relieved to mock herself, indicating that there may be a key joint he does not know, giving him the confidence to mock him.

He is certain that he will fail for some reason.

Of course, his words also indirectly proved that the secrets of the secret room can completely change the situation.

Xie Chi frowned a little bit, and an ominous premonition filled his heart.

Four grooves, three can be activated, one can not.

The strange movement behind Shimen...


Coming out of the room where Xie Chi was dead, Jiang Shuo's heart was always shrouded in haze.

Some places are not clear and unclear, which makes him feel bad. He always feels that there are omissions in some places...

Jiang Shuo walked all the way and stopped abruptly, his expression gloomy: "Go back."

Gu Yu was startled, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Shuo: "Xie Chi may not be dead."

"What?!" Gu Yu looked terrified.

"Annubis, born from death," Jiang Shuo finally figured out where the problem was and said coldly, "Go back and check Xie Chi's body."

The news that Xie Chi might not have died made Gu Yu panic.

The other actors watched confusedly as the actor and Gu Yu walked towards the room just after they came out.


In the room, Jiang Shuo personally checked Xie Chi's body, Gu Yu stood aside, not daring to make a sound.

Jiang Shuo's gaze fell on the wound on Xie Chi's abdomen, his gaze condensed.

When he stood up again, the veins on his forehead jumped wildly and his arms trembled uncontrollably.

He smiled sullly and kicked Gu Yu fiercely with his foot: "The body you examined, open your eyes and take a look."

Jiang Shuoxu was extremely angry, with no mercy on his feet, Gu Yu stumbled with pain, his face fell on the abdomen of Xie Chi's body.

He carefully identified it, and his face instantly became earthy.

The soul chasing arrow was inserted into the blood hole in Xie Chi's abdomen, but the blood hole was clearly wider than the thin arrows.

Xie Chi used suicide before and wanted to die with Jiang Shuo. There was a blood hole in his abdomen that was pierced by a sword. Gu Yu used to only use a soul-chasing arrow to shoot into the blood hole. Now I look closely and feel that Part of the blood hole does not overlap.

It seemed...Xie Chi was hit twice by the sword, and the soul-chasing arrow was like...whipping the corpse, inserted in the original blood hole.

Jiang Shuo sneered above his head: "He committed suicide."

Gu Yu was at a loss. He raised his head and suddenly saw Jiang Shuo's killing intent on him. His heart was shocked. Just as he was about to defend himself, Jiang Shuo smiled happily.

This angry smile made Gu Yu more panicked, unable to understand Jiang Shuo's meaning.

Jiang Shuo looked at Xie Chi's body and sneered, "I have to thank him for telling me how to survive."

"Life?" Gu Yu looked up in surprise.

Jiang Shuo lifted the sleeve of his right hand and pointed the head of the Void Crossbow at his neck artery. Gu Yu was shocked: "What are you going to do?!"

Jiang Shuo ignored him, pressing his hand on the point where the arrow was sent, and several black crossbow arrows shot out, instantly piercing his neck.

Jiang Shuo fell down.

Gu Yu rushed forward and looked at Jiang Shuo's body. His blood was cold. All this happened beyond his knowledge. Jiang Shuo... committed suicide?

No, it's not right.

Gu Yu tried to stay calm. Before Jiang Shuo committed suicide, he said that he had found a way out, so... the way out must be related to suicide.


Yes, Anubis, Gu Yu instantly calmed down like taking a pingxin pill, and lived from death. This is the way of life!

After thinking about everything, Gu Yu closed the door and waited quietly.

About two minutes later, Gu Yu felt his shoulder being touched by an unknown object. The alarm in his heart was overwhelming. He turned his head back suddenly, but saw nothing.

"Who?!" Gu Yu retreated sharply, stepped against the door, and said sharply.

"It's me." Jiang Shuo appeared voluntarily.

"Master!" Gu Yu rushed up with surprise, "Have you found a way out?"

Jiang Shuo's figure is actually transparent. He said, "I found it."

For some reason, Gu Yu felt that when Jiang Shuo said this, his eyes wandered around his face for a long time, and there was a hidden meaning in it.

"Should I commit suicide first?" Gu Yu asked, "Then I want to commit suicide..."

"No." Jiang Shuo said with a smile.

Gu Yu was flattered by his pleasant appearance, and at the same time was inexplicably flustered.

His loyalty to Jiang Shuo is inscribed in his bones. Jiang Shuo said "no need," so he didn't even ask.

He said in a daze, "Then I will go and kill Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze now..."

"No, you help me hide the body, then stare at Liang Zhen and the other actors, I will go to Ye Xiaoxiao."

Gu Yu nodded because he was unclear.

"What about Xie Chi?" Gu Yu asked cautiously, uneasy.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Shuo's lips: "I can't kill him now, but in the end, he will only die."


[Fuck! ! I just saw it! ! Jiang Shuo chose reincarnation on the app...]

[Mom, that's not going to start the massacre... According to the order of death, the next is the Pope, that is, Ye Xiaoxiao... Fuck, Jiang Shuo is going to kill Ye Xiaoxiao! ! ]

[Xie Chi gave up a great opportunity, now Jiang Shuo is cheap, and his death has also given others a key inspiration to make a wedding stone hammer for others]

[Cut, I really don’t understand, Xie Chi's Virgin is up at a critical moment? From the perspective of the plot, it is obvious that over time, more and more actors will see through the point of "putting the dead and reborn", and then choose to commit suicide and reincarnate to kill sacrifices. Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze will die sooner or later. Well, if he doesn’t kill, someone else will kill him. Is there a difference? It’s better to kill himself. The fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders. Now it’s better. It’s cheaper for Jiang Shuo. Two seriously injured sacrifices are like giving away for nothing, I feel Jiang Shuo To win]

[But I think choosing reincarnation is really bad, almost killing all the actors]

[Do you look at Jiang Shuo looking reluctant? A bunch of scum, whocare? ]

[What about Gu Yu, he is so loyal, will Jiang Shuo kill him...]

[Hey guess what hee hee]

[Actors Slaughter Bureau, hey, handsome! ! ! Handsome and cool! ! ]

[I feel that this movie can count down. After Jiang Shuo kills all the actors who are still alive, he should fast forward to the last night several times faster, right? ]

[I said, the actor is still the actor, Xie Chi himself let the opportunity slip away, no wonder, and having said that, even if Xie Chi chooses to be reincarnated, his strength is not as strong as Jiang Shuo, so he can easily kill other actors and reincarnate. For Jiang Shuo, it's a natural choice! ! Tailor-made for handsome! ]

[This is only the fourth night, the actor is too strong, right? ! This is a red film! ]

[Really wait for the actor to kill the sacrifice, Xie Chi is over! ]

[No Xie Chi, can he figure it out so quickly? ! Don’t put gold on your face, okay]


Ye Xiaoxiao hid under the bed and gasped heavily.

She was severely injured by Gu Yu and was able to get away with the help of props, but her injuries were too serious and she could only hide here, waiting for her strength to recover a little bit.

She and Ren Ze separated. At that time, Gu Yu chased and killed him, and they could only run separately.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked up, glanced outside the window, and pounded anxiously. She didn't know what happened to Xie Chi, the sword of the blood demon should have brought the crow, but she didn't know if Xie Chi had time to break the game...

Ye Xiaoxiao clutched the wound tightly, buried his head in his knees, not daring to think deeply.

No, Xie Chi is the creator of miracles, Xie Chi will not die, she only has to hold on for a while.

What about the actor, Xie Chi Wudi.

But what about her? Xie Chi is dead, according to the order of death, she is the next **** one...

Ye Xiaoxiao tried to control her nonchalant moment, a pale hand suddenly grasped her ankle.

Ye Xiaoxiao trembled all over, and suddenly raised his head to meet the witch's evil and eager eyes.

Ye Xiaoxiao immediately picked up the candle light on the bedside and slammed it on her foot. She dropped her cruel hand, and her foot was instantly bloody. At the same time, the strength of the witch's hand was also loosened, and she took this opportunity to crawl out. Under the bed, he rushed towards the door, enduring the severe pain. When he opened the door, he saw a pair of feet.

She raised her head, Jiang Shuo's pale and gloomy face came into view.

There are killing intent in his dark and deep pupils.



Hearing Ye Xiaoxiao's screams, Xie Xinglan rushed towards the direction of the sound.

"Brother, hurry up!" Xie Chi urged.

He briefly talked to Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze before.

After he became the living dead, he was no longer affiliated with the actor, and could no longer contact the actor through the app, so it was laborious and time-consuming to find. After not finding him, he gave up temporarily. After all, in his current state, even if he finds two of them, he cannot protect them. If he blindly gathers them together, it may be convenient for Jiang Shuofang to kill them all at once. What he can do now It is to break the game as quickly as possible and relieve their pressure, which can solve the problem fundamentally.

But now listening to the voice, Ye Xiaoxiao was very likely to be found by the witch.

Xie Xinglan passed a corner and saw an extremely **** scene-Ye Xiaoxiao should have used teleporting props, and rushed out for a certain distance. She was covered in blood, and the ground she had walked was turned into blood red.

Jiang Shuo chased after him, as soon as the crossbow of the void came out, the black arrows were all fired. Ye Xiaoxiao's heart was instantly stabbed into a hornet's nest. She threw forward to the ground and could not get up again.

Xie Chi clenched his hand, Jiang Shuo committed suicide in this state. He chose to reincarnate and began to massacre the sacrifice.

Xie Xinglan disappeared and sprinted towards the other side.

The witch was also chasing Ye Xiaoxiao, and she was about to catch Ye Xiaoxiao, but Jiang Shuo turned his head and moved his hand with the witch.

The witch tried to start with Ye Xiaoxiao several times, but was stopped by Jiang Shuo, and was even injured by Jiang Shuo, who had recovered his physical strength. He hid his figure with resentment, as if planning to abandon this sacrifice and look for the next sacrifice. Pin, when he left, he cast a vague glance in the direction Xie Xinglan was running.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he seemed contented.

Hearing the strange footsteps around, Jiang Shuo looked very happy, and said quietly: "Xie Chi, I know you are here."

"It turns out that whether you are dead or alive, you can only watch and can't do anything."

"Since you are immortal and immortal, enjoy your only three nights."

"To be honest, I thought you would choose to reincarnate, so I killed Ye Xiaoxiao and offered sacrifices to heaven and earth. I was very surprised to see her alive."

Jiang Shuo laughed: "You see, the demigod gene will also be defeated in the face of extra emotions, Shen Yi is, so are you. It is yourself, who missed the opportunity to turn defeat into victory, regret it?"

Xie Chi turned a deaf ear, he never regretted the past, Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze, he tried his best, there is no so-called guilt.

"Xie Chi! Run! Leave me alone!" Ye Xiaoxiao heard Xie Chi's name, his broken body finally moved, and he sighed hard and shouted.

Xie Xinglan has galloped up to Ye Xiaoxiao's side, and is about to grab her and lead her away. Xie Chi was about to make Ye Xiaoxiao commit suicide and become a living dead, temporarily avoiding the imminent crisis in front of him. The words have reached his mouth and suddenly choked. In the throat.



Jiang Shuo had already walked up to Ye Xiaoxiao, he looked at Ye Xiaoxiao condescendingly, slowly raised the crossbow of the void and aimed it at Ye Xiaoxiao's face.

Xie Xinglan didn't understand why Xie Chi suddenly lost his voice. He was about to kick off Jiang Shuo's arrow belt Li Ye Xiaoxiao, but was suddenly stopped by Xie Chi: "Brother! Leave Ye Xiaoxiao! Go!"

Xie Xinglan was taken aback, thinking for the first time that he had heard it wrong, and after reacting, he left Ye Xiaoxiao without hesitation.

He does not judge Xie Chi's decision, he only knows that Xiao Chi is always right.

Jiang Shuo sighed with a smile: "Look, he doesn't even bother to save you. This is the person you helped with his life."

Ye Xiaoxiao took a mouthful of blood: "Fuck you! You wait for him to play with you!!"

A well-educated lady, said dirty words for the first time.

Jiang Shuo's face was dark, and he pressed the crossbow of the void. The black arrow went straight through Ye Xiaoxiao, and Ye Xiaoxiao fell weakly.

With warm blood splashing on his body, Xie Xinglan turned his back.

Shimen, the words of the witch, the Grand Arcana...

Xie Chi figured out everything just now.

There was no wave in his voice: "Brother, the four grooves on Shimen are actually four Tarot cards."

"In the order of the Grand Arcana, they are chariot, strength, justice, and...temperance."

"The first three have unusual changes because we have the will represented by the battle license plate and the power represented by the strength card. We have given up the reincarnation that hurts others and selfishly, so we have been favored by the justice card. And the last groove without movement is... …Control card."

"Controlling emotions and learning to exercise restraint are the essence of temperance cards."

"On the sidelines and seeing death without saving, it is to help Ye Xiaoxiao and to be restrained, because she still has a chance to live. Once I act and instigate her to commit suicide, things will be out of control."

"Behind Shimen, there are two coffins, or even more. Those two making a'bang' are the fool and magician cards in the coffin, that is, me and Liang Wen."

"The fool Liang Wen and I didn't really die, but just entered a'death state'."

"Because the game time is seven nights, the servant has repeatedly emphasized that the game result will only appear on the seventh night. During this period, the dead players are just entering a'death state' and are forced to live in the coffin behind Shimen, waiting The seventh night is coming."

"Of the 22 major arcana cards, plus tanks, power, justice, and temperance, there have been nineteen cards, and three are left. I always thought that these cards do not exist, but at present, they are just It's hidden deeply."

Xie Chi closed his eyes and said softly, "There are three remaining cards, namely the Sun card, and the last two cards of Judgment and World, which are located at the bottom of the Arca. These two are at the bottom, meaning time. The end of the event, the end of the event, and the end of the game, because the Grand Arcana card reaction itself is the beginning to the end of an event."

"On the seventh night, all players participating in the Tarot game, including the witch, me, and Jiang Shuo, will enter the trial area. After the trial, there will be wins or losses, life and death."

"Players who died during the game will be sent directly to the trial area, which is behind the stone gate, waiting for the end of the game, and the real trial of life and death, they have just lost the right to continue participating in the game."

"If I lose in the seventh night's trial, Ye Xiaoxiao will truly die."

"And if I save her, the temperance card will be destroyed once, and there will never be a chance to take shape. This is the reason why the witch is certain that I will lose. He thinks I will save Ye Xiaoxiao, so he completely missed the fourth groove control. Opportunity."

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