Chapter 6 Table of contents

This sentence is enough for Si Nannao to make up and down the 100,000 words before and after the ups and downs, but on the surface he is still calm and expresses a very curious with a single syllable:


Zhou Rong was satisfied with his listening gesture.

"There were three groups of people involved in the rescue of the hostages: the kidnappers, opponents and hostages. The kidnappers were uniformly dressed, the competitors wore bulletproof vests with positioning chips, and the hostages had nothing. I had rescued two hostages in the middle of the game. As long as you take them through the jungle, the mission is successful, but then I met this Omega who came to the door. "

Sinan nodded.

"It's not what you think. At that time, it was mud and sweat. It wasn't clear at all. It didn't look pretty. It was pitiful, but it was so sticky. It followed everywhere. It was scared when it was dark. Hold my arms ... "

Si Nan looked at the sturdy arms under Rong's short-sleeved T-shirt next week, and nodded again.

"..." Zhou Rong tentatively said, "Somehow I think your thoughts are a little dirty."

"No. Then?"

Zhou Rong could not find evidence of the filth of his opponent's mind and had to give up.

"Then? I took this hostage with me, wading through mountains and rivers through the jungle. I ate whatever the child was eating first. It was dangerous to protect him first. Cooking and setting up a tent didn't let him do anything. He was afraid of falling in his hand, and he was afraid of being melted in his mouth. He also behaved particularly sticky to me ... Everyone understands that Omega is weak and young, and young. "

Zhou Rong smoked a cigarette and put his cigarette **** to the ground, his expression became a little weird:

"Until the last day, walking to the edge of the jungle, the night when we reached the camp ..."

Sinan: "He confessed to you?"

Silent, Zhou Rong depressed: "No."

"He stunned me, tied him up, and thanked me for taking my gun gear and taking away my hostages; it wasn't until the organizing committee sent someone to rescue the next day that I knew he wasn't What hostage is your competitor on behalf of Country A ... "

"I was so far ahead of me and I lost. To this day I can't figure out how an Omega can be so treacherous and deceitful, so cross the river to tear down the bridge!"

Zhou Rong slammed into his own hand, burying his head deeply into the arms, and Sinan exhausted all his control to keep his tone stable: "Well, you are so miserable Rong ... why didn't you find him an opponent? What about? "

"Because the first thing he did after entering the jungle was to abandon all the equipment, empty the kettle, throw away the dry food, and bury the guns on the spot. There is only one locator that can never leave the body. It is usually a sign to identify the opponent. Guess he put it Where did it go? "

Sinan shook his head.

"Swallowed in the stomach." Zhou Rong gritted his teeth and said, "Finally, he only took it out after surgery!"

...... Your **** is also a tough game, Sinan sincerely thought.

"What's more frightening is that this child already has a target. After the game, Country A came to pick him up. I saw with my own eyes that the ghost Alpha took a sip from his neck gland." Zhou Rong said angrily: "You said this is not What is deception? "

Cervical glands are typically temporary markers after puncture, and usually last for three to four weeks, until they are naturally metabolized with blood circulation. They are usually used for omegas that have not been thoroughly labeled. Temporary markers can prevent Omega pheromone from diverging, but more importantly, identify ownership and challenge the surrounding Alpha.

Another case that has not been proven by theory but is generally accepted is that temporary marks are sufficient to form a temporary contractual relationship, in other words, surrender.

-Alpha uses this pheromone direct infusion method to exacerbate Omega's natural fear of himself and gain a short-term psychological surrender.

Si Nan imagined that scene, and for some reason he was uncomfortably faint, it seemed to him subconsciously that the facts were not what Zhou Rong said. But cannibalism is short and manpower is short, he said sincerely: "Yes, Rong, you are right."

"Now you know why the subject can't find Omega? Don't think that they occasionally show weakness is interesting to you. Beta like you, in the end, 80% of the bones are deceived." Zhou Rong found the cigarette case and thought about it But put it back again, changed out the antipyretic medicine box, scraped out two pills to indicate that Sinan took it.

"I won't talk to you, let's go to bed. If the fever goes down tomorrow, it means there is no infection, otherwise my brother will have to shoot you."

Si Nan leaned in the corner, and behind his head was Zhou Rong's pillow padded with thick clothes. With the shimmering light through the door gap, he saw that most of the pillboxes were soaked with black blood.

"... Thank you." He paused and smiled. "I will accept your advice ... I won't find Omega."

Zhou Rongshun patted his head.

At that moment, the door was knocked twice, Zhou Rong got up and opened a seam. When he saw Chuncao outside, he lowered his voice and said, "Discuss the retreat route, brother Rong. Helicopter cannot land directly on the top of the building tomorrow ..."

Zhou Rong made a gesture and interrupted her:

"Tell Yingjie to come and guard him. Those who are the most fierce during the day, don't let them approach here."

The door closed slightly, Sinan closed her eyes, listening to Zhou Rong's footsteps.


The next day, the doctor put down the thermometer and said, "Thirty-seven degrees three."

Zhou Rongbin thanked him politely, even though he looked at him, everyone knew that what he wanted to say was: "You are a fool."

The doctor turned away in Zhou Rong's victory eyes, the latter kicked Sinan with his toes, motioned that he should not pretend to die since he had a fever, and hurry up to work. Then he turned and clapped his hands, shouting loudly: "Very good-all get up! Pack up equipment, carry supplies, clean the mall corridor! Ready to meet the helicopter landing, all **** hurry up!"

The corpse across the ground scratched his head and got his head up. Si Nan took a piece of seaweed floss bread and walked out of the cubicle. I saw Yan Hao sitting on the floor in the narrow corridor outside the door, his long legs flexed uncomfortably, and he held it with one hand. Returning the carbine to the original owner, he heard him come out, and raised a gentle smile.

Sinan walked slightly.

Yan Hao stood up, moved his stiff wrists and ankles, and turned away.

Zhou Rong is a monster that doesn't need rest, and excels at anytime, anywhere. Before lunch, he personally drew a retreat route, divided the survivors into fourteen groups, and prepared them to climb from the mall security corridor to the top floor in turn; he went to kill the zombies wandering in the security corridor and blocked all the doors and windows. Died, the special forces patrolled back and forth, using radio walkie-talkies to report anomalies at any time.

At half past three in the afternoon, he asked Yan Hao to take someone to clean up the roof of the mall building at the 101st time. The roar of four large helicopters broke out in the air.

"Here!" Yan Hao yelled at the radio as he waved his hand vigorously: "Helicopter is preparing to land! Arrange the first group to go upstairs!"

The survivors intersected sadness and joy, wept and wept, and climbed up to the roof under the **** of special forces. The pilot opened the hatch and yelled in the hurricane: "From the front, don't go to the tail of the aircraft-quickly! Don't get crowded, come one by one!"

"The plane is not enough!" The pilot shouted to Zhou Rong, "Send a group of people first, and we will return later!"

Zhou Rong was so sweaty, he waved his hand to show that he knew it. He rushed into the back of the team, pulled Sinan out, and gave him a dagger with a temperature and a man who didn't know where to touch it. apple.

"Go up!" Zhou Rong pointed at the helicopter, yelling at his ear: "Go, hurry up!"

Someone beside him quit: "Hey, you said earlier that women and children go first, and men are on the next batch!"

Zhou Rong ignored it and pushed Sinan forward. The suit was squeezed crookedly, and the white-collar rage said, "Too much, what's your name? I'm going to complain to you in the military area!"

"Zhou Rong——!" Zhou Rong cursed, "Go, complain!" Immediately dragging Sinan forward.

"It's full! Don't get on!" The roar of the pilot came from the front of the crowd in the chaos, closed the door, and stopped a few young men who were desperately squeezed forward. Immediately, the four helicopters took off and turned around. And fly north.

The huge yelling and sighing rang, Zhou Rong silently cursed swear words, extremely exhausted, and sat on the ground with one butt.

Sinan took out the apple, squeaked his mouth, and handed it over leisurely: "Half?"

Zhou Rong took it off in bad temper, biting most of it severely.

The two sat by the railings on the rooftop. You gave me a bite of this precious apple, and Zhou Rong got up to maintain order and regroup.

The survivors were very anxious. The people left behind experienced the despair from the hope that they would be saved at sight to the disappointment of being abandoned again. The atmosphere of despair permeated the crowd. Several limited special forces were unable to fully control the scene, and even the medical team had to rise to help maintain order.

"What happened to them?" Zhou Rong frowned.

Two or three nurses were squatting in the corner of the rooftop, squatting head to head, and they all seemed uncomfortable, with pale faces and thick blue under the eyes.

"It's too tiring to work overtime." The doctor explained: "Circular quarantine every day, spray disinfection water, can't sleep even with a sense of consciousness, that day your people killed the zombies and moved to burn them. No one wants to help. They used a stretcher to help lift the body ... "

The doctor's face was also not good-looking. Zhou Rong watched the nurse for a while, and suddenly asked, "The temperature is normal?"

"Checked early, they have no wounds on them!" The doctor said unhappy.

"I'm sorry." Zhou Rong immediately apologized: "When the plane comes back, your people will be on board for the first time."

The doctor then eased.

Sinan finished eating apples, and nothing happened. The high fever has receded, and the whole body has a lazy slight tenderness. Although it is not uncomfortable, it also makes people lazy. He leaned on the rooftop and stared at the swollen city under his feet, and half a while raised the pendant from his collar, opened it, and stared at the smiling men and women on the old photo.

"Your parents?" Someone asked behind him.

Si Nan glanced up at Yan Hao.

"Your parents are ..." Yan Hao wanted to say that it was good-looking. At the moment when the exit was not serious enough, he changed his mouth and said, "Excellent temperament."

Si Nan laughed and said casually: "It's a pity that it was not passed on to me."

"This thing was developed the day after tomorrow." Yan Hao asked with a smile: "Are you a mixed race? I always thought you were a special policeman in T city."

Sinan didn't say a word.

Yan Hao silently looked at him with the corner of his eyes. Sinan's temperament does not have anything to do with elegance and meticulousness. On the contrary, it is very similar to the special forces around him.

However, if you touch it a few times, you will find that there are some indescribable differences hidden in the hands and feet, very different from him, Chunchun, and even Zhou Rong.

Yan Hao thought about it and changed the topic: "What did the captain talk to you last night?"

Sinan opera yelled: "The trouble of young Witt."

"The international special forces jungle race was eliminated by Omega?"

... Zhou Rong, a stranger, he must have popularized his shameful past with the whole team.

"He must only tell you that the Omega boy knocked him out of the tree and tied him to the tree, apologized, and then snatched the section of his guns and hostages." Yan Hao said, "As for the flowers and Confess ... "

Sinanchi said: "Flower delivery? Confession?"

Yan Hao took a glance at the probe, Zhou Rong was crowding in the crowd, and chattered and explained why he wanted to put the medical team into the first batch of helicopters.

"The reason why Zhou team remembers for so many years is because after the boy tied him up, he kissed him in order to express his apology."

Sinan: "..."

"That was the only time in the team's life that they contacted Omega up close," Yan Hao smiled. "So if he tells you that he will go to the teenager to settle accounts after the game, then he is lying ... he actually bought flowers Confession, only later found that the other party has Alpha, so I came back furious. "

Sinan shook her head slowly, and sighed for a long time: "... worry."

Yan Hao sympathized: "Who said no?"

The sound of hunting came from a distance, and the two helicopters turned back.

"Line up! Line up! Hurry up!" The crowd roared, the pilot was exhausted, and yelled with a horn: "Medical team! Where is the medical team-!"

The nurses were wrapped around the front of the crowd, their faces were gray and grey, and they were almost pushed by the crowd. They entered the door without clicking their feet.

Zhou Rong saw this scene from afar, somehow his eyelids jumped, and he felt a slight unease in his heart. But the scene was almost heated at this time. Everyone was roaring forward, and some of them were almost squeezed to the tail of the helicopter. They were almost swept to their heads by the high-speed rotating propellers, and then screamed.

"Can't squeeze anymore!" The horn sounded deafening, and the pilot yelled, "Go to the next one !!"

The pilot gave Zhou Rong a thumb, closed the cabin door, and slowly lifted off.

Zhou Rong couldn't help but looked up and watched. Suddenly, a frightening fear grabbed his heart.

The wind sounded still, and the world was frozen at this moment.

Zhou Rong turned back subconsciously, his eyes crossed the crowd, and Si Nan's sharply contracted pupil met his eyes.

The next moment, as if a death knell finally sounded in the void, Zhou Rong suddenly rushed and rushed: "Retreat-!"

"The whole retreat-!!!"

The helicopter fell and spun, and the shadow grew larger and larger. He hit a second helicopter in a terrible scream and sent a shocking explosion!


The air flow instantly pushed countless people out of the rooftop and fell down the street. Yan Hao was too late to fall out of the railing, and when he was about to hit, his wrist was caught by Si Nan!

"Climb up!" Si Nan shouted.

Yan Hao took a breath, clenched his teeth and climbed the top window window, and was about to climb up, but suddenly his eyes crossed what Sinan saw, and his face suddenly changed: "No! Leave me alone, you run away!"

Si Nan's chest rested on the iron railing, and Yan Hao's weight was breathless, and he tried his best to barely glance up.

The distorted helicopter cabin door was knocked open, countless people rushed out with flames, covered with black smoke, and screamed and rolled. More people staggered behind them, grabbed the survivors closest to them, and bit their necks.

-The infected person was mixed in the helicopter.

A new round of zombie virus broke out in front of them. 2k novel reading network

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