Chapter 10 Table of contents

The worst situation in Zhou Rong's vision finally happened. He stood on the roof of the factory building, put down the military telescope, and thoughtfully looked at the sky.

Autumn is long, and thousands of miles are washed.

The city in the distance is full of scars, like a huge grave between heaven and earth.

"The shortwave nationwide was interrupted, base communications were cut off, and the positioning signal was launched. It was ignored. A whole week has passed, and the military area of ​​City B must have fallen, but no nuclear bomb has come to clean it ..."

Zhou Rong murmured: "What's the situation?"

There was a sound of climbing behind the iron ladder, and someone said lightly: "Perhaps the military area capable of launching nuclear bombs has fallen, and no strong fortress can resist the internal collapse-you know."

"Yan Hao," Zhou Rong said earnestly, "you will learn Sinan's tone and I will hit you, really."

Yan Hao laughed and handed a cigarette.

"Yo," Zhou Rong was a little surprised. "Do you still have stock?"

"Given by the masses."

"The People's Liberation Army cannot take the masses one stitch at a time ..."

"The People's Liberation Army stands guard and carries gas tanks for the masses. If you ca n’t take a cigarette, you can smoke it."

The autumn wind was bleak, the sky was high, Zhou Rong and Yan Hao stood face to face and smoked for a while. At the foot of the front yard of the factory building, the men were gathering to install barbed wire, and they were doing so hot. The women were feeding chickens and growing vegetables, and whispered from time to time.

Zhou Rong shot soot and said, "In two days, the defense construction is finished. I will go to the B military area alone to explore the situation, and you wait for my news."

Yan Hao frowned suddenly: "Are you crazy? Do you know how big city B is, where do you go for a helicopter?"


"If the B military area falls, it means that hundreds of thousands of zombies are crowded in the shelter. Do you think you are too long or stingy?"

Zhou Rong rubbed his chin with one hand and rubbed his chin with one hand. After a long time, he finally said, "I feel a bit weird. How did this virus come about and how it will develop, why can the heavily defended military area B fall? You tell me that there is no shelter I do n’t believe in strict access to the epidemic. But if every survivor who entered the sanctuary has been quarantined, why can the virus still erupt from the inside? ”

"Unless," Zhou Rongshen said, "the virus has mutated and escaped the currently known quarantine methods, just as the nurses in T city were infected without biting."

Yan Hao suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Zhou Rong said, "In the sense of righteousness, we are the top, strongest, and most confidential team in the North China Special Forces, and the team closest to City B so far. If even we are stagnant, then the B military region No one will know what happened. "

"From a small point of view, if we do not figure out the direction of the mutation of the virus, our small refuge will not be able to sustain it for a long time. There are finished eggs under the nest. How can we be so close to City B?"

"..." Yan Hao was silent for a long time, and finally admitted: "You make sense."

Gentleman Zhou Rong shrugged, extinguishing cigarette butts.

Yan Hao thought for a while and shook his head: "But you can't go alone, it's too dangerous. We need to have an action plan ..."

"We?" Zhou Rong said with a smile: "Why, let's go together? What about the 30 or so old and young plus a pregnant woman, who will protect them?"

What Yan Hao wanted to say, suddenly somebody was carrying a box, not far away, across the backyard, and happened to look up to the roof of the plant.

——It is Sinan.

Sinan found a researcher's white coat from the laboratory of the fertilizer plant, wearing goggles and gloves, and cuffed his elbow to reveal his slender and powerful arms.

With a reagent box on his shoulder, he stood on the open ground and looked at Zhou Rong and Yan Hao away, and smiled a few seconds later.

Then he said nothing and turned away.

"..." Zhou Rong poked at Yan Hao and said suddenly: "Did you find that he has been hiding from us for the past few days?"

No answer from his side.

Zhou Rong looked back, Yan Hao stepped off the roof a few steps, landed vigorously, and chased after Si Nan.

Zhou Rong shoved his cigarette **** into his mouth, slowly chewed for a while, and smiled at himself.

He squatted by the eaves for a while, scratched his hair, and suddenly shouted, "Grass--!"

Chun Cao's voice rang from the chicken shed: "What--!"

"What are you doing--!"

"Feed the chicken--!"

"Dad helps you feed!" Zhou Rong came to his spirits, jumped off the roof, and clapped his hands.


"What is this, nitrocellulose?" Yan Hao stood frowning and asked.

Sinan spread a piece of cloth in the small open space in front of the rear plant. He took out wet cotton from the reagent box with tweezers, spread it carefully on the cloth, and returned an English word: "Dispersoid."

"..." Yan Hao asked, "Do you want to say disperse?"

Sinan: "?"

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Si Nan asked, "Isn't that what I just said?"

"You're talking 'Dispersoid'."

Sinan's eyes appeared blank for a moment, then he reacted and perfunctoryly said, "You heard it wrong."

He got up and turned to the other corner of the plastic cloth, and continued to spread cotton.

Dispersoid is not a daily English word. If it can be slipped out, at least it means that the person has good English or has a certain level of chemical engineering-Yan Hao's eyes did not consciously bring some inquiry, but he did not show it, and asked with a smile: Do you want to do nitrate frying | bomb? "

"Well." Si Nantou did not lift up, "I try. The purity of the nitric acid found so far is not high. I am afraid that the nitrogen content of nitrocellulose is not enough to blow up, but it is feasible to burn.

Yan Hao opened his mouth silently, nodded, and finally couldn't help asking: "What the **** did you do before?"

"What do you think?" Sinan asked back.

Yan Hao thought for a long time and admitted: "I can't guess. You must be professionally trained, senior bodyguard or public security system? If it is the latter, it is possible to contact chemical explosives, then it must be a professional counterpart. High-level talents, you are of age ... "

Yan Hao looked at Si Nan and felt that he looked quite young. He said that it was possible at twenty-five and six, and that it was not unlike to say that he was in his early twenties.

At this age, there will be shots, good car skills, and explosives, except for a person who doesn't think of him--


Yan Hao's eyelids began to jump wildly, tentatively, "... Aren't you religious?"

Sinan somehow: "What teach?"

Sinan carefully laid out the last point of nitrocellulose, so that the entire piece of plastic cloth was protected from direct sunlight under natural air-drying conditions. He immediately got up and returned to the rear plant, which was a closed laboratory that he himself transformed.

Yan Hao wanted to follow up, but just after taking a step, Sinan commanded like a long head in his head: "Stand."

Yan Hao had to pause.

A few minutes later, Sinan pushed out the door, lowered the cardboard box held in his arms, and saw that there was a dropper, a piece of white paper, a hammer, and the motorcycle leather jacket and helmet he brought out of T city; Yan Hao Before he had time to ask, Sinan waved his hand and motioned him to stay away.

Sinan took off her white coat, took off her goggles, put on a motorcycle jacket and helmet, and pulled the zipper to her chin. After wrapping himself so tightly, he sucked the solution in the test tube with a dropper and carefully dropped a drop on the white paper.

Then he put down the blank paper, took the hammer, and took a deep breath.

Just then, at the far end of the chicken shed, a rooster didn't know what was stimulated, and screamed and flew out, rushing towards the open space—

Zhou Rong caught up with his lungs and said, "Don't run!"


Sinan hit the white paper with a hammer, and nitroglycerin reacted violently, and an amazing explosion occurred instantly!

The high detonation speed of 7500 meters / second produced a dazzling fire, Yan Hao had no time to react, only felt rushing forward, and stepped back a few steps!

boom! The **** splattered with blood and fell down in the air.


Si Nan fell to the ground and was rushed forward by Yan Hao to help her, only to see that the white paper had turned into gray smoke, and a large pit in the mouth of the bowl had appeared under her feet.

Yan Haoping had never seen such a person who dared to dedicate himself to science, pointing to the mound for a while and saying nothing. Sinan lifted the cracked locomotive helmet and exhaled a long breath: "You just wanted to ask me what I believe?"

"........." Yan Hao said, "No, nothing."

"Comrades," Zhou Rong murmured behind him.

The two turned around at the same time, and saw that the chickens in the courtyard were messy, Zhou Rong had blood on his hands, and held a big rooster with a crooked neck and staring, apparently out of breath.

"I have no opinion on your scientific experiments, but since this is the only one in the chicken shed ..." He shook the chicken head in front of Si Nan and Yan Hao, coldly: "Congratulations, chicken The swarming plan is officially dead. "

Sinan covered her nose and asked, "Can you eat fried chicken at night?"


There was no fried chicken at night, but there was chicken stir-fried sauerkraut. Everyone in the shelter received a small spoon.

"Fried chicken is not enough," Zhou Rong explained to Si Nan, and solemnly warned: "I hope you don't do the thing of trying out nitroglycerin at the door of the chicken shed every day for your own benefit. We still need eggs."

He gave Sinan the spoonful of chicken wire in his bowl and listened to the other side of the round table. Guo Weixiang chopped the chicken bones in the bowl and suddenly made a long sigh: "Well, how good it is to be a **** in the next life."

Chun Cao said, "You took the wrong medicine, Xiangzi?"

"What do you know, if you are born as a rooster, you can at least have 20 hens, and you can sit there every day and admire the 20 hens to fight for your own jealousy. But if you were born unfortunately for Alpha?"

Guo Weixiang clamped a chicken rib and stared at it with extraordinary eyes: "According to the current ABO **** ratio, at least it must fight with 20 Alpha to fight for an Omega. If it is Beta, it will be even worse. It's difficult to find a Beta girl to get married and have children. Omega even thinks about it.

Chun Cao said, "Your thought is a bit dangerous, comrade, don't give up your life easily?"

"It's not a scourge, but after the virus continues, the future of humanity will be ji. But then again, if I want to do it, I will definitely not choose the captain ..."

Zhou Rong: "?"

"Yan Hao is a good candidate." Guo Weixiang thought for a while and rejected himself: "Unfortunately, Yan Hao is too strong. He will continue to grow into a Vajra Barbie sooner or later, just in case ..."

Yan Hao heard his name and turned around from the other round table: "Say what?"

Chun Cao laughed: "Shoko is discussing the possibility of engaging you."

As if Yan Hao had heard a joke, he pointed to himself and Guo Weixiang: "——Who engages in whom? Try tonight?"

Guo Weixiang hurriedly raised his hand to ask for forgiveness, and suddenly glanced at Si Nan from the other side of the table, and said, "Yes, you can do Si Nan!"

Si Nan raised one eye from the edge of the rice bowl and stared at Guo Weixiang coldly.

Comrade Xiangzi laughed and stepped forward to catch Sinan's shoulder, but unfortunately there were not many people on the round table. Only Zhou Rong interjected interestingly on the side: "Don't make trouble for Xiangzi, our comrade Xiao Si can't look at you."

Guo Weixiang said, "Well?" "Really?"

Sinan's answer was to move his hand away from his shoulder an inch, and move with ease, but could not refuse to say, "When Beta is good, better than Alpha, don't be arrogant."

Guo Weixiang laughed and said what to say, just listening to Si Nan and saying casually:

"If you weren't Beta, it was so risky to save you in City T, I might regret it."

Guo Weixiang said, "But we are not Beta," stuck in my throat alive, and I felt like I was swallowing eggs.

The table full of special forces with big eyes and small eyes, Si Nan clipped chopsticks and shredded potatoes, and suddenly realized that the atmosphere was too quiet: "What's wrong?"

"..." Zhou Rong slowly said, "Comrade Xiao Si, did you just say something? I always thought you were a gender equality ..."

Si Nan laughed and said, "I've never been equal. I've always looked down on Alpha."

After a heartbreaking silence, Yan Hao finally asked a solemn question: "Why?"

"Afraid of trouble." Si Nan thought for a moment, flatly: "Now many Alphas are very weak, and they should spare energy to protect them when they are in danger. And Alpha's deep-rooted chauvinism ... Although they all say they are the best genes Humans, but it ’s just that animal evolution has n’t been complete. ”

He chopped the last bite of rice in the bowl, lowered his chopsticks and said unexpectedly, "I'm full, don't you eat?"

In his suspicious eyes, everyone at the table was silent for a long time, neither making a sound nor any action.

Zhou Rong finally coughed and explained, "We are ... not very appetizing today."

The dinner was over in a dead silence, and even Spring Grass did not eat her third bowl of rice.

Since camping in the fertilizer plant, two special forces have patrolled ten men each night with ten men on the patrol while others exercise, exercise, learn fighting in the courtyard, and check the barbed wire and security facilities around the plant.

However, I do n’t know why Captain Zhou and Deputy Captain Yan who taught everyone to fight tonight are not very energetic. They closed their stalls early at 9:30 and let people go back to wash and rest. There were three groups of men, women, and children in the courtyard, walking towards the dormitory behind the factory building. A few young people still wanted to linger on what Zhou Rong wanted to ask. Suddenly there was a loud noise when the car tires violently rubbed the road.

Zhou Rong turned back suddenly.

At night outside the factory, an unobtrusive danger is approaching, bringing a breath of restlessness and uneasiness.

咣 Dang!

The back door of the workshop was pushed open, and Si Nan hurriedly took off the goggles. As he walked, the white gown flipped and flew up, condensing: "The entrance to the north industrial zone, one o'clock, 800 meters away."

Zhou Rong was still and calm, and felt spreading in all directions. Suddenly, his pupils squeezed slightly--

"Rong brother!" Spring grass slid down from the tree, rushing down like a sharp arrow: "A container truck on the north side road overturned, and there were more than ten survivors, which attracted zombies extremely!"

"Roughly estimate that there are hundreds of zombies nearby, and are following them here!" 2k novel reading network

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