Chapter 22 Table of contents

A tactical flashlight hit the cracked wall. Zhou Rong observed for a moment and motioned to the right: "This way."

The three advanced quickly against the corner, and Zhang Yingjie's pace was a little hesitant. Chun Cao turned to help, but he avoided it.

"I'll do it myself," Zhang Yingjie panted and laughed at himself: "I'll ... I won't recognize you later, don't hurt your teammates, stay away from me."

Chun Cao's slap-covered face was full of tears, without saying a word.

At the forefront, Zhou Rong's eyes were red, but he didn't turn back, and his voice was very smooth: "Ying Jie supported him. We rushed out within two hours, and you have time to ... at least go back to the ground."

They crossed the aisle and walked down the stairs destroyed by the zombie orangutan. Zhang Yingjie laughed: "Is it too late? In fact, I don't care. The light of death is off. Where is it different? I just want to know that my wife and children are still alive. No, as long as I can see them again ... "

They passed through a promenade connected to a laboratory. Suddenly, Spring Grass stopped and struck a beam of light on the safety indicator overhead. "You see, zone E."

All three looked up at the same time.

"North District E" was hanging on the green with white text crooked in the dark.

Si Nan was chased by Zombie King, ran into E area by accident?

Zhou Rong is happy in pain: "Very good, at least it saves action time, here."

Zhang Yingjie paused and breathed a few times. Zhou Rong ignored his dodging, reached out and helped him, and whispered, "E area has the latest antibody research data, and maybe the original antibody products. The time since the destruction of the base Look, the antibodies may not be expired, if they are still effective ... "

Zhang Yingjie immediately said: "I will not fight that Rong brother, don't make a joke. Use the hope of the whole world for me alone to survive, and in the future he will go to eighteen layers of hell."

"... if there are two." Zhou Rong hoarsely, "if there is, I will give you a fight."

What did Zhang Yingjie want to say, Zhou Rong pulled him: "Go."

The flashlight illuminates the fork in the front. On the ceiling as high as six meters, the ventilation pipe breaks and hangs, hanging like a python twisted in the air. Zhou Rong glanced at the tablet computer map in his hand.

——To the left is the test field, but it is not clear what the test field is; to the right is the confidential biochemical data room. The important level is the red S level.

Zhou Rong couldn't decide which direction to go for a moment, and suddenly Chun Cao's ears moved: "There is a sound."

In the darkness, Zhang Yingjie's heavy gasping reluctance.

Upstairs came slowly, listening to the sound seemed to be a group of people rumbling from far to near, and sometimes came the silencer | soft gun that the special forces were very familiar with.

As soon as the three men looked up, the movement had already rolled over their heads within a few seconds, and countless tiny dust was shaking on the ceiling.

"..." Zhou Rong suddenly realized something, his face suddenly changed: "Damn! Don't!"

But his roar did not help.

The sound of gunshots over his head was almost the same as the missile exploded on the ground. The reinforced concrete ceiling collapsed, and Zhou Rong, Chun Cao, and Zhang Yingjie rolled up and spread apart. The other three special soldiers wrapped in broken bricks and fell from the sky!

Yan Hao landed and rolled up, hissing and yelling, "Don't let them come down! Open fire! Open fire! Captain?"

Zhou Rong could not wait to give him a kick on the spot, but this time was too late. A steady stream of zombies followed them, fell off the floor from the ceiling that was blasted out of the hole, and began to spread rapidly around!

Zhou Rong shouted, "Why are you here?"

Guo Weixiang: "Support you!"

Zhou Rong: "Get off!"

Ding Shi: "... chased by zombies!"

Yan Hao carried a heavy assault | gun, threw his hand and threw out a half-human-height ammunition bag, and turned back and yelled: "No way out! Only penetrate the floor! Don't say it, it's all an accident!"

Zhou Rong held the ammunition bag in his arms with both hands, grabbed his hand in the chaos | Lei, threw it down the top of the dumpling-like ceiling, roaring: "All lying down-!"

There was a thunderous thunder, and the half-corridor overhead collapsed.

The six people who finally met did not have time to narrate the old, but were pushed by the shock wave from the explosion in different directions, and then the steel bricks fell like a heavy rain, blocking the fork in the road.

After a few tens of seconds, the vibration stopped, and the sky's dust spread in the darkness.

"Keke cough ..." Zhou Rong pushed hard to crush his broken bricks, and howled up:


It took me a long time to hear the moaning | not far away in front of me. It was the unbeatable spring grass girl: "Live ..."

Zhou Rong increased the volume: "Ying Jie! Yan Hao! Xiangzi! Ding Shi! Are you still alive?"

"Uh ..." right before Guo Weixiang: "My arm is dislocated ..."

Ding Shi: "... hiss ..."

Zhou Rong: "Remove the dislocation by yourself!" He then shot and killed several half-dead zombies around, and flashed his flashlight.

They were blasted to the right of the fork, the confidential data room-if Yan Hao and Zhang Yingjie were not crushed to death, they should have gone to the opposite test site.

Zhou Rong tried to scream a few times without responding.

In front of him, the passage was blocked by the collapsed concrete block, and the ruins were pressed without knowing how much zombies were flesh and blood. Behind him, the Alloy Promenade is endless, and they have entered the center of Zone E, and the next is the blocked core place-the secret biochemical data room.

Zhou Rong's flashlight drew to his side.

Although the alloy promenade is full of mess, the walls and ceiling are not damaged, and no trace of violence has been seen--that is, when Sinan was chased by a zombie orangutan to a fork in the road, he chose to be ruined at this moment. Blocking the other way.

He went to the testing ground.

Zhou Rong raised a large piece of broken cymbal and threw it to the side, and then carried the steel bar and moved it to the side.

He was like a trapped beast trying to hit a road in a prison cage, breathing hoarse, his eyes flushed, and after a long time, he staggered and straightened up, staring at the ruins in front of which he could not see, and then suddenly awoke.


He slaps himself hard with a shake of his hand.

Chun Cao was walking behind him, and he paused: "Rong, Rong ..."

Zhou Rong turned his back on her, and turned slowly for a while, her face has returned to calmness, only the epilogue is still hoarse and difficult to conceal after the pain:

"Get ready, go to the confidential reference room."

"After closing the blast gate, collect all virus research data and original antibodies, and set off."


At the same time, on the other side of the fork, Yan Hao clutched his bleeding shoulders and gritted his teeth: "Yingjie?"

Zhang Yingjie had risen from the broken bricks and tiles and was coughing up blood under the root of the wall. Yan Hao thought that he had been injured by the internal organs, and squatted down before squatting. Before he could speak, Zhang Yingjie suddenly pushed him.


Wow, Zhang Yingjie vomited black blood!

Yan Hao was stunned.

Zhang Yingjie lifted his head reluctantly, and there was a pant-like gasp in his chest. His face was already pale, his eyes were covered with red silk, his eyes were blue and dark, and his lips were full of cracks caused by dryness.

"I ... if I don't recognize you later ..." Zhang Yingjie pointed to his temple and grinned, "Give me a knife from here, be clean ..."

Yan Hao's expression was blank, his lips shaking with shaking.

"I didn't make a few words just now, but I finally met everyone again. Fortunately, you all ..."

Zhang Yingjie's words did not fall, Yan Hao threw himself on his knees and hugged him tightly.

Yan Hao couldn't say anything, his shoulders and even his arms trembled violently, and tears burst into his eyes.

In fact, Zhang Yingjie's consciousness was a little bit embarrassing at this time. He wanted to push Yan Hao away, but in the dark ground of tens of meters, in the **** of the smoke that had not dispersed, his comrade's hot hug and tears made it difficult for him to raise his hands .

After a while, he finally shivered and patted Yan Hao's back.

"Don't do this, at least everyone is fine ... at least everyone is still, 118 is still there, isn't it?"

"You have to complete the task," Zhang Yingjie choked and said, "you must go out with information and antibodies, you know? You will be able to arrive in the South China Sea, after the headquarters develops a vaccine, the entire country, the entire planet ..."

Yan Hao burst into tears.

"You listen to me, Yan Hao!" Zhang Yingjie pushed him away, staring at his eyes, saying, "You can't do this, do you know why Rong was parachuted to the captain? You do n’t want to, you always care about everyone ... what if Rong is now? He will never waste time crying! "

"Get up and go forward!" Zhang Yingjie stood up leaning against the wall, looking forward, gritted his teeth, "I haven't finished my soldier's mission, how can I die in this place!"

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