Chapter 24 Table of contents

"Don't die ..." Sinan choked with blood in his throat and said blankly: "Don't die, please, don't die ..."

Yan Hao's body is arched, his face is twisted, and naked | exposed blood vessels at the arms and neck explode, like blue earthworms crawling all over the body. It looked very embarrassing, and Si Nan took his upper body up and put it on his own leg, clutching the coat soaked with blood, and using this method of raising the bleeding level, desperately tried to make a miracle happen.

"Ah ... ah!"

Yan Hao's final spasms erupted, his chest twitched, and Sinan's roar was sharp: "Yan Hao! Hold on! Look at me, Yan Hao!"


For a few seconds, Sinan seemed to be slammed in the face, his ears hummed, and he couldn't hear anything.

He stared at Yan Hao's moan | yin stopped abruptly, his body suddenly sinking, the blood vessels protruding from the body were flattened out, all the dying convulsions and struggles disappeared at the same time.

It's quiet now.

The world turns into nothingness, taking away all light and hope, and mistering away from the depths of darkness.

"..." Sinan seemed to fall into the icy sea floor, leaning back.

咣 Dang!

The centrifuge was hit and shattered, and was crushed by his back.

As soon as Yan Hao pumped a whole person, an earth-shattering convulsion broke out: "Kee-ke-ke ---"

Sinan was almost stabbed directly into the heart with a needle of epinephrine, almost bouncing, grabbing Yan Hao's shoulders: "Yan Hao! Yan Hao! Wake up, hold on! Hold on!"

The coat fell to the ground, and Yan Hao's side neck wound quickly coagulated and dried up, forming a black-red blood pupa. His chest was flat, and his eyelids opened slightly in the struggle, and his lips moved hard.

Sinan took off all the clothes that could be taken off the upper body, leaving only a thin black vest. The rest of his brain was wrapped around Yan Hao to keep him warm. He pressed his finger on Yan Hao's weak carotid artery, feeling that the miracle was slowly happening, and the pulse that had almost disappeared resumed his beating!

"..." Yan Hao made a sound.

Sinan's ear was on his lips, and he spent all his attention to hear a word: "Jie ..."

Zhang Yingjie is dead.

Sinan's heart sank, and his hot mood was immediately poured into the cold water.

"... It's okay," Sinan hoarsely, looking away: "You're all right ... rest assured."

Yan Hao smiled invisibly, even though the corners of his cracked mouth could not even be lifted, and then passed out.

Si Nan was exhausted, but Yan Hao was still in extreme danger. He did not dare to let himself pass out, but could only bite the tip of his tongue to stay awake.

The temperature of the underground test site was extremely low. I could not feel it during the fierce struggle just now. As soon as people sat down, they lost a lot of blood, and soon they got cold from their limbs. Sinan capped his arm and fought his teeth constantly. He looked around, wondering if there was any way to go up, but he couldn't help patrolling around the entire circular space for a few laps.

Is it really only waiting for teammates to come to the rescue?

But what about Zhou Rongren?

"Zhou Rong ..." Si Nan screamed tentatively, "Zhou Rong!"

He looked at the top of the pit, his voice louder: "Zhou Rong!"

"Captain Zhou!"

"Spring grass! Ding Shi! Guo Weixiang!"

Sinan was almost angry and desperate: "Rong brother !!"


There was a roar in the distance from the top of the pit.

Sinan didn't expect that calling brother was really useful. He stayed for a while and listened to the sound of heavy machine guns like a violent storm. Then a heavy object fell to the ground!

Zhou Rong shouted: "Sinan!"

Zhou Rong ran on the road, poking out his upper body from the edge of the pit, and almost paralyzed the moment he saw the situation at the bottom of the pit.

"Yingjie is gone," Sinan hoarsely said.

Zhou Rong froze, and Chun Cao, Ding Shi, and Guo Weixiang popped their heads and were all there.

It's hard to describe what the psychology is. Si Nan, who was still able to calmly think about his escape route, suddenly couldn't help when Zhou Rong poked his head from the top of the pit and heard his husky and hoarse voice, and burst into tears.

He recounted it intermittently, as briefly as possible, but choked several times in a few words. Zhou Rong's eyes fell on Zhang Yingjie's corpse not far away. He closed his eyes and lowered himself a long time later: "We downloaded all the virus research materials in the confidential room. The red test tube you found should be the original antibody. The effect is unstable and the effect is It's different from person to person ... "

"Now, Sinan." Zhou Rong opened his eyes and clearly issued his instructions: "Search for the remaining antibodies, tie them to Yan Hao, and send them as carefully as possible."

Sinan had collapsed and had to stand up several times.

The cold-seal layer on the equipment table where the antibody was placed has been completely smashed by him. Two of the remaining four antibodies were used. Fortunately, the remaining three three-stage metal test tubes were tentacle cold.

He wrapped his two precious antibodies in his blood-stained shirt. After thinking about it, he replaced it with Zhang Yingjie's coat, fixed it on Yan Hao, lifted him as flat as possible, and used it on Zhou Rong. A temporary stretcher made of clothing.

"We must get out of here quickly, Yan Hao. They drove an armored car from the arsenal and now stop at the top north exit ..."

Ding Shi and Guo Weixiang joined forces to pull the stretcher to the ground. Zhou Rong felt that the Alpha pheromone in Yan Hao's blood could not be ignored.

——But his expression is still very stable.

He found the military heart-tightening agent from the tactical bag, shot a shot into Yan Hao's body, and turned to the bottom of the pit to Sinan Dao: "It takes at least two hours to go up from here, everyone's condition is at its limit, and the action must be as soon as possible."

Zhou Rong took the rope by himself and threw it into the bottom of the pit to signal Sinan to come up.

But Sinan put his hands on his knees, and he didn't speak for a long time, then suddenly turned and walked in the other direction.

——He wants to take Zhang Yingjie's body.

What Zhou Rong wanted to say was swallowed again.

No one in the squad spoke silently, turning the air into a sour gel, blocking everyone's throats.

Suddenly Sinan's footsteps stopped, Zhang Yingjie seemed to move in the shadow in front.

Suddenly, Sinan thought that he was dazzled by mistake, but then the sound of karaks caused by the rubbing of the stones sounded, and Zhang Yingjie sneered back in a very weird posture.

That zombie!

It hadn't died yet, and wanted to pull Zhang Yingjie's body!

Zhou Rong: "Don't go!"

Sinan: "Stop !!!!"

Zhou Rong was shocked by Si Nan's roar that was crazy enough to describe, and then he saw Si Nan burst into rage and rushed at the zombie like a sharp arrow!

This zombie actually knew how to avoid others, dragging Zhang Yingjie and ran away. Sinan chased his hands with his bare hands and punched his legs. He really put aside life and death. He didn't hesitate to step over from the overturned instrument pile and broken glass pieces. The huge equipment was blocked in the middle of the road. Boom.

"Gun!" Zhou Rong snatched eight | nine from Guo Weixiang's arms, aiming to shoot.

But in the dimly visible conditions, the zombies slid fast and could not lock the target at all. When Zheng Zhuozhuo saw the zombies fled to the corner of the test site, he didn't know what was going on. His body was short, and Zhang Yingjie disappeared out of thin air.

Sinan chased and looked at the sewer!

The sound of chewing came from the ground, and Si Nan's eyes were red. "Lao Tzu died here with you today!" Then he jumped down!

Zhou Rong yelled and threw the eighth and nine styles into Guo Weixiang's arms: "Don't follow!"

Spring grass: "Rong brother ?!"

Zhou Rong pulled out his dagger, held it back, and pulled out six | four types in the thigh holster, like a raptor jumping down!

It may be that the drainage volume is extremely large, and the sewers in the test site are in all directions. Si Nan planted in the knee-deep water, and stunned, seeing a flash of dark shadow not far away, immediately stumbled after him.

His speed was not slow. He was even very agile in the fury, but the sewer was extremely dark, and there were four or five forks on the turn. No zombies could be seen after a few turns.

Sinan looked around, and suddenly the sound of water splashed behind him. Looking back, he saw a figure flashing, it was Zhou Rong!

Zhou Rong yelled, "Don't come, be careful!"

The words did not fall, the howling of the zombies sounded in front of me!

Zhou Rong narrowed his eyes in the darkness, his eyes were sharp and cold. The zombie has been blown up beyond recognition, and even his brain has completely burst out, but somehow he can still move. After seeing Zhou Rong, he left Zhang Yingjie and hit him with a strange cry!

Zhou Rong grabbed the beam above the sewer, a beautiful pull-up, and the zombies rushed under him.

The sound of water splattered, Zhou Rongsong dropped his hand, waved his dagger backhand, the movement calculation was accurate to milliseconds, and he turned his head to bite his zombie!

The zombies screamed and rushed forward, and the extremely narrow space was almost full of water splashes and its sharp claws. Under such awful visual conditions, Zhou Rong's laser night vision goggles are no longer usable, but he fights and retreats with ease. He can determine where the zombies are based on sound alone, and suddenly uses his left foot as a pivot to spin. The back was tightly in front of the zombie, and a heavy elbow hit!

It was an action that was not enough to describe lightning. The zombie was blown off as a chest, and fell into the water.

Zhou Rong's action was almost disappearing as if it were there, and he appeared next to the zombie in a blink of an eye. Zombie stretched his neck to bite him, Zhou Rong was expressionless, stretched out his hand simply, and drew a knife between the monster's teeth.


The tungsten steel army dagger was blasted off a corner, and the knife was stuck in the mouth of the zombie!

Zhou Rong stepped on the zombie's chest, and the blood-stained military boots weighed more than a thousand pounds. He slammed the zombie into the water. Immediately after the hand | the gun clicked into the load, and pulled the trigger against its throat.



boom--! !!

Each bullet was hit exactly at the same point, six shots were missed, the zombie's neck broke, and the entire head shot out a few meters away.

Zhou Rong threw the empty gun at hand, violently disassembled the stainless steel drain pipe above his head, and slammed down!

The body of the zombie was pierced as a chest, and nailed to the bottom of the sewer!

The ground continued to shake, the water waves spread to the distance, and the muffled sound continued for a long time.

Zhou Rongchang called out a breath, retracted his feet, never looked at the zombies again, turned and walked towards the main pipeline.

At this moment, the figure flashed at the end of the fork, stumbled and ran to the distance, Zhou Rong shouted in the back: "Sinan!"

Zhou Rong chased after pulling his leg, but who knew that Sinan turned a deaf ear and went straight across the corner and disappeared. The fierce chase in the sewer did not last long, and soon Zhou Rong found the exhausted back again more than ten meters away: "Sinan! Stop!"

When the metal crashed, Sinan drilled into an iron gate.

Zhou Rong immediately stood still: "Don't close the door, I won't go!"

Si Nan holding the iron gate seemed a little hesitant.

His form and shape clearly show that he has been trained, even in such a embarrassing situation, his waist plate is quite straight. From the raised chin to the slender neck to the sunken clavicle and tight shoulders, all exposed skin reflects light in the dark.

Zhou Rong stared at him.

If you look closely, Zhou Rong's waist and leg muscles are actually in a tight state, as if the cheetah can jump at any time and press his prey like lightning.

But as soon as he spoke, his voice was strangely gentle, and he even showed something good:

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you or touch you."

Zhou Rong raised his hands outwards in the palm of his hand, generously showing his blood-stained body—the aggressive Alpha pheromone fluttered in the sewer, and the male spirit was overbearing. If you want to compare, Yan Hao's pheromone is simply weak.

"The base is about to explode." Zhou Rong slowly said, "You must retreat with us."

Sinan was still still, as if he hadn't heard anything, he couldn't see what his expression was.

In fact, Zhou Rong could guess his thoughts.

Now that the A / O gender ratio is extremely disparate, people like Sinan, even in Beta, must have had many unpleasant experiences related to sexuality from childhood to childhood. After the end of the world, humans entered the law of the jungle, and all laws and orders completely collapsed. For him, surrounded by a group of strong male Alpha, maybe more dangerous than surrounded by a group of zombies.

But Zhou Rong did not give up.

"Come here." He stared at Sinan tightly, with a soothing and gentle command tone, and said, "It's going to retreat, follow me."

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