Chapter 27 Table of contents

After a long silence, Wu Xinyan finally felt that she could not hold on anymore. She swallowed and her voice sounded very angry:

"Well, Captain Chou ..."

"If you don't have that chocolate, you put it first ..."

Her voice faded, Si Nan got out of the blanket, put on her coat, and even pushed out the door.

Wu Xinyan returned to a stunned state again, and for a long time she never looked back.

"What?" Sinan's tone was very flat. "Hurry up, I'll hurry."

Sinan was wearing only a black slim police T-shirt with arms folded in both hands and a riot uniform coat over his shoulders. The look on his face was the same as when Zhou Rong saw him for the first time. In the armored car, he ignored the water handed to him and turned away without a word. It's the same.

Zhou Rong sighed, shoved the chocolate into Sinan's coat, and turned back.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five ...

The moment he counted to zero, Sinan's voice came to him:

"Are you OK?"

Zhou Rong stood still, but did not turn back, sighing lightly.

"..." Si Nan finally stepped forward, and his long, thick eyebrows frowned again, looking at Zhou Rong suspiciously: "Are you all right?"

Zhou Rong was listless: "Si Xiaonan."

Sinan said, "I don't have that small print in my name."

"Comrade Xiao Si." Zhou Rong changed his voice, asking, "Do you think we are still friends?"

This question is really complicated, mainly because other Omegas that Si Nanping came into contact with are very rare, and it is impossible to verify whether "there is no true friendship between an Alpha and an Omega" is a false proposition; but the Alpha he has contacted has There are so many, even if he has lost his memory, years of precautions and resentments still exist deeply in the subconscious.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Rong.

Zhou Rong put one hand in his trouser pocket, wearing shoes one meter nine in height, casting a long shadow in the moonlight.

Zhou Rong is not a kind of muscular and muscular physique, but is more powerful and well-proportioned through perennial special training-this trait is also very obvious on Si Nan; but Si Nan ’s muscle layer is thinner, Zhou Rong has wider shoulders and is extremely A sense of male Alpha power.

His features are handsome with a mix of subtle wickedness, especially when he raises his eyebrow and smiles, the unstoppable uncle can even come to his face.

This appearance is far from the righteous soldier brother in the minds of ordinary people. If the military chooses a positive image to advertise, his temperament should be stabbed in the first round.

But if he took off his military uniform, he would be like a handsome person, who would gain a lot of affectionate gazes on any occasion.

He was different from everyone else, and Su Nan suddenly had such an idea.

He himself didn't know where this strange cognition came from, but in this moonlight, it did have an indescribable taste, and suddenly moved a little deep inside.

"..." Sinan looked away and said, "Yes."

Zhou Rong bowed his head slightly and asked, "What is it?"

"... is a friend."

Zhou Rong was almost in front of Si Nan. The noses of the two were within a few inches of each other, and they could see each other's shadow from the bottom of each other's eyes.

"Really?" Zhou Rong slowly said, "But how did Brother feel like you were disgusted, and he was reluctant to speak, the car was going to drive two, and his ears didn't bite ..."

Sinan felt the air flowing over his side cheeks as he spoke, and could not help but avoid it.

But Zhou Rong immediately approached again, and his thin lips bent again: "Or do you know that Rong is Alpha now, afraid that Rong will bubble you?"

Sinan's back was still folded back, he couldn't avoid it, he had to turn his face to face him.

As long as Zhou Rong bowed his head, the lips would touch each other.

"I said," Sinan lowered his eyebrows and said slowly: "If I am Alpha, I don't know who should soak anyone, maybe I will soak you."

Zhou Rong slightly hesitated, he added: "Do not believe it and give it a try."

Zhou Rong laughed loudly.

"Comrade Xiaosi, it is a good thing to have ideals ..." Zhou Rong rubbed Sinan's hair and pressed his head close to himself, almost out of breath: "But brother thinks, hahahaha, such a thing , Ha ha ha — "

As soon as Si Nan struggled, Zhou Rong kissed him in the hair and stared at him with a smile: "Very good, that brother is waiting for you. Go back, don't let the young girlfriend wait too fast."

Si Nan hadn't responded yet, Zhou Rong had let go of him, and strode backwards along the way.

"..." Unspeakable feelings came to my heart again, Sinan couldn't explain what it was, and suddenly remembered a moment later, turning his head and shouting, "She said she likes Yan Hao!"

Zhou Rong's back fell.

Si Nan watched the figure disappear into the night, until he was completely invisible, and then regained his eyes silently.

"Oh, I forgot to tell him the last name." He suddenly remembered: "I had known to ask him to stay and help."

After letting off a strong labor in vain, Si Nan was quite embarrassed and turned around slowly to the back of the garage.

At this time, it was 9:30. The dormitory of the workers in the distant fertilizer plant was noisy, and people ended an eternal day in the last days, and fell into a sleep of temporarily forgetting all fears; in the shadow of the ginkgo tree, the back of the garage was black Yes, there was an imperceptible seam between the iron gates.

Sinan froze sensitively.

Immediately after the noise in the garage, the female voice shouted sharply: "Help !! ..."

Struggling, panting, and low-pitched scolding sounded at the same time. Sinan pulled his dagger back from his thigh and kicked the door. Sure enough, he saw a stout man pressing Wu Xinyan in the dark, and he screamed and sullen in his mouth. .

"Who? Nosy! Let go of Lao Tzu, just ..."

"Wait for you," Sinan said.

The Alpha bodyguard with the last name Wan didn't understand the meaning of relief in these three words, he just felt his throat tight, he was pulled back by the steel-like power, and then he was completely empty.

It was too late when he found himself flying off the ground and flying backwards.

"Ah ah ah--"

The bodyguard hit his back on the ground, and before he could get up, he stepped on his chest with one foot and pressed it back.

That foot broke his ribs, and the bodyguard's screams cut through the sky.


Zhou Ronggang just returned to the chemical plant, sat down and drank saliva. He cared about Yan Hao on a routine basis, and before he got up to inspect the warehouse, he heard something happened.


The front door was slammed open, and its strength even shocked the ground twice. People who had not completely fallen asleep started to converge and looked down the corridor.

On the open space, Sinan's roar shook his head: "Feng—Wen—Thai—!"

He pushed the human blood gourd in his hand forward, and the latter fell down and made a loud noise!

Wu Xinyan shook her head and shivered behind Si Nan.

The crowd exclaimed one after another, Feng Wentai and five bodyguards quickly ran downstairs, only to see the blood-stained and terrible man on the open space, who could hardly find a good flesh, couldn't settle: "Wanbin ?!"

"What the **** are you doing ?!" "Want to die!"

Several Alpha bodyguards were furious. Sinan pulled Wu Xinyan, who was trembling, behind her back, and the tungsten steel dagger dripped blood.

"Kill this kid!"

"Mom's back! Everyone!"

Several bodyguards drew their guns forward, and the crowd at the heights suddenly shouted in fear. Just at this chaotic emergency, a bullet burst suddenly at the end of the stairs, and the loud noise made everyone shout!


Zhou Rong's scream resounded through the open space, only to see him holding the charge | gun with one hand, the muzzle was up, and his fingers held the trigger.

Behind him, Chun Cao, Ding Shi, and Guo Weixiang carried machine guns and assaults, and watched the people in Feng's family coldly.

In the suffocating silence, Zhou Rong stepped down the stairs step by step and asked Shen Shen: "What's going on?"

The heavy machine guns in the special forces armoury and the police with the stolen police station halfway were not a level of deterrence. The Feng bodyguards suddenly became dumbfounded, and each of them retired with hate and loomed in front of Feng Wentai.

The bodyguard named Wan Bin on the open ground twitched continually, blood flowing from multiple wounds to the ground, and a pool of blood pooled.

"Captain Zhou," Feng Wentai said with anger, "your people dare ..."

Zhou Rong said lightly: "I didn't ask you. Sinan, give me an explanation."

But Sinan didn't hear him at all, just staring at the convulsing blood gourd Wanbin, and there was something chilling in his eyes-cruel, indifferent, steel-like inorganic, as if groaning at his feet at the moment | Not personal.

This look and the ordinary he judged if they were two, if they looked closely, it seemed like the shady side of the soul unfamiliar, struggling and struggling, trying to wake up slowly from the body.

But his change is not obvious. At least so many people present were only aware of Zhou Rong.

I don't know why his state at this time made Zhou Rong's heart stunned, and he murmured, "Sinan!"

"He, he has been pestering me ..." Wu Xinyan sounded in a crying voice, many people looked at her one after another.

"Before you left, he tangled with me and said he wanted to be friends with me. Thanks to Sinan, who helped me find a hiding place, he was still followed by him ... He came tonight, forced me, and I called for help. At that time, Sinan brother helped out ... "

It was obviously embarrassing for Wu Xinyan to say these things to the public, but she courageously courageously said: "He hid a gun on his body and almost killed us. He also said that he planned to finish and drag me out to feed the zombies ..."

The crowd exploded, and the buzzing sounded.

Zhou Rong said coldly, "Boss Feng, what else do you have to say?"

"Why can you believe it?" Feng Wentai immediately retorted bluntly: "The woman herself said that Wan Bin wanted to find her friends. Who knew if she agreed, and then hooked outsiders to play fairy dance?"

Wu Xinyan said sharply, "I don't!"

"You didn't," Feng Wentai said with a whisper to his lips, "Why don't you have Wanbin not entangle others, but entangle you?"


"So many women are looking for you. I think you seduced Wan Bin first?"

"You talk nonsense!"

"It's nonsense or you have revealed the facts, Miss you know it yourself." Feng Wentai looked at her ironically, but his tone was gentle and gentleman: "Excuse me, Miss, an ordinary Beta girl can hook up with Alpha, Wan Bin, I also hooked up special forces to accompany you to play such an old-fashioned trick of fairy dance. You are a man, but it is quite unclean! "

Wu Xinyan was so angry that Feng Wentai glanced at Zhou Rong again:

"Everyone says that flies don't bite seamlessly. Captain Chou, why do you pick that something happened at this time? The timing is ..."

Feng Wentai was about to play on the topic, but Wu Xinyan couldn't help but slap forward and slap in the past!

With a snap, Feng Wentai grabbed her wrist and was about to push her away. Suddenly Wu Xinyan was pressed on the shoulder—it was Sinan.

Not only Feng's bodyguards, Feng Wentai himself did not respond.

Si Nanfei kicked up and flew Feng Wentai as his chest!

"General Feng!"

This foot was almost broken with golden cracks. Feng Wentai was so tall and big, but he flew out almost ten meters before landing. Several bodyguards rushed at the same time, holding him up with hands and feet, and saw Feng Wentai's mouth constantly overflowing with blood, and immediately went crazy: "This boy is going to kill President Feng!"

"Damn, kill!"

"Aren't you running fast? Killings as soldiers!"

The crowd hurried back, timidly screamed, the child cried loudly, and the scene suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

Feng Hui ’s bodyguard, Lu Hui, who slammed his head towards Si Nan, slammed the air gun and suddenly yelled in the silence of half a second after the gun shot: "Hurry up and kill--! Those soldiers want to seize | Get rid of Alpha! "

"Not running yet? They are going to shoot!"

The open space is large and the scene is chaotic. The people in terror will not notice who released the first shot, and they are even more flustered when they hear the words.

In the confusion of a hundredth of a second, Lu Hui hid behind him and pointed his gun at Sinan--

Bang Bang!

Charge | The fire burst out, Lu Hui screamed, half of his arm was blown alive!

"Rong brother!" Ding Shi and Guo Weixiang both startled.

As soon as Zhou Rong raised his muzzle, the smoke remained.

Around him, the crowd rushed back to the house, the woman shrunk to protect the child, and the bold men dared to hide the door and look out tremblingly; the open space was full of overturned tables and chairs and bloodstained footprints Feng Wentai coughed in anger and dying in the tumbling screams of his men.

"Rong," Chun Cao whispered with a gun, "I can't control it, I have to think of a way."

"Don't come over!" The remaining four bodyguards of Feng's family raised their hands and guns, trembling and shouting, "Don't, don't ... let's go together!"

Zhou Rong exhaled.

The tone seemed relieved and a little helpless. Then he took two steps forward, stood in the middle of the open space, and pointed his fingers at the three special forces behind him:

"It seems that this kind of Alpha does exist, and if you see that the other person is an ordinary person, you will not accept--"

"Brothers, let Mr. Feng be convinced today."

A Swiss army knife slipped out of Zhou Rong's sleeve, and it suddenly popped open and pierced his palm.

Chuncao, Ding Shi, and Guo Weixiang also scratched the palms of their hands. The blood suddenly poured out, and the extremely thick Alpha pheromones of the four special soldiers instantly evaporated, quickly covering the entire open space!

The faces of several people in the Feng family changed dramatically, and even Feng Wentai stopped the cough in horror.

Sinan suddenly looked away, closed her breath, and took a half step back. 2k novel reading network

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