Chapter 30 Table of contents

"Push! Push!" Dr. Zheng's hands were bloody, and his voice was already dumb: "Keep on! Hold on!"

The mother's voice was also completely dumb. She was sweating, shaking her head desperately, and the pain made her expression even a little scary. A few women with children were around, some were praying together, and some could not help crying: "Do you use more energy!"

"Persist, you must persist!"

Guo Weixiang pushed in the door: "Hurry up, walk around! Here comes the zombie tide!"

The women looked at each other, the maternal screams became sharper, and everyone's eardrums were cut like sharp blades.

Guo Weixiang didn't care about this, he had to pick up the mother, Dr. Zheng hurriedly stopped, "What are you doing?"

"It's too late to go to the car! I'll carry it!"

"She can't move! It's going to be bleeding!" Dr. Zheng shouted, "I won't go, I will deliver the child!"

Guo Weixiang wheezed shortly, Dr. Zheng roared that throat, and hissing to the maternal exhaustedly, "Hold! Hold on!"

Not far outside the window, a third flare flew up the long tail flame into the night sky, reflecting each of the blank and desperate faces.

The corpse tide reached 500 meters away.


The biochemical car stabbed from the end of the highway, drifted into the door, and stopped in front of the crowd in the harsh sound of friction. Zhou Rongyi opened the door of the back compartment and said, "Up, up, up!"

"Can't squeeze!" Ding Shi poked his head out of the cab: "I'll send a batch to the dormitory downstairs, let them board the Shoko's armored car, and return with the rest!"

Indeed, the maximum capacity of biochemical vehicles is limited. According to this volume, at least ten people on the scene must wait for the next batch. Zhou Rong's gaze rounded the crowd and decisively said: "The rest go with the car first, where it goes, it won't leave you! Women go up first, you!"

Wu Xinyan stood up and panted, and Zhou Rong grabbed her arm, and rudely entered the car.

"Older legs are slow, you! You! And you!"

An old man was pushed two steps, and slowly stood still, the urging voices immediately started: "Hurry!" "Hurry up, don't fret!"

"I'm not going," said the old man slowly. "I'm sixty-eight years old. It's a blessing to be able to run here. What do you want to do with a cheeky life? Or let young people go first, I ..."

The anxious crowd interrupted him immediately: "Squeeze down! Go up!"

"Don't talk about Father, come on!"

People around pushed the old man into it, and the carriage was quickly crowded, and Zhou Rong and Si Nan reluctantly closed the back door.

In addition to Zhou Rong, Chuncao, and Sinan, there are also nine young men in the open space. Except for a few people who just want to crowd out, most of them are homeless young people who voluntarily stepped back and stayed. of.

Zhou Rong took a breath, and the tactical flashlight with a strong penetrating power swept northward. In the dark night, ghosts and ghosts were stunned, and the rotting odor of the dead tide had been following the north wind, and it was clear and audible.

"Everyone," Zhou Rong yelled at the nine survivors with different expressions, panting, "Thank you, there isn't much more to say, let's run."

His voice had just fallen, and there was a loud noise not far away.

The tide of zombies stepped into the minefield, and immediately caused a serial explosion!


In the dark night of Rumo, a life and death chase in minutes is being staged.

In the north of the highway, the explosion was gradually advancing, the living dead legion was striding forward and the goal was clear. Rows of fragmented corpses fell on the road, paved with layers of rotten and black blood.

More zombies howled and stepped on this carpet to continue to the fertilizer plant.

In the direction of city B in the distance, the endless corpse tide surged, forming an overwhelming wave.

Guo Weixiang escorted all the remaining people in the dormitory building, except Dr. Zheng and the mother, into the armored vehicle, and received the first survivors from Ding Shi. The entire vehicle was almost crowded.

Ding Shi returned almost galloping, and before the car stopped, I saw more than a dozen people running wildly against the background of the sky and fire.

"Where's the mother—!" Zhou Rong shouted.

Ding Shi almost cried out: "Can't be born! Can't move away! I let Xiangzi drive south in the armored car first!"

"Chuncao Sinan, bring people to the back seat!" Zhou Rong opened the cab door and motioned Ding Shi to move: "I'll drive and go to the dormitory downstairs to pick up the mother. Why don't you transfer to the car to give birth? Demolition Just lift up the door panels! "

Ding Shi: "I don't know, Xiangzi said that moving will cause big bleeding ..."

Zhou Rong: "You don't understand, it's all done in TV series! The door panel was born immediately!"

Chun Cao whispered in the back compartment: "I know, I know, the second quarter of the people's village committee was born like this, no problem!"

Sinan: "Do n’t you show that you know how to have children, you are so ignorant ... Zombies are here !!"

The first wave of corpses shuffled, screaming, and scrambled into the gap in the barbed wire on the north side of the factory.

Ding Shi jumped up from the co-pilot, carried the flamethrower to the roof, and pulled the trigger after aiming at the car. Suddenly the fire dragon roared out, spreading overwhelmingly, roasting several rows of zombies into carbon ash alive!

Zhou Rong stepped on the accelerator, and the biochemical car whistled away.

Chun Cao leaned out his head and shouted, "Two points ahead, Rongge be careful!"

The flamethrower triggered the second round of nitrification | glycerin explosion, and the tens of millions of glass fragments carefully etched by Sinan burst, severing the heads of numerous zombies in the hurricane.

However, there were too many zombies, and the remaining barbed wire could not support them, and soon collapsed in front of the army of dead dead. The tide of corpses in all directions gathered together to the entire factory area!

Zhou Rong shifted gears with his steering wheel in one hand, and the biochemical car drifted several times in a row, rushing out of a blood path with beautiful movements comparable to F1 cars, and ruthlessly twisted several zombies into pieces.

"His--" There was a loud sound of tire friction, and the biochemical car stopped steadily downstairs in the factory dormitory. Zhou Ronglang ordered: "Spring grass goes up to pick up the mother! Ding Shi, pay attention to cover!"

Chun Cao picked up his assault, rushed down the door, and suddenly his shoulder was patted. Sinan's husky voice said, "I'm with you."

In the rear-view mirror, Zhou Rong frowned, and stopped talking.

However, no one found this insignificant detail. Si Nan turned back and waved at Zhou Rong, slamming the charge | and the gun jumped out of the car.

——He will not discover the complex emotions in the moment of Zhou Rong's eyes, or even if he finds them, he will not have the time and mood to touch the emotions mixed with guilt, sorrow and self-doubt.

Ding Shi turned on the flamethrower again and emptied the zombies chased by the rear of the car. He was about to change the eight | nine heavy machine guns before firing, and suddenly the crowd in the compartment burst into exclamation:

"Back! Back!"

Ding Shi looked back and saw Si Nan and Chun Cao's front feet just rushed into the dormitory hallway, followed by a corpse tide coming out of their back feet. I didn't know where they came from. Within seconds, they were in the dormitory building and the front of the car. A small piece of open space spread between them, blocking the way for the maternity woman to withdraw from the dormitory building.

"Damn!" Ding Shi picked up the flamethrower, pulled the trigger, and did not respond.

——The high-energy gasoline is exhausted, and it is out!

"Rong brother!" Ding Shi was almost mentally disturbed on the spot, and once again, he saw that the tide of zombies behind the car was getting closer and closer, less than a hundred meters away from them!

The armored biochemical vehicle they had opened was riddled with holes, and the bulletproof windows were shattered by a rocket gun in Chuncao when they entered the city center of T, and then all the ordinary glass was replaced.

Not to mention the low chassis of this car, once it was enveloped before and after the corpse tide, it will be difficult for people full of cars to survive!

In the screams of fear full of people in the car, although Zhou Rong's expression was calm, his complexion turned pale, and the cold sweat rolled down from the corners he always hard-pounded and never appropriate.

"Sinan pays attention, Sinan pays attention." He turned on the car loudspeaker and Shen Sheng asked: "You may not be able to retreat, report the situation of the mother, and report the situation of the mother."

Meanwhile, inside the dormitory building. The scream of the maternal dying rushed, and Dr. Zheng's body was stained with blood and blood, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot, and an ecstatic roar suddenly broke out:

"I saw my head! I saw my head!"

Si Nan and Chun Cao looked at the dense tide of zombies downstairs, and looked at each other, neither of them could see any joy under their eyes.

"Sinan, spring grass." Zhou Rong's epilogue shuddered slightly. "Report the situation."


Eight | Nine-type heavy machine guns were like a storm in the roar of Ding Shi, but in the end, they couldn't stop the pace of death. The first zombie hit the side of the car, numb and waved, smashing the rear window of the car.

The broken glass slammed into the back seat, and everyone scrambled to the ground squatting on the ground, crying in fear!

"Fight hard!" Dr. Zheng stabbed his heart. "Fight hard! Work harder!"

"Come on, Brother Rong," Si Nan muttered.

He took a deep breath, suddenly poke out the window, and shouted, "Go away, Rong! Go away!"

In the cab, Zhou Rong closed his eyes.

As the zombies got more and more, the windows on both sides were broken, and the zombies scrambled to reach into the car and grabbed them on top of the survivors; some zombies even grabbed the back ladder of the car and tried to climb to the roof Catch Ding Shi.

Zhou Rong opened his eyes and stepped on the throttle.

The biochemical vehicle slowly turned around in the tide of corpses, and a row of dead people was crushed into the bottom of the vehicle, as if a **** channel was opened in the sea.

"Si Xiaonan, wait for me." Zhou Rong's concise and powerful voice came from the loudspeaker and said, "Rong brother will be back soon."

Sinan leaned on the window sill and watched the biochemical car slowly drive away until it became an inconspicuous little black spot in the zombies that followed.

"..." His lips moved slightly, as if trying to say something, but the voice was so slight that he couldn't even hear himself:

"it is good."


The zombies, who had lost their biochemical vehicle, were bustling, but confused for only a few seconds. Immediately after that, the blood in the air stimulated them, and following this source of **** smell, the zombie group found a new target.


The first zombie began to hit the iron gate of the dormitory corridor, and then more and more people died. The iron gate made an overwhelming squeak!

Chun Cao's face was pale, but the girl's crisp voice was calm when she said, "I still have nine hundred bullets, how about you?"

"One thousand and six hundred," Sinan replied.

Chun Cao nodded: "Okay, you can use a dagger for suicide, and you don't need to keep bullets. Remember to help me before you die, just like the girl in T city, please point."

Sinan smiled and said, "Yes."

The two smiled at each other, and at the same time, pointed their guns downstairs, firing wildly!

The muzzle spit fire tongues, assault steps and charge | The gun crosses out the bullet rainstorm, and the zombies blocked at the entrance of the corridor suddenly fell a large area.

However, the high-pressure firepower is limited, and the living dead are unlimited. More zombies pounced on tirelessly, the impact sounded heavier and more urgent, and finally, after a few loud noises, the iron gate was knocked down!


Even the ground shook slightly, and at the same moment, behind them came a loud cry of babies:


"Come out, come out!" Dr. Zheng wept with joy, holding the baby in tears and crying: "Finally born!"

The zombies downstairs squeezed into the corridor like a tide, and waves rushed upstairs.

Sinan and Chuncao both broke through the door and yelled, "Ready to retreat !!"


South of the industrial zone, 30 kilometers from the fertilizer plant.

The tide of zombies has not yet spread here, and there are only scattered zombies in the distance.

Zhou Rong stepped on the brake, and twenty meters ahead, Guo Weixiang ran down the armored car like crazy: "Rong brother! Ding! What about spring grass? What about Sinan? Our people ?!"

He seemed to have foreseen something, and when he asked the last sentence, there was incredible sadness in his voice.

"They ..." Before Ding Shi had time to answer, Zhou Rong patted his shoulder, opened the door and jumped down, and patted Guo Weixiang's shoulder again.

"Brother Rong?" Guo Weixiang asked in surprise.

Zhou Rong carried a tactical bag on his shoulders and a heavy machine gun on his way to the highway. In the endless abandoned convoy in the direction of the city, he selected a modified jeep, pulled the door, and pushed the already rotten car owner down.

Ding Shi rolled off the car with a crawling belt: "What are you doing, Rong?"

"I'm going back," Zhou Rong said lightly.

He got into the driver's seat, started the jeep, slowly turned around from the congested traffic, and stopped in front of the stunned Ding Shi and Guo Weixiang.

"My team members are in a fertilizer plant," Zhou Rong said. "I promised Sinan that I would go back and pick them up."

Guo Weixiang shook his head, unable to say a word, tears burst into tears.

"If Yan Hao wakes up, let Yan Hao take over as the captain of the 6th Squadron of Unit 118. If you don't wake up, you two can discuss the matter in the future. The serum must be sent to the South China Sea."

"Find a place to burn Yingjie and take the ashes back to his daughter-in-law."

"Rongge has been the captain for so many years, and he has not won many benefits for everyone, nor was he able to take everyone to Huang Tengda. In the end, one by one gave his life. Rongge is sorry for you."

Zhou Rong stretched out his hand from the car window and hugged Bao Dingshi and Guo Weixiang's heads one by one and laughed, "Don't cry, shameful? Brother hid two cigarettes under the driver's seat. If he can't come back, just It's up to you two. "

The survivors poked their heads out of the car windows, staring blankly and sadly at it all.

If you have the conditions, let Zhou Rong wash his face and change clothes, it should be a stylish, handsome and beautiful, just like the heroes that swept all beings in Hollywood blockbusters.

But now the hero has no real image, the field uniform is dirty, the bottom of the military boots does not know how much blood mud has solidified, the hair has not been washed for a few days, and there is still a little scum on the chin.

Zhou Rong finally waved at them, and the movement was indescribable:

"Tell Yan Hao that fool, and he lost again."

After speaking, he started the car, modified the jeep to roar all the way, tore the **** night, and dashed towards the fertilizer plant surrounded by zombies. 2k novel reading network

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