Chapter 35 Table of contents

The iron gates full of high-voltage electric coils opened to both sides, and the blue and white anti-riot vehicle slowly drove in in the distrustful eyes of the guards.

In front of the front of the vehicle, a large area of ​​military base buildings are hidden between the hillsides, and the toughened roof reflects white light under the sky.

In the empty conference room, a back figure sat at the end of the long table. The glass door slid open silently, and a security guard strode in, and whispered in the ear of the figure: "They're here."

The back turned over the armchair: "Put in."

-That turned out to be a very young woman.

She described her skinny, casual clothes, and half-length hair as a ponytail. Her face could even be described as beautiful if she did not look at the four red scars on the left cheek.

The guard bowed his head and retreated.

After a while the glass door opened again, and the guard gestured: "Please."

Three uninvited guests on the riot vehicle stepped into the conference room and stood behind the long table—two men and one woman, all of them white.

It's all Alpha.

"Yo," the blonde woman was extremely bulging, and she looked at the opposite with a frivolous gaze, and smiled, "It's really Omega ... this is rare."

The man who was two meters tall next to her and stood on the ground like a rock was silent, and the white man with sunglasses in front of her ignored her. After the long table not far away, the woman looked at them calmly, and the room was quiet for a few seconds before listening to her slowly speaking:

"... Colonel Romuel."

The head of the man took off his sunglasses and exposed a pair of gray-blue eyes. The opening was an over-standard Chinese: "Xinghui, Miss Chen Yajing, thank you very much for taking the time to meet."

Saying that he owed himself politely, even though his upper body was tilted no more than twenty degrees.

"No need to say much." Chen Yajing raised her hand to stop the false politeness, and asked directly: "Who are you looking for?"

As soon as Romuel reached out, his rocky hand handed a kraft paper bag, and he stepped forward and placed it in front of Chen Yajing.

"..." The document bag was sealed with a thread. After Chen Yajing thought for a moment, she finally reached out and took it apart.

I saw that the bag was not two thin sheets of paper, recording the simple life and behavior characteristics of the target person, and a clear picture of the front. The young man in the picture is very eyebrows and has a deep outline. The features are like carved from snow-white marble. There is a kind of handsome handsome with gloss, his eyes are staring straight at the camera.

Obviously an expressionless photo, his stare, empty and intently focused, made the viewer feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Yajing put down her document bag:

"At the time of the global disaster, your ** side came to the local area thousands of miles away just to find such a person?"

Romuel said, "You are wrong, Miss Chen. There is no government or military in our country, and all state institutions have all fallen apart. Now all actions are performed in personal names."

"Then why did you come to death in your own name?" Chen Yajing patted the document bag. "What's so special about this person and what is it to you?"

An indescribable, slightly dazzling brightness emerged from Romuel's gray-blue eyes.

"It's my brother," he said.

Chen Yajing raised her brows slightly.

"Excuse me, Colonel Romuel. You don't look like you will have an Asian brother, nor will you cross half of a zombie-filled earth for brotherhood ... if there is any secret in this person, you It's better to say it now, otherwise our cooperation will become difficult. "

Romuel smiled: "Are you threatening me, Miss Chen?"

Suddenly a pocket gun slipped out of his cuff, catching it, reaching Arya's temple like lightning!

"What ?!" The guard at the door screamed loudly, and before the time was up, the blonde woman held a gun and held him away!

Sudden changes occur suddenly, and the situation is fierce.

However, Chen Yajing had no fear, she even smiled invisibly, and raised her chin to Romuel's chest: "Colonel, please lower your head."

Romuel looked down, a star red dot on his chest, and firmly stuck to the heart as he moved-what he realized, looked up out of the window, aimed at a window in the opposite building, aimed The mirror reflects indescribably bright light in the sun.


"You can choose not to cooperate, but if you kill me," said Chen Yajing, "you and your two men will not leave this survivor base."

Romuel thought for a few seconds, and took the lead to put down the pocket hand | gun, and nodded sincerely and politely: "I'm sorry, Miss Chen, slipping for a while, please take more time. What do you want to ask?"

The blonde woman snorted softly from her nasal cavity, put her hand away | the gun, and the red dot on Romul's chest disappeared.

Although the crisis was lifted, the guards still looked indignant, but Chen Yajing did not care about the hypocrisy of the other party. She moved the sedentary stiff cervical spine, pointed at the document bag and asked, "What is the relationship between this person you are looking for and you?"

"It's really my brother."


"Although not the same father and mother, at least in the legal relationship."

"Then why did he come here? Is there any danger?"

Romuel opened a swivel chair and sat in front of Chen Yajing, with the **** of his index finger closed, and clicked the thin kraft paper bag:

"I'm not sure exactly where he is, so I contacted your government, but I didn't get any response. I guess it's because your government has also disintegrated."

"I contacted several survivor bases along the way, but unfortunately, some of these bases were shabby and soon destroyed in the tide of zombies; others killed each other for power | The fort that collapsed from the inside. "

"I will continue all the way north, but at present it seems that only this base of your Miss Chen is the strongest and most orderly troubled kingdom I have ever seen."

Chen Yajing politely said, "Although the facts are not what you see, thank you."

"Thanks, I believe in my eyes. But," said Romuel, "If you really find my brother, please keep in mind that he will be your worst threat since the foundation of this fortress." "

Chen Yajing frowned. "Oh, he's dangerous?"

"... Dangerous," Romuel repeated the three words, with a strange tone, and then laughed.

"He is an outright killer, or a natural anti-social. He has the talent to make killing tools with any everyday objects, chopsticks, spoons, plastic tablets, stones, even a glass of ordinary tap water ... a fragmented human body He was excited by blood and blood, especially the screams before Alpha was dying. He was only six when he first killed. "

"Yes, Alpha." Romuel paused in Chen Yajing's misguided gaze: "He didn't have much opportunity to contact Beta and Omega during his growing up, but he hated Alpha, just like serial killers tend to focus on a specific type Prey. "

Chen Yajing frowned: "Why?"

Romuel shook her head and did not answer her question directly: "I can tell you his most famous deeds."

"One day at noon a few years ago, he left the restaurant to go to the bathroom, and returned to sit at the table with a few Aphas. He did not show any dissatisfaction at first, but after he sat down, he took a hamburger and took a bite, and suddenly ordered Everyone leaves his desk, otherwise they will be killed. "

"Two people walked away because of fear, and others disagreed. He counted to three, and the next ten minutes were nightmares that those people would not want to remember after reincarnation. He pierced it with a spoon. Their throats— "

"Although the cause was simply that someone was sitting beside him during his meal."

"..." Chen Yajing was silent for a moment, and said lightly, "You made me afraid to cooperate with you, Colonel Romuel. Maintaining the personnel balance of this doomsday base is very delicate, this dangerous element ..."

But Romuel smiled casually, and motioned the blonde to take the suitcase forward.

The small metal suitcase was locked by a password. After opening it, the cold burst out suddenly. Chen Yajing glanced into it, and saw a three-stage syringe with a long index finger in the suspended test tube rack.

"This," Romuel said in Chen Yajing's incredible eyes. "It's an antiviral vaccine."

Chen Yajing reached out her hand uncontrollably, but was stopped by Romuel, and then smiled strangely:

"--Although only part of the vaccine."

Ten minutes later, downstairs.

Romuel carried the freezer and led his two men out of the building; Chen Yajing, who was in a wheelchair, was pushed out by the guards and stopped on the steps.

"Last question, Colonel Romuel."

Romuela paused at the door, listening only to the voice of Chen Yajing behind him, as if with a hint of ridicule:

"You don't seem to be a yearning for Chinese culture, but you speak Chinese so well. Did you learn it for your brother in the legal sense?"

Romuel didn't move for a long time. He turned his head around for a long while, and his eyes even called a little shame:

"I said, ma'am," he said slowly, "in the legal sense, it used to be."





Sinan sat cross-legged on the back seat of the car, wearing a hood coat that could almost bury him, covering his entire head with a wide hood, but still couldn't stop the sad laughter of the front row:

"Yan Hao can come to me? Hahaha ha Yan Hao's weak chicken can go to me? Ten Yan Hao can be beaten by Lao Tzu ha ha ha ha-"

"Captain, you are enough! Do you want to fight ?!"

"Hahaha Rong brother and Yan Hao's Alpha pheromone, how do they fall in love, pure spiritual Plato, so touching love ha ha ha ha ha-"

"Dad, it turns out that Yan Hao is my mother-in-law who I haven't known for years! Why you never tell me the truth, it's too much hahahahaha!"

I knew I shouldn't ask, Sinan thought blankly, kill this group of Alpha.

Zhou Rong looked back from the co-pilot, patted Sinan's head across the hood, and his voice filled with joy: "Show me, oh, are you angry?"

Kill this group of Alpha, Sinan thought, ducking his head and avoiding.

Zhou Rong pressed on top of his head, forcing him closer to his arms, and laughing as he squeezed his face: "Your children who grew up in Country A just can play. What can the two Alpha do when they go to bed? Have you ever seen anyone go to bed? Do you know what's going on? "

Sinan flinched and ducked.

"... You, why didn't you ask early ..." Yan Hao leaned his head from the back seat, and he cried with tears from his face just now: "Then you come out of the military area, know that we are all Alpha, Why not ask Chun Cao, Xiang Zi and Da Ding? "

Sinan: "..."

"Where can I misunderstand you with the captain?" Yan Hao asked heartily, "Did you ever doubt it for so long, even once?"

... of course, often. Sinan thought.

But who knows why you 118 designed the locator so arrogantly, the pen designer must be Alpha.

Si Nan sighed and looked out the window, holding her forehead, and the ruby ​​rubbed on the left ear by the ear clip was shining.

Sure enough, slaughter this group of Alpha.

"There is a private airline near the local airport. Yesterday I and Chun Cao observed in the surrounding area. Two large helicopters on the tarmac barely met our needs to transfer all the personnel at once."

The carriage bumped slightly during the advance. Zhou Rong took a short pencil tip and hit a fork on the map airport in this city.

"The initial plan was this. I, Yan Hao, Chun Cao, and Ding Shi were in a group of four, using high fire as cover, tearing the tarmac fence, forcibly entering the runway, and taking off two large helicopters; Sinan and Xiangzi took Everyone else, looking for a platform suitable for helicopter landing nearby, and by the way find a pharmacy for our Omega children ... if you do n’t find it, do n’t take risks, life is important. ”

"And when you find the platform and arrive safely, Sinan then presses the locator—that is, that guy earring—another guy earring on Yanhao ’s ear within one kilometer will receive the signal, so as to communicate with each other. Positioning, we will drive two helicopters to respond. "

Zhou Rong closed the map and patrolled the crowd: "Is there a problem?"

Yan Hao: "Which point do I look like to be a captain, in all senses?"

Chun Cao: "Dad Dad, is Yan Hao my mother, is Si Xiaonan a new mother?"

Xiangzi: "Don't force it, even if you can't find it, does it mean that you can just stop looking ... Rong Rong? Rong Rong!"

Zhou Rong gave Yan Hao a fist, knocked Chuncao a violent shudder, kicked Xiangzi in the limited space of the carriage, and then in the chaos he saw the opposite Si Nan raised his hand expressionlessly.

Zhou Rongxin said that there are only non-staff personnel in our team who are dedicated to their posts: "Comrade Xiao Si, please speak."

Sinan asked: "How can I confirm that the signal was successfully transmitted?"

"Originally, after you launched the positioning, Beidou satellite system will be transmitted to the 118 dedicated tablet computer and base terminal, but Beidou was also killed one month after the GPS crash—for an unknown base station worker in a corner of the earth Silence, "Zhou Rong said," so now it only has a physical reaction. After receiving a signal within one kilometer, the two earrings will shake together. "

Sinan nodded silently, signalling that he understood.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Everyone covered their heads, their heads, their faces, and their faces, all expressing no objection.

"Very good," Zhou Rong shook his fist, encouraging everyone with confidence: "Let's go to the beautiful Nansha Islands with the goal of living tonight!"

He got up and left the compartment, got back into the co-pilot, and looked at the dreaded airport highway, and the zombies were bumped into the air from time to time in front of the window.

"... will shake together," he suddenly realized.

Ding Shi drove his head and glanced at him, his eyes were beyond words.

Zhou Rong murmured: "... this thing is not really for the guys." 2k novel reading network

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