Chapter 41 Table of contents

The reality did not give Si Nan a lot of opportunities for hesitation. After a few seconds, the SUV started slowly and drove out of the gas station.

Sinan's last sense of belonging to the soldiers passed the hunger. Instead of immediately stepping forward, he stepped back to hide his body. I saw the SUV adjust his head and drove slowly along the street.

What are they going to do?

Si Nan looked around. Not far away, more than a dozen cars and electric cars collided in a series, and their appearance was unbearable. Except for the area beyond sight, there is no transport, not even a good bicycle.

The SUV drove farther and farther, and it was about to get out of sight. When Sinan bit his back molars, he pulled up and chased after him.

"Someone is following us." The driver glanced into the rearview mirror and muffled in the cab of the SUV.

The blond female Alpha sitting next to him was looking at her fingers, and when she heard the words, she looked up immediately, but in the rear-view mirror, she only saw the hordes of chasing cars slowly, and was soon thrown away Zombies below: "Where? Who?"

"I didn't see clearly, I hid too fast."

The rear compartment bumped slightly as the vehicle moved forward, without Romuel's voice.

"Maybe a survivor," the female Alpha groaned. "Hurry up Abar, get rid of him, we have to search for the next survivor base."

Abarr stepped on the accelerator, and the front bumper slammed into a few dead people, whistling away in the dust.

The city has become a paradise for the undead, and each reinforced concrete building on both sides of the street has become a huge coffin, which has taken root directly into the ground and soared into the clouds. Cold winds swept through the slumped streets. Stations, supermarkets, and schools were empty. Trash and plastic bags chased and swirled with each other in the dust, and were trampled by the zombies.

The SUV passed through the cell, and in the side view mirror, the bushes on the fence suddenly moved imperceptibly.

"Follow me," Abal said.

Female Alpha also noticed the movement this time, and could not help but be alert: "Is there a lot of people?"

She looked back at her sergeant, and in the back seat, Romuel finally stopped the motion of wiping the short knife in his hand: "There is only one."

He didn't look up, and said lightly, "Slow down and set a card forward to see who it is."


The heart beat rapidly and irregularly in the chest, and Sinan gasped, feeling that cold sweat continued to flow along the hair burst, and then he would soon be dehydrated.

Do you want to give up?

Or find a way to get around the car and bet directly for help?

Sinan's strong alert could have made him less inclined to the latter, but it has been chasing for a long time, and the large amount of physical exertion made him not want to give up directly. At the time of the dilemma, the SUV suddenly turned around and turned from the street into the long lane full of bungalows.

There is drama.

Sinan took two steps to run, jumped from the fence to the treetop, and jumped to the roof, and quickly shuttled into the roof of the bungalow, like a light and agile cat, stopped silently at the end of the eave .

I saw the SUV parked in front of a private house. The driver got out of the car, opened the trunk, moved half a box of mineral water, and walked into the private house. It looked as if this was their temporary stronghold.

Sinan was lying on the eaves, and when he saw the contents of the trunk from top to bottom, he was choked for a while-a lot of supplies!

Boxes of compressed biscuits and canned meat, dehydrated vegetables and fruits, high-protein foods, various energy drinks, blankets for cold clothing, fire generating equipment ...

Sinan swallowed his mouth, carefully observed the surrounding environment, and quickly designed an action and retreat route. He said in silence: I secretly took a can.

Just take one, enough for me to reach the suburban heliport alive.

After making up his mind, Sinan jumped quietly down the roof, like an alert and cautious snow leopard. When he landed, he didn't make a sound, then came to the trunk and reached out to the canned luncheon meat.

——At this moment, his nerves tightened and he suddenly turned his head.

The tip of the knife rubbed his cheek and passed!

Sinan turned sharply, glancing at the attacker's face: he was a strong Caucasian female Alpha, and his face was pretty good.

But somehow, when he glimpsed the female Alpha, a sudden alarm sounded in his mind, and a very unpleasant and mixed disgust felt from the bottom of his heart, as if he had seen her somewhere.

The female Alpha was also stubbornly strong, and subconsciously asked in English: "You, how do you ..."

Within a thousandth of a second of her daze, Si Nan pulled away decisively, not even the cans that were almost in her hand, and pulled out a few meters away.

"Stop!" The female Alpha shouted. The huge driver rushed out of the house before shooting with a gun!

Sinan said angrily: "I just want to have something to eat!" The words rolled before they fell, avoiding the rows of bullets, and listening to the female Alpha shouting at the driver a few words, then they both chased at the same time.

If it is normal, even if the opponent has a gun, Sinan will not be too afraid of the joint attack of the two Alphas. But he is in a very bad state now, and the collapse caused by fever and water shortage is quickly eating away at his body, and it is not worthwhile to risk his life for a little food when the other party will obviously die.

Sinan waved his arm to block the kick kicked by the driver, and when he was pushed back by several steps, he stooped down and avoided the short knife thrown by female Alpha. The blade whirled and hammered into the wall. Sinan once again sideways to avoid the driver's force to open the mountain. He pulled out the short knife and slid on the wall.

The female Alpha yelled something in English, and immediately Sinan understood, and she said, "—Change the narcotic bomb!"

Sinan's eyebrows jumped, and he jumped up again when he fell on the wall, grabbed the eaves, and felt only an ankle.

The anesthetic needle rubbed against his skin.

Oh shit! Si Nan whispered in his heart, biting the tip of his tongue fiercely, keeping a trace of sobriety through pain while paralyzing, and walking a few steps along the eaves, suddenly found that there was still a person lying in front of him!

It was a white, male, about thirty, who was slowly rising from the roof tiles.

Sinan had no time to distract himself from thinking about why the other person's expression was so weird and his movements were so slow, as if he was confirming a touchy dream. Now he just wants to run away from this group of Alpha, and would rather kill the zombie group and find a supermarket or something, even if he picks up some broken rice to eat, he will never approach these people half a step.

"... Noah," Romuel called lowly.

After Si Nan rushed to the eaves, Romuel slammed to stop, and the two of them intersected for a while. Si Nan was a teleportation in place. Romuel did not see his movements, and felt the breeze slipping from his arm.

-This speed can be described lightly, Romuel thought.

I do not know how many times I have seen, familiar lightness.

Romuel's eyes narrowed, and his legs were swept away like thunder. When Sinan couldn't avoid the move, he reached out and grabbed his neck with his hands.

However, at the same time, Sinan, like a god's help, snapped Romuel's arm and turned tightly.

Romuel instantly realized what he was about to do and paused subtly.

The next second, the blade pressed against his throat, and Sinan was hiding behind him, yelling at the female Alpha and the driver who were catching up, "Stop!"

The two stopped at the same time and looked at each other with Romuel, and the air became tense.

Romuel shook his head extremely slightly, stopping two men from approaching: "Noah."

"..." Sinan held the knife in his right hand, holding it against Romuel's throat, forcing him to step back with himself, "Who are you?"

"You can't run," Romuel said.

Sinan repeatedly closed her eyes and opened them again, forcing herself to stay awake in the increasing dizziness, and did not hear the extremely complicated and unspeakable meaning in the simple words.

"You can't run." Romuel repeated again, this time in a tone like talking to himself, as if taking some kind of oath to himself.

Sinan's blade was close to his throat, and said hoarsely, "Shut up! Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Romuel said: "You have a high temperature ... you have a fever."

The roof tile suddenly shattered, Sinan stepped under his feet, and the calf rubbed by the anesthesia needle was finally completely numb, almost unable to support the weight of the body, which caused him to stun in extreme dizziness.

I just want to steal a can ... He thought vaguely.

It seems the thief can't do such a thing.

Ronan Muller's hand was slightly loosened, and he seemed to want to use his last strength to escape by himself. However, he overestimated his resistance to the anesthetic, and after a few seconds he fell to his knees, before his knees were on the ground, and was surrounded by a pair of hands extended to his side.

"..." Sinan murmured, but couldn't hear what it was, and then sank.

With the help of potions, he finally fell into a dormancy without hunger, remorse and disappointment.


"The systolic blood pressure is seventy-nine, the diastolic blood pressure is forty, and the temperature is thirty-nine degrees five."

"Give a shot of nutrition."

The door of the bungalow was opened, and in the afternoon the cold wind passed through the hall. The female Alpha and the driver looked up and saw Romuel step into the threshold and gestured expressionlessly.

That's what it means to get them out.

The two men stood up unconsciously and left.

The door was closed again, and Romuel walked to the bed, looking down at his prey.

The north-facing dwellings were originally backlit, and in the gloomy and snowy winters, they were more dim and humid. The bed was very small and low, and the prey should not feel very comfortable. Romuel's eyes fell on his eyebrows, and there was a slight wrinkle, and it seemed that there were still many and many dissatisfaction in the lethargy.

But when he was lying on his side unconsciously, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of extremely soft and ethereal light, making the simple and cluttered bungalows and narrow and old window lattices look special.

This is not the first time Romuel has felt this way. He exhaled, and finally sat by the edge of the bed, looked down at the familiar face in front of him, and reconfirmed where the shimmer came from-too white.

It's like the white and beautiful marbles are polished and carved again and again. After the baptism of time and years, they are still as clean as new. In the increasingly vicissitudes and aging world around them, they still take care of themselves and glow with innocence. .

why? He thought mockingly: This is obviously a monster.

His mother was a scumbag that was fascinated by his father after he got married and had a child. He was also a monster that was born to be transformed and transcended ordinary ethics.

Romuel slowly reached out his hand, but didn't really fall, sliding across Sinan's unconscious side cheek across a finger.

He still remembered that when he was very young, he used to sit in the garden with anger and jealousy, waiting for the car carrying "that woman" to pass by, and wanted to see what his face that his father had long remembered for years could grow appearance. He had forgotten the specific outline of the woman's features, but at the moment when he saw it with his own eyes, his thrilling charm and the distorted aversion that grew from it remained deeply in his heart.

The beauty that symbolizes ominous attraction and heralds a miserable fate.

It is exactly the same as the nominal brother later.

At first he had more than once wanted to murder this fragile child-in the gorgeous and decaying manor, it was very easy to achieve this goal. But one night, he sneaked into Noah's bedroom under the cover of a servant, staring at his adopted brother, wondering whether he was strangled or strangled, but he suddenly felt that there was a layer of invisibility on him. Halo.

Just as warm water flows through white porcelain, it is soft and subtle.

It may be the shimmering flash of a fountain in the garden, or it may be an illusion caused by the cold moonlight.

——It's a monster, he told himself so.

He decided to strangle this little monster with his own hands. He put his hand on the other's thin neck, and then Noah woke up and started struggling, screaming, and struck in a fight; the housekeeper and servants were alarmed, and his father hurried to announce the end of the murder.

That was what happened when he was eleven and Noah was six.

Since then he has not been able to approach Noah, who was unguarded in his deep sleep, like he is today, because he will wake up as soon as he approaches. As if many years ago, the naive murder on that moonlight night had left a deep mark on his subconscious, even in his sleep, enough to shock his most sensitive nerves.

Romuel's fingers finally fell, passing over the ends of her closed eyelashes.

The eyelashes are as dense as crow feathers, and the fingertips of those who are accustomed to shooting will grind out cocoons, but in fact, they can't feel such a slight touch.

But Romuel's breathing tightened a little, and he leaned down slowly.

The two breathed less than two inches apart, and Si Nan opened his eyes suddenly.

Romuel paused, looking around for a few seconds, and sat up with a smile: "Noah."

The effectiveness of the anesthetic was still there, and Sinan's eyes were scattered for a long time, and finally focused on Romuel's face a little, and a clear and undisguised vigilance slowly emerged from his eyes:

"you are……"

"Remember who I am?" Romuel looked at his expression. "Well, it seems that there are sequelae."

Sinan's spirit was a little bit stubborn, the fever had not subsided yet, and his chest was undulating.

"When I saw you lying here, I remembered the year when you first entered the secret base of the Florida military ..." Romuel didn't seem to care if the other party could understand, and laughed shortly: "I had been at the base for a few years at that time, and one of them rose up one evening, and I went to your room and took a look while inspecting the dormitory."

"You slept very peacefully, and even made a little snoring sound. But when I approached your bed, before you stood still, you suddenly woke up, as if you were guarding me from sneaking in at any time, it was against you. of."

"..." Si Nan's dry throat barely made a sound: "I don't know ... what are you talking about ..."

"It's okay," said Romuel, "so many years have passed, anyway, I just want to tell you. I didn't mean to murder you that night."

He seemed to laugh very interestingly, but this normal person expressed a friendly expression on his pretty face, but for no reason caused Si Nan to have a pinch of antipathy.

He squeezed into the bed unconsciously, and the protruding carpal was stuck in handcuffs.

Romuel didn't care about this move.

Romuel picked up a can of maple sugar on the bedside, slowly opened the cap, and scooped out a spoonful of golden sweet syrup in Sinan's gaze: "Do you know why you are sick?"


"Because there is not enough sugar. Your transformed body has a large demand for sugar, otherwise it will weaken quickly, and the heart and lung metabolism and respiratory function will be affected. In severe cases, it may be ... even death."

"Whether you are hiding in Tibet alone or with whom," Romuel smiled with a mockery. "The other party obviously has not given you the most basic care."

Sinan said hoarsely: "... They will come back to me."

Romuel seemed to hear a joke: "Oh? Come back to you in the city center wandering millions of zombies?"

Sinan seemed to be stabbed severely and stopped talking.

Romuel put down the maple sugar jar, held the sweet fragrant spoon firmly in his right hand, and rubbed his lower thumb with the thumb of his left hand: "Noah."

Sinan didn't squeak.

"You kiss me. Just a moment. It's like you kissed the special soldier with the last name Zhou." Romuel tempted with an even gentle voice: "This whole tank is yours, okay?"

Si Nan Meiyu glanced slightly surprised, as if he heard something that made him feel confused-but then he glanced at Romuel, his eyes clearly writing disgust, and his thin lips cracked because of thirst, Leaning over her face, she faced the inside wall straight and closed her eyes.

There is no decisive delicacy.

Romuel seemed to have expected it. Not only was he outraged, but his smile was even deeper: "OK ... good."

He spilled the spoonful of maple syrup at will, dragged out a silvery flashing suitcase with his backhand, opened it, took out the instrument and coil, tied the red and blue wires around Sinan, and was bound by handcuffs. On the wrist.

Sinan seemed to feel something, opened his eyes suddenly, and his body was earning upwards!


Sudden memories in a dream came flooding up and down. The ugly blond young man in the laboratory overlapped with the face in front of them. They were the same person!

Romuel pressed Sinan's neck with one hand and slammed him back onto the couch. He looked down and looked at his exceptionally bright eyes because of hatred, and asked, "What about the freezer you carried with you after the crash?"

Sinan didn't know what he was talking about, and clenched his lips.

"Where is the thing?"

Still no answer.

"I should have known ..." Romuel nodded slowly and sighed with ridicule: "The tenderness really doesn't suit you."

As soon as the voice fell, he gritted his teeth and pressed the shocker flatly. 2k novel reading network

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