Chapter 63 Table of contents

"I have a fever, and my breathing and heartbeat are normal." Ning Yu opened Zhou Rong's eyelids and looked at her. She voiced a tremor after depression. She was unsure whether she was shocked or excited. The success story is really ... so lucky. "

There is really no word other than luck that can describe the situation at hand. Ning Yu looked at Zhou Rong who was unconscious and looked at Yan Hao. Suddenly a ridiculous feeling rose in his heart: the luck of these special forces was too good Come on, a one-hundredth or even a one-thousandth chance, can this be met twice in a row?

Or does the antibody impose very stringent requirements on the genetic qualities of the recipient?

Si Nan arched his body, hugged Zhou Rong's head, and said nothing. He rarely showed intense emotions in front of others. This hug of just a few seconds was already the limit, and then he took a deep breath and raised his head, saying, "I must take Zhou Rong on a helicopter."

Ning Yu nodded and said nothing. Suddenly Yan Hao stepped forward and half-knelt spread his hands.

In his hand was the test tube containing the primary antibodies.

"I'm leaving." Yan Hao looked down at the ground, but said to Si Nan: "Bring Rong back to the base, this is for your safekeeping."

"Where are you going?"

"Frontline. Spring grass they are still there, I have to help them retreat."

Sinan said lightly, "You can't go."

Yan Hao froze, and saw Si Nan's thumb point down to the roof.

In the night when no fingers were reached, the open space kept rolling and surging, and the call was tumultuous. Looking from behind the night vision goggles, I don't know when the zombies converged into black waves, and the jeep they drove had become a floating boat in the angry sea.

Unless equipped with a car rocket launcher, Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to kill from this sea of ​​blood!

Yan Hao changed his color slightly, and said for a long time, "I thought you would want me to die below."


Yan Hao glanced back, Sinan's madness and fierceness had passed, and his expression was unnaturally indifferent: "You can't go alone. Dr. Ning sent Zhou Rong to a helicopter, and I killed you downstairs with you. Drive to the front to find Chun Cao and Guo Weixiang. Chen Yajing should already be arranging a retreat. We will meet at the port after getting on the bus. "

Yan Hao didn't want to, he grabbed Sinan's hand: "No!"

Ning Yu split his head and covered his face and scolded: "The anti-toxicity of the serum does not mean that you will not die. What if the zombie is divided into five horses?"

Sinan opened the fingers of Yan Hao's wrist bones one by one, raising his eyebrows and asking, "Do you have any other way, or else four people squeeze the helicopter together?"

Everyone couldn't answer.

The danger factor of crowding three people in a two-seater small cabin is already very large. Coupled with Yan Hao, the weight of two male Alphas, Zhou Rong and Zhou Rong, can definitely make the helicopter crash without flying 200 meters.

"If you hesitate anymore, the roof will not be safe for too long, and the zombies will soon come down the corridor. How many bullets are there for Yan Hao?"

"... It's gone." Yan Hao said jerkily, "Errong Rong is gone."

Si Nan stretched out his palm, with his last magazine in his hand.

Several people looked at each other, and suddenly Ning Yuhu asked, "Who are you knocking on the ground?"

Sinan and Yan Hao were silent at the same time, listening only to the howling of the cold wind. There was a distant and dull vibration on the ground, which became louder and clearer after a few seconds.

"..." Yan Hao stood up, "iron gate!"


The iron door of the corridor leading to the rooftop made a crash, and immediately followed by a tremor, the zombies who climbed to the top floor!

Ning Yu: "How can I find this ?!"

Yan Hao woke up at first dream: "Rong brother! Rong brother is bleeding!"

After Zhou Rong's venom was exhausted, blood began to bleed, and a stronger male breath than the general Alpha spread along the propeller wind, and was captured by the zombies.

And the living dead infected by the new virus have a collective hunting consciousness. As soon as one of them finds fresh flesh and blood, a group of living dead swarms, and in an instant they are blocked on the rooftop by living!

"Take Zhou Rong on the plane!" Si Nan snapped in Ning Yu's ear. "Quick!"

Zhou Rong in the coma seemed to feel something, and frowned, struggling, and there seemed to be some signs of waking. Ning Yu couldn't bear much any more, took off his coat and blocked his bleeding wound, and dragged the collar to drag him towards the helicopter—Ning Yu was not a combat worker, and he almost woke up. Zhou Rong directly sent to Xitian.

Sinan raised his hand and threw the last magazine to Yan Hao: "Next!"

Yan Hao raised his hand and grabbed the magazine: "No! You ..."

The iron door was rattled, the wall was broken with ash and gravel, and Sinan's index finger arrogantly pointed to Yan Hao: "Care yourself!"

A metal scraping also made the chilling thorns rise flat, and the latches bent under constant impact, gradually forming a terrible arc at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yan Hao bumped into the magazine, shoved the cartridge, the sound just fell, and a crisp sound of a broken door burst in front of him.

Boom--Iron Gate was finally overwhelmed and completely knocked open!

Charge in the night | muzzle | flare broke out, and the living dead who rushed to the roof were headshot, fell, and blocked the zombies behind them.

But after a short while, more living dead climbed up on the same dead body, just like the ants who had been bombed, rushing forward!

Ning Yu pushed Zhou Rong into the back seat with all his strength, and yelled at the Zhou team against his ears. Seeing no effect, he rolled up his sleeves and stretched his heart. He pumped his mouth a few times, but there was no sign of waking up. Ning Yu couldn't help it this time. He was afraid that the handsome face of the Zhou team would be disfigured. Sinan would look for him desperately and look back at the zombie. Then he shuddered: "Sinan! Come back!"

Immediately after exiting his voice, he was immersed in the assault | gunfire, Yan Hao retreated while shooting wildly, but the bullet could not deter the conscious living dead.

As soon as the gunshot stopped, Yan Hao shouted, "No more bullets!"

Sinan pulled out his three-edged sword at the same time: "Protect Dr. Ning, step back!"

When the last word came to an end, he was already striding forward, and the special edge designed by the special forces | the blade silently penetrated the skulls of the two zombies, like a hot knife to cut butter, and effortlessly pulled in the splattered black blood lines Out.

Zombies rushed up and bit his right wrist. The next second he was pierced from his throat by the tip of his left hand and pierced his brain from the bottom up!

Although it is more likely that nothing will happen, the moment he saw the blood, Yan Hao's pupils enlarged suddenly and uncontrollably.

"Fuck back soon!" Ning Yu roared violently.

But Yan Hao turned a deaf ear.

Seven or eight zombies came from all directions, Yan Hao stopped breathing, and split his hand with a bullet-less charge | The gun was smashed fiercely. The forehead of the zombie splattered, and Yan Hao held the neck before opening his mouth, and twisted the neck bone!

Ning Yu's ears were buzzing, and all the killings and roars turned into grotesque shots in horror movies. The **** mouth of the zombies was sometimes far away from the sky, sometimes in front of his eyes, tearing his mind into numerous fragmented fragments.

He shivered and couldn't catch anything. I wanted to rush down and grab Sinan, to drag him back to the helicopter, but the figure was quickly drawn into a vortex of corpses, and I couldn't even see where he could do it.

When it was over, Ning Yu's thoughts in the chaos rose to a very clear thought.

This time is really over.

In Ning Yu's vision, the best case is to take off immediately with Sinan himself. As soon as he finds a suitable experimental environment, he can quickly use the serum to develop a vaccine.

But Si Nan is a person independent of the collective concept. A large part of his relationship with normal society lies in Zhou Rong. If Sinan does not cooperate, he can also accept his stay, and Sinan takes Zhou Rong to take off immediately. As long as the life of the ** antigen is saved, whoever makes the vaccine will be the same in the future.

But if Sinan is dead, hope is really cut off.

Ning Yu opened the door and rushed down the cabin. His legs and feet were soft, and he almost fell when he landed, just missing a rotten zombie with a rotten face.

"Sinan," Ning Yu embarrassedly got up, screaming heartbreakingly, "Sinan--! Come back!"

"Let you take Zhou Rong away! Come back soon!"

Suddenly a scream ran behind him, and Ning Yu turned back violently, only to see Zhou Rong slam the zombie on the ground, smashing the skull.

"Are you committing suicide, Doctor?" Zhou Rong scolded hoarsely in the roar of the helicopter, pushing Ning Yu back to the cabin severely.

Ning Yu shouted wildly: "Bring your wife back! Get him back !!!"

Zhou Rong said briefly: "I know."

"You probably didn't generate antigen, don't be bitten again!"

Zhou Rong slammed the door and slammed the zombies from the side into two sections. He turned around and turned towards the corpse.

There are more and more zombies on the rooftop, Sinan has been unable to distinguish which of the thick bloodstains belong to himself and which zombies have splashed up. The blood and rotten meat mixed together, making the bottom of his military boots sticky, and every step was like stepping on the wet mud. The only clean left and right sides of the whole body were only a pair of triangular edges | blades.

They came out of the blood, still dazzling, stabbed into the skull and withdrew easily, countless zombies fell under their feet.

There was a familiar sharp pain in the upper arm, and the sensation of hot blood passed only a few seconds into the brain along the nerve endings. Sinan stabbed the zombie who was biting his arm without loosening it. Before he could pull out the blade, his shoulder was bitten again.

It's really too much.

Sinan struggled with his teeth, but didn't. There were stings in his arms, side waists, thighs, and several places at the same time. He couldn't tell how many zombies had caught him at the same time.

The **** heat was exhaled in the nasal cavity, and Sinan took Sanling | Stabs | enter the temple of the zombie behind him, then grabbed his dirty hair, turned it up and down, twisted it, and swept it with a few living dead people Out.


The zombie was tortured with a fractured body, and Sinan pulled out the three edges | thorns inserted in its temple, staggered to one knee, and stabilized the leaning body with the tip of a knife.

The zombies were still surging from all directions.

He closed his eyes, then opened it, raising his face, which was so cold and cold because of the bloodstains.

Just then someone caught him from behind. Sinan stabbed his backhand across the knife, but stopped at the moment of the moment, his eyes narrowed.

It's Zhou Rong!

It's hard to see how embarrassing each other looks in the dark, and even recognizing each other can only rely on intuition. Zhou Rong severely tore open the throat of the zombie behind Si Nan, threw the corpse, leaned over and picked up Si Nan, and ran back violently.

"Let's ..." Si Nan opened his throat and was choked with blood, every word with a **** mute: "Let me go!"

Zhou Rong shook his head and said nothing.

"Let me down!"

"Rong brother takes you away," Zhou Rong panted during the bumps. "Let's not ... don't care about others, come, Rong brother take you away and be obedient."

Sinan couldn't bear it: "Who is it?"

Zhou Rong laughed, this smile appeared on his handsome eyebrows and resolute lips, there was a trace of heartbreaking desolation.

Yan Hao's growl exploded not far away: "Rong brother be careful !!!"

Zhou Rong stopped suddenly. Heads swelled in the night, ghosts blocked their way to the helicopter, and swayed towards them from every direction they saw.

"Being enveloped," Zhou Rong looked around. "It's over, we have to fold here today."

Si Nan was about to go to the ground, but Zhou Rong was stunned in despair. This gesture of holding him horizontally made them lose the possibility of the last bit of sleepy beast fighting. Sinan drank against his ear and said, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Rong answered with a smile: "When we were eaten right away, I would just hold you like this, eat me first, then eat you ..."

Si Nan wanted to yell at him, but he didn't say anything. He saw Zhou Rong staring at his eyes by the light of the helicopter in the distance, and then stopped.

"... Okay," he said helplessly, "then hold on tight, don't throw me down."

Zhou Rong raised his brows playfully at him.

The zombies approached step by step, and the stench was clear and audible. Finally, the few living dead in front of them bowed their heads at the same time, and at the moment of falling teeth, Zhou Rong suddenly put down Si Nan and pushed him behind.

However, I did not expect that Si Nan fell to the ground, as if he had practiced in the heart ten million times, holding Zhou Rong in his head and flopping!

The dead man's missing teeth fell on Sinan's back neck, spine, and scapula without any accident, and a stream of blood poured out, and he was sucked by countless rotten mouths.

Zhou Rong was furious again, struggling to overthrow Si Nan, followed by a hot shoulder.

-That's blood.

Si Nan's throat and throat bleeding foam, weakly sprinkled on Zhou Rong's body.

"Damn!" Zhou Rong yelled, breaking open two zombies in a half-lying position!

The heavy high-top military boots kicked them to pieces, but the puppeteers would not be deterred by this, and still dragged their bodies to climb greedily to continue their feast of flesh and blood.

You can see it everywhere.

Countless ghosts, too many.

Zhou Rong didn't know how much blood was coughed. He almost dragged Sinan forward, but the zombie was like a wave of waves rising from the sea, and it never ends.

Endless flesh and blood.

Zhou Rong finally knelt down on the ground again, and the ghosts swarmed up immediately. At that moment he felt a lot of sharp teeth close to his naked | exposed muscle, never like now, he clearly realized that he and Sinan would be torn into pieces of meat and bones.

It was over, and the thought came to his heart.

嗖 ——

Faster than the teeth of the dead are several hot air waves.


Zhou Rong's pupils tightened at the moment when the explosion sounded, and he immediately heard the loud sound of the night sky, which is not to be mistaken for a helicopter!

The giant helicopter approached quickly, with strong light and whirlwind coming at the same time, Zhou Rong almost roared out subconsciously: "Get down !!!!"

Yan Hao and Ning Yu hugged their heads while squatting, Zhou Rong defended Sinan in despair. Immediately afterwards, the machine gun rang in the air, and the bullet swept the roof like a heavy rain, sweeping hundreds of zombies into mud!

Da da da da da da--

The rain of guns and bullets prevented people from raising their heads, and everyone in the chaos thought that they were going to be broken into horse-honeycombs. After more than ten seconds of mad ammunition pouring out, the onboard heavy machine gun suddenly stopped.

Immediately after the hatch was opened and the rope ladder was dropped, more than ten soldiers with live ammunition leaped quickly and strode forward for the first officer:

"Two sets of three sets of heavy fire preparation! Front door support!"

"A group is on standby, check the scene!"

The soldiers responded, and the other two military helicopters turned around and flew towards the base's front door.

On the rooftop, the officer's footsteps were suddenly closed, and he looked around and shouted, "Who sent the positioning signal? There are 118 special brigade members ?!"

The military fired flashlights everywhere, and human voices approached. Zhou Rong panted, hugging Sinan, who was covered with blood, and trembling with his fingers to explore his nose.

"Lieutenant Colonel!" A soldier shouted, "Here!"

Someone lifted Yan Hao not far away, and several people pulled Ning Yu out of the collapsed wall.

The officer crouched down and seemed to see something strange and looked at it for a moment: "... the sixth squadron of the 118th team, Major Zhou Rong?"

Zhou Rong's consciousness is actually very embarrassing. He has lost too much blood. Looking at things is ghosting, but he cannot see what the officer in front of him is.

"... this ... this person," he pointed at Sinan in his arms, and each word was extremely vague and reluctant: "This person has serum antibodies, you must save him, quickly ... save him ..."

The officer was angry and helpless, pointing to himself: "Lieutenant Colonel, Tang Hao, Search and Rescue Brigade, Nanhai Headquarters."

Immediately afterwards, he raised his arms and asked coldly, "You **** are infected, but also sent a fart for help ?!"

Zhou Rong exhaled a scorching gas, like a desperate wolf king. In the exclaiming and stopping sound of others, he lifted Tang Hao's military collar with his blood-stained fist: "You don't hear me say What? This human serum has antibodies! "

During several flashlight irradiations, Sinan's eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body was bare and blood was bitten.

"Antibody! Fuck !!!" Zhou Rong growled and shouted at Tang Hao's nose sharply: "Save him, hurry up!"

"You're out of order, resist your mother--" Tang Hao glanced along Zhou Rong's fingers, his eyes fell on Sinan's unconscious face, and he was suddenly stiffened by the high-voltage electricity split.

He recognized the face of Omega.

"How ..." Tang Hao was incredible: "What's going on?" 2k novel reading network

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