Chapter 68 Table of contents

General's office.

Zheng Xie put down the photo, and despite the aging outline, his face was still very rigid and expressionless: "I have never seen it."

With his movements, the photo was laid flat on the desk. A young Asian man of medium height and thin body, wearing off-white urban camouflage clothes and wearing pilot sunglasses, was staring at the ceiling quietly with his hands on his back.

His face blocked by lenses only revealed a small part of his face, his lips were slightly peeled by the scorching sun, but the shape was very graceful; the corners of both mouths fell naturally, without any trace of curvature, as if he hadn't tilted up in his life.

Therefore, Zheng Xie is not a lie. He had never seen Colonel Chou's Omega look like this.

A dark-haired, white-eyed, white man sat opposite, resting his fingers on his desk with his fingers crossed, and a hint of jeering was heard on the words: "Oh, right? Then it seems my brother should be more ferocious."

Zheng Xie said, "Yes. I personally feel very regretful and hope that my family members will change with grief."

"It's okay. I've confessed his danger to you. It's not easy for someone like him to die in the last days. It's more likely to bring disaster to those around him."

Zheng Xie didn't think of a word to answer for a moment. The white man had retrieved the photos and packed up and went out.

"Wait!" Zheng Xie Huo Ran got up: "Colonel Romuel!"

Romuel stood still, listening only to the voice of General Zheng from behind him: "... where are you going?"

"Back home."

Zheng Xie asked subconsciously: "How to return?"

Romuel tilted his head: "That's my skill."

General Zheng Zheng's eyes reflected the sharp face of Country A. I saw that there was a subtle sneer: "Some of our military personnel have entered Florida laboratories and reopened vaccine testing. Since your government can't handle it Help search my brother, then I can only go back to China to apply for assistance-as for how we will conduct search and rescue, in the current state of your country, I am afraid it will be too much. "

Obviously his own place, Zheng Xie felt faintly overwhelmed by the momentum of this tall white soldier.

The opponent is too determined, there must be an unknown hole card.

Zheng Xie's eyes narrowed, and his brain quickly thought, only to see Romuel walking towards the door of the office again.

"Stay!" Zheng Xie blurted out, paused again, "I can promise your terms, Colonel. But you also have to tell me, why did you search for this person everywhere? Is it related to the vaccine?"

To his surprise, Romuel didn't make a roundabout at all and turned straight: "Yes."

He hit Zheng Xie for a straight ball.

Romuel unbuttoned the third button of the shirt, exposing a strong pectoral muscle, and three long purple-brown scars running across it:

"Two days ago." He said coldly, "My men urgently helped me to hit the last secondary serum antibody. We were discovered by your search and rescue forces after the wound healed. This serum antibody is my brother. He stayed at the Florida laboratory before the defection. "

Zheng Xie was extremely surprised: "Secondary ... antibodies?"


The patio downstairs.

Abbas lit a cigarette, sat on the steps, and looked at his watch.

At 3:15.

Romuel had been up for forty minutes, and the female Alpha Jane who was waiting with him had been walking impatiently for a while.

Abbas rolled up his cuffs, revealing his stout arms. Originally different from ordinary people's crusted tendon meat, purple and black tooth marks were exposed, crisscrossed, and extremely horrible. He exhaled a cigarette deeply, and suddenly heard behind him a very slight movement like a leaf falling across the ground.

Abbas turned back suddenly, behind the empty corridor.



Abbas's keen senses-White Eagle is the king of special forces. Its status is similar to that of country 118's top-secret army. Each member has undergone countless lives and deaths. It is normal to be more sensitive than ordinary people; But he is not a very careful and sly person, and even because of excessive silence, it often gives a dull impression.

This impression made Abbas less painful during Noah Chong's time as base instructor.

NoahChong has a cruel character that is extremely disproportionate to the beautiful appearance. He seems to like to do something with excellent, publicity and eye-catching Alpha students. Abbas, who has no sense of presence, is often fortunately ignored. His colleague Jane is not so fortunate. This female Alpha is known for her prideful personality. She has been killed by Noah Chong several times during the years of training at the White Eagle Base, and her bitter hatred has continued to this day.

Abbas, holding his cigarette, looked up at the second floor.

There was no one around, and patrol soldiers in the distance passed with a sound of uniform strides.

Hear it wrong, he thought.

On the corner of the corridor on the second floor, Si Nan was sideways hidden in the darkness, and her squinted eyes shone slightly coldly.

The patrol gradually drifted away, and Abbas sat back on the steps and looked down from the guardrail, only to see the white mist of cigarettes rising slowly in front of him.

At the same moment, Sinan stepped down.


At the moment when the strong wind came, Abbas turned back subconsciously, but he was already half a beat slow. With a cold hand holding his back neck bone, Abbas had no time to roar and struggle. The male Alpha, who was nearly two meters tall, twisted and gave great power, causing both of them to fall at the same time!


The potted plants at the entrance of the corridor fell down and rolled down from the steps. Sinan rolled up in the loud noise, kicked like a hurricane, Abbas's army daggers flew out in a hurry, and fell to the ground!

Abbas blurted out: "It's you ...!"

The voice did not fall, and if his chest was severely hit, his blood burst into his throat. Sinan twisted his body, and at that moment Abbas grabbed his ankle, and the lightning-like confrontation was at a touch.


Abbas crushed the amazing strength of the masonry with his bare hands, and instantly squeezed Sinan's ankle bones into a dangerous creak. But immediately after Sinan's ghostly second kick broke, he drew firmly on Abbas's cheek!

Alpha, who was nearly two meters tall, was pumped out of the air, crashed to the ground, and stunned, almost engulfing his consciousness.

"Where is Romuel?"

Abbas's throat tightened, and Sinan's upper body was almost lifted by Sinan:

"Tell me!" Sinan yelled, "Where is Romuel!"


"The direct cure rate of serum is between 3% and 6%, and the secondary antibodies completed using serum are recognized by T cells several times faster, which not only acts powerfully, but also allows the recipient to have a rapid healing function for a short time. It can last for three or four days. "

Romuel took the Swiss Army Knife out of his pocket and made a fierce stroke in his palm.

The blood was almost gushing, and the thick Alpha male breath filled the entire office instantly.

Lieutenant General Zheng's eyebrows jumped. Although he is also Alpha, after all, he is old, and the mature, strong and aggressive Alpha pheromone will make him feel threatened physiologically.

But Romuel was intentional. He opened his palms and smiled to General Zheng.

——The flesh and blood slowly healed at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, the blood dries up, and the skin sticks, and soon there are only superficial flesh marks.

Zheng Xiejiu was speechless.

"Look," he said, "that's why I have to find my dangerous brother."

"... I see." It seemed that Zheng Xie of Banxian had finished his deliberations, and slowly said, "Since the lost people in your country are so important, we can also ..."

Who would have expected that Romuel was like knowing what he would say perfunctoryly, interrupting him neatly: "No, Lieutenant General, let's make a deal."

Zheng Xie frowned: "What?"

Romuel just spoke, and suddenly a loud noise passed through the window into the office, and the two changed colors at the same time.

Zheng Xie stood up hurriedly, pushed out the door, stood on the third-floor corridor and looked down. The expression suddenly changed: "Stop!"

Sinan raised his eyes sharply and was hitting Romuel's gaze high up.

At that moment, Romuel could not stop his pupils tightening, his eyes turned from blue to gray, as if heavy haze rose from the depths of his soul, and slowly hoarsely said: "Noah ..."

Suddenly in the flash of fire, Abbas held his last breath, punched him from the bottom up, and pushed Sinan out.

Si Nanxun stepped back a few steps, and Abbas was like a bull that was completely enraged, and he swooped up with the wind!

Zheng Xie growled: "Colonel Romuel! Let your people stop!"

In the face of a tank-like abusive Abbas, Sinan was just like an underdeveloped teenager, or the one with poor nutrition. But this gentle and handsome teenager had very different appearances of cold blood and cruelty. Lieutenant General Zheng didn't see what was happening at the moment. When Abbas crashed violently, Sinan flashed half a step and poked his hand to the other's chest.


Abbas made a roar that was not human, just like the painful break-out after an electric shock, and the bloodstream flesh was ripped apart.

-If it was a little later, at this point his heart had been smashed!

It was only a thousandth of a second, and when Si Nanmeng closed his hand, his five fingers became bloody, and he immediately followed. Zheng Xie was too late to stop his voice. Sinan was already pressed on the shoulder of Abbas, who was struggling madly. He held his left and right sides of his skull with both hands and twisted.

Zheng Xie: "Come ..."

A dark shadow whistled into the wind, hitting the back of Sinan with lightning, immediately knocking him down!

This accident caught me by surprise, and Hei Ding clanged to the ground, and I saw that it turned out to be a metal knife handle!

——Looking in the direction it came from, a blonde Alpha woman stunned the patrol soldier over her shoulder, and quickly stepped forward, picking up Sinan from the ground.

"Jane!" Romuel drank with a sense of stop.

The blow from the back of the head was enough to put ordinary people to death, and Si Nan coughed and blew on the spot, grabbing the hand holding his collar.

Although it is known that the former instructor did not need to break the human bone for half a second, at this moment, Jane's movement is faster than him, and a steel punch punched into Sinan's abdomen!

Then there was a slight sound of the internal organs being squeezed, and then Jan raised his fist again--

The surrounding voices were chaotic, and the patrolmen rushed in. Zheng Xie gritted his teeth and pulled out his gun. Suddenly there was a flash of wind on his side, and it was Romuel who grabbed the fence and jumped down into the open space:

"Jane! Be careful!"

Before the female Alpha had time to respond, there was a strong force in her throat and she turned her over!

Jan did not expect to be attacked, and hurriedly grabbed the arm that held her throat, and broke free just before suffocation. Her body arched into a U-shape, and she would forcefully kick the attacker's face.

If this kick is hit, the strength of the waist and legs is enough to crush the opponent's Tian Ling Gai on the spot, but when it is about to hit, it is empty. Jane gathered her legs and a carp stood up and yelled, "Who ?!"

The next moment she narrowed her charming eyes, seeming a little surprised.

He stepped back halfway to stand still, and was a little girl in a camouflage skirt, half a head shorter than her, with a fierce and provocative sharp face.

Jane smelled the same from the little girl-she was also Alpha.

Romuel snapped his footsteps and said, "Zhou, Rong."

Zhou Rong's height was comparable to that of Romuel, and his momentum was even stronger. But in stark contrast to Romuel, Zhou Rong's expression was quite relaxed. His thumb flicked the handle, and San Ling | the army spur jumped out. He was held in the palm of his backhand and greeted lazily:

"Yo! Big sister-in-law!"

"Colonel Zhou!" Lieutenant General Zheng went downstairs with a gun and was furious: "Stop!"

The tense situation around was imminent, and everyone was deadlocked and did not dare to take the lead.

In the extremely difficult silence for a few seconds, Sinan slowly got up against the wall, covered his mouth with his fist, and coughed twice.

Zhou Rong said, "Spring grass."

Spring grass stared at Alpha, the white female. "Yes."

Zhou Rong didn't look back, and concisely ordered: "Pull to death." 2k novel reading network

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