Chapter 79 Table of contents

The gorge was so quiet that there were no birds, no beasts, no even mosquitoes, as if all living creatures had fled far from the world ruled by the living dead.

Only abnormally dense plants cover every inch of space from the ground to the sky.

The rising sun gradually rises, and the grey morning urn recedes from the woods, turning into ash and pale cyan mist, which is instantly penetrated by the thin gold-like sunlight, and the shadows of the trees and grasses slowly move backwards with the sun.

Sinan raised his muzzle and moved silently behind the tree.

At this moment, after a grove of trees more than ten meters away, there was a sudden violent sway!

-Bang! Bang Bang!

Sinan suddenly opened fire, and the other party ran away with the cover of towering ancient trees!

Si Nan Shan followed closely and fired a few more shots, but failed to hit under the conditions of the trees hiding and moving at high speed. The other party is obviously more familiar with the environment than him. He inspected rugged and difficult places to drill. Sinan stepped into the tree pit and was drowned by countless dead branches and rotten leaves. Fortunately, he caught the stones and stabilized them at the first moment Body weight plus thirty or forty kilograms of equipment.

"I am ..." Si Nan scolded inwardly, climbed to the ground three times, five times two, and looked up.

The man fled early and lost his track completely, and he had reached the edge of the canyon, far from the waterfall.

Sinan observed for a moment in the crooked bushes all over the ground, and stood up and saw a rushing stream not far away-the man should have jumped into the stream and walked away quickly, completely erasing the traces, and could not trace.

Si Nanshen walked to the side of the stream, washed his face, and his locked brows reflected in the stream.

Who killed the four special forces and led the zombies to the camp?

Who brought him here on purpose?

Sinan slammed the water on his face with his palm. After so many times, he shook his wet short hair vigorously and suddenly sang in English: "Romuel! What trick are you playing?"

Quiet, there was no echo.

"——Romuel!" Si Nan snapped. "Come out!"


Si Nan looked back, his muzzle locked instantly, and he saw a ball in a stone gap not far from the cliff.

"..." The ball stayed for a while, and a voice came out: "Sinan ?!"

Sinan narrowed his eyes, "Soup ... Chief?"


"It's Tang Hao, thank you." Five minutes later, Tang Hao pulled Si Nan up and led him into the hidden cave behind the stone gap. Helplessly said, "My luck has always been normal. Only with Zhou Rong was my back. It's really not my pot. "

The cave meandered, and after taking a step for more than twenty steps, a space of seven or eight square meters appeared in front of it. Three grey-faced and shameless special soldiers stood up: "Lieutenant Colonel!"

Tang Hao motioned them to sit down, and Si Nan suddenly glanced at a figure lying motionless in the corner, stepped forward and took a look, and gently breathed: "... Guo Weixiang?"

Guo Weixiang's eyes were tightly closed, his face was gray, his belly was messy with bandages, and purple and black blood was leaking, not like a person at all. Sinan immediately probed his temperature and pulse. He had a fatal high fever and was obviously infected. It would become very dangerous if he dragged on.

"It was like this when I found him, it was almost 72 hours." Tang Hao Shen said: "Fortunately you are here, otherwise Master Guo's life is probably accountable here."

Si Nan pulled out the antibiotic from his backpack, forced it into Guo Weixiang's neck, and quickly deployed a special life-saving injection for special forces to inject it into the cervical blood vessels. "What's going on?"

"During the night of the attack, I took out the remaining team members to kill the zombies. I lost all my equipment and weapons on the way. I couldn't see anything in the chaos, and scattered with others in a hurry ..."

Si Nan glanced at him with "said you were not a non-Chiefan".

"I spent a night in the stream and returned to the camp the next day, holding my lucky wish to see if there were any survivors, and I met him." Tang Hao pointed to Guo Weixiang and said, "He was hiding in a tree In the pit, he was infected with zombie virus. He was probably given secondary antibodies before coma. Fortunately, there was no zombification. I dragged him out and found that the abdomen was full of blood — it should be the day of the night attack He was hit by his own stray bullet. Fortunately, he was protected by the strong healing effect of the secondary antibody. After I dug out the bullet, it became what it is now. "

Tang Haomei always hidden a hint of unspeakable worry, sitting against the wall on the damp ground, and sighed tiredly.

Sinan asked nothing, and suddenly asked, "How did you find this place?"

"I wobbled him for a long time until I met them—" Tang Hao motioned to the special soldiers and said, "It is this cave they found. Fortunately, the terrain is high and concealed. Otherwise, Master Guo will be **** early on. Bringing the zombies. For the next two days, I went out during the day to search for survivors, but without weapons, there were many zombies nearby, and I never encountered any living people or search and rescue teams. "

Tang Hao wiped his face hard, shifted the topic and asked, "How did you find this place? Where is the big army?"

Si Nan said: "Zhou Rong is behind."

Tang Hao: "..."

With their big eyes and small eyes, Tang Hao couldn't help but ask, "What else?"

"I was deliberately induced." Si Nan simply said, "Nothing."

Tang Hao stood up arrogantly: "What? There are still living people in the canyon? Who brought you over? What does it look like? Can you see who it is?"

Sinan: "No."

The two looked at each other again, Tang Hao covered his head with "...", and Si Nan's eyes were flat and his expressions were frank, and he seemed to have finished all that should be said.

Finally, Hao Tang Hao couldn't help but be careful: "Have anyone ever offered you any friendly suggestions on communication skills?"

"No, you want to mention it?"

Tang Hao: "... no no no, nothing."

Sinan pulled out dry food and water from the bag and distributed it to the three special forces, drilled out of the cave, fired a flare near the cliff, then backed up, picked up his backpack and said, "The search and rescue team is coming soon, I'm leaving . "

Tang Hao said suddenly, "Where are you going?"

"Continue looking for someone."

"Don't wait for Zhou Rong to come over and converge?"

Sinan said indifferently: "In fact, I don't like team action so much. I am faster on my own."

Tang Hao immediately stopped: "No, the person who brought you just now hasn't figured out his identity. It is too dangerous to act alone! I have searched several times around here, and there are no traces of survivors at all. In the absence of professional equipment Even if you ca n’t do it by human ... "

Tang Hao's words stopped abruptly, and Si Nan's clenched fist reached in front of him, and a loose, blood-stained steel nameplate fell into the air.

1180610, Yan Hao.

"There are two more," Sinan said calmly. "No matter what happens, I will not stop until I find them."

No one spoke in the cave. A special soldier in the corner of the hall put down the kettle and said husky, "I'll go with you."

"Me too ..."

The three stood up one after another, and Tang Hao interrupted them: "No! Some of you are in bad condition!" Then he turned to Si Nan: "Give me a gun, I'll go with you."

"Lieutenant Colonel! ..."

Tang Hao's attitude was very firm, but Si Nanlue hesitated and did not answer.

"If you are looking for Yang Chuncao and Ding Shi, I may know where they went. I was with them when I broke out late that night, and I was separated before crossing the river. If they didn't change their direction midway, they should Can trace their traces along the river bank. "Tang Hao opened his palms, fixed his eyes on Sinan, and repeated again:" Give me a gun, and I will go to them with you. "

After more than ten seconds, Sinan finally released his hand from the lower back | gun and threw it over.

Tang Hao caught it accurately, and saw Si Nan turning his head and walking outward, faintly saying, "Save it, there are only five bullets."


The sun has completely risen outside the canyon. Except for the high-altitude stone walls, the mountains are filled with the dense green, and the sun can't open the eyes.

"I haven't seen it before," Tang Hao loosened the rope and jumped down the stone cliff, and laughed shortly: "No animals, no insects, only plants grow creepy, as if all living things are written in the genes against zombies The fear of the virus, this planet will soon be occupied by living dead and plants. "

They crossed the tree ditch along the way and walked through the lush forest. After a meal, they finally heard the faint sound of the waterfall.

Si Nan was carrying a few dozen kilograms of equipment and was a few steps behind. Tang Hao took the initiative and said, "I'll get it for you."

However, Sinan shook his head.

"... You Omega," Tang Hao had to withdraw his hand and forcefully open a bush that was more than half a human tall, inexplicably: "It's different from all Omega I've seen. I feel you can live without Alpha, why? In the end I found Zhou Rong ... "


Tang Hao said a word, the bullet passed by, knocking out the zombies behind the trees dozens of steps away.

boom! boom! boom!

Sinan fired one shot, killing all zombies within 100 meters in the densely visible forest nearby, and all of them were accurately headshot. He glanced around from behind the sight, and said softly:

"It's as if you've seen a lot of Omega."

Tang Hao: "..."

"Clear," Sinan lowered his gun. "Let's go."

Tang Hao: "... feed me! Has anyone ever used communication skills ... that ... forget it."

The sound of the waterfall water screamed, reflecting countless colorful lights in the sun. They bypassed the camp far away, and Si Nan never released a signal bullet to notify the large troops. Tang Hao didn't mention it, only looking at the environment along the way to recall the late-night retreat route that day and night.

After walking along the river bank for a meal, the terrain suddenly increased, the river turned sharply, and the height difference formed a cliff about seven or eight meters high. After observing for a long time, Tang Hao stood still very uncertainly: "Maybe ... it should be here. When the siege came late that night, the zombies chased after me, and I was separated from others in a hurry ..."

Sinan suddenly asked, "They didn't care about you?"

Tang Hao smirked: "Everybody's bullets are gone. It's dark, the demons are dancing, and the visibility is not even half a meter. In that case, how can they take care of me?"

Sinan nodded, no snoring, half-knelt in front of the cliff, carefully looking at the river, wondering what he was thinking.

Looking at his back, Tang Hao felt that he sometimes couldn't understand the former White Eagle instructor. He did not hesitate to betray Country A, where he grew up for more than 20 years, but when he came to Country C, he did not show any affection or nostalgia for this place at all; he seemed very responsible to the 118 special forces teammates. However, after seeing Guo Weixiang seriously dying, he did not have any other emotional touch except to calmly and decisively take the medicine immediately.

When everyone was together, he was the weakest and most silent one. However, when the group encountered difficulties and everyone was unable to do anything, he was the first to solve the problem.

No one knew what he was thinking, and no one could predict what unexpected actions he would take next.

Tang Hao lowered his gaze, lost his complex thoughts, raised his eyes and asked, "Hey, do you look familiar with the surrounding environment?"

"not very?"

"I was thinking ... if you remember the way after the crash, if you came with us a few days ago, maybe you could find the antibodies immediately."

Sinan glanced back at him: "Why make this apparently non-existent assumption?"

Tang Hao forcibly hooked the corner of his mouth, although it seemed more like a wry smile: "It's nothing. I'm afraid that there is only this tube of antibody samples in the world. In case of an accident, it will be gone."

Sinan said: "There is really only one sample of this tube. Maybe the White Eagle base still has paper information, but it is likely to have been damaged when the virus broke out."

Tang Hao's heartbeat seemed to miss a half-beat, and his face became a little ugly when he looked pale: "What if you accidentally lost it? I mean, you said that someone had deliberately led you there, which means that in this valley, except us There may be another group, in case they get antibodies in advance ... "

"It will be troublesome," Sinan said indifferently. "So we need to do it as soon as possible."

It took a long time for Tang Hao to cough and said, "Yes, I think so."

Sinan looked at him carefully for a few seconds, without speaking. Tang Hao got up unnaturally: "I want to check it down. If those people are walking from the watercourse, they may leave clues or guide signs on the shore."

"Don't read it."


"There," Sinan raised his hand and looked in that direction. There was something dark in the bushes near the riverbank under the cliff.

As soon as Tang Hao stayed, he ran away. The two rolled down from the steep and smooth cliffs. The riverbank was covered with smooth pebbles. The weed bushes grew wildly on the steep slope. Tang Hao took the lead to climb up and saw a long branch tied to the top of the dead branch. Black cloth!

"It's our T-shirt!" Tang Hao pulled down the cloth strips and handed it to Si Nan. He took off his camouflage coat three times, five and two, and pulled out the black T-shirt neckline. Tear it down and tie it here, in order to give us road signs, there must be many more around here ... "

Sinan immediately refused: "No, don't watch, talk well and don't take off your clothes."

Tang Hao hurriedly clasped his jacket, ran down the steep **** and ran forward, and found few traces with little effort: "Come on! There is blood here!"

Sinan stepped forward, about twenty steps away, with dry blood on the bottom of the rock and the ground. Moving forward in the direction of the dripping splash, new blood drops were found about every few steps. It seemed that Chuncao had been seriously injured when they fled.

"They fired," Sinan squatted down, felt the metal shell from the grass roots, and looked up. "They have encountered zombies here."

Tang Hao's face changed: "Look, what's that?"

The river bank suddenly rises upward, and there is a hole in the cliff wall not far away, about three or four meters high from the ground, and can barely climb up with the help of raised rocks.

On the weeds in the vertical cracks, there were extremely large blood stains, as if being crushed by a person bathing in blood.

Tang Hao looked up at the cave, his voice was wrong: "Will they be there?"

Sinan's pupils tightened, staring thoughtfully at the black and faint hole.

"Anyone?" Tang Hao shouted, "Hey! Anyone! Come out!"

The rushing river rushed past their feet, and the sharp wind blew through the valley without sound.

Tang Hao walked under the cliff and motioned to Sinan: "You put down your gun and equipment and step on my shoulder to see. Don't go too deep, be careful in case there is a snake in it."

However, Si Nan stared at him without moving.

"Come, what's wrong?"

Sinan's eye sockets were deep, and the contours of his eyes were slanted. But when he was so determined to look at something, the light-colored eyes that were quite different from ordinary people were a bit cold and attractive.

"I won't put down my gun and equipment." He stared at Tang Hao, his voice was not high, but the words were very clear: "I won't let my arms go when I'm alone with you."

Tang Hao froze, then slowly turned around:

"Are you guarding me?"


"Hang down carefully! Slow down! Don't run into it!"

Zhou Rong carried the charge | gun and personally directed the soldiers above to hang the simple stretcher from the cliff to the cliff. He was steadily caught by several search and rescue team members on the ground, and the medical staff immediately rushed forward to start the inspection.

"Xiangzi!" Zhou Rong hurried forward, his face pale and blue: "How is he?"

The medical soldier shook his head while taking a life-saving medicine: "The situation is very bad. The abdominal wounds have begun to be infected, and surgery needs to be arranged as soon as possible."

Zhou Rong turned back and instructed: "Notify the headquarters and find three survivors and one seriously injured, and call the helicopter to pick it up immediately. Quickly!" Then asked the three rescued special forces: "Who did the flare? ! "

Soldier, look at me, I look at you: "He is going out to continue searching and rescue, he has left ..."

"He said he moved faster alone, and Lieutenant Colonel Tang insisted that he would go with him ..."

Zhou Rong gritted his back molars, and his head hummed. He was about to force himself to take the following action plan from his irritable mood, and suddenly he was touched on the back of his hand:

"... Rong ..."

"He's awake!" The medic cried out, "Don't, don't move! Don't talk!"

Zhou Rong turned back suddenly, and saw Guo Weixiang struggling to lift up two fingers, his cracked **** lips opened and closed silently, as if trying to make a sound:

"Rong ... Brother ..."

"Brother Rong is here, don't worry, it's okay." Zhou Rong Shen said: "Arrange a plane soon ... Don't mess around! Xiangzi!"

"Dang ..." Guo Weixiang's neck slumped and seemed to want to lift his head desperately: "Don't beware ..."

Zhou Rong frowned, raised his hand to stop the medical soldier he wanted to stop, leaned over and stuck his ear to Guo Weixiang's lips, only to hear him spit out a few words:

"Beware ... he ..."

The next name changed Zhou Rong's complexion suddenly and thought that he had heard it wrong, but then realized that he didn't.

Guo Weixiang's chest drew violently again: "Rong ... you ..."

"Yes, you can rest assured." Zhou Rong's ending trembled slightly, but his tone was firm and strong: "I know, and go immediately."

Guo Weixiang seemed to have completed a certain obsession, his body suddenly passed out, and the medical soldiers immediately grabbed and started the emergency. Surrounded by wild soldiers and horses, Zhou Rong stepped out of the crowd, grabbed the special forces rescued from the cave, and asked with a tremor, "Where are they going?"

The three soldiers stared at each other blankly, and one of them suddenly remembered: "The river bank!"

"That person insisted on looking for Ding Shi and Yang Chuncao, and Lieutenant Colonel Tang said he should search along the river bank!" Another also remembered: "They may be heading towards the waterfall!"

Zhou Rong let go of the soldiers and yelled to the search and rescue team members, "Go!"


At the same time, the river bank.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense, and the noise of the river hitting the stones became particularly obvious. Tang Hao turned to stand, looking upset and annoyed, and asked after a long time: "What do you think of me?"

The blood on the rock wall above was dazzling, but Sinan seemed suddenly indifferent, "No opinion."

"Then you still ..."

"I once saved a person." Si Nanping said plainly, "I thought life-saving grace was equal to trust, but then when I wanted to cover him first, I was caught off guard by spraying ether. He was not a bad person. Still a good person in the ordinary sense, but since then I know that gratitude and trust are two different things. If I can't trust my life with you, I can't put down my gun in front of you, that's all. "

Tang Hao slightly hesitated, then shook his head and sneered, when he pulled out his hand | the gun was thrown away:

"Is that all right?"

But Sinan still didn't move, looking over Tang Hao and looking up.

"What else do you want?" Tang Hao was impatient. "Don't you really want to climb my shoulder with a forty kilogram carrying it ?! OK, or I'll climb up first, and you'll slowly be below ..."

Sinan suddenly said nothing and pulled his gun to aim—Tang Hao saw the muzzle facing head-on, his pupils tightened, and he only listened to "bang!"

The bullet passed by his ear, Tang Hao cramped his head, and a headless zombie fell off the cliff.



The faint whistle in the wind was getting closer and closer, and it gradually became one after another roaring. Tang Hao took a few steps back and forth, and saw the zombies appearing in twos and twos in the woods on the cliff, as if they were shocked by their voices.

Pop! Snapped!

Several zombies staggered and fell off the cliff, and in front of their eyes came a splash of juice and five corpses. More zombies stumbled down the steep slope, some fell off the lumbar spine, and twisted forward along the ground; some crickets got up, screaming at them with heartbreaking lunges Come up!

Sinan fired flatly, charging | the guns knocked the first wave of zombies rolling down the cliff backwards. Tang Hao grabbed his head and rolled his hand | gun, grabbed his head with a gun, and blasted the zombies in front of him with great accuracy. He rushed to the mountain wall and shouted, "Go to the cave! Hurry!"

Si Nan glanced at him during the fierce firing interval. At this moment, the second wave of more than a dozen ragged zombies staggered up!

There were only four bullets left in Tang Hao's barrel, and he could not collide with the zombies, so he had to quickly grab the rock and climb up. At the very moment, he escaped the rotten hand that the zombie grabbed at his ankle, and was about to look back at Sinan, so he only heard a loud sound—wow!

Water sound? !!

Sinan shot back and retreated, and quickly retreated to the river bed. Charge | The gun swept the rows of zombies, their limbs flew, their brains exploded, and the bullet shells jingled all over the ground. The high firepower instantly ripped the zombies apart.

The next wave of a dozen zombies hadn't had time to be surrounded. Sinan was about to rush to the cliff while there was a sudden noise in the river. Something rushed out of the river, and then something caught his waist.

It's a pair of cold hands!

That change was really too fast. Sinan didn't respond at all during the firing gap, and was pulled back by the opponent's brutal force.

There was a loud noise, and then the water was at the top!

Si Nan spewed a stream of air bubbles in the muddy river water, realizing that he was ambushed. 2k novel reading network

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