Chapter 90 Table of contents

Two hours later, Iseyama.

The jeep's door was wide open, Yan Lanyu was wearing a coat, her hair was messy with bandages, and she was exhausted sitting on the back seat to drink hot water.

Sitting not far from Jingzhong, Zhou Huiyi scolded him: "You don't use your mind when you are doing things! Why don't you drag Wu Bei together! Why not wait for rescue in situ! Alone in charge of Tantra, hello Amazing, isn't it? The puberty finally comes after too much male hormone secretion, isn't it? The next time I think about this, I will help! Don't dream of being my third son-in-law! "

"..." Yu Jingzhong said weakly: "Don't you shut up ..."

Iseyama was brightly lit, and the helicopter with the searchlight slowly descended over the woods, and the air flow caused a huge whistling.

The Japanese police and the Chinese ambassador's diplomats arrived at the same time, and the two sides launched fierce negotiations across a messy Iseyama.

Wu Bei managed to clean up the Self-Defense Forces and Tantric Gate disciples, lying motionless on the ground in an attempt to confuse the dead, and was eventually picked up by the Northeastern washing, scouring and blowing brother from the dead. A group of people cried around the two team leaders, and when they were having a good time, Zhou Hui drove in a stride, and instantly saw Wu Bei rising and living like lightning.

Wu Bei was dragged by Zhou Hui to deal with the Japanese police. The team leader's rumpled Armani black trench coat was copied with a loudspeaker in one hand, and a single rocket launcher was lifted from the ground with a handsome face with smoke and blood stains. Abnormal dignity:

"Cough-cough! The people above have listened! The six sets of Guo'an missions are cleared. You have three minutes to escape, and you have three minutes to escape-!"

Zhou Hui heard the forehead twitching not far away, and for the time being, he could not tell whether the vice-president was more embarrassed or the second team leader was more beating.

However, Wu Bei's threat worked. The group leader is a soul artist who has a sad spring and autumn, a black heart, a ruthless heart, and a sigh of "why the wind is so big" before killing and killing the dead. He has been a gangster in Northeast China all year round. The Sino-Japanese border is well-known. If you take a less **** example, it is said that half of the pirated optical discs in Japan have to go through his circulation line; there are even more examples of **** spots, what inter-provincial joint Fujian people came to chase down the Yamaguchi group; in the presence of a Japanese senator Facially touched the cherry tree and said, "I want to make the cherry blossoms here more beautiful in the coming year" ...

Among the six heads of Guo'an, Wu Bei's popularity in Japan was unparalleled, and Zhou Hui was more than enough.

The members of the second group were not idle either. The younger brother, washing, cutting and blowing, brought up his sleeves, picked out the corpses of Tantric door disciples, tied them in a row, and stood on the front like a human shield. The police looked down from the helicopter, and the ground was full of yin and yang divisions in safari clothes, and they were suddenly creepy.

This kind of dispute between Yin and Yang Road, the local police department knows that they can't be the master. If they are detained by force, who knows what will happen to these people's ghosts and ghosts. The police could only retreat temporarily, leaving a few words, "We will report to the higher police station, the victim's martial arts will negotiate", and then the helicopter turned around and quickly went down the mountain.

Wu Bei fell a single rocket launcher, sat on the ground with one butt, and stared affectionately at the distant helicopter: "Fuck, it would be nice to be so obedient."

Zhou Hui coughed and continued to turn around and scold Yu:

"Just as far as you can, you will pretend to be forced, don't you want to be a normal person? Normal people have been killed by the Tantric leader long ago? Old cows eat tender grass and dead trees to bloom new flowers, and look at you like that, If you do n’t have an annual salary of 2 million, you dare to learn to fall in love. China ’s 30 million left men are 30 million you. The salary of moving bricks this year is higher than you. ... "

Yu Jingzhong nodded and said that he looked down at the cigarette, the cigarette case was soaked with blood, and even the filter was stained with blood.

Not far away, Yan Lanyu tried to persuade him, struggling to get out of the car, but a voice sounded behind him: "How are you?"

Yan Lanyu turned around and saw Chu River, getting on the back seat of the Jeep from the other end.

He hesitated, and sat back and smiled, "Thank you, His Royal Highness King Ming. If it wasn't for you ..."

Chu River interrupted him: "It goes without saying."

He leaned forward and pierced Yan Lanyu's hair, and saw that the terrible bruise above his head had already been knotted-it was washed with water diluted with Phoenix blood before. In addition, he was bruised and bruised all over his body. Very serious was that one hand was burned with sticky flesh, and the ribs did not know how many were broken. Both of them were only used by Zhou Hui for initial emergency deal with.

Chu He maintained this leaning posture and stared at him motionlessly.

The two looked at each other in the dim carriage, Yan Lanyu clearly saw his reflection from the bottom of the Chu River, and leaned back slightly: "This ... His Royal Highness Ming ..."

"do not move."


Yan Lanyu was filled with question marks, and half a moment saw Chu He blink, her eyelashes were slightly wet.

After thirty seconds, Chu He blinked again, this time her eyes were dry.

Yan Lanyu's mouth twitched slightly: "Your Highness, Your Highness ..."

"No way," Chu He reluctantly let go of him, and fluttered into the seat: "I just can't cry."

Yan Lanyu: "………………"

Chu He was very regretful, and had to bite the ring finger again, take a drop of blood, and drip it into Yan Lanyu's glass for him to drink.

The water was boiling, and it immediately gave off a thick rusty smell, and Yan Lanyu had to swallow it with a pinch in her nose. Soon, as the fluid entered the stomach, his numb and painful ribs and arms gradually relaxed, and his internal organs seemed to be as ironed as if they had been ironed by the warm current.

After drinking half a glass of water, he looked down at his hands, his burnt skin was drying up and crusting at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Although the look of the wounded arm was very ugly, it was much better than before.

"Really ... really ..."

Chu He said: "It works faster for people who cannot do anything because there is no interference from autoantibodies."

As the epilogue ended, the carriage suddenly fell into silence.

Yan Lanyu's long eyelashes were drooping, staring at the water glass.

袅袅 In the white mist, his figure was thin and tired, his eyes were hazy, as if the lines of handsome cheeks had melted into the darkness.

"I tried to keep your Pentagram, but it went out when he returned from Hell. But I think it should protect your soul, otherwise there is a great chance that a weak soul like you will enter Hell Immediately fluttered. "

Chu He reached out and found a red rope from his trouser pocket, and handed it to Yan Lanyu: "But the mirror is still there, I don't know if it's still useful, anyway, get it back for you first."

Yan Lanyu's gaze was a little stunned, and he moved a little while, slowly raising his hand to take over the piece of eight lens.

"... I noticed it just now ..." he whispered, "I wasn't sure for a while, it was too sudden ..."

Chu River looked at him, and a slight pity appeared in his eyes.

Yan Lanyu played with the shard, and her white fingertips rubbed gently on the sharp corners. Chu He has seen this lens pass by the hands of Zhou Hui, Zhang Shun, Yu Jingzhong, etc., but never like it is now, I feel that it matches the hand it touches.

Tantric doors tried their best to pick Yan Lanyu into a yin and yang double-sided soul. There must be a reason to choose him.

"I was an ordinary person. I just learned these things for self-preservation. I didn't expect it to suddenly disappear. I'm not used to it." Yan Lanyu paused and smiled briefly on her pale cheek: "But it doesn't matter ... Anyway, the tantra door is gone, no need to protect yourself ... it doesn't matter. "

He lowered his head on the red rope, and his fingers looked a little awkward because of the burns.

"... will always get used to it at first."

Chu River was silent for a while, and then said, "However, as time goes by, you will gradually get used to the life of a normal person. You will be more peaceful, more practical, and more free ... the shackles that have bound you for two lives have disappeared, and since In the future, you can have your own life, go to school, go to work, fall in love, enjoy the family like a normal person ... "

Yan Lanyu stunned for a moment, "But ... people always have to make a difference, otherwise it would become a burden ..."

Not far away, Zhou Hui finally died down temporarily. Yu Jingzhongshun bounced his soot on one of his trouser legs, and Shi Ran stood up in the rage of Zhou Hui and walked to this side.

"Someone is not willing to let you accompany you because of your usefulness." Chu He looked at him with a smile and blinked: "I also felt that I was a burden on others, and I was worried that I was abandoned, but This kind of thought is actually a kind of blasphemy for those who are not willing to accompany you-your ideas have been distorted for too long, and someone will help you slowly pull them back. "

Yan Lanyu returned with a doubtful look, Chu He raised his eyes to the night sky, his eyes far away.

"Although it will take a long time, one day ..."

"Just don't make me wait too long like I do."

Yu Jingzhong walked to the side of the car, nodded to the Chu River, and turned to Yan Lanyu: "How are you?"

Yan Lan looked at him frantically, glancing from his messy eyebrows stained with blood, past the smokeless cheeks, and camouflage clothes that looked embarrassed and messy because of blood and dirt. Although it was freezing cold, even at such a close distance, even the heat and sweat of his body came through the cloth, giving a strange and deep sense of security.

"How?" Yu Jingzhong asked with an eyebrow.

"... My ... mana is gone." Yan Lanyu said hoarsely. "Yin and Yang power protected the soul, and it was burned out before the soul returned ..."

Yu Jingzhong froze for a while, probably not at all, but then asked subconsciously: "So what?"


"You're all hurt like this, the yin and yang power must be gone. Why do you still want to go to the front?"

"..." Yan Lanyu blinked, Yu Jingzhong looked at him inexplicably, stretched out his hand for a moment, and hugged him from the carriage: "Don't think about it! Go, the embassy sent a helicopter to pick us up, hurry Go back to Beijing for food. "

Yan Lanyu was struggling to move forward, suddenly struggling: "No ... wait! Wait a minute!"

He barely slipped to the ground, taking a few steps because of an ankle injury. Fortunately, he bumped into Zhou Hui, who was walking into the jeep, and helped. Just listening to Yan Lanyu and hurriedly asking, "This is about to go? Can you wait for me?"

"What are you doing, three girls?"

"I want to go to a place, there is an open space under Mount Ise ..." Yan Lanyu looked at Yu Jingzhong, and at night I didn't know why his eyes were slightly red: "I'll be back soon."

Half an hour later, Iseyama was down.

It's very fast, but it takes a lot of effort to come. The mountain has collapsed, and the craggy mountain road is very dark. Yu Jingzhong fired a wolf-eye flashlight, only to see that the road surface had been covered by the dead trees.

The trail went all the way down, and at the bottom there was an open space surrounded by wooden railings. Vaguely, there were erected stone monuments, but most of them had been smashed in the shock.

Zhou Hui said softly: "... Well."

His voice was very low. Only Chu He heard it and quietly made a "hush" gesture to him.

Yu Jingzhong walked along Yan Lanyu's back, Zhou Hui and Chu He followed. I saw that the wooden fence on the open ground had completely decayed. When I pushed it, I dropped the slag. Yu Jingzhong stepped down and approached it. It looked like a cemetery!

The multitude of stone steles are all tombstones, with names and bogeys engraved in Japanese. Some coffins have been shaken out of a corner, exposing the decaying darkened wood.

"It's still inside," Yan Lanyu whispered.

Yu Jingzhong 恍惚 understood something, but didn't say anything, just patted his hand and walked deeper into the cemetery.

This vacant lot is small, spanning several old tombs, and a relatively not so old tombstone appears in front of it. A thin coffin shook half off the ground, the edge of the plate cracked and decayed, and the white stone stele had been shattered, but the flashlight reflected the inscriptions on it still very clear.

The owner of the tomb is Yan Jing.

Yan Lanyu struggled to the ground, and he stepped forward, staring blankly at the tombstone.

The night is like a long river, never ending. The wind blew through the decaying coffins of the cemetery, with ancient resentment and wailing, and ran to the vast snowy field under the moonlight in the distance.

Yan Lanyu fell to her knees, held up the soil and sprinkled it on the coffin. He probably wanted to bury the coffin in the soil again, but the area that was shaken out was too large, and the frozen ground was very hard, and he couldn't bury the cold thin coffin at all.

Yu Jingzhong knelt slowly and held his shaking hand.

"Don't ..." he choked, "Don't do this ..."

Yan Lanyu stared blankly at him. There was a kind of deep, deep bone confusion in the depths of his pupils, as if he was in a snowy field, and it was full of cold wind and snow, completely lost his way.

"After I return to Beijing ..." Yu Jingzhong's throat knot swung violently, and the sound sounded like some sour lump in the throat: "When I return to Beijing, I will send someone to transport the coffin back home ... ... returned to my country for burial ... "

"We can bury him in his hometown, where he was born, and he couldn't go back ..."

Yan Lanyu's eyes burst into tears, and along his cold cheeks like white paper, a drop dropped to the ground.

Yu Jingzhong vigorously helped him up, looking at the cold and broken stone monument in the moonlight, bowed deeply. When he got up again, he raised his head and felt the hot liquid flowing back from the eye socket into the nasal cavity, which was an extremely astringent and spicy taste he had never felt in his life.

"Thank you ..." Yan Lanyu said softly.

Yu Jingzhong hugged him tightly, as if he never separated again, and even each other's heartbeats passed through the chest and fluctuated together.

Not far away, Zhou Hui rubbed her nose, pretending to look around casually, and suddenly asked, "Will you cry when you buried me?"

Chuhe said coldly: "No."


"When you are dying, dig a pit yourself, and by the way, dig one for me too. Then call Capricorn to fill the soil, and the gala chanting of the scriptures will be a big god. It's almost OK, don't be fooled."

Zhou Hui blinked and looked at Chu River, but the latter looked ahead, and Jun Xiu's side face had no expression under the moonlight.

"..." Zhou Hui asked for a while, "Do you really want to do this?"


"No, no. Although I'm touched by what you said, the problem is ..."

"It's not up to you to decide." Chu He interrupted him. "It wasn't even me who 'determined' it, but I kept thinking from nature ... Do you know what the world looks like after death?"

Zhou Hui frowned slightly.

"We have always lived in hell, but **** is not the end of the journey. The more distant kingdoms are in places where the gods cannot see, hear, or perceive. There is a quiet land all year round, and there is no light in the eternal darkness. With sound and sound, the lonely soul becomes eternal like a dust, drifting into the distance ... "

"That is the kingdom of death."

Chu River crossed her face, her clear eyes looked at Zhou Hui.

"When I was very young, I used to want to live forever with people I thought I liked. Forever, there is no end to it. But then I realized how naive and stupid I was at that time. The rebirth of spiritual nirvana was 10,000 times more painful than that . "

"When it was the most painful, I thought, come alone and take me away, as long as it is personal. Sometimes even the idea of ​​compromise occurred, but also thought that there might be a person who really belongs to me in the distance, he was asking me Coming in the direction of the road, I can't get up and leave before he arrives ... "

"Then when I saw you, I think this man has finally arrived, thankfully I didn't betray him."

"... Phoenix ..." Zhou Hui murmured.

"At first I felt like I was ominous, I was afraid of being found by you, and then you turned around and left. In fact, I wouldn't go up and chase if you left, because I was really too scared." Chu He paused and took a little bit Slightly ridiculed: "But then, I think you might like the Snow Mountain Goddess, and suddenly that anger overwhelms the fear. I don't even remember in what mood I went to fight against King San III and the Snow Mountain God. I just felt incomparable anger. I did n’t wake up until I was brought back to you by Zhoushan, ah, it turned out that I lost my temper, and when people are really full of love, they will be hysterical, irrational, and It ’s something you do n’t care for. ”

"That's not overkill ..." Zhou Hui denied hoarsely.

"I felt that way at the time." Chu He laughed: "My perception has been distorted for a long time, and I have suffered and lost, such as walking on thin ice, and self-depression is disgusting. I very much avoid confessing my love because it is really It's too fragile. It's like touching a knife that can stab yourself to your own hand, like a fish on a chopping board.

"I have never experienced that terrible feeling. The blind attachment and dependence on Shakya was so dangerous and even threatened to die at any time, but it never made me discover that I was generally weak, Feeling helpless and sweet desperate. "

Zhou Hui looked at Chuhe for a long time, and finally asked, "When did ... start?"

"I don't remember," Chu He thought for a while, and said, "It should be the first time that I was invaded by the six consciousness of Shakya, almost killed you, and when you woke up, your whole body was **** and said 'No problem'. Right. "

He raised his hand and pressed gently between Zhou Hui's chest and abdomen, carefully rubbing for a moment.

That was the place where Zhou Hui was seriously injured by the attack of Phoenix, but healed many years ago, leaving no scars.

"That sentence is true," he said with a slight smile. "Falling in love with someone is like a soft underbelly, dying at the touch of a person; it is like suddenly putting on a battle armor, and invincible from then on."

Zhou Hui held his hand, and the palms of the two were close to each other.

"But you are a phoenix, and you can actually live forever ..."

Chu He shook his head.

"It's dark and cold there," he said, "I want to go to that world with you, for you and I can always be invincible."

A bright moon was gradually sinking.

In the distance, thousands of miles of snowy fields, howling winds, towering shrines on the top of the glacier. The lonely little Phoenix finally raised her tear-stained face and passed away with a smile from the void.

Further afield, the Hell's Tielunshan stretches for thousands of miles; the King Peacock Ming stands on the cliff of the Blood Sea and raises his head.

Hell is not around the mountain, the red mist from the magic eye is spreading all over the mountain.

On the top of the mountain is a small wooden house, a stone path in the courtyard, and a crooked fence.

On the side of the steps, the cluster of Shura flowers planted by King Fengming himself, finally swayed slowly in the unchanging wind of hell.

The author has something to say:

[End of this article]

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In the city, the dogs are sour and bloody, and they are forced to seize their love and love.

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