I Ship My Adversary X Me
Chapter 23 Table of contents

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 11]

I, I have raised my home.

When I wrote this line of words, my heart was really difficult. I couldn’t believe it when I looked at the black and white words in front of me. It was too unreal.

Hey, how can things develop like this?

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 12]

The company gave instructions to let us sell a "brotherhood", I was originally disdain, after all, I was good in the first three years, even the scandal did not stir up, not so come over.

I have observed that I have the same thoughts about my family. In order to resist the company's wishes, even the anti-personality of "weightlifting" can be said.

I didn't mean to tear it down. I just did it subconsciously. As a result, he was stupid and looked at me dumbly. It was so cute (crossed out) that it was not suitable for people with high quality idols. I was seen by the fans, I will help him block the camera for a while.

Halfway through the live broadcast, his assistant sent him something and saw his assistant. He looked very happy.

Probably there was no time for him to sit next to me and gave me time to think independently. I suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with selling the "brotherhood" according to the company's requirements. The pride and complacency made people rush and retreat. Always go up.

He can also call him "speaking".

Well, it sounds good.

I didn’t seem to have any experience in selling rot, but I tried my best to match me. I saw him ignorant and slightly disoriented. It made me a little embarrassed.

But thinking about not having me, there will be others. If the company makes a pair of homes with others, isn’t it what makes the things that should belong to me? It is relieved.

I mean to be hot, not to say people.

People don't let it go.

Although it doesn't belong to me at home, but now, it should be mine, right?

Hey, why did you support him?

I have seen some black materials about him in recent years.

It’s not that I want to know about it, but he’s my home, always **** with me, and I don’t want to see it.

In a pile of catching and catching materials, the rumors of nurturing are the most prosperous, and everyone is guessing who is behind him.

To put it bluntly, with his acting skills, he can still grow up in the circle, which is the biggest problem in itself.

But he looks too clean. It doesn't look like a person who will be kept. If I didn't hear the phone, I wouldn't believe it.

It is not good to eavesdrop on someone else's phone call.

When I was with him, I knew that I didn't do anything. He felt that I was good to him. I didn't know how Huang had been to him before. The big probability is personal scum.

It is not good to talk about others behind the scenes and review them here.

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 13]

After three years in the circle, I tried to avoid all the hidden rules. I never thought that I would become the one who would support others.

The status has risen too suddenly, and I have no preparation at all.

However, it was not a decision made by impulsiveness. I carefully considered the time of the three cigarettes.

The first cigarette, I thought, "Isn't this not good?" This sentence is what I asked. I didn't intend to get a response. I thought about my home for a while, watching me with a totally trusting look, laughing. Say, "Oh, isn't there you now?"

- Really made me unable to refuse, can not live up to his trust. It is my question, I am responsible.

The second cigarette, I estimated my economic strength and the resources that can be provided to him. I made a comparison with the resources he had received before. Yes, it would be better. This is no problem. (His conditions are so good, why didn't Huang give him a better resource? Hey, he is so...no mind, it must be perfunctory.

The third cigarette, I simulated what it would be if the relationship was discovered and exposed... In fact, it wouldn’t be the case. You can use the CP business to make a dice on weekdays. If you are exposed, there are a thousand ways to explain it. Friends, brothers, and their own public relations to deal with, the boat to the bridge is naturally straight, big deal to wash the couple to take the true love route, try to develop abroad -

Speaking of this, the feeling of giving me home is always very subtle. I also thought about it. I mean, in case, I am... well, what do you think of him or how he thinks, but he stopped My fourth cigarette.

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 14]

Oh, there are a lot of sighs today.

However, I really don't know how to support others.

His resources are not for me for the time being, and the gifts are not for me to be sent for a while. Even the assistant’s salary says that I can’t take it for me. I have to tie it with me... I made you hesitate to send him back to the house for a long time, I don’t know. Is it time to kiss him like that?

I didn’t think it was good for me. I didn’t give him anything. How can I take advantage of him?

Although he said that it is just like a boyfriend, but I am not his boyfriend after all -

Hey, can't this kind of thing go out and ask people directly? Baidu also Baidu does not out of the Raiders ah ... 哎 maybe there, I went to search for a look.

came back.

I searched for the keyword, the home page jumped out of a few packets, what is the documentary literature, I downloaded a few, I plan to take a look at bedtime, do homework.

Little is known, but still have to learn more.

By the way, I am going to quit smoking, and I heard that he was on the phone to let Huang always smoke less.

Since I have made a decision to support him, I always have to do better than that.

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 15]

After reading a few articles, I couldn’t sleep, and I got up and described my mood.

I chose a paper bag, probably a few articles. I thought that the physical relationship in the package was too embarrassing. There was no contact between the two sides of the neck and the two sides.

The things that the friends in the circle told me about are all frightening fables that warn me that I can't take this shortcut.

This is also good, I don't really want to make my relationship with my family so interested... well.

唉 (Write it, cut it off.)

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 16]

It’s terrible, I saw another bag, and the bad plots described in it are more than the narratives of friends in the circle. Drug control, change of hands, and more... forget it, don’t write down and pollute me. The diary is here.

It is my dark face that is human.

Determined to take care of the home and keep him away from these pickles.

[Yiliang Diary - Excerpt 17]

Take the essence and go to the dregs to view some articles, roughly plan out several ways to get along, try it tomorrow, and see which one you like best.

[Yiliang Diary - About the trivial excerpts of the home]

I like to eat crispy bones at home, I like to order a lot of things, and I only taste a little. In the future, try to help him eat some and avoid waste.

Singing at home is very good, much better than me. Speaking of it, since we are now - the relationship, can you let him only sing to me, I give resources to him? (pending

Do not play DOTA for the family, but will play LOL, or master. Well, it’s all moba games. I have time to talk about it. I hope he can play DOTA with me. It’s not good. I am stubborn. I can play LOL with him. (It is necessary to jump out of the game scorn chain, you have to change it.

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