I Ship My Adversary X Me
Chapter 25 Table of contents


Not only did my sugar come back, but I came back with my wife's sugar and my son's sugar.

If I am not mistaken, this ring is Gu Yiliang's own private thing, and.

Gu Yiliang, he is wearing a ring for me personally? !


Yesterday, I was still thinking that I could pick up the sugar without changing my color. Sorry, I didn’t know myself and overestimated myself.

Also, I did not correctly understand Gu Yiliang and underestimated him.

I looked at Gu Yiliang, who was wearing a ring for me, and fell into a long-term suffocation.

What is the air, what is the breath, no need, I just need to take this sugar, you can maintain the function of the body, let me live alive, healthy and longevity.


The sugar is too healthy!

I really want to promote this new lifestyle, let the lady's giant sugar enter thousands of households, and bring real joy to the people!

It is for the benefit of the people, definitely not want to show.


He first put the ring on my index finger, turned it slightly, frowned slightly and said, "It's too loose."

He then went to the **** and did not cross the second knuckle. He shook his head: "Don't wear it."

Then directly put on the ring finger.

He didn't pick it up, and he said seriously: "Well, okay."


May I ask if my fingers are so wild that I can be so uneven?

In my eyes, I am a pair of Zhang Yide’s hands. Is it thick and thin?

I suspect that his real name is Zhang Yiliang, and he wants to cover the show.


Sugar is sugary! Don't make these virtual! Come directly! I can afford it!

I thought so, he actually smiled at me with a sly smile, and everything was like a ghost horse.


Sorry! I overestimate myself! I can't bear it!

What happened to Gu Yiliang today, the whole little sugar person? !

For a moment, I really want to pounce on him to see if it is sweet.


I was struggling to survive in the bubbling syrup, and the sky was eye-catching. He was called away by his assistant, leaving me alone in the dressing room to celebrate the rest of his life, and the horror of the lady.

After witnessing the whole process, Mr. Chen took his elbow and licked my waist: "Speaking, you are, what step is it going to?"

A word to awaken the dreamer, can no longer let Xiao Chen continue to misunderstand!

I immediately switched back to the rational guardian voice from the arrogant CP rice, and the tone easily explained: "In fact, there is nothing, just a simple establishment."

Xiao Chen: "...!"


Xiao Chen: "That, I have learned a lot, ask Ha, what is the position of diplomatic relations?"


Me: "...Chen Chen."

He: "Well?"

Me: "When you finish shooting, you sign a long-term contract with me and turn it into my long-term assistant."

He: "! Really! It’s good to say you!"

Me: "Well, it is true, I am afraid to let you go out, you will be a disaster."

He: "... Is this a good word?"

Me: "It's a good word."

He: "Hey."

He: "So what is the establishment of diplomatic relations -"

Me: "Roll!!!"


The shooting went very smoothly.

I can't act like this, but it's really hard, so if the movies are made up of PPT, then I can definitely take the movie.

In the gap between make-up and rest, I sat honestly on the props, letting the makeup artist pat on my face, and a series of unnutritious mutual praises and praises alongside Gu Yiliang.

Chatting and chatting, I have seen the female master's sister stepping on the high heel from a bypass.

She wore a short hip skirt in her lower body, and a pair of long legs with bronze glitter shattered the sky.

Suddenly remembered that when I started the live broadcast that day, Gu Yiliang said that he likes long legs. I sneaked a few eyes on her legs and turned to look at Gu Yiliang.

He really looked at the female sister.


What a silly gaze, I don’t know how to converge.

I was licking my mouth, and Gu Yiliang suddenly turned her head back: "My legs are straighter than her."

Me: "Ha?"

He has a strong tone and a slight threat: "You can see me later."


What a mad slogan! Not at all convergent!

As for the time to open for business, does the lady not fight for twenty-four hours?

Is it so good to be so blatant to sell, the makeup artist is already laughing?

Still have to pull the degree back a bit, it is like a friend between them.

I laughed and said in a tone: "Then my legs are long, you will see me later."

He blinked slightly and said: "Okay."

Makeup artist: "Hey."


It’s not that... the button is cobalt and cool.

I fell into suffocation again, and the little heart trembled, and I almost didn't know what time it was.


Not right.

Can't be blinded by syrup!

Business should be moderate, there must be a sense of proportion, the external business must also be divided into time, otherwise there is the risk of bankruptcy!

I was so worried that I was at the end of the filming. I sat on the sofa in the rest room and waited for Gu Yi to come over, and I was going to talk to him about the scale of the business.

As soon as he appeared, I immediately collapsed.

There is no reason for him -

Gu Yiliang, can you not give me a personal smile with this su? My blood tank is very thin? !

He is taking the wrong medicine today. How can it give me a feeling of not quite right?

I was laughed at by the tail vertebrae. No, the spine was crisp, and the momentum was low and whispered, "What happened to you today?"

He turned his head and was very confused: "What happened?"

What are you asking? I took a deep breath and prepared to count his guilts one or two, but found that -

It seems that he really didn't do anything?


Jumping out of the CP brain and subjective selling rot, it is no big deal to bring a bottle of drink to friends. It’s no big deal to show off the game technology. It’s no big deal to provide acting guidance. It’s no big deal to help a friend solve the styling problem. Is it still his fault to laugh?

As for the small movements, small conversations and modal particles, not only in the scope of business, but also can be explained by "straight man jokes".

So in the final analysis, the reason why my heart is so exciting is because...

I am so embarrassed?


I felt so frustrated and even began to doubt life.


fake! all fake!

It turned out that the enemy is too embarrassing, it is my own disappointment!

I fell on my innocence on the sofa, my eyes sagged, and I saw the ring on my hand -

It’s really a sweet and sweet heart-warming agent!


A swallow of sugar, I immediately sat up energetically and talked with him: "Is it better to sell this ring to me?"

He is strange: "Ah? Why?"

Of course, because I want to keep this solid candy as a commemoration.

I casually made an excuse: "I like this brand quite a bit, I didn't buy this ring, just-"

He interrupted me directly: "That's your delivery."

"Hey? Don't don't," I was surprised, eager to take the ring down. "This is also a few tens of thousands. I didn't give you anything, how can I-"

He held down my hand.


I looked at him, he looked at me, looked at him, and said nothing.

I was about to say something. There seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes. Like what he thought of, he loosened my hand, turned and ran out, and ran with a bag. come back.

I didn't know why I opened the bag and pulled out a jewelry box from it.


Gu Yiliang took out two necklaces from the jewelry box and put them on me under the gaze of my unknown.

I took a bracelet from the jewelry box and put it on me.

I took a bracelet from the jewelry box and put it on me.

Also from the jewelry box...


He is... is decorating the Christmas tree?

Still ready to send me scenery to marry?

Still ready to give me a big burial?


I was stunned and watched him hang on to me with enthusiasm. He hesitated to pick up a necklace and asked, "Is this...?"

He glanced at it and naturally answered: "Oh, this is the fall of 2017 -"

Me: "No, I know, I know, I am asking - what are you doing?"

He: "You said you like this brand."

Me: "No, yes, no..."

He: "These models are hard to buy."

Me: "Yes, but..."

He: "All sent you."

I am going to collapse, incoherent: "No, I, you..."


He bent his mouth slightly, and the sleek eyes looked at me with sincerity. In his tone, he asked for a seven-point gentle smile and asked seriously.

"Is it for you, can you just sing to me?"


Ah, I can't breathe. I am floating in the universe now.

Ah, my heart is uncomfortable, where is my quick fix?

Ah, my blood tank is empty. I don't know if it was taken by the gentleman to sell the money or to do it.

Ah, I am dying, Mom, the child is not filial!


I think that Gu Yiliang may be doing a flower shooter. I only think that there is a flower in my eyes, and there is a blank in my mind. When the reaction comes, the money has already been played. No, then it has already been taken.

Gu Yiliang looks very happy: "Okay, then let's say so."

I reached out and supported my forehead: "...not you, etc."

His mouth immediately went down, his eyes squinting, a little bit wronged: "Do you want to go back?"

Me: "You give me a normal!!"


I meditated for three minutes and smashed his behavior today.

I finally found out where the wrong place is.

In one day, he used the bursting boyfriend as the base to show the youthfulness, gentleness, patience, patience, ghosts, arrogance, arrogance, and arrogance. Small idea...

From the evil spirits to the cute milk dog, he gave me a play in turn? !


I asked: "Are you reading a novel?"


He touched the tip of his nose.

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