Golden Stage
Chapter 10 Table of contents

Chapter nine

"Fu Shen!"

There was a faint shout from his ear. He still had consciousness, but his body lost consciousness. The rain sounded like a shadow, and a person leaned down to pick him up.

Like the warm heart that was taken in when he fell to the ground a few days ago, and the gentle hands that patted his back a long time ago.

Who is it?

He was taken into a narrow, dry cage, and forced to leave the warm, soft and hard embrace of the tentacles. Before he could enjoy it carefully, he suddenly lost his temper, reached out and grabbed the man's collar, and pulled forward fiercely--

咣 Dang.

Lord Yan, who had no time to stand up straight, smashed into the carriage and pressed Jingning Hou underneath him in a very sad and unreliable posture. And Fu Shen finally woke him up with expectations.

With four eyes facing each other, Yan Xiaohan did not expect that the sick ghost had fainted and was able to lie to the corpse. He was desperately desperate and just happened to meet Fu Shen's eyes.

Rain drops were still hanging on his eyelashes, his eyes were dim and he looked like he was about to cry. Although he knew it was fake, Lord Yan still extinguished the fire involuntarily. He got up and sat down, and whispered, "Go to our house first, and let Shen Yi Ce come to show you the injury, will you?

He was a little worried about Fu Shen's injury. After all, letting a disabled person kneel on the stone brick floor for an hour was not a joke. Fu Shen didn't know what he understood, and he made a vague "um".

He squinted wearily for a moment, as if he didn't even have the strength to speak, leaning against the siding of the carriage like bonelessness. The carriage went in the direction of Yanfu. The road in central Beijing was flat, but Fu Shen was swayed left and right. Yan Xiaohan gazed at him for a long time, and finally tentatively reached out to Fu Shen. Sure enough, he hadn't got close yet, and the man with closed eyes made a shot like an electric power and clasped his wrist: "What?"

Yan Xiaohan: "Are you uncomfortable?"

There was a hint of confusion on Fu Shen's face: "I'm not comfortable anywhere, why?"

His fingers were cold and his palm was exuding abnormal enthusiasm. Yan Xiaohan sighed and turned his wrists. He broke his grip and raised his hand to test the temperature on his forehead: "Fever. "

It's burning hot.

Fu Shen himself didn't feel much, and he raised his hand and touched it: "Not hot?"

Yan Xiaohan: "You touched my hand."

After Fu Shen's head was a fulcrum, he rolled over, turned his face to him, and said indifferently, "It's okay ... just go back to sleep."

It was only from the palace to Yan ’s government. The dark injuries that were unable to cure and the cold from the rain broke out, and the illness was fierce. Coupled with mental overdraft and mental strain, Fu Shen was a little confused, and completely got out when he got out of the car. Dizzy, I ca n’t wake up anyhow. Yan Xiaohan couldn't help but have to hug people all the way.

The next person did not squint, the atmosphere did not dare to come out. Yan Xiaohan ruled rigorously. The servant woman was much more handy than the old, weak, sick, and handicapped in Hou's house, but he prepared the hot water in the tub for a while, and prepared a blanket for the clothes.

Yan Xiaohan could not rest assured that he would undress himself for Fu Shenkuan. The drenched white shirt was attached to the body, and the thin and slender body was almost clear at a glance. Unfortunately, Yan Xiaohan had no thoughts at the moment, and all his attention was on Fu Shen's legs.

The layers of bandages had been soaked with blood, and it was not obvious that they were blocked by the red clothes. Now it looks shocking. Yan Xiaohan leaned over and hugged him, twisted his legs, and carefully put it into a bucket full of hot water. He was poured into the water thinly with overflowing water, and he couldn't help thinking: "Houye ... Fu Shen? "

His fingers inadvertently swept across Fu Shen's neck, his black hair was pulled to the other side, exposing a light scar next to the artery. The position was terrifying, and if it was a little deeper, I'm afraid this person wouldn't lie in the tub well.

Today, Yan Xiaohan only knows how many scars Fu Shen has on his body. The old and fresh ones have never appeared before people. They have fallen into the annals of history and are engraved on the back of the young and energetic years.

He suddenly understood what Fu Shen said was "difficult in meaning."

If he had never trusted the emperor, never put the world in his heart, why bother carrying the heavy armor on the battlefield again and again-the shade of the three grandfathers, could he not shelter a wealthy master who respected and honored him?

Yan Xiaohan called in a small cricket from the outside, and pointed to Jingning Hou in the tub: "Look at it, don't let him fall into the water."

A screen was placed in the bath room, separating two spaces. Yan Xiaohan went to the other side, rinsed three times, five times, two, and dried her long hair with a towel. She pulled her hair over her head, changed her clothes, and returned to Fu Shen. Xiao Yan had never seen him so attached to anyone, secretly knowing.

Fu Shen was burning into chaos in his mind, only a part of his consciousness was still awake, and he felt himself falling into the warm water from the cold rainy day, comfortable and lethargic, but after a while, someone suddenly helped him up. A familiar voice said in his ear: "Hands stretch out and clasp my neck."

The smell of Shen Shuixiang slowly drifted away, a bit unintelligible.

Fu Shen stretched out his arms as if bewildered. The man clenched his hands slightly, and as the water clashed, he was held out of the water.

The moment the body broke away from the warm water, the chill came from all sides. Fu Shen seemed to have been thrown back into the desolate world of the wind and rain, and he moaned / groaned indistinctly, trying to subconsciously try to curl himself into a ball.

Yan Xiaohan was almost annoyed because he slammed into the water suddenly. After seeing his movements, he shook open a blanket and wrapped him up: "It's okay, don't move, is it still cold?"

Fu Shen muttered something, Yan Xiaohan didn't understand, and got closer: "Huh?"

Fu Shen no longer spoke, her hands and feet slowly stretched out in a warm blanket, but her brows were still frowning, as if she was patient. Yan Xiaohan looked at his expression and tentatively said, "Where does it hurt?"

Fu Shen made a vague voice from his throat. Yan Xiaohan originally wanted to put on clothes for him, but he didn't dare to move at all now, for fear of touching him somewhere. Coincidentally, someone came to report that Shen Yixie had arrived, and Yan Xiaohan even took a blanket to take him to the bedroom.

Shen Yixue saw that he came in with a person in his arms, or was still wearing his hair without clothes, and almost stared out: "This, this, this ..."

"Stop it, it's Jingning Hou," Yan Xiaohan put Fu Shen on his bed. "I knelt in the rain for a little while, and I just passed out. Look, can you save it?"

Shen Yice thinks that the frequency of Jingning Hou's appearance is a bit high recently, but he didn't think deeply. While he took the pulse for Fu Shen, he said, "What's going on? He can't walk anymore, so he went to the rain to kneel and do something." "Sir, did you get the rain just now? Ask them to fry a bowl of **** soup."

Yan Xiaohan waved his hand upset, not wanting to mention the broken thing.

Shen Yice was very envious, no longer asked, and focused on Fu Shen's two hands. He opened the blanket and looked at Fu Shen's legs. He wrote three decoctions and washed his hands with spirits. For Fu Shen, replace the bandage on the leg.

Yan Xiaohan frowned and asked, "He was crying for pain just now. Will there be other wounds?"

Shen Yice suspected that Qincha caused the adult to be soaked by Qiu Yu, and explained patiently: "Kneeling on the ground for an hour, even the ironed knee can't stand it, not to mention his knee bone has been broken, and the wound is soaked with water It will also be red, swollen and painful, and— "He pointed out the window," Jingninghou people who came down from the battlefield were most afraid of the weather outside. I guess he had a lot of old injuries. To be honest, this pain method Instead, it ’s ordinary people, and now it ’s rolling early. ”

Yan Xiaohan sighed softly and said, "Most people can't be him."

Put on the battlefield without a crown, fight for a lot of martial arts, guard the northern Xinjiang for several years, peace, escaped countless guns and arrows, but did not escape the sword from behind.

To be honest, when Emperor Yuan Tai proposed that he could take over the North Yantie ride, for a moment, Yan Xiaohan really moved. Although Feilongwei had a high weight, it almost gained the scolding voice of the Manchu dynasty. No matter how expensive the embargo was, it was not a good place to build a career.

The current man, who never imagined Fu Yan holding the Beiyan Iron Ride, galloping on the battlefield, flattening his enemies? Who hasn't thought about "if it's me", how will they fulfill their ambitions and what kind of achievements will they build?

But is the commander of the North Yan Army able to sit firmly on his own?

Yan Xiaohan knew that he could not replace Fu Shen. There would never be a second Fu Shen in the world. Unfortunately, Emperor Yuan Tai did not understand.

The Great Wall of China, never destroyed by the hands of foreign enemies, was first demolished by its own people.

"Sir," Shen Yi Ce finished the medicine for Fu Shen in a pleasurable way when he was thinking, and got up. "Although you may not be willing to worry about this, I am a doctor, but I have to say a few more words. Jingning Hou's injury, I am afraid that he will fall into the root of his life. He has two fevers, one more dangerous than the other, and his body can no longer afford any frustration. "

"Although you don't have to see him, he is a ... hero, after all, he can help him, so don't let him struggle alone. At least like this, kneeling in the rain for an hour, don't happen again."

Yan Xiaohan couldn't see the mood and anger, only asked: "I remember that you are not familiar with Fu Shen, and I haven't seen any patient for you before."

"Just be my nosy," Shen Yice recalled the utensils spread out on the table and closed them. "I did not have friendship with Hou Ye, but sometimes I felt that as long as Jingning Hou lived well In the world, the capital is safe. I wait for the Han people to survive under the iron hoof of the barbarians. "

Yan Xiaohan then remembered that Shen Yice was born in Xuanfu. This place was occupied by Dongxuan that year and was later recovered by Bei Yantieqi.

He didn't answer any more, got up and sent Shen Yice to go out. The two walked silently through the tortuous corridor, and in front of the main court, Shen Yi settled, and left Yan Xiaohan to leave: "Adult stay."

"Follow me," Yan Xiaohan called him, his eyes staring, "Fu Shen's injury ... How confident are you that he can stand up again?"

Shen Yice smiled bitterly: "Sir, you look at me too much."

"One said one," Yan Xiaohan said, "You don't have to keep it. I want to listen to the truth."

Shen Yi Ce hesitated for a long while before cautiously saying: "Only 10% or 20%. It is easy to continue the bone fracture, but the veins are damaged, especially his knee bone is broken in half. It may take three to five years to nurse up. Needless to say, the money and drugs consumed is that someone needs to take care of them. But even this may not be successful. "

But there is a silver lining, better than helplessness.

Yan Xiaohan nodded and made a decision: "Since then, from tomorrow on, Jing Ning Hou's injuries will be entrusted to you. You need to see the injuries and medication, and they will all come to our house."

Shen Yice surprised: "Master ?!"

"Don't be surprised, you have to know this sooner or later," Yan Xiaohan said lightly. "Just now, Your Majesty has issued a decree to marry me and Jingning Hou."

A thunder rolled tumbling down, Shen Shenyi stood dead on the spot, like a chicken.

A moment later, a shattering shout broke out in Yan's main courtyard: "The emperor is crazy ?!" 2k novel reading network

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