Golden Stage
Chapter 75 Table of contents

It was dark outside just now. Zheng Duanwen did not notice when he led the door. When he entered the room and stood under the candle, he found that the young man had a crippled leg.

Xue Shengping stepped down and asked the young man to sit down and talk.

"Dare to ask my son Gao's name?"

"Fu Ya." The young man's face was taunted, and his mouth said, "I'm sure you haven't heard it. But I have an older brother, Fu Shen, you must know."

When Zheng Duanwen was outside the door, he saw that the clothes on his body were all rare and good materials. Although he had only a purse hanging around his waist, he was very delicate and meticulous. It was not like a rogue hooligan, and he refused to say his name. People lead in. But it never occurred to me that this "smooth hand" actually brought back the dead brother!

But to be honest, they have been in the capital for a short time, and they have never heard of Fu Shen and his brother.

When Jingguo was still in Jingning, he had separated from Yingguo ’s government house and lived in another house. For so many years, he had little contact with the original government and hardly moved. After the war, even Yingguo ’s government office With each passing day, he was very powerful and never helped the Fu family once.

The North and the South are not the same. People who are not in the middle of the DPRK cannot appreciate it, but a family member of Fu Ya should have some understanding of the situation in the DPRK. He came to Xue Sheng at this time. I am afraid this is no longer "unfamiliar" but "centrifugal".

"When I was south, I heard that Master Xue's beloved daughter, because of the queen's sake, hated and committed suicide," Fu Yadao said, "Although the adult has never revealed it, I still regret it in my heart."

Xue Sheng was pricked with a scar, his face was cold, and Shen said, "Since I know that my husband hates the surname Fu, how dare you come to my Xue's door?"

"Because I, like you, also hate Fu," Fu Ya smiled nervously, and licked his canine teeth unconsciously, "especially that of Fu."

There was an undisguised, almost innocent malice in his expression, his eyes narrowed when he laughed, and his eyes looked like poisonous snakes, which made the two old men creepy. With a little sweat in Xue Sheng's hands, Qiang asked calmly, "So, do you want me to help you deal with him?"

"No," Fu Ya shook his head, pulled a roll from his sleeve, shook it at the two in his hands, as if to show off, "It's me, to help you deal with him."

He threw the scroll in his hand to Xue Sheng, Zheng Duanwen also came over to see it, and after a cursory glance at ten lines, he took a breath of cold air, and sweated coldly, saying nothing: "This, this is ..."

"My uncle's correspondence with the southwestern anti-thief Duan Guihong, which caused a sensation in the assassination of King Shi's birthday feast, could not be related to him." Fu Ya raised Erlang's legs and asked proudly: "How is it, is it not think?"

There were two letters in that volume, as well as several gift slips and documents, which stated how many "special products" the Southwest sent to the Yinguo Mansion each year, and Fu Tingyi transferred these earthen instruments to Qingxu Temple.

Xue Sheng's hand holding the sheet of paper trembled slightly, and blue stripes on the back of his hand flew up: "Ying Guogong ... Do you know what you are doing?"

"No one can think of the three famous masters of Beijing's famous waste. It turned out to be not a waste, and just under the eyes of so many people, you turned around! Hahahahaha ..."

He laughed and closed it, as if suddenly plunged into some kind of chaotic insanity, and said in a rage: "The **** grandfather and general are all **** beasts! They are dressed in prideful human skin, full of hypocrisy, who knows the core What the **** is it! Deserve to be assigned to a man, die off his grandchildren, and die the next eighteenth **** ... "

Fu Ya was full of swear words, and heard that the literary ministers from the poetry homes such as Xue Sheng and Zheng Duanwen were disgusted. I do n’t know how a good guy can cultivate this. It seems as if there is a disorder of insanity. Demented lunatic.

Zheng Duanwen gave a cough and said: "Gongzi, do you know that these things on your hands will cause a great disaster to the Yinguo government? Fu Tingyi is your elder, and he and Fu Shenruo have committed the heinous crimes. Although you have reported success, But the punishment is also required by law. You can think about it. "

Xue Sheng glanced at him, and it seemed that he did not expect that he had such a kind heart.

Fu Ya was completely absorbed in his emotions and couldn't hear anything. He laughed forward and backward, hissing and exhausted, as if blood was about to come out of his throat: "Ha ha ha ha ha ... it ’s good to die, only to die OK! Do n’t leave anyone else! There is that dog thing ... Feilongwei boss, Yan Xiaohan, he should be sentenced to death! "

"What a good family, full of loyalty! In the end, there are nine families in Zhulian, everyone will be clean!"

"Brother Yunping," Zheng Duanwen said quietly to Xue Sheng, "I look at him like he is taking the symptoms of" Autumn Night White ". This man is unconscious, and what he said is somewhat credible, and it needs to be verified. . "

"I know," Xue Sheng carefully rolled those pages of paper, and turned away from the passenger order without changing the color. "It's getting late, Fang De should go back to the house first. I'll find someone to resettle. Don't pass on the matter of tonight. The ears of others. "

Zheng Duanwen trembled and said to Xue Shengchang: "Then ... it's troublesome for Brother Yunping."

The dim candlelight cast a heavy shadow in Xue Sheng's sunken eye sockets and nose. His face was like a well-defined sculpture, all expressions were hidden under a coldness, looking old and inexplicably cold.

He nodded gently towards Zheng Duanwen and said, "Go."

The moment he stepped out of Xue's house, Shen Damen closed the door behind Zheng Duanwen, he breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a vague illusion of escape. There was coolness in the wind at night, blowing Zheng Duanwen's hair upright, his body was soaked, and his clothes were stuck to the back of his heart, but at this time he could not hesitate, and hurriedly got into the carriage and ordered the driver to go home.

On the second day, Zheng Duanwen said he was sick at home and never came to Korea again.

It is said that he was old and had a wind when he went home at night. The next day, his family found that he collapsed on the bed, was paralyzed, his mouth was crooked, and he asked the doctor to postpone the treatment. He was diagnosed with a stroke. The treatment was not timely. That's impossible, you can only rest in bed and take medicine slowly.

After hearing about this, Xue Sheng didn't seem to be surprised and didn't regret it. He ordered the housekeeper to send some medicines to the Zheng family, which was a complete sympathy of his colleagues.

Two days later, the youngest son of Yingguo ’s government disappeared suddenly, and his family cried to the reporter of Suncheon ’s government. Unfortunately, now, unlike in the past, a war broke down the Yingguo ’s government, which was already downhill, completely. This kind of trivial matter was not even reported to the reporting officer. The clerk who received the case impatiently dealt with it, turned his head and threw the file aside.

There is still a tail in mid-summer, and the fall is not yet there, but there is an omen of "eventful autumn".

Xue Shengduan sat in front of the book case and listened carefully to the report of Fu Ya's life. His father and dog, if Fu Tingzhong knew that he had such a good son, would he be upset from the coffin? ? "

A few years ago, Yan Xiaohan had punished Fu Ya secretly and secretly twice, once to make him absolutely impossible, and to drag him out at a wedding banquet. This unstoppable meal stopped Fu Ya for a while, but he didn't wait for him to figure out how to get revenge. The war broke out and the capital was attacked by foreigners. Fu Tingyi fled to the south with his family.

The road is bumpy and life is critical. No one can take good care of him. Fu Ya dragged the patient to Jinling, and Jiangnan was extremely cold and cold in the winter. His legs were not completely cured after all, leaving lame sequelae.

Ironically speaking, his brother with a broken leg is still galloping on the battlefield, but Fu Ya, a sound person, finally became a bitch.

Fu Ya stomped her legs and had no children. She never settled down, and even came to Jinling, a flowery and dazzling place of dreams and death, and has since lingered in the Qinglou Chu Pavilion, spending a lot of time and extravagance. Fu Tingyi is a pure man who is about to step into Xianmen. He doesn't want to care about him, so he has been stunned to this day.

He was infected with "Autumn Night White" in the Jiangnan Prostitute, and he still needed drugs to maintain it after returning to Beijing. His monthly money was not enough, and he gradually began to steal things from the house and sell them.

"Bai Lu San" is a forbidden product prohibited by the government in Beijing. It can only be traded on the black market and it is extremely expensive. Fu Ya not only sold his own stuff, but also sold his dowry secretly. After being discovered by Qin's, he burst into tears and scolded him. Fu Tingyi, the father of Ying Guo, could not stand the noise in his home, so he packed his bags and lived in the Taoist temple outside the city.

Fu Ya was taught by his mother and he did not dare to reach out to her room. His hands were so tight that he touched Fu Tingyi's room at night, flipped through the boxes, and finally found a few silver tickets and found one. Small locked box.

He was full of thoughts about what valuable things were in the box, so he came out and took out a locksmith to pry open the lock and found out that it was a pile of letters to and from the southwest.

No matter how stupid Fu Ya is, he also knows the benefits of these things. While shocked by Fu Tingyi's deep hiding, he clearly realized that this might be a godsend.

The things he held were enough to collapse the entire Fu family in an instant, and it was also enough to pull Fu Shen from the altar, and he would never be able to turn over in his life.

While the overwhelming pleasure and desire for destruction are flowing in the body, Fu Ya was able to share half of his mind and think calmly. He couldn't directly take the evidence to tell the officials, because Fu Shen also had a sly sly Yan Xiaohan by his side, and it was tantamount to throwing himself in the door.

He is weak, and must find someone who can compete with Yan Fu and use his hands to accomplish this.

After much deliberation, he came to Xue Sheng's house with his "famous name".

"It's hard to be emotional." Xue Sheng shook his head, half smirking and taunting to himself, "Jingguo, God's will, don't blame my official for sending you a ride."

The next day.

Xue Sheng entered the palace hall and presented the correspondence between Yingguo Fu Tingyi and the southwest privately to Emperor Changzhi.

"Okay ... okay!" Emperor Changzhi said two good words, the muscles on his face seemed to be uncontrollable, and he looked very embarrassed. He held the stationery for a long time, and suddenly got up, swiping his sleeves and sweeping a table full of tea and tea, and gritted his teeth sharply and yelled, "Counter-sex thief! The deceitful concubine is so hard!"

The Taipa outside the door heard the sound, and pushed the door of the hall open with a tremor. It happened to be glimpsed by Emperor Changzhi, and he picked up a pen of sheep fat and washed it to the door. Furiously, "Get out!"

After a loud noise, the room was silent, and Xue Sheng stood still in a mess, and persuaded painlessly, "Your majesty is angry."

Stiff for a moment, Emperor Changzhi fell straight into a chair.

His face was purple, his chest was violently undulating, he couldn't help but pant, and murmured: "A double country man ... haha, a high official and a thick man, he has such a group of wolf-hearted dogs and lungs ..."

Xue Sheng saw that he was very angry, so he came forward, respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the minister has a word to say."

Emperor Changzhi parted his thoughts from the puppet and said, "Speak."

Xue Sheng slumped in his robe and knelt down in the middle of the hall: "Ying Guogong Fu Tingyi colluded with Duan Guihong, a southwestern invader, murdered the emperor, and endangered the society. Jingguo Fu knew not to report, but concealed it, and fell in love with him It is profound. The rebellious heart of these three is obvious. If they are not eradicated, they will reverse in the future. "

"This is the end of the matter, the courage to ask your Majesty to be a descendant of future generations, when the decision is broken, thoroughly clean up the Fu's first line of inverse party, in order to prevent future trouble."

Emperor Changzhi managed to take it easy, and said exhausted, "How do you say, Dangdang?"

"Xia Xiarong Rong: Fu Shenren is in the southwest, but also echoes the northern garrison. If it is to be participated by the Metropolitan Police Academy and the three law divisions, it will inevitably lead to discussion and be blocked. In case he is forced to rush, Fu Shen Lian Duan Guihong rebelled on the spot, and the court would have no way to take him completely. "Xue Sheng said," The minister thought that for the present, the only way to start is to steal the thief first, and then clean up the rest. In this way, you can either Put an end to future troubles without causing turmoil in northern Xinjiang. "

Emperor Changzhi's heart suddenly "slightly". Although he was angry, he also knew that to deal with Fu Shen and other dignitaries, he should always be given a chance to defend himself. He did not expect that Xue Sheng would come to his death. How can this be done? "

"His Majesty is broad-minded, but the reversible court thief cannot appreciate your hard work," Xue Sheng whispered, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten to encircle Beijing in the past, how did Fu Shen persecute you?"

"Fu Shen has a high reputation in the DPRK, and there are many party feathers, otherwise he would not have the courage to bully the monarch," he said with a bowed head. "This thief will not be removed, Jiangshan Society is in danger. Please think twice!"

Emperor Changzhi was silent.

Xue Sheng waited without hesitation for his careful consideration, and he knew what to do, because he knew that the thorns that had been planted in the emperor's heart in the past would eventually take root and sprout into the poisonous vine, holding his mind And sanity.

Fu Shen must die.

No matter how loyal he is usually, even if he lays the northern rivers and mountains for Emperor Changzhi again, those trusts are unreliable. One may not remember the goodness of another, but he must remember all the offenses and injuries.

As long as there is a small gap in the white urn, it will not be far from the jade broken.

Sure enough, after a long silence, Emperor Changzhi opened his mouth arduously, and his voice was even husky and trembling: "Ai Qing ... what good policy?"

Xue Sheng counted his breath, and waited until his deafening heartbeat slowly subsided, and then worshiped without changing his face: "Wei Chen is dumb, willing to share his worries for his Majesty and serve his dogs and horses."

Outside the Hall of Yangxin, the **** who kept the door could only hear the conversation coming in and out through the gap intermittently. A few words were enough to make him startled, and his hands under the sleeves were sweaty.

I don't know how long it took before the gate of Zhu Hongdian "squeaked" and was pushed away from the inside.

Xue Sheng stepped out of the hall, stopped in front of the steps, and narrowed his eyes against the overwhelming sunlight. The **** glanced at him, inexplicably feeling that although Xue Shangshu was expressionless, he clearly had a smile overflowing very slowly from the corner of his eyebrows.

It was well-informed, holding a winning ticket, hiding a sneer with a knife and poison.

"Yuan Zhen."

Emperor Changzhi yelled in the hall. The **** named Yuan Zhen hurriedly withdrew his gaze, stepped in with a small broken step, and whispered: "The slave is here."

"Let someone clean up the temple," said Emperor Changzhi, "go and make a cup of tea for the uncle."

Yuan Zhen bowed his head and left.

That night, the soldiers with the imperial decree set off from the capital and rushed to the southwest.

Also on the same night, Wei Xuzhou received Yuan Zhen's letter and immediately sent his heart to Jinling to spread the news to Yan Xiaohan.

The embargoes staying in Beijing have sent the news as soon as possible, but after all, Xue Sheng, who had not premeditated beforehand, was a step too late when Yan Xiaohan received a message from Beijing Central and set off for the southwest.

Four years in Changzhi and the fifth day of July, Yasukuni Fushen was assassinated when meeting with the southwest rebel general Duan Guihong, and he vomited blood and fainted. During the scuffle, Fu Shen was taken away by the rebels in the Southwest, his life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown.

The author has something to say: Yan Yanhan may be late, but will never be absent. 2k novel reading network

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