Golden Stage
Chapter 80 Table of contents

For more than a hundred years, the Zhou Dynasty has been recognized as the most beautiful woman in Qiantang, Jiangnan in the Hongjing Dynasty.

Emperor Hongjing was a prince of peace and peace, although he was not considered to be a virtuous guard when he was in office, but he was also considered a diligent government. In addition, he was a kenneth master and practiced for twenty-nine years. Nenchen officials in Qing history.

He was very "Ming Jun" all his life, and the only thing that was criticized by his descendants was that the emperor was too sloppy and possessed a magnificent third house and sixth house. Even a year before the 53-year-old and the collapse, the palace ambassadors were sent to the palace to pick and choose good families.

So in the 28th year of Hongjing, the daughter of Qutang of the Qiantang was selected by Duan Linglong, a ambassador of Jiangnan Road, to bid farewell to her parents and family, and to follow the convoy to the capital of Shanshuiyu.

The author has something to say: Her beautiful nature is perfect, she is an outstanding human being, she is good at singing and dancing, her melody, and she is also good at calligraphy and painting. As soon as she entered the palace, she got the eyes of Emperor Hongjing, and she won the concubine and favored the sixth palace.

However, Qu Guifei was born in Jiangnan, she was fragile and she did not adapt to the northern climate when she first arrived in Beijing. She became sick in the winter, like a delicate and difficult to raise a canary. In order to please her, in the early winter of Hongjing's thirty years, the emperor also took her to the palace to avoid the cold.

One evening, Emperor Hongjing suddenly suffered a sudden illness, and Qu Guifei urged the Royal Doctor, but the emperor eventually died of illness due to inadequate treatment.

Duan Linglong and Qu Guifei served Hongjing Emperor in front of the Dragon Couch until the last minute. After the doctor confirmed that the emperor had died, Qu Guifei came out and gave the widow to Tai Fu Yang Gong for reading. Emperor Hongjing's favorite Zhou King did not accompany him. Only the grandson and grandson of the second prince accompanied him. However, unexpectedly, Emperor Hongjing did not pass the throne to King Zhou, but chose the second emperor, later Yuan Tai.

Later generations often suspected that Yuan Taidi was not in the right place, and it was from here. Some people say that it was Tai Fu Yang Gong, and some people said that it was Duan Linglong and Qu Guifei who forged the decree.

Emperor Hongjing passed away and the queen's seat remained unused for many years. Originally, Emperor Yuantai wanted to honor Qu Guifei as a concubine, but she invited herself to practice in Vientiane Temple. One generation of national color, like a flower blooming early, Jiao Yan just two years, so resolutely cut off love, turned and ran into the empty door.

Another year later, in the third winter of Beijing, Qu died in Vientiane Temple.

The unparalleled beauty of the century-old Zhou Dynasty is like a gorgeous silhouette in the history books. It is not much inked, handed down for a few times, a few strokes, and it disappears.

But the truth is much more than that.

There is only a small part of the things that Tianjia can put on the bright side, and the history books are limited and not exhaustive-at least for Qu Guifei.

She has more secrets than anyone knows.

For example, the reason why she refused to stay in the palace as a concubine was when the emperor Hongjing stopped in the palace, and the new emperor once and fortunately stayed in the palace where she lived. After returning to the capital, because of the help of Tai Fu Yang Gong to help Yuan Taidi ascend to the throne, his daughter and second concubine Zheng Fei finally became the queen.

For another example, when leaving the palace to Vientiane Temple, Qu Guifei was pregnant.

The host of Vientiane Temple is a kind-hearted, compassionate old man, and has the right to ask Duan Linglong to take care of her and arrange for her. She finally concealed the sky and gave birth to a baby in the second month of Yuantai.

On the night of the production, Qu Guifei's support was nearly exhausted when the child fell into the grass. Duan Linglong took the child to her bedside, her eyes were reddish, and she said softly, "Mother, give him a name."

Qu Guifei tilted her head slightly in Qingbu's account, and suddenly asked quietly, "Outside ... why snow stopped?"

Duan Linglong said: "Yes. As soon as the little noble landed, the snow stopped outside."

"The End of the World, Frost and Snow ... Han Hanxiao," if Qu Guifei was mad, she said intermittently, "It's called 'Han Xiao'. I'm named 'Yan', so let him use 'Yan' as his surname ..."

Duan Linglong subconsciously felt that the name was too desolate, but just watching Qu Guifei reluctantly did not dare to interrupt her, she nodded.

Qu Guifei rested for a moment, raised her strength, and continued: "Don't let him recognize his ancestors ... Tianjia is ruthless, I hope my life is peaceful and free, and free, don't be trapped in this cage like his mother Can't get out ... "

Duan Linglong: "Mother ..."

"Brother Duan," she stretched out her skinny hand, and grabbed Duan Linglong's dress corner. "I beg you one thing ..."

She didn't have much strength on her hands. In fact, Duan Linglong could shake off her hand and shake off a big trouble in the future as long as she made a little effort. However, for some reason, he stood for a long time. After all, he still sighed like a compromise and resigned. Step: "Please tell me."

"I beg you ... take him as a righteous son, take care of him for me, and protect him from growing up, don't let other people bully him ... in the future, let him give you the end of your old age ... the little girl has no reward in this life, the afterlife Then weep the grass ... "

Duan Linglong suddenly held the back of her hand and stopped the words behind her.

"I brought you into the palace back then, and I never expected it would be today," he whispered. "I missed you. Don't say anything in return, only if I owe you."

Qu Guifei looked at him, her eyes filled with tears, but the corners of her mouth slowly raised, creating a slight arc.

She was afflicted with adolescent form, but she smiled so that Duan Linglong remembered that when she was brought to Beijing two years ago, she was stepped into the car by her daughter-in-law, with tears in her eyes, but he came over He did not forget to show him a very shallow smile.

Peony with dew, bright and scorching, that's the true national fragrance.

Who would have thought that when the rain and wind blow away, Fang Hua hasn't died, and his beauty hasn't grown old.

"I can't wait for him to grow up," her voice was getting lower and lower, "brother Duan, you are the right father, give him a word ..."

Duan Linglong thought for a while before she said, "'A long time in a foreign country, I often return home in the cold nights', and my name is 'Dream return', such as-"

He turned his head to look, and suddenly there was no sound.

In the simple and plain bed, Qu Guifei's eyes were tight, her face was serene, and her chest never saw the ups and downs, and she was gone in no time.

Han Xiao often dreamed of returning, but she could never go back to Qiantang.

Suddenly the child in his arms burst into tears, interrupting Duan Linglong's trance. He whispered a few words, stood up holding the child, and placed Qu Guifei's hand out of the quilt, and lifted the quilt for her, covering a pale and thin face.

He whispered to the vacant room and the lingering soul that hadn't left yet: "It's a word."

Later, Duan Linglong felt that the name "Han Xiaoxiao" was really bad. In order to avoid people from thinking about Daoqu Concubine, he changed his name to "Yan Xiaohan", and took the child with him to cultivate it carefully. .

It was just that Yan Xiaohan looked exactly like Qu Guifei, and Yuan Taidi saw him at first sight, and couldn't sit still. He brought Duan Linglong and asked him what was going on.

As early as after the death of Qu Guifei, Duan Linglong began planning for today. He had thought of sending Yan Xiaohan out to support others, but who knows what he would look like outside? Not to mention that in this world, if you do n’t enter a temple, you have no wealth or power, you will be a flat-headed people all your life, and you will have trouble eating. What do you mean by “freedom”?

He was also the son of Emperor Yuan Tai during the period of filial piety with the emperor and concubine, and his identity could not be seen for life, even his existence was a potential threat to Yuan Tai Emperor.

Fortunately, Duan Linglong was fully prepared. He honestly described to Yuan Taidi the process of giving birth to a concubine, and emphasized her wish that she did n’t want her child to be a prince, as long as she lived safely and securely. . In the end, he took out the killer 锏-a "supposedly" small figure drawn by the concubine himself, and left it to the Emperor Yuan Tai for thought.

Emperor Yuan Tai was originally greedy for the beauty of the concubine. I heard that she was quite sighed when she died early, only to say that Hong Yan has been so fragile since ancient times that she did not expect such hidden feelings. The small statue suddenly evoked many of his memories, seeing the material, but did not have the heart to investigate Duan Linglong's concealment.

Not only that, but as he got older, Qu Guifei was in his heart, as if Mrs. Li was to Emperor Wu, the more hesitant, the more unforgettable. Emperor Yuan Tai sometimes looked at Yan Xiaohan and felt that he was also pitiful, and could not help thinking: If Yan Xiaohan was a well-honoured prince, would he be more furious than these sons now?

Under the subtle influence of these fantasies, Emperor Yuan Tai acquiesced to Duan Linglong's cultivation of Yan Xiaohan, and led him into Feilongwei. Even after Duan Linglong's death, he promoted Yan Xiaohan to the position of Feilongwei Qincha.

Regarding Yan Xiaohan's life experience, both Emperor Changzhi and Yan Xiaohan knew it well, and they knew that the other party knew it for a long time, and it became a self-evident tacit understanding.

As long as Yan Xiaohan strictly abides by the duties of his courtiers, Emperor Yuan Tai will give him maximum weight in addition to his identity as prince.

Over the years, Yan Xiaohan has always been "obedient", and the only time that he almost asked the Emperor Yuantai for something straightforward was to borrow the soldiers from the emperor to Shuzhong himself before regaining the Central Plains.

The territory was torn apart. A prince who had been abandoned by him and could never have any identity spoke to him to borrow soldiers in order to reorganize Zhou Jiangshan.

It was also at that time that Emperor Yuan Tai finally discovered something wrong from the relationship between Yan Xiaohan and Fu Shen.

In the palace where the emperor Daxing stopped, the new master could not be the young. The queen ignored the funeral of the minister, and the housemaid Zhang Luo displayed, and the officials were crying to his highness. The palace was extremely busy until the evening rest.

The northern part of the northern part of the imperial city is covered with silver, making it difficult to speak. Yan Xiaohan, wearing sable fur, walked to the front of a palace stepping on the unsweeped snow, and without waiting for a report, pushed the door lightly.

The light in the room was dim and the residual incense was lingering. A slender figure was sitting at the table, snoring with his hands on his head, and wondering how long he had been sleeping here.

Yan Xiaohan pursed his lips unconsciously, not knowing what he was nervous about.

He walked silently in front of Fu Shen, and looked at his sleeping face through the faint sky, his eyes like a carving knife, carving out the tall bridge of the nose, the clear outline, and the slightly raised lips ... angle.

"Peek at me, eh?" He smiled with closed eyes, "don't show it for nothing."

Yan Xiaohan's frown frowned immediately, and he reached out and touched Fu Shen's face: "How can I sleep while sitting? Isn't it cold?"

Fu Shen clasped his hands, opened his eyes, and said lazily, "Don't get in the way, take a nap, you were lazy. Is the Queen Mother already busy?"


Yan Xiaohan was worried about Fu Shen's severe injuries to Fang Yu, as well as old leg injuries. He refused to keep him kneeling outside. When he got to some less important processes later, he found him a lazy room. Anyway, now martial law in the palace, no one dared to say anything in front of him.


The two spoke at the same time, looked at each other, and shut up together. Fu Shen first said: "Look at your speech for a long time, let's talk first."

Yan Xiaohan didn't know how he saw that he was "stopping for words", but he did have something to say: "Did you already know?"

The words were a bit headless, but Fu Shen immediately understood what he meant.

"I said before that you look a bit like the Emperor Dahang," Fu Shen said. "I saw a picture of a beauty at the Emperor Taichung last night. I almost thought it was the pillow man who I spent night and day changing clothes and standing there. . What else can you guess? "

"Not serious," Yan Xiaohan made him laugh, "I'm an illegitimate child, the Emperor suddenly came in such a hand, but it made me feel a little uneasy. I'm afraid he has guessed our relationship, and wants to use it This injunction separates you and me. What if I rob your nephew of Jiangshan in the future? "

"You, you are too heavy-hearted," Fu Shen sighed. "What else can you do to feed the tiger with your body, please raise your hand high ... The Regent."

Yan Xiaohan quickly started to cover his mouth: "My ancestor, close it soon. I'm really afraid of you, can this bark?"

Fu Shen laughed heartlessly in the palm of his hand: "Being happy, he has a thief and no thief."

Yan Xiaohan: "..."

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he bent down and bowed his head, trying to plug his mockery back into his throat.

"Well," Fu Shen raised one hand to cover his face, and said solemnly, "Where is the country?

Yan Xiaohan kept this position fixed in the air, looking at him through the fingers, his eyes were deep and calm, but he was inexplicably smelling.

Fu Shen couldn't help staring at him, so he turned to support his face with his hands, and flicked up frightfully, taking a peck on his lips.

"Forget it ... the court refused to let the cave house, and was not allowed to kiss?"

[Note 1] "The End of the World, Frost and Snow, Cold Night"-Du Fu's "Pavilion Night"

[Note 2] "Fresh Nights Frequently Come Back to Dream" —— Yu Wuling's 2K Novel Reading Network

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