Qing Kuang
Chapter 18 Table of contents

This **** of death is actually pretty cool.

Huo Ran once imagined that Kou Chen, a neuropathy, might be wearing large pants, a popsicle stick, or a blank, maybe there is a line of words.

See if I'm handsome!

But this **** of death is complete, and the bottom half is also a **** of death, with black flames at his feet, which looks very three-dimensional.

If Kou Chen hadn't always emphasized, Huo Ran felt that when he saw it, he didn't notice the flame on his bottom.

But now he couldn't help thinking, flames and **** stitching.

Very painful.

Kou Xiao came up from the river when she started to boil water. She must buy this set of noodle cooking pots. She wants to come and cook noodles.

"Is the water river?" Old Yang asked.

"No," Huo Ran pointed to the mountain next to him. "There is spring water over there, the old donkey knows, and dug a filter pit. The water used can be boiled for a while, and you can still worry about it Put the disinfection | pills, I took them. "

"No need ..." Kou Xiao said, "I just ... and took a sip of river water."

Huo Ran glanced at her: "Don't drink blindly, not without water."

"Do I have a stomachache?" Kou Xiao asked.

"There are few people here, mainly microorganisms," Huo Ran said, "it really hurts my stomach ..."

"Otherwise you swallow a piece of disinfection | pill." Kou Chen said happily beside him.

"It's time to make an appointment!" Kou Xiao turned to stare at him.

"I brought my gastrointestinal medicine," Huo Ran said, "don't worry too much."

"The water is boiling," Lao Yang pointed to the water in the pan that was starting to tumble, "Do you want to roll a little longer?"

"Well, go for a few minutes," Huo Ran said.

There are actually a lot of things you can do while waiting, you can chat, you can eat some chocolate, or you can walk around, but I don't know why, a few people suddenly became silent and stared at the water in the pot together.

Huo Ran felt that this scene was particularly like the first time he had eaten hot food for a few days when he entered the mountain.

But now they have just entered the mountains for a few hours, this is their first meal.

I don't know if this is the case, they can reach the first few meals.

Noodles are instant noodles. Kou Chen likes to cook instant noodles, and the ham sausage they bring, they smell very fragrant.

Usually at home, he sometimes cooks like this after cooking, but now the same noodles have different flavors. Kou Chen picked the noodles into a bowl. The soup was unnecessary, and he ate two big mouthfuls.

"Eat slowly," Huo Ran reminded. "Chew a bit, and the environment is prone to gastrointestinal problems."

"Um." Kou Chen responded and touched his belly.

Huo Ran looked at him.

"I didn't chew that much," Kou Chen said, "I'll break them down now."

Huo Ran nodded and turned away.

Kou Chen laughed for a long time, and Huo Ran's speechless look was very funny.

Speaking of which, when there was a conflict on the court, he still felt a horrible temper. Now it seems that he is still divided, and the unfamiliar person will be angry, and it will be tolerable when he is familiar.

Kou Chen looked at his shoulder, lowered the bowl, and reached up.

Huo Ran turned his head: "Why."

"No matter," Kou Chen said.

"Get away!" Huo Ran said.

"Why are you doing this," Kou Chen let go of his hand. "How familiar is it!"

"Who knows what stupid thing you are doing!" Huo Ran said.

"Is this the impression you have?" Kou Chen couldn't accept it.

"Otherwise?" Huo Ran said, "The impression you gave me was the silly second brother of the landlord's house."

"Sister he scolds you." Kou Chen said.

"Huh?" Kou Xiao, who was intent on eating noodles, looked up. "Ran?"

"Why should I scold your sister?" Huo Ran was shocked.

"I'm silly brother, what is my sister!" Kou Chen asked.

"Silly silly," replied Lao Yang.

"Yang Ruidong, what are you doing!" Kou Xiao said.

"I'll just answer," Lao Yang laughed. "I didn't hold back."

"I'll keep the accounts for both of you, just wait," said Kou Xiao, "that delayed me to eat noodles."

After eating, I cleaned the pot and dishes to clean up, tossing for a long time, and finally arrogantly put things back in the bag.

"Let's eat dry food," Kou Chen said. "Just cook a noodle here, it will take longer to clean up than his mother's time, it's too hard."

"It wasn't you who packed up." Huo Ran sighed.

"Isn't I going to clean up!" Kou Chen said, "I'll reduce your burden."

"You can eat a barbecue at night," Huo Ran said, "see if you have any energy."

"I'm not tired at all," Kou Chen said. "It's not that difficult."

"After one hour, the trip was officially started, so let's talk later," Huo Ran smiled and looked at him. "Little chicken."

Huo Ran's words are not bragging. The road into the river valley is easy to walk. There is no need to climb or wading. The road is narrower as it goes in. The uneven stone road and the mud pile flooded by water appear alternately. From time to time there are deep trenches washed out by rain.

Jiang Lei fell into the ditch on this road and dislocated his shoulder.

"Which way to go?" Lao Yang asked.

"On the right, I'll lead the way, you walk behind," Huo Ran said, "there is no better way for the next section."

"You go behind," Kou Chen immediately followed, with the tone of an old donkey. "I'll open the road with Huo Ran."

"Okay." Huo Ran glanced at him.

It didn't take long to start drilling the forest. The stones and mud on the ground were covered by fallen leaves. Sometimes there was no sunlight. I could hear the sound of water, but I couldn't see where the stream was. It felt wonderful. Huo Ran liked this. peaceful.

But after walking for a while, Kou Xiao shouted suddenly behind him.

Huo Ran didn't look back, just turned and ran back.

Sure enough, Kou Xiao slipped and slid down the muddy **** all the way down two or three meters. He was caught up by Lao Yang and pulled his backpack before stopping.

"My mother ..." Kou Xiao sat on the floor and patted his chest. "I'm afraid I'll smash you both down!"

"Where did you fall?" Kou Chen ran over and crouched.

Huo Ran glanced at the road she was sliding down. There were no big stones, and nothing should happen.

"I dropped my pants," Kou Xiao touched his pants after being lifted by Lao Yang, looking at the mud in his hand, and his face was painful. "I know why you shouldn't let me bring beautiful clothes."

"Mainly nobody sees it," Kou Chen said.

"You go!" Kou Xiao glanced at him and moved his legs again. "It's okay, just go on."

"Your pole," Huo Ran took the trekking pole she dropped to the ground, shortened it a bit, "It's too long to use it."

"Is there another way here?" Old Yang asked. "I just saw that there is a side road, it seems to be flat?"

"That's not it, that's the way the beast comes out," Huo Ran said. "It can't be walked, and there will be beast traps on the road. It's dangerous."

"Animal clip?" Kou Chen froze. "Is that kind of big iron clip with teeth?"

"Um." Huo Ran frowned.

"What can you clamp?" Kou Chen asked.

Huo Ran continued to go forward: "Wolf, fox, yellow sheep, rabbit, hedgehog, what's caught?"

"I fuck," said Kou Chen, "isn't it? Have you seen it? Can you save it?"

"There aren't any big animals in this mountain," Huo Ran said. "Small beasts caught and died directly. They were basically dead when they saw them, and they were also dead when they were saved.

Kou Chen didn't talk for a long time. He rarely encountered such problems. He just liked animals, kittens, puppies, rabbits, and rabbits, but suddenly he felt uncomfortable.

"Have you saved it?" He asked.

Huo Ran walked a while before answering: "Well."

"What saved?" Kou Chen asked.

"Fox," Huo Ran said, "I wrapped it in my clothes and thought of asking for help in the next village, but it died for half an hour."

"Horan." Kou Chen stopped.

"Huh?" Huo Ran looked back at him.

Kou Chen opened his arms.

"Why?" Huo Ran stepped back cautiously.

"Come here." Kou Chen frowned, his face a little uncomfortable.

Huo Ran hesitated for two seconds and came to him: "How ..."

Kou Chen hugged him and took a few photos on the backpack behind him: "It's okay, don't be sad."

"Ah-" Huo Ran shouted and pushed him away. "I'm not sad! I'm just a little upset."

"Not sad?" Kou Chen looked at him.

"It's been a few years ago," Huo Ran said. "I can still be sad for so many years. I have lost a lot of beast clips in the past two years, and I am even more sad."

"I just want to comfort you," Kou Chen said.

"I know." Huo Ran looked at him, suddenly a little embarrassed. Of course, he knew that Kou Chen wanted to comfort him, but at this time, it would be too much to pick such a comforting way in front of Lao Yang and Kou Xiao. Dedicated style.

"Ah." Kou Chen looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"Oh," Huo Ran was speechless. He hugged him in the past and took two photos on his backpack. "Thank you."

"Come on!" Kou Xiao shouted, "Your two children are playing house!"

An hour later, Kou Xiao lost her voice, let alone shouting. When Lao Yang asked her if she wanted to drink water, her voice was panting: "Dart, I don't want to go to the toilet in this kind of place."

"This is the place all the way," Huo Ran said. "Don't you still want to find a public toilet? To be honest, you have to be able to live it. There are in the village, you must go back and solve it in the wild after reading the public toilet."

"I didn't have the strength to tell you," Kou Xiao waved, "you tell me how long I can rest."

"It's getting dark early in the mountains, past that mountain beam ..." Huo Ran pointed forward.

"What mountain beam! What do you say! There are mountain beams! Do we have to turn over mountain beams!" Kou Xiao shouted.

"No," Huo Ran made her shout and laugh. "We just call that mountain beam. The concave land in the middle of the two small earth slopes can be turned over in 20 minutes, and we will camp there."

This road is not easy, and several people are tired, and Kou Chen has no voice all the way.

Huo Ran led the way and had to look back after walking.

"Are there any difficulties and obstacles ahead?" Kou Chen asked.

"No, I'm going to the mountain beam right away. There is a ditch in front. Be careful when you pass," Huo Ran said. "Generally, it is a wooden frame on top."

"Is it the only wooden bridge?" Kou Chen got excited as soon as he heard it. "Who built it?"

"The fellows are not wood, just drag the fallen tree upside down and hold it." Huo Ran said.

"I rely, this is interesting." Kou Chen took out his mobile phone. "This has to be filmed in the circle of friends. How could those fools have seen such a cool scene."

Five minutes later, a cooler scene appeared.

The tree on the ditch left the post without permission.

The one on their side slid to the bottom of the ditch.

"I fuck! It's fun!" Kou Chen took a photo with his mobile phone. "What's the matter? How do you live? Go down? Climb up the tree again?"

That is the theory.

Huo Ran glanced at Kou Xiao, and Kou Xiao was pretty good. He didn't complain that he didn't hold back, but although the ditch was not wide, it was quite deep. It was obviously impossible for her to climb down the ditch and hold the trunk to the opposite side.

Huo Ran put the backpack on the ground and turned around. Generally, there will be one or two spare logs in such a place to prevent this.

Soon he found a tree in the forest that looked like it was chopped down by thunder, but there was no stump next to it, it should be spare wood.

"Kou Chen! Brother Yang!" He shouted, "come to help."

Kou Xiao had no interest in this kind of thing, and all her vitality was maintained by the camp that had not been built after she had crossed the mountain beams.

Kou Chen and Lao Yang were full of interest. The previous exhaustion was swept away by this accident, and the three men dragged the tree to the edge of the ditch quickly.

"How to do it?" Kou Chen looked at the ditch.

Huo Ran took out a folding military shovel from the bag, dug it in the original wood pit, and moved a large stone over to pad it in, so that the wooden rack would not slip easily.

Kou Chen stood next to him with some emotion. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how to help him, and he didn't need any help to see how he looked.

At first glance, I was alone in the field all year round.

"Come," Huo Ran beckoned after the pit was made. "The wood was lifted up, put this end in the pit, then fell down, and put it over there ... It turned out that there was a recess next to the wood, did you see it?"

"No." Kou Chen and Lao Yang answered honestly at the same time.

"... I let go and let go." Huo Ran said.

After the wood was raised, Huo Ran glanced over there, letting them loose.

When the wood fell to the opposite side of the ditch, Kou Chen saw where Huo Ran said the recess was, the end of the wood fell down accurately, and then rolled back into the pit.

It was very easy to go over the next wooden bridge. After all, it was not very wide. After three or five steps, Kou Xiao's bag was thrown across by Lao Yang, and he ran valiantly.

The first thing in the past was to open the bag and check: "You **** don't throw my cream bottle into pieces, I took this bottle, and I rely on it for two days ..."

"Speak carefully!" Lao Yang said, "Don't learn from your brother."

"Don't throw my cream bottle into pieces," Kou Xiao said in a sullen tone. "I took this bottle, and I have to rely on it for the past two days ..."

After tossing through the gutters, the mountain beams behind turned upside down, and passed through the last piece of forest. When seeing an open field, except for Huo Ran, several people shouted and ran away, as if robbing The rest of my life.

"There are stoves set up by others!" Kou Xiao said. "Are they all camping here?"

"Well," Huo Ran put the bag down and looked up at the sky. "Generally, the first stop is here, and there is a small village two kilometers north. The supply is convenient and safe."

"I'm hungry," said Kou Chen. "Let's cook!"

"Tent first." Huo Ran opened the bag.

"Cook first, and not sleep now." Kou Chen looked at him.

"Tent," Huo Ran pointed to the sky, "it's going to rain."

"Isn't it?" Kou Chen raised his head with suspicion, "the sky is clear, it's just no sun, don't you say it's dark in the mountains?"

"Tent," Huo Ran repeated.

"OK." Although Kou Chen didn't know where to show that it was going to rain, he decided to believe Huo Ran's judgment.

Two double tents, Huo Ran helped Lao Yang support them, and when they turned back to help Kou Chen, the rain began to fall.

"Fuck," Kou Chen looked at him. "You're pretty awesome."

"Don't talk nonsense," Huo Ran didn't stop, "Hurry up without rain."

"I don't want to be in the rain, I can ..." Kou Chen smiled and walked to Kou Xiao's tent, bent over and entered, "I can hide in this tent ..."

"Go out!" Kou Xiao roared. "Get out of your tent!"

Kou Chen was pushed out, and before standing upright, Kou Xiao pulled the tent up.

"Are you two!" Kou Chen came back with great persuasion to help Huo Ran. "Be quiet! The tent is not soundproof!"

"I change clothes! You eat too much!" Kou Xiao shouted.

After the tent was set up, it rained a bit, and Huo Ran and Kou Chen got into the tent together.

"Is it waterproof?" Kou Chen looked at the top of the tent.

"Well," Huo Ran took his bag and took out the sleeping bag or something. "It won't rain long, it will stop in half an hour."

"Oh." Kou Chen sat at the entrance of the tent, looked outside, and stretched for a long time before he stretched out. "So boring, sitting in the tent watching the rain, the outside is outside the wilderness, the mobile phone has not signaled yet, It's getting dark, and there's no light ... "

"Well." Huo Ran took off his coat and put on another one. "You change your wet clothes and cover them easily to catch a cold."

Kou Chen took off his coat and opened his backpack and turned it over.

After a few flips, he suddenly "snapped".

"Don't say you didn't bring it!" Huo Ran sat up.

"Why did I bring out my drawer key, hey, I told you ..." Kou Chen said half-stopped, knelt in front of the backpack and started tossing, "I will perform a trick for you. When I was young, because of this, I Dad beat me all the way from the house to the yard. "

Huo Ran immediately moved to the tent: "No, don't want to watch, thank you."

Kou Chen didn't say anything, lowered his head and didn't know what he was doing, and Huo Ran even saw him pulling his waist.

"Kou Chen, I warn you ..." Huo Ran pointed at his back.

Before he could finish speaking, Kou Chen suddenly turned around, kneeling and took a step towards him, and suddenly his hands spread out, and he stiffened forward.

Huo Ran instantly saw his protruding pants | crotch.

"Will I applaud you?" Huo Ran asked, "What kind of stimulus can make you react in this environment?"

"Look!" Kou Chen began to slowly pull down the trouser door.

"I don't want to see it, I have it myself, really." Huo Ran couldn't help crying.

Kou Chen unzipped the zipper, and a yellow stuffed chicken jumped out of the trouser door and landed at Huo Ran's feet.

There is a ring attached to it.

... is a chick keychain.

Huo Ran felt that at this moment he was completely in line with Kou Chen's brain circuit, and he heard sadly his own laughter.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow [┐ '_' ┌]. 2k novel reading network

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