Qing Kuang
Chapter 25 Table of contents

Several people in the video on the phone screen laughed and laughed like ducks. Wei Chaoren laughed at the movement of the goose. Huo Ran held his stomach inexplicably and had no action. There were a few uncles and police beside him.

But what is still to say, he pushed Kou Chen away and rubbed his face fiercely: "Are you **** hungry! Are you happy?"

"Very pleasant," Kou Chen said.

"Retreated!" Huo Ran pointed to the video, "Clean up and go away in a while."

"Huo Ran!" Jiang Lei shouted, "Give me a call at home, and come out tomorrow!"

"Get together, get back to school every day, and stay with this group of people 24 hours a day, 28 hours a day, and still get together." Huo Ran continued rubbing his face and took a wet tissue to come out and wipe his face.

"Gather, I don't want to stay at home anyway," Hu Yi said, "and Xu Zhifan just booked the box."

"... It's a good friend." Huo Ran continued to wipe his face while hung up the video with emotion.

"Ah, hey," Kou Chen looked at him, "I hurt myself."

Huo Ran put the wipes in his pocket.

"Throw it." Kou Chen said, they all collected the garbage and hung it on their backpacks. They only threw it in the trash when they arrived at Laoxikou camp. There is now a shadow on garbage collection.

"Where to throw it?" Huo Ran asked, "there is no trash can here."

"On the side, can it be degraded," Kou Chen said, "Do you still bring this back?"

"Degrading a fart, don't give psychological comfort to the behavior of throwing garbage by yourself," Huo Ran said, "you go on the route of the fake donkey and the new donkey more than once, you will not think so."

"Okay, listen to you," Kou Chen nodded, staring at him for a while, "your image in my mind suddenly became a lot better."

Huo Ran glanced at him.

"Really!" Kou Chen said, "no kidding."

"It's so easy to be great," Huo Ran sighed. "It's not easy for your villain country."

"Go away." Kou Chen smiled.

I don't know if it's a little nervous because of the mentality, it seems like returning to the world at this moment. After the video was a while out, I started to get tired.

Huo Ran sat in a car and called his mother to report her safety.

Mom was quite calm, and said that he made something delicious and waited for him to eat.

After making the phone call, Huo Ran was sleepy and his eyelids fought. He closed his eyes on the back seat and rested.

Kou Chen estimated that it was similar, but the form of expression was different. He was over-excited after being nervous and could n’t relax like a dog. He called his mother for ten minutes, and then told the police, after talking, he talked with a few uncles. Unable to hold it, he pulled the door and fell beside him.

"I ... hungry ..." Kou Chen stretched his voice and said weakly.

"Don't you have chocolate?" Huo Ran said.

"It's over," Kou Chen said, "I'm not a robot cat."

"I have compressed biscuits," Huo Ran said. "If you want to eat, go over my bag."

"I don't want to eat, I don't want to move," Kou Chen sighed, leaned on him, and touched his mouth after a while. "Ah, huh."

"Um." Huo Ran answered.

"Your face is so tender." Kou Chen said.

"... I want to say thank you?" Huo Ran asked, and he heard the full meaning from Kou Chen's tone, "Would you like to take another sip?"

"No need, just taste, I will state the objective facts," Kou Chen laughed, "tenderer than the little girl's face."

"It's over, right?" Huo Ran looked at him, and suddenly reacted after two seconds, "I fuck, have you kissed a little girl?"

"No, what do you think, I don't have time to kiss a little girl," Kou Chen said, "That's how I feel. I didn't feel so tender when I touched your face."

"I'm born with beauty," Huo Ran closed her eyes. "Don't talk anymore, I'm going to sleep, don't bother me."

As soon as the words were finished, Kou Chen's cell phone rang.

"I didn't make you noise," Kou Chen took the cell phone and looked at it. "It was my dad making you noise."

"Presumably coming out, right?" Huo Ran opened his eyes.

"Ask," Kou Chen answered the phone, "Dad?"

"We have passed Baipipo for an hour, and we will go out immediately." Dad said.

"Bai Maopo! What is Bai Pipo?" Kou Chen said.

"I walked for a day and a half to get up the cow?" Dad said, "If you are hungry, go to the village and eat something. There is farmhouse there."

"I won't go," Kou Chen said, "I don't want to move anymore, how long are you out?"

"It's coming soon, but it must be dark before it arrives," Dad said. "Now I don't see the road clearly, and I can't let Uncle Huo drive too fast."

"When you come out and eat, I want to go home and eat dumplings." Kou Chen said.

"What kind of virtue do you have with your sister, she has to go home to eat dumplings," Dad said, "then you call your mother and ask her to make dumplings."

"I have already instructed," Kou Chen said, and couldn't help but laugh. "But I'm talking about fennel stuffing, all are fennel stuffing, all, yes, fennel! You tell me to Kou Xiao , There is no cabbage stuffing she wants to eat tonight. "

"Dream you," Dad sneered, "your mother will listen to you?"

"... in case you listen?" Kou Chen said.

"Then you go back and witness the miracle." Dad hung up the phone.

"Fuck, what position do I have at home?" Kou Chen threw the phone aside. "Have you heard what my dad said?"

"Hear," Huo Ran thought for a while, "is he better than a dog?"

"It's taller than it." Kou Chen closed her eyes and pulled Huo Ran's hand on her shoulder. "Come, press for Uncle Kou."

Huo Ran did not move and looked at him.

After a while, Kou Chen opened his eyes and smiled at him: "The camping is over, Xiao Ranran."

"Go there!" Huo Ran pushed him to the door.

"Hey, press it," Kou Chen crawled over again. "Maybe the fellow smashed it a bit, sore, really ... help me pinch, I can't pinch myself."

Huo Ran looked at his sincere expression with fangs and grin, thinking that without Kou Chen's kick today, they might not really have a chance to run away ...

He raised his hand and squeezed on Kou Chen's shoulder.

"Ah ... yes, that's the strength!" Kou Chen shouted very happily.

Huo Ran didn't know why he didn't always have a temper when facing Kou Chen. It might be that such a stubborn person, he really saw too little. He just wanted to get angry this second, and he lay like a dog the next Turned his belly on the ground and scratched.

"Shut up," he said, squeezing Kou Chen's shoulders twice.

These two strokes were like holding a switch on Kou Chen's body. Kou Chen's man crooked, slamming his head on his leg, lying on the back seat, and then made a comfortable humming sound: "Ah ... ... comfortable ... "

"No," Huo Ran stopped. "You **** I'll get off the bus again."

"No, I'm deep in sleep now." Kou Chen closed his eyes.

Huo Ran hesitated for two seconds. Kou Chen didn't believe a single stroke of this compelling word. He tried to squeeze it on Kou Chen's shoulder.


"Ah ... uh ..." Kou Chen didn't even wait for a second, immediately shouted, and kicked his foot on the door of the car, pushing up, "Ah ... then ..."

"I'm fucking!" Huo Ran didn't wait for him to call his name full, and slapped him on his stomach, followed by a punch and kick, "Your uncle is a crazy dog! You again! Ah! Um you mouth!"

Kou Chen couldn't smile, shouting while hiding: "It's heavy! It's too **** heavy to play! Huo Ran! Do you have something to count!"

"What more can I do with you!" Huo Ran took a few sips and was happy, "Remember to call me to visit the next time your dad makes sausages!"

"Oh my waist," Kou Chen jumped open the door and "helped and killed."

Just after shouting, a Jimny bounced off the mountain road and honk the horn.

"Horan," Kou Chen shouted back, "They are out."

Huo Ran jumped out of the car: "It's pretty fast."

It was already dark, and they did not delay anymore. After confirming the situation with the police, several cars evened the people and were ready to rush back.

Huo Ran and Xu Zhifan went to Jimny, and they dropped Xu Zhifan back in a while and went straight home.

"Do you still have my place?" Kou Chen lay at the copilot window.

"Yes," Xu Zhifan sat in the co-driver and looked at him, "but don't you follow your dad's car?"

"I want to get a car with you," Kou Chen said.

"Your dad just said that he would take you back soon, your mom is in a hurry," Xu Zhifan said, "don't toss."

"Hey ..." Kou Chen sighed. "Tomorrow! Tomorrow night. I'm sure I won't wake up until tomorrow afternoon. Go out for a meal at night. Have you booked a box?"

"Yes," Xu Zhifan nodded, "I'll issue you a box number in a while."

What else did Kou Chen want to say, Dad Kou yelled, "My son! Why don't you walk back!"

"Come here!" Kou Chen shouted and patted the door. "Uncle Huo, thank you today."

"Come on," Dad Huo waved his hand. "I want to come out and play in the future. The low difficulty line allows Huo Ran to take you."

"Have you heard it?" Kou Chen raised an eyebrow at Huo leaning against the back seat, his fingers compared to a gun, facing him, "slap!"

"Get out of here," Huo Ran sighed.

Several cars drove back to the city together, and Huo Ran fell asleep within minutes of the back seat.

He even had a dream. The eldest sister wearing the Archaeopteryx ran in the woods and shouted what he couldn't understand. He chased after him for a long time and found that it was Kou Chen who caught him.

"Ah ... then ..." Kou Chen danced to him while he was quite embarrassed.

"Why the **** are you doing that!" Huo Ran could not help but curse.

When awake by Xu Zhifan beside him, he was still immersed in Kou Chensao's unsuccessful dance.

"Who are you dreaming of?" Xu Zhifan couldn't stop smiling.

"Is it loud?" Huo Ran was shocked. "No, I never talk about it."

"It's quite loud," Xu Zhifan still couldn't laugh, "Yes, uncle."

"Yes." Dad nodded with a smile.

"... I dreamed that Kou Chen danced." Huo Ran grabbed his head.

"Fuck." Xu Zhifan burst into laughter and coughed for a long time, sending a message while coughing while holding his mobile phone.

Huo Ran's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, he saw the message from Xu Zhifan in the group.

-Kou Chen, what did you do?

Here is a bunch of people crazy hahahahahaha.

However, there was no response from Kou Chen. It was estimated that he was asleep, and Huo Ran threw the phone aside and pointed to Xu Zhifan: "Traitor, Bai Blind our friendship for so many years"

Dad honked.

Then came the horn sound.

"Different road?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"Well, we're moving forward," Dad said, "are they turning to the right?"

"Yes." Huo Ran responded, turning his head to see through the rear window.

Two Coolroads turned.

I do n’t know which car Kou Chen is on, and I do n’t know why, Huo Ran actually reluctantly, this feels only when he and Xu Zhifan had some irons to go out and play back.

How could he be reluctant to be such an inexplicable creature like Kou Chen?

In the evening, my mother made a good table, but Huo Ran had no appetite. Although she was hungry, she felt full after a few mouthfuls.

Going hiking today is completely different from the past. Although the incident of Big Gao did not hurt them, they may still help this woman who does not know how long she has run in the forest, but her mood is still affected. .

He hadn't even thought about it before while watching the news. After scolding the scum, he probably passed.

Today it is face-to-face. One of the live ones may be trafficked. Basically, it is certain that at least people who have suffered severe domestic violence feel completely different.

At night when he was lying on the bed in the voice of his parents discussing this matter, he was not drowsy. He repeatedly recalled the sentence of the young policeman, "I am willing to say this, and dare to make you believe that my police are still a lot. "After that, he fell asleep.

When Kou Chen changed shoes at the door, his mother came out of the room, "Go out again?"

"Well," Kou Chen put on his coat, hugged his mother, "come back to bring you supper."

"I don't eat it, what you bring is fart," Mom frowned, "Bring me two cow eggs last time, your dad hasn't hit you yet!"

Kou Chen laughed and whistled.

Shuai Shuai slammed downstairs and slammed on him.

"Brother brought the eggs back for you to eat today," Kou Chen rubbed Shuai Shuai, rubbed his face, and buried his face in the thick hair around his neck. "Mom doesn't like to eat, I will give you everything." , You're looking for a girlfriend after you finish eating. "

"Hurry up and be annoyed," the mother shoved him. "It will go crazy and awkward for a while, and wake up your sister to pump you."

"Lao Yang will have to wake her up soon," Kou Chen patted Shuai Shuai's head, and sent a voice to Xu Zhifan, "I'm going out, I'll meet Xu Chuan and Superman in ten minutes. It will probably be where you are twenty minutes."

When he left the house, he started rubbing his face while rubbing his face until he was at the gate of the community. Then he wiped the dog's hair on his face and vomited the dog's hair in his mouth.

"Have you said nothing to Huo Ran and killed him?" After several people met Xu Zhifan, Xu Chuan asked, "What if you are still sleeping?"

"Jiang Lei just called him and didn't answer, he must still be asleep," Xu Zhifan said, "It's okay, go and ask him to wake up."

"Can you scold someone?" Xu Chuan said.

"Are you afraid?" Kou Chen asked.

"Aren't you afraid I know," Xu Chuan said, "We're still a little bit shy, I've seen him get angry."

"Walk around," Kou Chen shook his phone, "the car is here."

When he arrived at Huo Ran's house, it turned out that the man was still sleeping. Several people talked to his parents in the living room and did not wake Huo Ran up.

"Let's go and see." Kou Chen stood up, walked to the bedroom, took two steps to stop and looked at Mother Huo, "Will it?"

"Go, don't wake him, he can sleep until night." Mother Huo said with a smile.

Kou Chen nodded and gently opened the door of Huo Ran's bedroom.

A small light was on in Huo Ran's room, which was probably anti-ghost.

Although he was afraid of ghosts, the furnishings in his house were very man-made, there were a lot of outdoor tools, rope locks and the like, and there was a bicycle on the ground that was dismantled and repair tools that were unpacked.

"Ranran?" Kou Chen whispered and went to his bed.

Huo Ran was half buried in the quilt, motionless.

Kou Chen bent down and stared at his side for a moment: "Little cute?"

Huo Ran still didn't move.

"Don't open your eyes and kiss you?" Kou Chen whispered into his ear, "get up and hit me ..."

After waiting for two seconds, Kou Chen poked on his face with his fingers. After seeing Huo Ran moving, he patted Huo Ran lightly and snapped.

Then quickly jumped to the side with the tragic mood of "Kou Chen is dead".

The author has something to say: plan the key points: continue ╰_╰ tomorrow. 2k novel reading network

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