Qing Kuang
Chapter 27 Table of contents

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Zhifan laughed and looked at them. "It's too bad to hurry up and find my girlfriend. Huo Ran The love letters you received last semester are still in my drawer. Would you like to see them again? "

"Get out," Huo Ran answered briefly.

Underneath his calm surface was a tsunami more than 1,600 meters high.

When the street did such a stupid thing, the shock to him couldn't be calmed for a long time.

Since when has he become a neuropathic neuropathy like Kou Chen? He didn't even notice it.

too terrifying.

He glanced at Kou Chen.

It's so moist and silent ...

Kou Chen is still happy, without any discomfort, Huo Ran slaps on the ground several times, always feels a bit hard to just kiss, is it licking Kou Chen's face?

"Why," Kou Chen said unwillingly, "I washed my face when I went out. How about you, kiss me?"

"Here," Huo Ran pulled out a wet tissue and handed it to him, "revenge me quickly."

Kou Chen took the paper towel and wiped his face casually: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you."

The barbecue restaurant is not far away. Huo Ran and Kou Chen went to the place without saying a word after hitting Mua. Although they could not smell, they could see all kinds of dishes across the window. The pile of meat immediately stirred up their appetite for not eating well for the past two days.

I didn't sit down in the box, and rushed back to the lobby to move the meat after throwing my jacket. Everyone was very efficient. Soon, I returned to the box in a small cap.

Huo Ran was a bit depressed last night and didn't eat much rice. At this moment, looking at the raw meat on the plate, he felt a little bit upset.

"It's the school sports meeting later this month," Jiang Lei added meat to the baking pan. "Is this the last entertainment project of the year?"

"Not New Year's Day?" Wei Chaoren said.

"Of course, New Year's Day is not counted. What is New Year's Day? On January 1st, what's going on with you!" Jiang Lei was worried. "You may not be able to save yourself by choosing liberal arts in your mind."

"Don't look down on liberal arts students," Xu Zhifan said.

"Yes," Xu Chuan said, "beauties are in liberal arts classes."

"Beauty is in the liberal arts class, what does it have to do with you," Huo Ran clipped a piece of meat that didn't seem to be cooked and said, "You and the table are not women."

A few people immediately got together, and after they finished, they began to feel that the girls in their class were almost half less than the next floor 3, which was really unfair.

"Do you still have several love letters?" Kou Chen put a chicken wing into the bowl of Huo Ran, and by the way came over and whispered, "Who wrote it?"

"I don't remember." Huo Ran bit his chicken wings.

"Why isn't that interesting," Kou Chen said, "Are you afraid I'll grab you?"

"Not afraid," Huo Ran glanced at him, "this is the girl's sex, tell you it's not appropriate."

Kou Chen froze for a while, and then said, "That's really ... I really didn't think it would be considered **."

"I don't know if it counts, it's such a feeling." Huo Ran said.

"I'll just ask it casually," Kou Chen quickly whispered, "I didn't mean to inquire about anyone, I really didn't mean that, and I didn't mean to laugh at anyone or how."

Huo Ran smiled: "I know."

"Hey," Kou Chen sighed on the back of the chair, "I was suddenly very confident that you went to tell my dad about parents."

"So you better stop messing with me," Huo Ran said. "You still have to ask for me. Maybe there are still a lot of gimmicks you want to keep for a while, and you will see each other in the future."

"Fuck." Kou Chen looked at him. "No one has ever dared to be so arrogant with me."

"Unfamiliar people are afraid." Huo Ran put the well-wrapped chicken-wing bones into Kou Chen's bone dish, neatly lined up with a chicken-wing bone that Kou Chen finished.

"Come on, you dare this table," Kou Chen frowned, looking at the two chicken bones sitting on the bone dish eating fruit, "Why are you?"

"I like even numbers," Huo Ran said, "obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'll take one more later and get it back."

"... Shall I just be singular here?" Kou Chen said.

"I can't see it again," Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen didn't speak, and gave him a thumbs up.

After eating, Kou Chen pulled a few people to sing. Huo Ran didn't want to go anymore. He didn't like to sing. He might go if he asked him to play a ball.

"Are you really not going?" Kou Chen glanced at the taxi window.

"No," Huo Ran said, "I have no songs that I can sing when I go."

"You can listen to me." Kou Chen said.

"... don't listen." Huo Ran yawned.

"Why the **** are you so boring." Kou Chen was dissatisfied.

"Speak carefully," Huo Ran said, "when do I need to go to your dad?"

"Then you go back," Kou Chen changed his tone. "Pay attention to safety, good night."

"Good night." Huo Ran smiled.

For parents, Huo Ran's family is okay. Mom and Dad are not acute. When they fight in school, they will listen to his reasons first.

The Kou Chen family is different.

As soon as Huo Ran opened his mouth, he said that the teacher asked his parents to go to school, and Kou had already jumped up.

No wonder Kou Chen went to the community garden in advance and waited. Otherwise, Kou Chen might not escape.

"Is he fighting again?" Father Kou asked in a calm voice.

This point Kou Chen is very similar to his dad. With a cold face and a calm voice, the murderous energy can be fully opened within one second.

Huo Ran did not speak.

"Isn't it?" Father Kou asked again.

"Sit down first," Huo Ran cleared his throat and grabbed his hand against the handsome neck hair leaning against his leg, struggling to keep himself from being killed by Kou's powerful "kill Kou Chen now" The air was down, "Or I think you want to hit me."

"Ran isn't Kou Chen," said Kou's mother next to her. "Can't you hit your son?"

"I haven't hit Kou Chen for years," Dad Kou sat back and looked at Huo Ran again. "Say, why?"

Huo Ran tried to tell things as easily as possible, and finally he was afraid that he couldn't catch the point, and concluded: "In short, to help the bullied classmates, our teacher said that the starting point is good, but the way is not very good. Correct."

Kou's face eased a lot, and he sneered, "It's not him who can find the right way."

"So the parents need to go to the school for an interview, and the punishment decision has not yet come down." Huo Ran relieved, rubbed Shuai Shuai's head, and Shuai Shuai tilted his head and licked.

"Okay, I'll go," Dad Kou nodded, and then he turned cold again. "I'll see, who dares to punish my son!"

"Uncle Kou," Huo Ran said at the moment, and once again mentioned Tianling Cap, "Just, if you go to school, you still ..."

"Don't make trouble," Ms. Kou snorted beside her. "If you want to go, just listen to what the teacher said. Why do you want to go to the teacher for trouble? It's your son fighting, hey, it's not the teacher hitting your son. what."

"Okay, I know." Father Kou waved his hand.

When Huo Ran saw Kou Chen in the community garden, he was sitting on a swing with one leg bent and one leg gently pedaling on the ground, shaking slowly.

"How?" Kou Chen asked with a smile when he saw him coming.

"It's okay, but your dad ..." Huo Ran said halfway and was interrupted by Kou Chen.

"I ask you how my legs are." Kou Chen asked.

Huo Ran froze, but out of curiosity, he stopped, took a step back, stared at Kou Chen's two legs and looked at them again.

I really don't see any difference in asking "how".

"Qi." He had to answer.

"I fuck," Kou Chen was disappointed. "I just had a little sister here on a swing, and I praised my legs growing."

Huo Ran just wanted to hold his fists at him, and couldn't say a word.

"Long?" Kou Chen stretched his legs.

"Huh." Huo Ran sat on the swing next to him. "What a little sister?"

"Four years old," Kou Chen laughed. "It's cute. You can see her a minute early ... how are you talking to my dad?"

"It's okay. He said that he will go to school after class." Huo Ran tilted his head and looked at him. "Have you never done anything to help others, your dad is very happy."

"I'm fine if I don't talk to others, why help others," Kou Chen said, "what can you do to help others, that is, you always say justice."

"Really," Huo Ran smiled. "Then what are you going to do with Hehua's grilled sausages? He Hua isn't bullied. Don't you feel a little bit? What joy, pride or something."

Kou Chen snorted and said nothing.

The two swayed the swing one after the other.

When returning to school on the second day to start class, Kou Chen kept looking at Lao Yuan's office, and finally drove Xu Zhifan away, sat beside Huo Ran, and continued to look at the office.

"Is that your father?" He whispered, "I see it."

"Huh." Huo Ran glanced at it. There were already several parents in the office. Old Yuan Zheng was talking to them, and there was a director beside him.

"My dad hasn't come yet," Kou Chen frowned. "Call the parents, can you be on time and have a ceremony?"

"Why the director is also here today," Jiang Lei turned back from the front, and said quickly in a low voice, "Isn't it that we are all just warning the punishment, it is not serious, Lao Yuan just said no?"

"I don't know!" Wei Chaoren was excited on the table across the aisle. "The director is not for us, it is for Li and his class."

"What is it?" Huo Ran could not help asking.

Lao Li is the class teacher of senior high school. He sits at the table with Lao Yuan. He is a little old man who has never laughed seriously. The students in his class do n’t care whether he is called Lao Li or Chitose. Compared with an enlightened teacher like Lao Yuan, his thinking is like living for thousands of years.

"They have a pair in their class," Wei Chaoren's eyebrows flew up to the back of Xu Chuan's head at the front table. "After returning to school last night at the lover tree in the playground ... I slapped together and got caught."

"Notify the parents?" Jiang Lei asked.

"Yeah, it's time for the notice. It's all here," Xu Chuan said. "Maybe I have to wait in line to talk ..."

"Xu Chuan." Teacher Yang pushed the glasses on the podium.

"Here." Xu Chuan answered.

"Stop at the door for a while," said Teacher Yang.

There was a chuckle in the classroom.

"Okay." Xu Chuan stood up and walked to the door of the classroom.

"It's all 18 in the senior year," Kou Chen whispered. "Adults, just touch and kiss and kiss your parents."

"In addition to being 18 years old, there is a high school student's name," Huo Ran said.

"Are you snoring?" Kou Chen shook his lips, disdain a bit.

"If it's something in our class, Lao Yuan can definitely carry it down," Huo Ran looked over to the office. "Now it's in Lao Li's hands, don't let me break down, and the wings can give you He died. "

"Awful." Kou Chen rubbed his shoulders.

"What's up with you?" Huo Ran looked at him. "You're a single cymbal and you're a fart."

Kou Chen smiled with a bowed head for a long time: "You are so awesome. I thought about it for a while and I knew which one was male."

"Kou Chen." Teacher Yang pushed his glasses again.

Kou Chen didn't speak, quickly smiled, got up and walked to the door, standing beside Xu Chuan.

Teacher Yang did not continue the lecture, and her eyes fell on Huo Ran again.

Huo Ran hesitated, sighed, and stood up, walked to the door, and stood in a row with Xu Chuan and Kou Chen.

"Concentrate," Yang said. "Your parents are all over there. It's very convenient for me to sue."

"My dad is here," Kou Chen whispered, "Elder Brother Chuan blocks me, and if I come over, I will die."

Xu Chuan went wrong and was caught between him and the office window at two o'clock.

After two lessons, the parents over there basically left. The third session was Lao Yuan's class, but Lao Yuan, who always came to the classroom early, was still standing in the office.

There are directors in the office, Lao Yuan, Chitose, and the parents of the confrontation. It is said that Lao Yuan is nothing, but Lao Yuan is still talking to Chitose.

"What is Lao Yuan?" Someone said, "Would the class representative listen to one ear?"

"Yes, yes, class representatives to listen!" People in the class expressed support for this proposal.

"Does Yuan Yuan have to take the lead for those two?" Xu Zhifan and Kou Chen crowded in the window together.

"Maybe, Lao Yuan has always been righteous." Someone said.

After crowding for a while, Xu Zhifan looked at Kou Chen: "You still sit with me next class?"

"Um." Kou Chen responded.

"You don't want Xuchuan anymore?" Xu Zhifan asked with a smile.

"No," Kou Chen said, "I want to be arrogant."

"Get out." Huo Ran was squeezed by them both to sit on the table behind him.

The class bell rang, Chitose was still talking with excitement and anger, but Lao Yuan was out of the fight and was packing up for class.

Chitose chased him next to his desk and patted the desktop, saying something.

Lao Yuan raised his head, the book in his hand fell on the table, the voice was a little loud, and came from the window.

"I reiterate my point of view. There is nothing that loves early and loves early. Love is love.

"I fuck!" Someone in the class shouted.

"What, what!" Someone shouted incoherently.

"Love is love, no sooner or later!" Someone repeated Lao Yuan's words.

There was a sudden whistle in Banry, the girls applauded, the boys rushed to the office and shouted, "Lao Yuan, call for you!"

The director rushed over and opened the window, pointing to this side: "What are you doing? Sit back to your position! I ca n’t hear the class bell!"

The people in the class persisted for a few seconds before retreating and returning to their seats, but the classroom was just like the movie scene, and after a few seconds of quiet, it became lively again.

"Old Yuan can," said Kou Chen. "Actually, I used to be in school, and the teacher basically didn't care. As long as it wasn't too outrageous, I didn't see it. come out."

"Lao Yuan has always been like this." Huo Ran glanced over there, and the director stood at the window and looked at this side, he closed the curtains.

"These words stimulated me," Kou Chen said.

"Huh?" Huo Ran looked at him.

Kou Chen patted his thigh: "I want to fall in love."

"... with whom?" Huo Ran asked.

"I don't know, leave him alone," Kou Chen patted his leg again. "I want to fall in love."

"Take medicine." Huo Ran sighed on the table.

"Just don't eat it," Kou Chen said.

The author has something to say: ╰ Continue tomorrow __╯. 2k novel reading network

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