Qing Kuang
Chapter 35 Table of contents

Because Kou Chen threw the pole too much, when they left the podium, Huo Ran found that the banner over Kou Chen's side was thrown half off the pole and folded up.

"Don't you be crazy anymore!" Huo Ran pressed his voice, "the slogan made you lose half of it!"

"Afraid of farting," Kou Chen is very indifferent. "It's done now, as long as I don't throw the banner to the headmaster's face at the podium, it's not an error."

Huo Ran ignored him and looked ahead. Suddenly, Wu Xiaochen estimated that he had also participated in the crazy shake shake event, because now the brand in her hand had rushed away, and the liberal arts class 1 was facing him and Kou Chen.

"Leader," Huo Ran said, "the brand is reversed!"

"What?" Wu Xiaochen held his arms upright in front of him.

"The brand is reversed!" Kou Chen said.

"Ah." Wu Xiaochen quickly grabbed the pole in his hand and made a sharp turn, then continued to hold her head forward.

"... Can you tell the difference between 180 degrees and 360 degrees?" Kou Chen watched while still looking at the first liberal arts class in the back.

"What!" Wu Xiaochen was shocked and looked up, "Mom."

She turned again with the pole, this time it was right.

When Huo Ran heard a low laugh behind him, he held back a smile, followed Wu Xiaochen's head around a half circle, and formed a square team in the middle of the playground.

Today's weather is not bad. Although the temperature is not high, but the wind is not very windy, the logistics girls did not send them pants for the boys. They just asked if anyone was cold, and everyone said they were not cold.

Now one by one is still excited, how can it be cold, we have to be the only male bare-legged class in the school!

Fortunately, the principal didn't talk much today, praised everyone's mental outlook, and encouraged them to make another great achievement this year. Then it was their turn to represent athletes and referees to take the oath.

In the morning, there are preliminary rounds, and in the afternoon finals, the classes in the playground are brought back to the classroom to dissolve and change clothes. Teachers and student unions are busy and move various equipment to the middle.

The girls needed to change clothes and went back to the dormitory. The boys directly changed the girls in the classroom as soon as they closed the door.

"We're coming in!" Some girls clapping at the classroom door outside.

"It's not the Chinese who don't enter." Jiang Lei shouted as he took off his shorts.

"Come in!" The girl shook the door lock outside.

"I fuck," Huo Ran hurriedly put on sweatpants. "How do I feel they really want to come in."

"Come in," Kou Chen wasn't in a hurry, wearing his trousers slowly. "Developed so well, are you afraid to watch?"

There was laughter all around.

Huo Ran sighed and did not speak again. He felt that he could not speak easily anymore, and it was too easy for him to keep up with Kou Chen's nerve rhythm. It was terrible.

He did not look at Kou Chen, for fear that Kou Chen would suddenly go crazy and ask him if he wanted to look at the front ...

After changing the clothes for each class and returning to the playground to sit on the film, the preliminary round began immediately. The 100-meter preliminary round, Huo Ran was divided into the second group.

The people in their class, who had just settled in the stands, burst into full swing and rushed to the runway.

At the moment, there were shot puts and other things in the field, but there was no one in their class. There were a lot of high jumps and long jumps in the afternoon. The girls in the class went all in high jumps.

"This group is okay," Kou Chen stood beside the runway with him. "Liu Yu is in the first group. See you in the final."

"Do you know if I can make it to the finals," Huo Ran said.

"Of course I know that the last time we ran back from the dormitory to the classroom, I couldn't catch up with you," Kou Chen said, "I have a good 100-meter grade."

"Oh." Huo Ran stared at the starting line.

Liu Yu was shaking his arms and legs with a professional head. After feeling his gaze, he turned and looked at him, releasing a very exaggerated sneer.

Huo Ran smiled at the classmate Wen 3 who was standing next to him, and the two said hello.

Liu Yu's sneer froze on his face.

There is no suspense in this group. Liu Yu is definitely the first. If it is ranked, he is estimated to be able to reach the final. The difference in strength is a little too big.

Because it was the first project, there were a lot of onlookers, and the roar of cheering broke out at the same time as the firing gun.

Liu Yu started significantly faster than others, and after a few steps the distance widened. After crossing the line, the people in their class cheered as if he had won the championship.

Then came the second group, Huo Ran was ready to play.

He glanced at Kou Chen, who was standing next to the referee: "Aren't you waiting for me at the finish?"

"Zhifan they have all passed," Kou Chen said, "No one is here, I'll be here with you."

Huo Ran glanced at the finish line, and almost all of their classes moved to the finish line. For the 100-meter project, Huo Ran was not a Liberal Tinder, but it was also a Wen Tinder.

In fact, in addition to the women's high jump in their class, there is almost only one tinder for each of the items that have been registered.

"Everyone!" The referee held up the starting gun.

In the third lane, Huo Ran looked at the shoes of his classmates as he bent down to prepare. Judging from the greatness of the shoes, he was in the top three, yes, even if he won on the starting line.

"Ready--" the referee continued.

Huo Ran raised his ears and rushed out at the moment the firing of the gun started.

The one on the right obviously felt slower than him, but the one on the left was similar to him, and he did not pull away after rushing out for more than ten meters.

There were shouts all around, and he couldn't bother to judge, staring at the front to control the rhythm and rush forward.

"Horan!" Kou Chen's voice suddenly came from a little bit to the left. "Come on! Come on!"

Huo Ran was a little confused, wasn't this man at the starting line?

He glanced at Yu Guangli and was shocked to find that Kou Chen was running side by side with their group, and the speed was actually slightly faster!

I fuck?

"Pay attention to the rhythm!" Kou Chen shouted again, "save energy!"

Huo Ran was a little speechless.

To shut up! It hurts self-esteem.

A non-participant, who runs a little faster than them, can still yell at his head ...

In the final sprint phase, Huo Ran adjusted his breathing, accelerated sharply, and flung off the one on the left who had been biting him tightly, leaving Kou Chen behind him.

When they crossed the line, they heard the roar of their class.


The first few sounds I still heard were called his name, and after he crossed the line, he became a roar.

He rushed out more than ten meters before he stopped. As he was panting, Xu Zhifan came over and patted his shoulder: "Have you tried your best?"

"Should not have, I will shake off the second fear that he will catch up with me." Huo Ran said.

I also want to get rid of Kou Chen, if this person crosses the line first, then it is really amazing.

"You are 0.1 faster than Liu Yu." Xu Zhifan said.

"That's it!" Jiang Lei jumped over. "Liu Yu is finished!"

"Be quiet, want to fight?" Xu Chuan whispered.

The girls from the logistics department came over, and immediately squeezed them aside, handed him towels and water, and another Chase praise and encouragement, cheering!

After a bunch of girls shouted excitedly and walked away, Huo Ran saw Kou Chen slowly come over, with a happy smile.

"Should you report 100 meters?" Huo Ran said, rubbing his face symbolically with a towel, not much sweat.

"I should all report." Kou Chen gossiped.

"Get out," Huo Ran said.

"Really," Hu Yi said with a smile, "how do I think Kou Chen almost came first in this group."

"That's not true, I can't move behind," Kou Chen humbled once in a century, "I looked at it. If I were in this group, I would be the third."

"You save a little energy, it will be 400 in a while." Xu Zhifan said.

"It's okay," Kou Chen didn't care. "Let them go."

Huo Ran glanced at him, feeling that this neuropathy was really capable of this kind of thing, so he couldn't help reminding him: "Don't play big enough to make it to the finals. The track will be 400 meters in total.

"Are you going to run with me for a while?" Kou Chen whispered suddenly on his shoulder and asked quietly.

"Fairy, please forgive me," Huo Ran startled. "I'm not as good as your physical strength, and my stamina has always been poor, so I'm better."

Kou Chen gave a snorting sound, which seemed a little disappointed, but after another second he raised an eyebrow: "Are you afraid that you will be embarrassed when you accompany me to run around?"

"... One lap in total." Huo Ran suddenly felt a little worried. "You remembered, you ran a lap in total."

"Keep it in mind, you're waiting for me at the end," Kou Chen thought for a while, "No, then you can't cheer me in the middle ... or if you run a cross, you're super close ..."

Huo Ran interrupted him: "I'll run with you."

"What to do if I can't keep up." The expression on Kou Chen's face rose instantly, and a smile appeared.

"I can't catch up, I'll run to the cross," Huo Ran said.

"What to do if I do n’t have the energy to run the 100m final in the afternoon." Kou Chen asked again.

"No, I can't keep up with you doesn't mean I can't run." Huo Ran sighed.

"It's okay to keep up," Kou Chen was very happy. "I know you'll be behind."

Huo Ran smiled and said nothing.

He had never run with anyone, and the reason why he agreed to Kou Chen was only to see a little disappointment before Kou Chen was not so obvious.

If he didn't look at Kou Chen, he would never know that a person like Kou Chen would have that moment.

Little poor child.

For Kou Chen, the ranking is not the pressure. After the pressure, he still has a 1000-meter final to run, so the powerful opponents gave up the 400 meters.

Huo Ran thinks that Kou Chen pretends to have been installed in the gene, so both projects are reported together.

For people in the class, it feels different. After all, in the eyes of others, Kou Chen is awesome.

Huo Ran and their group stood at the starting point and looked at Kou Chen. The man smiled at them with ease, and many girls raised their mobile phones.

"Control the speed and retain some strength!" Xu Chuan reminded him.

"Look at the mood." Kou Chen said.

"Fuck," Huo Ran said.

"The player is in place!" The referee shouted.

Huo Ran moved his ankle, Xu Zhifan looked at him: "You accompany him?"

"Um." Huo Ran nodded.

"You two want these girls crazy." Xu Zhifan said.

Huo Ran glanced at him: "What?"

"Please start your performance." Xu Zhifan patted his shoulder.

The starting gun rang, and Kou Chen rushed out. Huo Ran didn't bother to think about it and ran out.

Kou Chen didn't run first, he was at the end of the first 100 meters, the few people who ran in front didn't care about the rhythm at all, and he rushed forward. Inexperienced people are like this. It's fast, no matter how long there is behind.

Fortunately, Kou Chen didn't pretend in this matter, and sat firmly on the throne of the last place.

He turned and smiled at him.

"Run your laugh." Huo Ran said.

"Hee hee," Kou Chen said, turning his head and running last.

Two hundred meters away, Huo Ran looked at the distance, and now you can bite a bit, don't pull away too far.

However, Kou Chen obviously did not accelerate, and continued to maintain a distant backward state.

The whole class roared at the end.

"Watch the distance," Huo Ran couldn't help reminding.

"Play for you," Kou Chen said.

"No," Huo Ran refused decisively. "Please be calm."

Kou Chen laughed.

"Can't catch up in a while!" Huo Ran knew how he wanted to play. This forced each school to be installed every year, especially when the opponent was not strong. Many, he felt that at the rhythm of Kou Chen, more than a hundred meters behind him could never catch up.

"Gone." Kou Chen said suddenly.

Before Huo Ran responded, Kou Chen suddenly accelerated forward.

There was a sudden noise on both sides of the runway.

Just a preliminary round! Huo Ran speeded up to the finish line. As for shouting like this!

But looking at Kou Chen all the way, he reached the third in a distance of less than 50 meters. He still couldn't help but whispered, "I fuck!"

In the final 50 meters, Kou Chen surpassed his opponent at the front, leading the line by two or three meters, and was immediately buried by the crowd.

When Huo Ran ran to the finish, Kou Chen just squeezed out of the excited crowd and shook a towel that the girls had just given him.

"How," Kou Chen came over, "can't catch up."

"Don't play like this for 1,000 meters," Huo Ran said. "It's all cattle. You will be the last one if you want to play this way. 1000 meters is the final."

"I know," Kou Chen smiled, with his arms stretched out and hung on him, "You don't have to run with me for 1,000."

"Walk well," Huo Ran said.

"No." Kou Chen hung on him and went to Xu Zhifan's side.

Huo Ran had already reflected what Xu Zhifan said before. Now, the countless girls' gazes swept back and forth between them without any concealment.

"Both are watching us." Kou Chen whispered into his ear.

"Yes," Huo Ran said, "you hold on tighter, and see more people."

Kou Chen smiled and said nothing.

Huo Ran suddenly felt a little nervous. He was afraid to hear Kou Chen speak.


That would be wonderful.

"Drink water?" Xu Chuan shook them with a bottle of drink in front.

"Drink!" Kou Chen responded, loosening his arm on his shoulder, and then touched his face again, then ran to take the drink bottle in Xu Chuan's hand.

Huo Ran sighed.

There are no more of them in the following preliminaries, and everyone has temporarily returned to their class position.

Huo Ran and their group of people sat in the top row of the stands. Except for him, everyone was leaning against him. Kou Chen lay down in three positions by himself, his head resting on his leg.

"Of course," said Kou Chen, "you're going to jump high in a while, right?"

"Huh." Huo Ran responded, looking at the high jump field over there. There were many people participating in the high jump, and they were divided into the grade group.

"Then I can't keep up with 1000 meters, right?" Kou Chen asked.

"I don't know," Huo Ran glanced down at him. "Don't you want me to run away?"

"Then you cheer me up, Chuan said that one stop at 50 meters, the relay will cheer me on." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran smiled and turned to look at Xu Chuan them.

"Humanities seeds," Xu Chuan said, "there are eight kindergarten classes in two grades, just such a kind of tinder. Just when I heard Wu Xiaochen said, all the liberal arts classes come to cheer."

"I rely," Huo Ran was a little surprised, "Is Tinder last year treated like this in a big battle?"

"How could there be a kind of fire last year," Jiang Lei said. "Is it possible to extinct 1,000 meters in the liberal arts class last year?"

"... so weak." Huo Ran sighed and looked down at Kou Chen again, "Kou all kinds."

"Ah." Kou Chen responded.

A few people burst into laughter.

Kou's various 1000-meter finals are almost the same as the sophomore high jump. The high jump venue is not far from the starting point. When Huo Ran signed in, he looked over there and Kou Chen was already standing there.

Next to him is last year's 1000m champion, Zhou Haichao.

In addition, there are two high school sciences who do not know how many classes can't be named anyway. These two seem to be quite good last year. The most out-of-the-box are high school students. They are sports students at first sight. However, Huo Ran was worried for Kou Chen.

He was the first to jump after signing in, and couldn't run any further to cheer Kou Chen for the opening, but could only stare there.

Kou Chen waved his hand at him, he waved quickly, made a cheering mouth, and did not know if Kou Chen could see clearly.

"Horan." The referee called his name.

Huo Ran raised his hand.

The referee said the starting height, he didn't pay too much attention, and just wanted to jump quickly to see the situation on Kou Chen's side, the starting gun over there suddenly sounded.


Huo Ran felt that he was probably too involved, and somehow pressed the sound of the starting gun and rushed out. When he jumped up, he saw Kou Chen who had already rushed out of the starting line.

The initial height was not difficult, so when he crossed the crossbar, he still looked over there.

Kou Chen turned his face suddenly, put his hand to his mouth, and whistled at him.

The whistle blew so loudly that he could hear in the sound of cheering.

When he fell on the cushion, he didn't even think about it. He put his finger to his mouth quickly and returned a whistle.

There was a scream of laughter and laughter from the girls behind them, and then a few boys whistled like a whistle, just like an infection. Within a few seconds, the whistle was all around.

Huo Ran ran off the mat, and in the interval between the others, took a short approach and rushed over to the runway, yelling at Kou Chen who ran over with Xu Zhifan's first few cheers: "Come on! Kou Chen Come on! "

Kou Chen ran with a smile, and raised his hand and flew a kiss at him.

"Go!" Huo Ran scolded, "Come on! Kou various!"

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow [┐ '_' ┌]. 2k novel reading network

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