Qing Kuang
Chapter 37 Table of contents

The final result of the high jump is the same as Kou Chen judged. The first place really broke the record. The freshman in high school was one centimeter away. It is estimated that the record will be broken in the next year.

Huo Ran took a second and failed to fulfill the guarantee that Kou Chen gave Lao Yuan indiscriminately.

However, the Sevens believe that this high jump score can be considered the first.

"After all, it's not a sports student, is it right?" Jiang Lei said. "And Huo Ran looks better than that sports student."

"Reasonable." Xu Zhifan nodded.

"Yes, this is very reasonable," Wei Chaoren said. "In such a calculation, Kou Chen would break the 1,000-meter record. After all, he left the sportsman behind."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

From the playground to the cafeteria, I will pass the medical point. An ambulance next to the hospital parked next to the playground. Tao Rui and a doctor are disinfecting a boy who broke his knee, arm and chin.

"Where!" Tao Rui asked with a smile when he saw them.

"Go to the toilet," Xu Chuan answered.

"Really?" Tao Rui looked at him. "You go to the bathroom. Don't eat if you have the ability."

Several people laughed, Xu Zhifan slap on Xu Chuan's back: "Let's go to the cafeteria to rest."

"Sister, are you going?" Kou Chen asked.

"No, are you stealing food?" Tao Rui came over and whispered, "I don't like to barbecue or anything. Bring me some drinks with me and these doctors and sisters when I come back, get them at school. A box of water came over, but I wanted to drink Vita lemon tea. "

"OK." Xu Zhifan nodded.

"Get money for you," Tao Rui said, "by the way, please have a drink."

"Don't," Xu Chuan stopped, "we have money, you can drink a Vita, can we not afford it?"

"Yo," Tao Rui smiled. "Then you invite me to drink with some doctors and sisters."

Several people promised to go down, and just before leaving, Xu Chuan suddenly touched Xu Zhifan's arm and raised his chin.

They looked over there together.

Next to the playground is the gymnasium. A man stands under a row of trees near the gymnasium wall.

"I--rely." Several people sighed at the same time.

"Why is he here again?" Kou Chen looked at Tao Rui.

"Regardless of him," Tao Rui frowned. "I don't know what he is going to do."

"How is he doing to you?" Xu Chuan asked.

"No, just follow," Tao Rui said. "Okay, you don't need to worry about it, just go and bring us a drink after eating."

Tao Rui stopped them, and they didn't do anything. Several people glared over there and walked far away before they recovered their eyes.

"Is this person sick?" Jiang Lei said, "I'm not scolding someone, so I think he's sick?"

"Maybe," Huo Ran glanced back again. "If you are not sick, what do you want?"

"Map the money," Kou Chen said.

"What money does a school doctor have?" Hu Yi said.

"You don't know now, Tao Rui's shoes are from Grandma Xiang, she has four pairs of the same color," Kou Chen said, "more defeated than my sister."

"Who is Granny?" Hu Yi asked.

"... It's my grandma." Kou Chen glanced at him.

"The key is that Tao Rui doesn't want to ignore him. How long has it been? Haven't you understood?" Wei Chaoren said.

"There are so many people who can't distinguish between harassment and affection," Xu Zhifan said. "He may not be touched by him at this moment, maybe Tao Rui is ruthless and cold-blooded."

"He needs a teacher like Lao Yuan to bring him back to the furnace." Kou Chen stretched his waist.

"Let Lao Yuan be wrapped up in armor," Huo Ran said.

There are several people in the cafeteria, who are playing cards or chatting. They are all people who have not participated in the project and are not interested in watching the game.

"Auntie," Kou Chen ran to the kitchen door. "Let's go."

"Go out, the cook can't come in," an aunt came out and shoved him. "I'll get it to you in a while."

"Thank you," Kou Chen took a few bottles of drink from the freezer. "Should lemon tea be delivered now?"

"Yes." Xu Zhifan and Xu Chuan passed at the same time, took out all the lemon tea in the freezer, and carried away with their clothes.

"Huo Ran," Jiang Lei squeezed beside Kou Chen and whispered, "Are you familiar with Lu Huan?"

"Unfamiliar." Kou Chen answered decisively.

Jiang Lei stared at him.

"What do you want to say, find her yourself." Kou Chen said.

"... how do you know I'm going to tell her something?" Jiang Lei froze.

"You look at your longing," Kou Chen said.

"Isn't it a fun game at the end of this year? The three are two-legged," Jiang Lei said. "You can combine freely. I want to find her."

"Is it a little late?" Huo Ran said, "Lu Huan is chased by a lot of people. You will play tomorrow and you haven't found her yet?"

"Then I'm out of play?" Jiang Lei was suddenly very worried.

"Don't turn around and let people talk, you should go to her now," Kou Chen said, "directly ask her if she wants to participate."

"Was she going to join someone else?" Jiang Lei asked.

"Ah," Kou Chen looked annoyed. "Then you say go and cheer for her in the afternoon. If she doesn't want to participate, let her cheer for you in the afternoon, and then let ... Superman accompany you to attend.

"I fuck," Jiang Lei stood up. "You know it."

"Bring a few bottles of drink," Kou Chen pushed a few bottles of iced black tea to him, "Give her a bottle, and you two can stand and drink while chatting, if there are her friends nearby, give them all A bottle, then leave. "

"Why?" Jiang Lei was confused, "Aren't you chatting with me a few words?"

"Give them some time to discuss your time, you have been standing there, how did she discuss silly with her friends," Kou Chen waved at him, "quick off."

"Thank you." Jiang Lei ran out of the cafeteria with a few bottles of drinks.

Huo Ran looked a little shocked at Kou Chen.

"Why." Kou Chen looked at him.

"You said you never chased a girl?" Huo Ran stared at him.

"I haven't chased it," Kou Chen said, whispering, "I really like someone, just stand and brush your face."

"Where's your face?" Huo Ran said, "A person like you who has never been shameless ..."

"Beep," Kou Chen suddenly touched with his **** on the tip of his nose. "Handsome."

Huo Ran stared at him.

"Beep, the balance is 300 million." Kou Chen said.

Opposite Wei Chaoren smiled on the table, and backhand pressed Hu Yi, who was playing with his mobile phone, "Beep."

"Insufficient IQ, please recharge in time." Hu Yi quickly answered.

"I fuck." Wei Chaoren shuddered.

Several people laughed suddenly.

Huo Ran looked at Kou Chen, who was laughing upright.

Kou Chen is indeed Zhang Shuai card, not only handsome, but in the interplay of pretending to be true, his appeal is not only from his face.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to growl with others because he cheers him up to now, and he will not stand up with excitement because he crosses the line.

When he cheered for Kou Chen, he was as sincere as those who shouted "Sister loves you".

Kou Chen smiled halfway and suddenly turned to look at him.

"... Huh?" Huo Ran quickly withdrew his thoughts and looked at him.

Kou Chen didn't speak and blinked at his left eye.

Huo Ran chuckled for a few seconds and laughed: "Don't pretend to be cute."

"I'm not cute, I'm winking," Kou Chen said, "you think I'm cute."

Huo Ran looked at him and nodded for a long time: "OK."

Jiang Lei's mother brought a lot of barbecues, but I do n’t know why she just made up and did n’t have any fun. When the sisters of the cafeteria ate together, they did n’t eat it. In fact, half of them are gone. In order to ensure that they can have fun in the afternoon, they have to grit their teeth and not let the aunts help them to process the other half.

"It's right not to eat too much," Xu Chuan said. "You still have a match in the afternoon. In the 100 and 400 finals, Kou Chen has a triple jump."

"I want to sleep," Kou Chen said, "I want to sleep after I finish eating."

"Then you go back to the dorm to sleep?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"I want to sleep in the sun," Kou Chen looked up at the sky. "The sun is so good today."

Huo Ran had just sat down in the stands, and Kou Chen had lay down and put a pillow on his leg: "Don't move around."

Huo Ran didn't speak, and started shaking his legs frantically.

"You ~~ Damn ~~~" Kou Chen shook his voice and couldn't continue, so he sat up and looked at him, "Looking for a pump?"

"Come," Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen pushed forward without thinking, and kissed him on the face.

"Ah ..." Huo Ran felt like he was going crazy. The girls in their class and Wenwen 2 next door and their mobile phones instantly turned around. He lowered his head and pulled twice on his head. "Are you tired?"

"Then you pillow my legs," Kou Chen patted his legs. "Do you always think I'm taking advantage?"

"Can you ..." Huo Ran wanted to say if you could fall asleep like a normal person, and then turned around and saw Jiang Lei sitting on the top row of stands with his legs crossed, Wei Chaoren was directly on his next stand, directly Leaning in the middle of his legs and resting on his □□, he closed his eyes and began to sleep, “Rely on.”

Kou Chen glanced back and coughed with a smile, and spread his legs apart: "Do you want this?"

Huo Ran looked at him □□.

"Ah!" Kou Chen took a moment to quickly cross his hands forward, and said fiercely, "You'd better think twice before you start, you have to ..."

Huo Ran sighed, leaned back and closed her eyes.

Kou Chen didn't continue to talk anymore, and immediately crooked, pillowed him.

There is no game at noon, but there are always a lot of people on the playground. Everyone regards the school games as an intra-school party, eating, drinking, chatting, and many people playing on the basketball court.

Huo Ran couldn't sleep after sleeping for a while. He didn't have the habit of nap, but Kou Chen was still asleep. He could only continue to sit and took the mobile phone out and patted slowly on the playground.

For most of his childhood, he felt that school life was boring, supported by his friends.

But sometimes he also feels that those who do n’t want to take classes, those who have headaches, the teachers who like or dislike, the students who remember the name but do n’t remember the name, remember the face but not the face, are actually quite interesting, After all, this is their last campus memory before they reached adulthood, just like now.

The two girls on the left and whispered while looking at the mobile phone, and the boys on the right, playing cards under the tree, there are at least two little lovers in the middle, smiling brighter than the sun, behind ...... The boy sleeping in □□.

And Kou Chen pillowed on his leg.

Huo Ran took a picture of Kou Chen's face, and then continued to hold the mobile phone and swept slowly on the playground.

He paused as he passed the medical point.

When they returned after eating the barbecue, the ex-boyfriend was still under the tree, but the doctor and Tao Rui both went to eat and rest, and the ex-boyfriend seemed to have lost his shadow.


Or continue to follow Tao Rui?

When Huo Ran was zooming in, the two doctors returned, but did not see Tao Rui, and he felt a bit unreliable.

"Zhifan," he pushed Xu Zhifan, who was standing beside him, "sent Tao Rui a message and asked her where she was."

"What's wrong?" Xu Zhifan opened his eyes and sat up while pulling out his cell phone. "When she gave her a drink, she said that she would go to lunch at noon."

"She and the man are not there," Huo Ran said.

Xu Zhifan got up and jumped out of the stands a few steps while dialing.

Huo Ran woke up a few sleeping people, and everyone ran there.

After taking a few steps, Xu Zhifan said, "Received ... Hey? Sister?"

"How's that?" Xu Chuan asked, "is it all right?"

"Hello?" Xu Zhifan looked at the screen of the mobile phone, got two more sounds in his ear, and frowned. "No one speaks ... wait!"

"How?" Several people gathered together.

Xu Zhifan pressed the speakerphone and turned the voice to the maximum. Noise came from the earpiece, and he could hear someone faintly.

"This is ..." Wei Chaoren was a little confused.

"Look over to the sushi side," Kou Chen said immediately, "this feels quietly ..."

Before I finished speaking, a slightly clearer voice came from the earpiece. You could hear Tao Rui: "Go to the corner cafe in front. If you want to talk, just talk ..."

"Corner," Xu Chuan said, "Come out over the wall to the ghost building."

Several people turned their heads and ran back again.

There are four cafes around the school. The corner cafe is just over ten meters past the wall of the ghost building. It is a small street. This should be Tao Rui telling them. Otherwise, the shop name will not be specifically stated in general.

There was only a young couple standing near the tree listening to music together under the tree. When they ran over, they did not even turn around.

Except for Kou Chen, a few people usually estimated that there were not many over the wall, but all of them were like turning over the wall every day.

After landing, I took a few steps forward and saw Tao Rui walking with her ex-boyfriend.

"Don't shout." Xu Zhifan whispered.

When they rushed behind Tao Rui, the ex-boyfriend heard footsteps, turned his head, and immediately reached out to see Tao Rui when they saw them.

But Xu Chuan stepped forward, grabbed Tao Rui's arm, and pulled it aside.

Xu Zhifan went directly to his ex-boyfriend as a chest and shoved him hard, pushing him so much to quit.

"Don't follow me anymore," Tao Rui pointed at him. "I haven't called the police to save face for my uncles and aunts. I don't want them to know what you are doing like these neuropathy! If you do this again, I will call the police directly!"

"What did I do?" The ex-boyfriend slowly came over, his face looked very painful, "I just want to let you down, I hope you calm down and reconsider your decision! What have I done to hurt you? Call you What to say to the police? Say I follow you? "

"You haven't done yet? Are you **** harassing you? Do you understand? Are you hurried by Jiuyi? Are you mentally handicapped!" Huo Ran was speechless.

"Back to school first," Xu Zhifan said, "Don't tell him, it doesn't make sense."

When several people were walking back to protect Tao Rui, the ex-boyfriend yelled, "Tao Rui! Think clearly!"

"I think very clearly!" Tao Rui said irritably, "I will call the police again if you do this again!"

The ex-boyfriend didn't speak, and rushed over.

Huo Ran walked at the end of the team. He was Kou Chen in front of his left, and several people surrounded Tao Rui forward. The ex-boyfriend rushed towards Tao Rui directly.

"Kou Chen!" Huo Ran shouted, originally intended to remind Kou Chen that Kou Chen's force value was not afraid of this level of attack.

But the next second he saw a little metal toy in his ex-boyfriend's hand flash.

When he jumped behind and blocked Kou Chen, he felt like his speed was lightning.

Please call me Flash.

His appearance was too sudden, the ex-boyfriend did not stop, hit him, and wiped his hands over his side.

When Kou Chen turned and supported Huo Ran, he only heard him say, "He has something in his hand!"

"Dead to Lao Tzu!" Kou Chen pulled Huo Ran back by one hand, and kicked him as a chest against his ex-boyfriend.

The ex-boyfriend fell to the ground, and the things in his hands fell to the ground.

It was actually a nail file.

When everyone was a little stunned because they saw something like "he has something in his hand", the ex-boyfriend jumped up and covered his chest and turned to run.

"Are you all right?" Kou Chen turned to Huo Ran and snarled.

"... Fuck." Huo Ran was startled by him, touching his waist, and found a torn hole in the t-shirt. He opened his clothes again and saw a blood stain on his waist.

It should be scratched.

Nail files actually have this ability.

"I fuck!" Kou Chen saw the blood at a glance, grabbed his arm and slumped, "Are you **** sick, do you block a fart!"

Huo Ran had been carried by him before returning to God, and when he responded, he had already run out for more than ten meters.

"Ah!" He shouted, "Kou Chen! Put me down! I'm not hurt!"

"It's bleeding!" Kou Chen said as he ran.

"No, it's broken!" Huo Ran patted him on the shoulder, then turned his head again, and looked at Tao Rui who was running after him and a group of them. "I fuck, Don't be ashamed, let me down! "

"Let me take a look at the wound first!" Tao Rui shouted. "I'll take a look first and see if I can deal with it first!"

Kou Chen finally stopped, Huo Ran jumped off his back, lifted his clothes, and showed everyone: "If you see it, you're broken. You don't see it for a while now you can scar. "

Tao Rui bent down and gave a long sigh of relief: "Frightened me, scared me, it's broken skin, just disinfect it in a moment ... you hear me say the location should tell other teachers, call the police It ’s okay, why do you come here by yourself? You ca n’t do it next time. It scares me. My legs are soft.

"Really?" Kou Chen took a look at his shoulder and let out a sigh of relief, but he did not straighten for a long while bending down.

"Horan," Xu Chuan stretched his hands and squeezed on his shoulders, "enough."

Kou Chen stood up and stared at him, then hugged him a few seconds later.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow. Smile.jpg2k novel reading network

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