Qing Kuang
Chapter 52 Table of contents


Kou Chen's letter made Huo Ran lie beside the bed for five minutes and laughed a little.

Although the letter was short and the words were naive like a schoolboy, he could be sure that it was written by Kou Chen seriously, and he could feel that Kou Chen loved his dad, and Kou Chen loved his son, just Like Kou Chen said, different models cannot understand each other, or Kou Chen can try to understand, but Kou Chen is difficult to understand Kou Chen because of some stubborn "I am your father" idea.

At this point, Huo Ran felt that his parents were much more enlightened.

Although their enlightenment may be based on the tragedy of the past, after all, they strive to grow up in an environment that has no requirements and is loose enough to be envied by many people. This seemingly "no matter what" Behind it is the huge effort of mom and dad.

-I've grown up, and I can slowly appreciate your concerns about my generosity. For me, this is also a kind of pressure. In fact, I can take on more things than you think. Hope you guys Can relax and be happy

This is the central idea in Thaksin. By this comparison, his letter and Kou Chen's letter are completely different.

"You **** grew up in a honeypot." Kou Chen stood under a tree at least one hundred meters away from the classroom building in their class, watching the parents coming.

"What's wrong," Huo Ran asked.

"No complaints to your parents," Kou Chen glanced at him. "My dad definitely wants such a good son."

"Your dad also cares about you," Huo Ran said. "You can feel it yourself, but the way is not acceptable. There are too many parents like this."

"There are too few teachers like Lao Yuan." Kou Chen said.

"Are you going to listen to it later?" Huo Ran asked.

"Don't listen, go to the cafeteria for a chat," Kou Chen said, thinking about adding another sentence, "go after a few words."

Xu Zhifan's father did not come to the parent meeting and went to the police station. A few of them planned to go to the cafeteria to chat after the parent meeting started, saving Xu Zhifan from feeling depressed.

They did n’t know if Auntie Hu ’s family had reported the case. Xu Zhifan ’s father reported the case last month, and there has been no progress. Now Auntie Hu woke up, his dad went again, still thinking about the police to ask maybe he could Ask something.

"I trust, my dad is here." Kou Chen quickly hid behind the tree.

"What to hide?" Huo Ran glanced at him. "Isn't he already aware of your grades and already mocked?"

"I don't know," Kou Chen leaned behind the tree. "I want to hide when I see him."

"Are you afraid he hit you? Or scold you?" Huo Ran looked over there, and Kou was like a triad in a private interview, and went to the teaching building while talking to a parent who did n’t know.

"He wouldn't beat me out and scold me," Kou Chen said.

"Then you hide," Huo Ran said. "He went into the building."

"I don't know why to hide," Kou Chen poked his head from behind the tree, and then "just wanted to hide. I think that people of our age, especially boys, are mostly embarrassed to be with their parents. I still Try to avoid meetings. "

"I don't." Huo Ran whispered.

"So we complement each other," Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran thought for a while, but didn't want to understand how this complemented each other.

Parents arrived, Lao Yuan and Wu Xiaochen took a box and went into the building.

Xu Zhifan Xu Chuan several of them came out of the office building and beckoned here.

"Go up and listen to one ear first," Xu Zhifan said.

"OK." Several people nodded.

When I went upstairs, I found that all the students outside of the classroom were in their class. I usually had a parent-teacher meeting and hid out one by one. It would be more beautiful if I didn't go back all night. This time, almost the whole class was crowded at the door and stood on the stairs. Many, there are students in other classes.

"Every time your class is independent," someone said.

"Envy." Jiang Lei didn't know who asked, and he casually answered when he squeezed upstairs.

"When you encounter a complaint from an incomprehensible parent, you old Yuan will have trouble." Another said.

"Speak carefully," Xu Chuan said, "who is the curse?"

"Hurry up!" Wei Chaoren looked at the people next to him fiercely. "Whoever said that, fast fucking!"

"Well," Wen 2 said a boy a few times, "OK, so superstitious."

"Say others don't care, talk about Lao Yuan." Wei Chaoren said.

The group of seven crowded to the door.

The classroom door was wide open, and the parents were filled with the classroom. At the end of the classroom, the director took the chair as usual and sat with some teachers to listen.

Although the director always keeps his face forever, whoever looks at him is afraid, but every time Lao Yuan is going to play a "moth moth", he will agree, and he will come over for fun ... No, watch.

Lao Yuan did not stand on the podium, but walked back and forth in the classroom, sending letters to parents in person, Wu Xiaochen holding the box containing the letter behind him.

"Today's parent meeting, in fact, has little to do with the students," Lao Yuan said slowly to the parents, "I emphasized before, except for special circumstances, please be sure, must let parents come to participate , Because this is a true parent-teacher meeting, it is a real exchange between teachers and parents. The process of communication is not carrying your children to say whether they are right or wrong ... "

"Please don't open it first." Wu Xiaochen gently reminded parents.

"As for the result of the exchange, it is definitely not for you to go back and show off your children," Lao Yuan said. "It is not for you to go back and scold the children for the reason that your teacher said." The purpose of this exchange is twofold. ... "

Lao Yuan returned to the podium after sending all the letters, and stretched his arms up on the podium. He swept around the face of the confused parents below: "One, learn to respect, these letters are from the children for me, for Your trust is only written down. They can speak freely in the letter. They may be happy, complaining, or even exaggerated. The reason to write these things is because of trust, so I hope that parents can live up to their trust and return. They respect, please keep the owner of the letter in your hand, that is their precious heart. "

Parents in the classroom were quiet, some looked at the letter in their hands, some looked at Lao Yuan, and some thoughtfully, but none of them opened the letter in advance.

"Second, learn to really understand your children," Lao Yuan continued. "The letters in your hands, their masters, may be the 'other's children.' He may not be happy in the letter, and he may There are many depressions and dissatisfaction. Their master may be the kid who will let you say 'Don't play with that kind of person'. He may be funny and humorous ... everything is unknown, everything is possible, this This is your child. I hope that parents will join me and from today and from now on, try to give up your height of being a parent and use your child's vision to understand the child. "

After a brief period of silence, someone in the classroom applauded, followed by an applause.

"Today, the parents of three classmates were unable to attend because of something, so the three extra letters will be opened by me, the director, and Teacher Sun," Lao Yuan stepped down from the podium and gave the two letters to the director and the primary school. Mr. Sun, "In addition, if any parents have doubts about the contents of the letter, please talk to me individually. The form of reading the letter is to burn it after reading it. Ms. Wu Xiaochen will retract the letter at the end. Thank you for your cooperation. "

After Lao Yuan announced that he could start to open the letter, the parents in the classroom lowered their heads and started to open the letter. They were very quiet and could only hear the sound of a small piece of paper.

"I fuck, I seem to see my letter." Jiang Lei whispered.

"Which parents got it?" Huo Ran asked.

"I don't know," Jiang Lei said. "Looking at the pretty aunt, my mother scolded me for throwing me toys in that letter. I have been remembering this for more than ten years, and I can probably remember it for a lifetime."

Huo Ran turned his head and stared at the back of his dad. Usually his mother usually held a parent-teacher meeting, but after hearing that this was the case, Dad urged to join.

At this moment dad was watching the letter of the classmate who didn't know which one was in his hands. He could see that the letter was very long and densely filled with two sheets of paper.

After Dad watched for a while, Huo Ran could see him smile from his side.

Kou Chen's expression was not the same, he also took it seriously, but frowned, only a few lines in the letter, but he kept looking at it repeatedly.

The students crowded outside the door were also very quiet, staring at the parents inside.

A few minutes later, an aunt suddenly lay on the table, and after a while her shoulders began to shake gently.

"My mother," Tang Wei said, "I don't know whose letter I saw ... I'm not happy to see whose children."

Then a few mothers lowered their heads and wiped their eyes with their hands. Huo Ran even saw a few dads wiping their eyes at a fast speed.

Maybe it was infected by the scene in the classroom, and the classmates outside started to cry.

Compared with their parents, they cry much more presumptuously, all with a voice, and some people blow their noses recklessly. After a while, the classroom was full of tears inside and outside.

Huo Ran felt a bit magical.

Maybe those words of Lao Yuan, maybe this kind of atmosphere, the parents inside saw the crying words of these crying children outside and touched now, it is more effective than many reasons.

Maybe after today, more than half of the parents will return to their original state, and the remaining half will be touched for a few months, half and half. Trying to understand one year and a half, and finally really start There may be very few parents trying to change their minds, but this time the parent meeting is quite meaningful anyway.

Huo Ran didn't cry. Compared to many classmates, he didn't have a reason to cry, such as Kou Chen ...

He turned his head and immediately saw Kou Chen's red eyes.

"Sincerity?" He suddenly remembered those words on Kou Chenxin, and suddenly felt a little bit sour, and reached out and patted him on the back of Kou Chen.

"You're nasty," Kou Chen whispered, his voice carrying a heavy nasal sound, but the tears in his eyes soon disappeared.

After all, maintain a cool, handsome, and playable image.

The group of seven went to the cafeteria before the parent meeting ended.

"It's terrible," Jiang Lei said. "My mother hasn't brought the paper yet. Fortunately, the mother who didn't know later gave her a piece of paper, or she wouldn't even have a nose.

"What's your point?" Xu Chuan laughed.

"I think so," Wei Chaoren said, "the point should be, at least this final exam, we will not be beaten because of our results, we can have a solid year."

"It makes sense," Xu Chuan patted his shoulder. "Fortunately, there is no need to make up for the test, or I wonder if your dad can move you to make up the test results, and how to hide after a bunch of failures."

"If my dad gives me a good face," Wei Chaoren waved his arm, "I can pass Xu Zhifan if I eat it."

Xu Zhifan glanced at him: "Dare you."

"This bully," Wei Chaoren put Xu Zhifan on his shoulder, "you didn't participate in the final exam, how do you feel?"

"Cool." Xu Zhifan smiled.

Xu Zhifan was able to laugh, and several people were very emotional. There was a lot of things at home, the exam was not taken, and the parents' meeting did not come with parents ...

"I asked my sister to buy a ticket. You gave me your credentials, and my sister bought them all together." Kou Chen held the mobile phone and hung on Huo Ran while walking.

"Did you tell your parents?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"Speaking, saying to travel with you guys, do n’t wait for me to eat New Year's Eve if you can go back to the New Year," Kou Chen said, "you can't educate me collectively and let them down."

Several people laughed.

"Should we be back years ago," Huo Ran said, "It's still more than half a month, and we don't really go on a trip. How about some news if you look for someone?"

"Li Ling sent me a message in the morning," Xu Zhifan said, "I thought about telling you a while."

"What did you ask?" Kou Chen asked.

"Aunt Hu is in a very poor state and didn't say too much, but this is not the kind of gang that restricts personal freedom," Xu Zhifan said, "the brainwashing kind."

"I fuck," Huo Ran said, "how about your mother?"

"The two of them are not together. She came back because the person who brought her was forcibly tied back by her family," said Xu Zhifan. "Aunt Hu has no money when he comes back. I want to pull Uncle Li to get the money before continuing. She wasn't allowed to go out at home before she took the medicine. "

Several people froze.

"Then your mother might have been brainwashed?" Huo Ran asked.

"It's possible," Xu Zhifan said. "The good thing now is that if this is the case, we have a better chance of finding her because it won't be locked up and the action will be relatively free. The bad thing is ... Never come back ... "

"Tie it back," Kou Chen said, "I found someone to call the police. Did she say who brought it to whom? I want to know, who the **** is going to go first!"

"A classmate of Aunt Hu, that person is still over there." Xu Zhifan said.

"I fuck!" Kou Chen scolded, turned and walked towards the school gate, "I **** kill the idiot Li now!"

"Kou Chen! Kou Chen!" Huo Ran grabbed him, "Are you focused? Don't you talk to talk to Zhifan's mother, is there any priority?"

"It's not too late to leave after hitting people!" Kou Chen said, "I **** him first and went to the hospital to accompany his mother, and I'll go find someone!"

"You will be advanced after the fight." Xu Chuan also held him back.

"In the form of sausage." Xu Zhifan said.

Several people gathered around a table in the cafeteria and discussed with a mobile phone map.

Kou Xiao helped them book their tickets and set off the day after tomorrow.

Kou Chen held the mobile phone around and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" Huo Ran touched him with his arm.

"My dad especially loves to remember that year," Kou Chen said softly. "I remember all kinds of things about his high school classmates."

"... Old." Huo Ran said.

"I used to think that Kou was entering old age," Kou Chen said. "I suddenly felt that maybe it wasn't. You said, if we are not students, we are not so impulsive. Do you? A group of people just ran to find someone. "

"I don't know. Look at friendship." Huo Ran thought about it.

"I find it difficult, not to mention anything else, if you go to work and you're married," Kou Chen said, "it's really difficult."

"Um." Huo Ran looked at him.

"So I was thinking, this winter vacation, what we are doing," Kou Chen reached out and rubbed on his leg, "I just remember it for a lifetime, no matter how many teenagers, what happened, I will Forget it, I must have always said that when I was in high school, I did a particularly good job with a boy who was very cute and beautiful.

Huo Ran did not speak, still looked at him.

After a while, he raised his hand and patted his face, and nodded: "I agree, I should do the same."

"Can you pay attention to the impact," Jiang Lei looked at them, "here's the business."

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow ╰_╯. 2k novel reading network

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