Qing Kuang
Chapter 56 Table of contents


"What's laughing, funny?" Kou Chen looked at him, and then looked down at his legs, "I rely on, you see, hit the sand to ... hit ..."

He stooped down his calf all the way up to feel how high the wave hit, and he paused when he touched his knee.

... seems to be here?


Is the thigh dry?

Huo Ran couldn't stand laughing anymore, sitting on the beach and holding up to the ground with a smile on his face, his nose and bubbles were almost flying out.

"Huo Ran," Kou Chen squatted down, staring at Huo Ran who was still laughing, "You stop for two seconds and I have something to tell you."

"Explain," Huo Ran collapsed within a second or so, and asked with a smile, "Relax, I won't tell others that you are afraid of water."

"I'm not afraid of water. I went into the mountains last time, and I'm not afraid of river water." Kou Chen stared at him.

"Then you didn't go down, Kou Xiao and Lao Yang went down." Huo Ran smiled with pain and rubbed his face with his hands.

"I'm a little ... afraid of the sea," Kou Chen glanced back at the sea and the few people who were rushing wildly in the sea. "I think there is too much water."

"Have you had any unpleasant memories related to that?" Huo Ran finally managed to laugh wildly and took several deep breaths before adjusting the mood of Kou Chen who wanted to laugh at first glance.

"None, just because I think I'm drowning with so much water." Kou Chen frowned.

"I'm sorry," Huo Ran started laughing again, and he held his head with his arm for a while. "I didn't mean it, I couldn't help it, don't hit me."

"Get off, am I such an unreasonable person." Kou Chen snorted.

"Did you know a little about yourself from others?" Huo Ran asked with a smile.

"Everyone else is blind," Kou Chen said.

Several people flapping in the sea waved at them.

"Come!" Jiang Lei shouted at them, "the water is not cold!"

"I'll go for a while," Huo Ran stood up, and patted the sand on his pants. "You sit here, they want to ask, and I say your stomach hurts."

"I'm not the kind of person who just gives up when I have a stomachache," Kou Chen stood up and looked down at his leg. "I'm going too, I'm afraid of farts."

"You go to the side first," Huo Ran pointed at Langhua. "There, I can beat your feet and get used to it and move forward later."

"Where are you going, so much nonsense," Kou Chen glared, "I'll just talk about it, I'm afraid I'll let it go."

"Okay." Huo Ran nodded, took out the sealed bag given to them by the driver, put the mobile phone in his pocket, and didn't speak again, turned and walked into the sea.

Kou Chen also installed the phone, followed him, took a few steps and put his hand on his shoulder.

Huo Ran froze and looked back.

"Leave you." Kou Chen glared at him.

"Blind travel," Huo Ran said.

"Warn you," Kou Chen continued to stare at him, "I have another nonsense to press you into the water."

Huo Ran gritted his teeth so severely that he controlled himself. He didn't burst into laughter for a moment. He had to give Kou Chen a face. Now it's not just the two of them, everyone in the group of seven is watching.

He has to maintain Kou Chen's image of being cool and handsome.

No one knows that Kou Chen, who is a black boss's successor, is not only afraid of snakes, but also of sea water ... whether he is not afraid of river water, who knows, maybe he dare not use it in the bathtub at home, but dare to use sprinklers.

Oops pitiful.

When Huo Ran thought about it, he started to laugh again.

When his feet hit the water, he felt that Kou Chen stopped.

He also quickly stopped, looked aside at Kou Chen, contacted Kou Chen's reaction when he saw the snakeskin back, and he confessed: "If you want to jump to my back suddenly, you say it first, I'm afraid of me Not ready to stand still. "

"I'm going to jump with my last name." Kou Chen stared at him fiercely.

"That continues? Go a little longer?" Huo Ran asked.

"What nonsense! Go! Go where you want!" Kou Chen said coldly.

Huo Ran felt that he was still very stable. He had to change Jiang Lei. At this moment, she absolutely ran away, and it was not finished without pulling people into the waist-deep water.

He didn't run wildly, but stepped forward steadily.

That is, the group played too crazy and didn't pay much attention. They are now like a pair of blind people, one behind the other, one holding the other's shoulder, walking around.

It was easy to get into the deep thigh water.

"Just here." Kou Chen said indifferently behind him.

"... Okay," Huo Ran glanced at a few people standing in the waist-deep water. This distance was already very close, and it was the sea. When the waves came over, the water suddenly deepened a lot. Pay attention to safety.

After all, these seven people are all dry ducks.

Kou Chen's hand has been grasped on his shoulder without loosening, and Huo Ran didn't let him loose. At this moment, if there is nothing to hold, Kou Chen may feel that he will be swept away by the waves.

"The waves are coming, the waves are coming." Kou Chen whispered, tightening his hands.

Huo Ran was about to take out his mobile phone to take a few photos. When he heard the movement, he gave up the idea and put his hand in front of him: "Will you hold my hand, I will pull you."

Kou Chen quickly grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

When the waves came, a group of seven dry ducks who had not played in the sea raised their arms and shouted, "Ah-"

However, Huo Duck only vibrated his left arm, because his right arm was grabbed by Kou Duck, Kou Duck couldn't help holding his hand and vibrated. He actually needed to help people to stand in the legged water It's a shame that something is going to be discovered.

"I fuck, I'm stunned," Wei Chaoren licked his hands, and then snorted, "It's so salty!"

"Some places are said to be salty and a little bit lighter," Xu Zhifan said, "I don't know if it's true."

"Let's make an appointment again next summer," Xu Chuan said. "Go to another sea to try."

"This is okay!" Jiang Lei turned his head immediately. "I think this is good. Let's come out next summer vacation next year. We can also go to a beach every year and try it."

"Just call Operation Hai." Hu Yi.

"... Although a bit stupid," Xu Zhifan laughed, "but it sounds interesting?"

"Then it's settled," Huo Ran said.

"That's it!" Everyone snarled.

It's really interesting. Although it is not as good as eachother, it feels unexpectedly romantic.

Huo Ran turned to look at Kou Chen, and when he just wanted to talk, he found that Kou Chen was raising his arm and wanted to lick secretly.

This time, Kou Chen paused for a moment.

"Is it salty?" He whispered.

"Wait," Kou Chen looked at the person next to him, quickly put out his tongue and licked on his arm, then frowned and sipped, "It's really salty, bitter, if you are not careful Take a sip, your throat is definitely gone. "

"I rely on, is there such an exaggeration?" Huo Ran looked at his arm.

Kou Chen didn't speak, and stretched his arm to his mouth. He hesitated a moment, feeling that something was not right, but for a while, he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he took it and licked it on his arm. lick.

After licking, he was authentic, and suddenly found that the next few were watching them. Jiang Lei's face was almost disgusting and overflowed.

"Why," Huo Ran stared at him. "You can taste it, I can't taste it?"

"I taste Weier licking myself," Jiang Lei said, and looked at the hands they held. "You taste Weier licking Kou Chen ... Is Kou Chen sweeter than you?"

Huo Ran then reacted sharply to what was wrong before and why.

He didn't stop laughing, "I fuck, I didn't remember."

"Kou Chen!" Jiang Lei shouted at Kou Chen.

"Huh?" Kou Chen looked at him. "Do you want to lick too?"

"Don't lick," Jiang Lei said. "Help me think about these two days. I'll bring some gifts back to Lu Huan, and I'll fall in love!"

"You confess it," Kou Chen said, "Find a shell on the beach for a while and take a picture of it and send it to her. Look at her attitude first. If she doesn't feel at all, it's useless to chase you. Impolite and annoying. "

"Okay," Jiang Lei nodded. "Isn't it enough to draw a heart on the sand?"

"Are you sincere?" Kou Chen said, "You want to chase people. You need to work a little harder, can you have a strong sense of ceremony?"

"Xing Xing Xing, I mainly didn't want to understand. I felt like everyone was drawing with sticks," Jiang Lei said. "Why are you so careful in such things?"

"Lao Yang chased my sister for three years," Kou Chen held out three fingers to compare, "I watched him every day, and then discussed with him how to be more attentive ... I also **** There is no one to chase, or else ... "

"Ah-" Wei Chaoren suddenly shouted, "Come! Big waves! Giant! Giant waves! I rely!"

"Ah-" A bunch of people started yelling before they turned around.

Huo Ran roared and turned his head, and saw a wave that was absolutely big for the Duck Duck Party, which could wet people with their heads covered and their faces wet.

"Ah-run!" Kou Chen shouted.

"Run! Run wet!" Xu Chuan shouted with a smile.

A group of people turned around and ran to the beach.

Kou Chen can let Huo Ran see what escape is, dragging his hand and running, the speed is still very fast, the people next to him are flopping in the water while trying to move forward, so he can flop while jumping high run.

Huo Ran was dragged forward in the water.

"You slow down!" Huo Ran shouted, "I fucking! I can't get my legs so fast!"

"Raise your legs, you idiot!" Kou Chen jumped and ran.

But don't look at the water, but they are not close to the beach. The big waves chased behind them, and a group of them still stumbled in the water.

Huo Ran first saw a dark surge coming from behind him, he felt that everyone was about to be floated, and then a big wave came down from the sky, his arms rounded and his head slap.

He was stunned. This slap he didn't even have a chance to struggle. He was directly shot and kneeled. Then he felt that water was everywhere, and he could hear the sound of water flowing in his ears.

He couldn't swim, he could only hold his breath at the last minute, and stretched out his hand to make a copy before pressing his body to the bottom.

Should have caught Kou Chen's clothes, he dragged on and on.

However, it was useless. A corner of the clothing clearly did not carry such a wave. He was photographed and his hands felt the sand on the bottom of his feet, which was soft and easy to touch.

I also saw Kou Chen's feet.

Kou Chen's feet were amused, and it was estimated that they were struggling, and his toes followed their efforts and caught them in the sand.

The waves slammed their gang of dry ducks down and quickly backed back, pulling them back for a while.

When Huo Ran poked his head out of the water, he found that he was kneeling. The water had been so shallow that he should only reach his knees.

A group of them were either sitting or lying on their stomachs, coughing as soon as they showed up, and started laughing when they coughed.

After a few laughs, Xu Chuan glanced at them and burst into a louder laughter.

Huo Ran glanced forward and was surprised to find that Kou Chen was the only one in their group of seven standing.

At this moment he turned his head and looked at his arm calmly.

Huo Ran followed his gaze and saw his hand.

It turned out that it wasn't Kou Chen's clothing corner that he caught in the water.

Kou Chen's leg pants.

Beach pants have now been pulled to his calf, revealing Kou Chen's little black underwear.

"I fuck," Huo Ran quickly jumped up, grabbing the bottom of the beach pants and lifting it up, helped Kou Chen put on the pants, "I don't know ... I actually grabbed your pants?"

Kou Chen stared at him coldly, and didn't hold back and laughed after staring for a few seconds: "I really convinced you! I can't stop it! Just give birth to a **** drag! I'm afraid you will I ripped my pants! "

"You have to pull me so fast," Huo Ran couldn't smile. "I couldn't stand firmly. After another wave of waves, I immediately fell on my knees."

A group of people laughed for a long time, and they didn't laugh anymore. They were a dozen meters away from the beach, and they even landed on the shore for a long time.

"Drink something?" Kou Chen was still the only one standing after he went ashore. "There is a row of shops over there. I think there are a few decorations that are quite interesting. Would you like to eat and drink in the past?"

"No," Xu Zhifan said, "It's too far away from the sea. We are going to splash the sea, blow the sea breeze, and bask in the sun. We will pose in a variety of slaps and pose in the circle of friends. People next to me! "

"Fuck," Kou Chen took out his mobile phone, turned around and held it, bent over to get close to them, "take a group photo, get your teeth fast!"

Everyone went to him next to him, and stretched out their faces, shouting, "Hum--"

Kou Chen double-clicked several times, and then sent the photo to the group: "Then I'll buy some to drink, I'm so thirsty, what do you drink?"

"Just bring us whatever you drink, we never pick our lips when eating white food." Xu Chuan said.

"Did you pick less?" Kou Chen snorted and looked at Huo Ran again. "Go?"

"Go." Xu Zhifan helped to answer.

"Get out." Huo Ran stood up and walked with Kou Chen to the shop.

Walking from the beach to the roadside trees, Huo Ran found that they were still dripping water.

"Is this a coconut tree?" Kou Chen patted a tree next to him.

"Isn't it a palm tree?" Huo Ran said.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Kou Chen cleared his throat: "Aren't these two a thing?"

"... Go buy a drink," Huo Ran said.

"Okay." Kou Chen nodded with a smile.

After taking a few steps, Huo Ran shook his hair and shoved a drop of water. Thinking of the tragic state of being pressed in the water before, he tilted his head and looked at Kou Chen with anxiety: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay," Kou Chen thought for a while, "I just lost my attention on the water, it's all a matter of you pulling my pants and not letting go."

"I'm sorry." As soon as Huo Ran thought of the scene, he couldn't help laughing.

"I'm actually scared," Kou Chen whispered.

"Ah!" Huoran suddenly felt guilty. "Sorry, I ..."

"Not afraid of water," Kou Chen put his arms on his shoulders. "I think you're going to be carried, but I didn't fish you twice, I'm particularly afraid that you will be carried away by the waves, you know, When the wave recedes, people will be dragged into the sea. "

"Um." Huo Ran nodded.

"Fortunately, you are so **** strong, you haven't let go of your pants." Kou Chen gave him a thumbs up.

"I'll treat you," Huo Ran said. "I was scared today."

"Okay," Kou Chen pointed to the next shop, "I want to eat fried ice."

"No problem." Huo Ran walked over.

When the boss made frying ice, they sat under the parasol in front of the store and blew the sea breeze.

The wind on the ground brought a lot of sea sand, and many small shells that were thrown on the roadside. Kou Chen kept plucking them with his toes.

"Is your toes flexible?" Huo Ran said. "I just watched your feet go into the sand when I was in the water."

Kou Chen looked at him with a bit of surprise, and said for a long time: "Are you very reluctant? I pat you on the sea floor and you **** staring at my feet?"

"Unconsciously." Huo Ran thought it was funny, and he smiled at the tree in front for a while.

"But my feet are very flexible," Kou Chen pinched the small shells on the ground with his feet, and then lined up one by one with his feet, "look at it ..."

It wasn't long before the little shell on the ground was swayed by him with the word "Ran".

"This is you," Kou Chen pulled over some small shells again, and quickly put another word "Zhen", "This is me."

"Um." Huo Ran smiled and nodded. "It's really flexible."

The child at the boss's house kept watching, eating half a popsicle in her mouth, and seeing Kou Chen's words spelled out with shells, she came over and pointed: "Ran."

"Yes." Kou Chen nodded.

"Pillow!" She said again.

"Sincerity, enthusiasm." Kou Chen corrected her.

"Pillow!" She said.

Kou Chen did not continue to correct.

After eating the popsicle, the child twirled around the two characters with a stick, and then looked up at them.

"What is this, not round." Huo Ran said.

The child smiled and said nothing.

"It's a heart," the boss took the fried ice over and placed them in front of them, smiling. "There are lovers everywhere on the beach, she learned, and when she saw a word, she would draw a heart circle. "

Huo Ran laughed and took a bite of ice.

Kou Chen smiled, took out her mobile phone, and took a picture on the ground.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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