Qing Kuang
Chapter 63 Table of contents


Kou Chen was called to the office many times.

Since childhood, he has been placed in the class of undergraduates, teacher's office, director's office, and principal's office. He is familiar, but he doesn't go much after the second grade.

It wasn't that no one asked him to go, it was that he started to turn a deaf ear to such orders.

When giving face, he would walk in front of the office building and suddenly make a turn to the toilet or playground. When not giving face, the person who gave the order left before he finished speaking.

It was the first time that he was called to the director's office today and he was happy and light-footed.

The director seems to be asking for him.

No, they are.

He and Huo Ran.

Although it should be random, he would be very happy to meet anyone at the moment.

There were no people in the office building, and the director took them to the office and let them sit on the sofa.

"Drink some tea?" The director asked.

"What tea do young people drink," Lao Yuan said, "they all drink drinks."

"Oh, there are drinks," the director pointed to the refrigerator. "Coca-Cola or something, Mr. Yuan can help them get it."

Old Yuan walked over to the refrigerator in the corner of the office.

"Hey, I'll take it myself," Huo Ran bounced from the sofa, rushed to Lao Yuan and rushed to the refrigerator, "Lao Yuan, sit down."

"Thank you Coca-Cola." Kou Chen leaned very comfortably on the sofa and looked over at him. "In fact, we don't need to be so polite, Lao Yuan screams."

Huo Ran hurriedly turned to look for a supplement: "Ms. Yuan!"

Old Yuan waved his hand: "I'm awkward when I listen."

Kou Chen hehe hehe for a while.

Huo Ran took two bottles of Coke, and the director made some tea to drink with Lao Yuan.

"Are you a little bit ** here?" Kou Chen drank Coca-Cola and looked at the production date again. "I thought it was left in the Games. It looks very fresh."

"The teacher's office also has a refrigerator, and school benefits," said the director. "You can come if you want to drink, but don't tell others that it won't be available."

Huo Ran and Kou Chen laughed. Although the director did not smile when he did not scold others, he felt that they were not as fierce as they thought.

"Speak business," Lao Yuan took a sip of tea. "The two students are quite representative."

"Well," the director nodded, looking at Kou Chen and Huo Ran. "It's like this. The student union gave the school an idea about the rooftop confession."

"What is the rooftop?" Huo Ran stunned.

"Jump off the building," Kou Chen looked at him. "Do you represent the old-fashioned students? The rooftop confession is unknown?"

"Oh," Huo Ran responded, "I didn't respond at once."

"Do you think our school has nothing to do with this thing?" Lao Yuan asked, "so I can't respond?"

"Well," Huo Ran nodded, "I think it's impossible to agree, this."

"See?" Lao Yuan looked at the director. "The students have no confidence in us."

"If the school agrees to do such an activity, what kind of content do you think will appear?" The director asked.

"Confession," Kou Chen said, "There must be a lot of people I like you, after all, this thing is called a rooftop confession."

"If you go up, what would you say?" The director continued.

"I won't go up," Kou Chen said.

"Will you go up?" The director asked Huo Ran again.

"No," Huo Ran smiled. "But I will definitely see it. I want to hear what others say."

"The popular saying is to watch the lively." Kou Chen said.

The director glanced at Lao Yuan.

"Am I? I will go up," Lao Yuanzhan said, "if the teacher is allowed to go up."

"No, I don't have to ask this." The director sipped tea.

"Do you think this would be done, would the classmates welcome it?" Lao Yuan asked. "Will they have any expectations?"

"It's definitely welcome. Last year was the year before last year. Didn't you just do it once at the Eleventh Middle School? At that time, the envy of foreign schools was so enviable. Although their time was so short, they didn't let a few people go up," Huo Ran said. It is impossible to say that it cannot be said to have the prescribed subject matter. It is not necessary. It is estimated that there is no one willing to go up. "

"Well," Lao Yuan nodded. "That would be nothing more than an 'enlightened' form. It really doesn't make sense."

"Do n’t call them parents," said Kou Chen. "If you really want to do it, do n’t let parents get involved. The bottom of the parents is a pestle ... Anyway, if my dad stands down, you have prescribed me to go up. I I won't go up. "

"The idea of ​​the Student Union this time is the students themselves, say whatever they want," said the director. "Although the theme of the class in your class was limited last time, everyone likes this form, so the Student Union will propose this activity. Applications will also be considered by the school, but we must consider more, including whether offensive content will appear ... "

"It's not a schoolboy," Kou Chen's face doesn't matter. "It says confession. Isn't it stupid for you to scold someone? It's not like this. There is such a thing. Arranging some people to coax him down will be over. Fear. Then. "

The director glanced at him and laughed.

"It's interesting," Lao Yuan said, "you can't really hear that when you find other children."

"That line, let's summarize your thoughts," said the director with a smile. "You want to have such an event, but refuse parents to participate. The school is best not to limit the content and content of the shout, right?"

"Yes." Huo Ran nodded.

"Thank you to the two students," the director nodded to them. "If you have any ideas, you can give feedback to Teacher Yuan, because you have not decided whether to do such an activity at the end, so please keep it secret first."

As he walked out of the office building, Kou Chen whispered, "Hey, forget important things."

"What?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"The sealing fee is not required," Kou Chen said. "Let's keep it secret?"

"Then you go," Huo Ran stopped. "I'll wait for you here."

"Are you too boring, I'll go, you wait here?" Kou Chen said.

"Okay," Huo Ran turned and walked into the office building. "I'll go with you."

As soon as he turned around, the director just came downstairs and asked, "What's wrong? What else ..."

"No." Kou Chen grabbed the collar of Huo Ran's clothes and pulled it back, "I said to drink Cola."

"Go get it, it's fine," said the director. "Your old Yuan is still there."

"No." Kou Chen dragged Huo Ran to turn and left.

Huo Ran didn't struggle, he laughed and walked backwards.

"You're fierce." Kou Chen stopped after pulling him to the side.

"What's wrong," Huo Ran smiled and arranged his clothes. "You said I'm not with you, so I'll accompany you for the sealing fee."

"Let's go," Kou Chen said, "go to the cafeteria for a while."

There are a few student unions in the cafeteria eating, whispering together while eating.

Hu Huan and Wu Xiaochen were both there. When they saw them, they said hello.

Kou Chen bought some snacks and drinks, and found an empty table away from them with Huo Ran and sat down.

"Hu Huan doesn't even talk and usually doesn't talk," Kou Chen whispered. "Wu Xiaochen is a traitor, so happy in the circle of friends every day. It didn't even reveal a bit of tone."

"Maybe a seal fee was charged." Huo Ran said with a smile.

"Hey," Kou Chen grabbed Baodouzi and clicked. "If you can really make this rooftop roaring activity, you can let Jiang Lei go up and roar. Hu Huan, I like you!"

"He must not dare, he dare to shout Xu Zhifan I love you, he dare not call Hu Huan I like you." Huo Ran said.

"This counseling." Kou Chen smiled for a long time.

"Aren't you going to go up?" Huo Ran said.

"I have nothing to shout," Kou Chen said, "I have nothing to do with people who have to have such an opportunity to vent. I want to say what I usually say."

"Well, I don't think I have anything to shout," Huo Ran thought for a while, "but I really want to hear from others, am I too busy making fun?"

"No," Kou Chen said, "I think everyone is like this. I want to know what others are thinking. I want to invent a mind-reading machine that can definitely become the richest man in the universe."

"Fill in my campus card first, the richest man," Huo Ran said.

"Fuck," Kou Chen took out his card and threw it in front of him. "Take it."

"Empty card?" Huo Ran picked up the card and shook it.

"What are you talking about," Kou Chen said, "It's already worth recharging long ago, just waiting to eat up your card and you will be on the street."

"Neuropathy." Huo Ran laughed.

Because of the commitment to the director and Lao Yuan, they bother to not tell the Seven Team about the confession of the rooftop, just waiting for the school to announce it.

Listening to the director's intention, I actually wanted to do such an activity. After all, the secondary school has always been more "open-minded" than other schools.

After half a month, there was movement.

Wei Chaoren went to the bathroom during the second class, and was excited when he returned.

"I just watched the people from the Student Union move a big poster to the auditorium," Wei Chaoren gestured. "It's quite big. I'm looking at it two meters high, and it's not finished yet."

"What poster?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"It may be a confession from the rooftop," Wei Chaoren lay down on the table and lowered his voice. "When the wind blows, I see the words, population."

"What population?" Xu Chuan hesitated.

"Are you stupid, Brother Chuan," Wei Chaoren wrote on the paper, "rooftop, isn't the population below?"

"Suddenly IQ is so high?" Jiang Lei looked at him in disbelief.

"I have been so tall," Wei Chaoren said, "don't try to drag me into the same echelon with you."

"No," Jiang Lei said, "you are the same echelon as me now."

"Go!" Wei Chaoren stared.

"What is the rooftop confession?" Hu Yi asked.

"It's just talking on the roof of the building," Xu Chuan explained to him. "It can be something to someone, or it can be just what you want to say."

"Ah," Hu Yi thought for a while, "Let's go up and shout, can the aunt in the third window of the cafeteria not be old, and the meat will make her obliterate."

A few of them suddenly laughed and fell to the table.

The school approved the student union's application, and the school announced a rooftop confession event three days later.

As soon as the news came out, the whole school was boiling. After all, the winter vacation was too short and too busy, and everyone's excitement could not be placed. This activity received a warm response from the whole school.

This is also the most popular thing that the Student Union has done recently, so they are very motivated one by one. The posters are beautiful and the design is probably Mondrian's big powder. The poster background is bright and colorful geometric figures and The lines can be seen all the way from the outer wall of the stadium, but it is not a confession written on the roof.

It was written that I was standing on the rooftop and I had something to say.

Probably in order to allow the participants to have more room to play, but Huo Ran felt that this may be a small conspiracy of Lao Yuan, to avoid everyone being implied by these two words, too much content that makes parents uncomfortable.

"I'm standing on the rooftop," Kou Chen pointed at the poster in the distance, "I'm about to fly."

"Would you like to fly one?" Huo Ran asked.

"No," Kou Chen said, "I have been directing Jiang Leifei for the past two days. He wants to go up and shout, but he is afraid to make Hu Huan embarrassed.

"What then?" Huo Ran asked.

"Just don't say I like you directly. I can say that I admire you very much. I am very lucky to meet a girl like you," said Kou Chen. Yes, neither of them is easy to be embarrassed. "

"Kou Chen," Huo Ran looked at him in surprise, "I have a wish."

"Say," Kou Chen said, "brother will help you achieve it."

"It's just yours," Huo Ran said, "I really want to see your confession."

Kou Chen smiled and said nothing.

Huo Ran didn't speak, and imagined in his mind, Kou Chen was facing a girl ...

It seems impossible to imagine.

Somehow awkward.

This feeling he did not dare to tell Kou Chen that he would be beaten.

He felt like a little male dog that he had kept for many years, and suddenly he faced another little **** ...

"Forget it," he said, stopping his imagination in his mind and apologizing to the unknown girl who was likened to a little bitch.

"I can't help you," Kou Chen said, "I just said, you really let me go, I definitely can't ... no, no, no ..."

"I'll just say don't play your keychain on a cold day," Huo Ran said. "You can't see it now."

Kou Chen froze for a long time before staring at him: "Huo Ran, you are such a **** person that I have never seen before!"

Huo Ran laughed and coughed.

When Kou Chen couldn't say anything, he wanted to laugh.

The rooftop takeoff activity started in the second class in the afternoon. In fact, many students slipped out of the classroom to occupy the favorable terrain around the gymnasium.

Such as Xu Chuan and Xu Zhifan.

These two classmates, who are usually very stable, actually didn't come to the first class directly and sent photos in the group. They have used stripe coats to occupy the edge on the roof of the bungalow where the old sports equipment is stored opposite the gym. The flatst and cleanest place.

"I didn't call us!" Jiang Lei looked angrily at the mobile phone placed between his legs.

"They went after dinner." Hu Yi said.

"Then why don't you say that?" Wei Chaoren glared at him.

"I don't know if they are going to occupy the place," Hu Yi said. "Isn't it usually you and Jiang Lei who did this kind of violation of discipline?"

"Why do you want to exclude Kou Chen?" Jiang Lei said, "Kou Chen is the first person to violate discipline!"

Hu Yi glanced back at Kou Chen: "He is sitting here."

"I can't tell you," Jiang Lei looked around. "I fuck, haven't I gone to many people?"

Huo Ran also looked around in the classroom and found that not many people had gone. It should be that many people didn't come at all. It is no wonder that Fan Ba ​​and Xu Chuan went to occupy the place first.

"Go." Kou Chen threw his book on the table, stood up and walked out.

He took the lead, and almost everyone in the classroom stood up and walked to the entrance of the classroom.

After taking a few steps, someone glanced over to the office, startled: "I'm leaning, Lao Yuan looked?"

Everyone was shocked. Looking at it together, it really turned out that Lao Yuan was standing at the window looking at them with a tea cup. Everyone was standing in place, not knowing whether to move forward or backward.

Lao Yuan took a sip of tea, made a "hush" gesture at them, and closed the office curtain.

The people in the class rushed out of the classroom in silence and excitement. When they ran to the first floor, they found that all of them were sitting in the classroom, and Liang Mulan was standing on the podium with awe and looking at the people in the class.

"It's terrible," Jiang Lei whispered, "when they sit down and sit there, they won't even have to climb the tree."

Jiang Lei's inference was accurate. At the beginning of the second lesson, several big trees were full of people, and there were people from the student union standing next to the small tree. I was afraid that someone would not let the small tree pass.

"Today's activity, first of all, I would like to thank the school for its support, and the teachers for their enlightenment and trust in us!" The chairman of the Student Union stood on the rooftop and shouted at the railing.

"It's pretty clear," Huo Ran sat on the top of the equipment room, shaking his legs neatly with the group of seven. "I don't know if I will arrange a few cares, after all, the first few people who go up need considerable courage. what."

"Jiang Lei get on first!" Wei Chaoren said, "Just so anxious."

"Shut up," Jiang Lei shook his legs quickly, "I'm so nervous now I want to pee."

Several people were enjoying themselves. The student union over there announced the start of the activity. The students around didn't know how many floors were around, waving their arms and cheering together.

Unexpectedly, a lot of people appeared on the rooftop, so many people were not afraid to stand up first.


And when the first shouter appeared beside the roof railing, the group of seven exclaimed at the same time: "I'm leaning, what flower?"

He Hua stood with her head down and stood by the railing, clutching the railing tightly with her hand, wondering whether she was nervous or afraid.

After everyone was quiet, she didn't talk, she kept her head down as if she was reading a note.

"Asleep?" Kou Chen whispered.

At this time, He Hua suddenly raised her head, leaned against the railing, and shouted, "Kou Chen!"

"Oh fuck!" Kou Chen was startled, holding Huo Ran and hiding.

The author has something to say: Thank you for having you this year!

See you next year ⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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