Qing Kuang
Chapter 70 Table of contents

Kou Chen thought that Huo Ran just tried the size of the anklet, but after taking it, he took a few photos with his mobile phone, and played with the mobile phone and stopped moving.

"Pick it off?" Kou Chen said, "your birthday hasn't arrived yet."

"No more," Huo Ran said.

"I know, I won't change the dog's head without making a small holster," Kou Chen said, "I will give you again on your birthday ..."

"I mean I don't have to send it until my birthday," Huo Ran said. "Just wear it now."

"This **** is a birthday gift," Kou Chen said, a little dazed. "What's your birthday half a month away? What time will I give it!"

"No," Huo Ran said after thinking for a while, looking at him, "Do you think there is no sense of ceremony?"

Kou Chen glared at him, and then said, "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," Huo Ran said with a smile.

"My mother said that children can't keep things. What new clothes and new toys will be removed when you get them, you can't keep them for a second." Kou Chen said.

"I just want to wear it," Huo Ran said. "It's cool."

"Well," Kou Chen responded, looking down. Huo Ran's ankle was worn on his right ankle, and he wore his left ankle. Now he's right there together. He also took out his mobile phone and pointed at their feet. Taken a few, "Cool."

After speaking, he pulled Kou Chen's hand again, both of them still wore the bracelet of the action of licking the sea, and took a few more pictures next to each other before he put the phone back in his pocket: "Actually make leather Well, I really can't do it. I want Lao Yang to do it, it will definitely look better. "

Huo Ran smiled: "You will not be cut or smashed again."

"But the meaning is different," said Kou Chen, "he did the last twist, and that was a pleasant surprise. This time I can't let him do it for your birthday gift."

"Actually pretty, really, very special. I didn't expect to make the anklet into a tape measure, and I never thought that the words above could be written like this," Huo Ran said, only halfway to think of it and asked A sentence, "Little twist?"

"Just the little snake I gave you in the New Year," Kou Chen rubbed his nose. "I wasn't afraid of snakes. When I was young, everyone didn't talk about snakes, and said twists, small snakes are twists, so I don't fear when I listen Now. "

"Then you are Kou twisting." Huo Ran said.

"You are Huo twist," Kou Chen pointed to a few people next to him. "Hello everyone! I am Xu twist, I am Xu twist, I am Jiang twist, Wei twist, Hu twist ..." Happy New Year! "

Huo Ran smiled and applauded.

On the two days of the weekend, everyone was soaked in the gymnasium, and girls also practiced ball, but the level was negligible, or the word "level" was not used at all.

"Let ’s feel it, our girls, just go up and lose, and you can rest assured to cheer for you after elimination, is n’t it easy to arrange," Tang Wei said. OK. "

"You are not as good as Wen 3, Wen 3 does not participate in the basketball game directly." Wei Chaoren said.

"Don't participate?" Huo Ran froze and looked at Luo Feiyu. He was a sports committee member. He had previously applied for registration. "Wen 3 didn't participate? Do they still have a school basket? Don't participate?"

"Well, they reported their names last semester," Luo Feiyu said. "But a few days ago, he said that next week's competition, Liang Mulan went to cancel the registration on Friday, and said that he withdrew from the competition. The people in their class did not know until after the cancellation. . "

"I fuck, are you sick?" Kou Chen said, "This is too disrespectful, right?"

"Is Wen Wen back to the one who shouted the last time he shouted? The whole class wasn't satisfied with her," Xu Zhifan said, "Can't hang on Liang Mulan's face."

"It's possible," Xu Chuan sighed. "Then she's going to do this, the people in their class are even more dissatisfied with her, and they are not elementary school students. You are fierce and afraid of you. There will always be some people who are upset, like Kou Chen. I'll be able to turn my face on the spot. "

Everyone turned to look at Kou Chen.

Kou Chen didn't have any special expression on his face, keeping his usual pretense, cold and calm, and then smiling at the corner of his mouth.

Because Wen 3 quits, even grades draw, and there must be a class time to go directly to the next round of knockout.

Everyone wanted this opportunity. When Huo Ran went to draw by himself in the afternoon, the whole class looked at him.

"I'm so lucky that I can't win any prize," Huo Ran went out, "I'm sure I'll take the time, rest assured."

The lottery is in the conference room on the first floor of the office building. The students' union and several teachers are there, as well as the captain of each class.

Huo Ran was the last one. After he entered the conference room, a girl from the Student Union took a carton and put it on the table. Then he asked again, "Well now?

At the back of the window, someone stood up and walked to the table, Lin Wuzhen.

Lin Wuzhen belongs to the Students 'Union, but Huo Ran has no understanding of the Students' Union at all and does not know what he is responsible for.

"There are two **** of each color in it," Lin Wuzheng took the box and shook it. "The color that is the same as yours is your opponent's first match."

Then everyone started to get the ball from the box in class order.

The **** were taken out one by one, and the colors were different. Huo Ran took a black ball and felt that the color was not so beautiful.

He stared at the hand holding the ball one by one. When the last ball was taken out, he happily patted the ball to the table: "Is it empty?"

"Yes." Several members of the Student Union smiled and nodded. "You are so lucky."

"Let's bet." Lin Wuzhen took out a notebook, put it on the table, and bent down to write it up.

Several members of the Student Union and the teachers nearby responded immediately, betting one after another, and those who were drawn in the freshman year were stunned.

Huo Ran was shocked when he first saw it, but they were also very gambling. The loser was responsible for buying and eating snacks for the team members. The bigger the bet, the more they bought. Last year, someone bought eight boxes of ham at once. intestinal.

"I bought Gao Erwen 1," said Lin Wuzhen. "Barbecue and spicy bars."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Huo Ran again: "A little bit angry."

"We had no opponents in the first game," Huo Ran reminded him.

"I bought it later," said Lin Wuzhen, "you play well, and if you win, I can invite the people in your class to eat barbecue alone."

"Okay." Huo Ran smiled.

The game was held from Friday to Sunday. Since the match table was posted on Wednesday, it has been on the sidelines. Any group activities in the school are very exciting. Kou Chen feels that the atmosphere is good.

In his previous school, let alone rarely organize activities. Even when it was organized, everyone was half-dead. The teacher was holding a few people who were willing to participate, but they felt boring. The only thing that was strong was that any activity might be a fart. A meaningless look struck, whether it was a boy or a girl.

Kou Chen is looking forward to the various activities of the Middle School now. He likes the feeling that everyone laughs and laughs. Even if he has no friends here, he is willing to watch beside him.

Not to mention he now has friends, seven members, and arrogance.

"The first game was 1 and 4", Huo Ran said. "Our opponent is the team that won between the two."

"That's Li 1, Wen 4 has nothing to play. Except for fat, their class doesn't even play with fat," Kou Chen said. "Li 1's two school teams are the same as us, but the level Without us, we have a captain after all. The captain doesn't know how many tricks he still has. "

"Some chickens will never be seen," Huo Ran said.

"I only endured you for the game," Kou Chen glared at him, "it's enough!"

"You raise your head." Huo Ran glanced at him.

"Li 1 we can win." Kou Chen asked.

"You can win less fouls, we have no substitutes," Huo Ran said.

"Then tell me a few of them?" Kou Chen said, "Be more stable ..."

"No need," Huo Ran said, "you can do whatever you want, if you foul, you foul."

"I rely, what can I do without a substitute!" Kou Chen said.

"Four people dozed off, three people dozed off," Huo Ran glanced at him, "afraid of farting."

"You are crazy, Captain," Kou Chen said.

"It's not crazy when you are crazy," Huo Ran said. "You must be crazy when you play."

The competition schedule is very tight. Four outdoor venues are held simultaneously. The boys' competition will be played first, and the final list will be played in two days.

So although there is no opponent in the first round of Wen 1 and there will be a match in the afternoon, the pressure is still great, but the knockout match will be stimulated here in the end. There is no chance to adjust.

Team uniforms are made by class fees and are very special. Girls in their class are especially careful about these things.

The white uniform with red edges, the left chest is the sign of their class, the hands pulled together, each person's uniform has their own name, and a small pattern they picked, printed on the pants.

Luo Feiyu picked a tooth pattern and looked at it as if it was an artificial tooth advertisement. Jiang Lei is a three-way bar. It is said that the biggest dream in elementary school was to be a captain, but the result has not been able to do so, so only sports pants and shoes wear Adi. Wei Chaoren picked candied sugar and wanted to specify walnut filling, but Wu Xiaochen rejected it because it was too difficult to find a picture. Huo Ran's pattern is very simple. One ... dog head, Kou Chen wanted to get a sickle, but Huo Ran strongly opposed it, and finally used a cartoon drawn by a handsome boy when he met a street artist.

Before the game began, the outdoor field was already full of people, and the crowds on the sidelines stood on the stands. Many people brought chairs and looked up. The best ones did not know where to find them. The herringbone ladder was put on the sidelines, and several people climbed up from both sides. When Huo Ran saw it at first glance, she thought it was what the student union arranged for the opening performance.

The principal was still in the style of the speech at the sports meeting, and the three sentences were finished. When the four venues were announced at the same time, there was a shout and applause all around, as well as the cheerleaders of each class.

The cheerleaders of the liberal arts class have always been relatively large. After all, there are many girls and many tricks. Many girls cheer for a round of cheerleading. In addition to their eyes, they can also harvest a lot of love letters.

Kou Chen and Huo Ran all went directly to the competition grounds of Li 1 and Wen 4. Their team uniforms were quite windy, so they were all wrapped up in jackets and mixed with ordinary spectators. Take off together.

"Let Wen 4 work overtime," Jiang Lei said. "After all, it's a liberal arts class."

"Okay," Kou Chen nodded, and whispered in Huo Ran's ear again, "I don't think you can see anything this time."

"It will definitely retain its strength," Huo Ran said, "but it doesn't matter. We don't have any targeted plans anyway, and what the opponents do will not affect us."

"I'm very confident." Kou Chen said.

"Well," Huo Ran responded, thinking about turning his head to look at him again, "mainly because I still have confidence in our cooperation."

"Me too." Kou Chen rushed at him.

The gap between the strength of Wen 4 and Li 1 is really too big. It is very obvious at the beginning. Except for the fat, there is no one in their class that can play.

Huo Ran sighed at the figure who was running across the field.

"Fat is really hard." Kou Chen whistled and screamed, "Wen 4 come on!"

The cheerleaders in Article 4 immediately followed and shouted.

"In the afternoon we should take advantage of our physical strength." Kou Chen said.

"Can't take much advantage. You can now run five kilometers, and then run another five kilometers in the afternoon. Can't you run?" Huo Ran said, "They don't consume much in Wen 4 and Wen 4 is fat and physically fit. on."

"Do you still think that all of them are me? Five kilometers in the morning and five kilometers in the afternoon?"

"Two school baskets, one track and field," Huo Ran looked at him, "what do you think?"

"Afraid of farting," Kou Chen snorted, "you don't have to scold me."

"No guarantee," Huo Ran said, "If you fight too stupid, I will definitely scold. When I scold someone, I don't think about it, I just leave my mouth open and scold if I want to scold ..."

"Come on!" Kou Chen roared.

"Fuck." Huo Ran almost scared into the stadium.

Wen 4 lost no suspense, and Li 1 won easily, so the atmosphere of the two sides was very good, and they shook hands and hug each other friendly.

After a round of competition, except for the lucky one, the whole army was annihilated.

At noon, the science class spoke in the cafeteria. Fortunately, if it wasn't for an empty visa, the afternoon game was a science session.

When Huo Ran walked into the cafeteria, someone said politely: "It's a good morning to raise energy and energy, and they are resting when we fight. This luck ..."

They looked around and didn't know who said it. Someone must be upset anyway, especially the losing class.

"The rules are set like this. If your class draws an empty visa, will you go to the playground to run forty minutes first?" Huo Ran answered politely, "If you are really afraid of losing to us, you can come and follow Let me discuss. I will take the team for forty minutes. "

After this sentence, no one responded to the challenge. I didn't know which class of people walked behind him and patted him on the shoulder: "Domineering."

"Don't make a bullshit," Huo Ran answered without thinking.

The people next to him laughed. He glanced back at him. He was the captain of Li 1 and his basketball player.

"Fuck," Huo Ran reached out and gave him a slap. "Don't eat too much and affect your strength."

"OK." The man answered with a smile.

Although not everyone is as unhappy as the unknown person at noon, it is true that Wen 1 played one less than the other classes.

"You all listen," Huo Ran looked at a few starters and the equivalent of non-existent substitutes. "We don't have any tactics, just play as we did during the weekend practice. Don't be afraid of fouls. Rules are used to commit fouls, otherwise What are you doing five times ... "

"Really?" Jiang Lei looked at him.

"Of course not!" Kou Chen glanced at Jiang Lei. "But now Huo Ran said yes."

"OK." Several people nodded together.

"Remember, not only do we have to win," Huo Ran said, "but we have to win with a big score so that they can see clearly. This game cannot be a science special from beginning to end."

"Okay!" A group of people shouted together.

When Huo Ran walked over to the court, he added: "With us, the first will not be theirs."

Kou Chen followed him, staring at Huo Ran's back.

After speaking these words, he was so aggressive and walked towards the stadium that he could not find any trace on him.

Kou Chen even thought that the head of Erchai was printed on his uniform pants, it would not affect the image of Huo Ran in front of him now, which was cool.

After following a few steps, he speeded up and went forward side by side with Huo Ran and strode forward.

The dozen boys behind him shook their arms together, strode forward, and got out of the wind.

The author has something to say: 啧 ﹁_﹁. Are you playing or fighting?

Continue tomorrow \ ^ o ^ /. 2k novel reading network

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