Qing Kuang
Chapter 78 Table of contents


After Hu Yi threw his wallet, his head was raised, so he stood by the railing, his fists were clenched tight, and his knuckles were a little pale.

"What do you mean?" Wei Chaoren whispered, "What happened to the radish?"

"That's one of the people he wants to cut with a noodle." Xu Zhifan said, turning and walking to Hu Yi, "Is she?"

"Huh." Hu Yi glanced over his shoulder, staring at the woman over there.

When they caught the thief before, they were quite quiet. Someone had begun to watch. Kou Chen glanced at the woman, walked over, and cleared her throat: "This big sister ..."

"What do you mean!" The woman was angry at this moment, pointed at Hu Yi and scolded, "You guys are with this thief! What do you mean by throwing my wallet? Do you know me? That wallet ... "

"It's Hermès," Kou Chen interrupted her, "I know."

"That ..." the woman raised her voice.

"Then you know who threw your Hermes?" Kou Chen looked at her.

The woman froze.

"The son of the man who bought you Hermes." Kou Chen said.

The woman was a bit surprised, and she raised her arms after being silent for two seconds: "So what? It's Lao Hu's son who can throw my wallet at will? If he can throw his dad, I won't be with Lao Hu He won't go home. What does it mean to be angry with me? "

"Don't worry, this is also an emergency. We came out to play. Don't worry about you two," said Kou Chen. "Don't say a wallet. I've been looking for you several times with a knife. His dad couldn't hide it. Line up, and sooner or later I will clean up for you. "

"Which onion are you? Why? Threate me? You're still tender!" The woman stared.

"Now you have two choices, one is to turn around and leave, the other is to go fishing in the lake yourself," Kou Chen said with a deep voice, "or I will show you how I threaten people."

"I ..." The woman wanted to talk, but was interrupted.

"Get out!" Huo Ran stood behind Kou Chen and gave a scream, "Give you three seconds!"

Kou Chen was so blinded by his voice that he couldn't hear other voices for a long time.

The woman's mouth was half open and she was shocked.

A few people in the group of seven slowly gathered around, and pushed forward to the woman.

"Sister," Xu Chuan said, "three seconds are fast, one, two, three, you see, this is over."

"Why! I still want to do it!" The woman was still a little dazed, and sent a distress signal to the onlookers around him. "Look at this, this group of people threw my wallet. Threats are not counted, they still have to do it." Ah! "

"Okay!" Huo Ran pointed at her. "You don't have to leave. The police will come in a while. We will go to the police station together. The police will ask the parents to cooperate with us, Hu Yi! Remember to call your dad later!"

"Um." Hu Yi answered.

The woman should still be hesitant about this sentence. She estimates that she doesn't want to make things too big, but the wallet is very expensive, so it was a bit distressing to be thrown away.

She stared at Hu Yi for a moment, took two steps back, and turned away.

"Let the surname Hu come back and divorce," said Hu Yi. "You are also a little professional, you don't want to dismantle the house, it's not a trivial matter. Are you willing to agree?"

The woman turned back sharply.

"A little bit angry!" Hu Yi said.

The woman turned and shook her arm, and walked away, looking angry enough.

"I fuck, you can radish," Jiang Lei crossed Hu Yi's shoulder, "I didn't see it! This hurts me so I don't know you anymore."

"You shut up." Xu Zhifan pushed him.

Hu Yi took Jiang Lei's arm away, turned around and sat down on the iron chair next to him, his arms propped his legs, no longer making a noise, holding his head.

"This **** is really ..." Wei Chaoren frowned, pointing at the thief on the ground. "You said that we took so much effort to chase back a purse to his mother's carrot."

"And he was walking along with him," Huo Ran glanced at Hu Yi. "He recognized it from the beginning ..."

"Then he didn't say anything with us," Jiang Lei sighed. "Ouch, I feel bad."

"You feel bad." Hu Yi muffled his voice.

"Then we have known each other for so long," Jiang Lei sat down next to him. "Such a good guy, I feel bad."

"Think about telling the police for a while." Hu Yi rubbed his eyes and raised his head to say something.

"What do you say," Kou Chen said, "It's true, the thief can't run anyway."

The police came soon, and they also told the truth before, and a few enthusiastic onlookers helped testify, saying that the child was pitiful, don't embarrass the child.

The thief was a recidivist. When the police saw his direct name and nickname, and who was the boss, he could tell them, but he didn't ask them a few more words, and he went up to the car.

"Uncle," Jiang Lei probably didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, some drifted, followed the police, "That's it? No need to educate us any more?"

"Teach you what?" The policeman glanced at him. "Which thing did you steal from him? If you want to go to the police station, just get in the car."

"Ah!" Jiang Lei was startled. "No! No!"

"Call the police before catching the thief," the policeman said. "What if you have a knife on your body, right?"

"Um." Jiang Lei nodded hard.

"Go with your friends to see the swans," the policeman said. "Consolation."

"Thank you Uncle." Jiang Lei said.

After the police took the thief away, several people stood still, and after the crowds were dispersed, Xu Chuan said, "Lei Lei, did you just want to give the police a commendation or a certificate of merit?"

"Chuan brother, don't look down on people!" Jiang Lei said, "I just ask it sincerely."

"Oh." Xu Chuan smiled and nodded.

Everyone turned around and looked at Hu Yi.

To be honest, I don't know how to comfort such things. Several people stood by Hu Yi and looked at him, and for a long time no one spoke.

"How about silence?" Hu Yi said.

"Fuck!" The whole group laughed.

"Go boating," Hu Yi stood up. "I'm sorry, it's blocking you."

"It's a fart," Kou Chen said, "what's the last name of Hu? It's a good lesson!"

"Maybe it's here," Huo Ran whispered, "the woman will never run here alone."

"Don't talk nonsense." Kou Chen clutched his shoulders and shook.

"It's not a nonsense. In case you run into it, you should be prepared." Huo Ran said.

"Well," Hu Yi nodded, "or ..."

Everyone looked at him again.

"Gamble, bet on the boat for a drink," Hu Yi said, "I bet he's here."

"... Fuck," Huo Ran chuckled and laughed. "Then I bet he's there."

Several people bet immediately.

But walking to the small pier, I never met the woman again.

Everyone picked a big boat, and when they got on the boat, they rushed to pedal.

"Am I too energetic?" Kou Chen asked as he stomped.

Huo Ran kicked beside him, thinking for a long time: "I don't know."

The boat was pedaled far away, and the nervous and angry feelings of a group of people had really eased down before starting to discuss Hu Yi's family.

Huo Ran didn't interrupt, he was still thinking about Kou Chen.

Why rush to pedal.

Kou Chen must be too energetic, like a fool. If you let him run for five kilometers now, he may have finished running before asking why.

Anyway, if you can run down, run away.

But for sure, it wasn't for this reason that he was not so shy.

In fact, he just followed Kou Chen to grab, and Kou Chen would pedal naturally, and he would naturally pedal, sit in rows, eat fruit and fruit, no, sit in rows, pedal boats.

It's like they're doing everything together.

Go to class together, go to the toilet, eat together, go to the store together.

Put in the arms of the enemy and become this handsome teenage boyfriend!

Jiang Lei's voice sounded suddenly.

Horrified in shock, stepping on the foot was a wild step, and the boat turned straight to the left.

"So your mom got a boyfriend too, freely," Jiang Lei was sitting in front of him, talking to Hu Yi, and he glanced at the ship when he turned. "Fuck, you can, ah A set of serial legs. "

Huo Ran looked back, squeezed an embarrassing smile at him, and slowed down his pedaling speed.

After adjusting his mood again, he looked at Kou Chen's side.

Kou Chen was looking down at him.

"What." Huo Ran was startled.

"What's wrong?" Kou Chen asked.

"You look at me ... why?" Huo Ran cleared his throat and asked carefully.

"What about daze." Kou Chen said.

"Oh," Huo Ran paused. "Think about it?"

"Um." Kou Chen nodded.

"What do you want?" Huo Ran asked softly. "Do you still think about what you do not use?"

Kou Chen smiled and didn't speak.

"Actually, it's useless. High school students are really useless," Huo Ran said. "If it's useless, in fact, we can do everything and dare to do anything. What's bad is a fight and curse. What's good is to catch a thief. Traffickers, nothing we can't do, nor are we afraid ... "

"I'm afraid there are," Kou Chen said.

"What are you afraid of?" Huo Ran asked.

"I am afraid that I am not the same as I imagined," Kou Chen said, "I am also afraid that in fact, in the heart of his parents, he is a child who must be obedient and obedient, after all, you are a child in their eyes."

Huo Ran did not speak, and sighed softly.

"I don't want to do this anymore," Kou Chen said, pulling his head a few times. "Anyway, I don't want to grow anything like this anymore, and they won't be able to control it for a few years."

Huo Ran laughed: "Childish."

"You're the most mature, aren't you?" Kou Chen snorted.

Huo Ran didn't talk anymore, listening to a group of people chatting while pedaling the boat, and from time to time they followed each other a few times.

Kou Chen took out his mobile phone and took a look. Kou Xiao didn't send a message again, indicating that Dad was away on a business trip, and nothing has changed. He can go home and sleep at night.

Useful and useless questions, in fact, he didn't think much about it.

After all, my dad always felt that he was not up to standard, and the distance was quite far away. The knight and the princess were more than seven hundred thousand and eighty thousand miles away, and they were still hopeless in the exam and had no skills ...

Princess Chen.

Kou Chen wanted to laugh at Huo Ran's title.

He glanced over to Huo Ran. Huo Ran was confronting Jiang Lei. He stared at Huo Ran for a while, then turned away and joined everyone's chat.

In order to avoid staring for too long, Huo Ran suddenly turned his face and found.

When Huo Ran turned his head suddenly, he had no time to look away, fortunately, acting online.

Sexy Kou Chen, dazed online.

Kou Chen rubbed his face.

There was a strong feeling that was more disturbing than what my dad always said to send him abroad.

He had just told Huo Ran that he suddenly found that he might be different from what he had imagined. This kind of anxiety made him walk away when he thought about it, and he forgot to pedal a boat under his feet.

"Hey?" Wei Chaoren sat upright while pedaling the boat. "If I'm not blind!"

Several people immediately looked in the direction he was pointing.

"I won," Huo Ran said.

"I also won." Hu Yi said.

Except for Kou Chen, everyone has won.

On a two-person boat in front, there was the older sister and a man.

Hu Yi's dad looks almost like Hu Yi.

"How to get it?" Xu Chuan asked.

"You say radish," Xu Zhifan said, "how do you say how we cheer you up."

"Frighten them," Hu Yi said. "Hu's surname hasn't answered my and my mother's phone calls. I want to urge him to come back and rush the divorce procedure with my mother."

"I don't think the woman wants to take over your dad," Kou Chen said, "so your dad is hanging on with your mother and won't give up."

"Then he can't help it," Hu Yi said.

"Past," Huo Ran said, "it won't turn if you hit it from the back, don't hit the side."

"Okay." A group of people should be completely silent, afraid to speak out to expose the target.

Huo Ran glanced at Kou Chen's legs, and Kou Chen also looked at him.

"Maintain the same speed after straightening," Huo Ran whispered. "Don't go too far."

"You tell them." Kou Chen punched Jiang Lei and Wei Chaoren in front of him and raised their chins. "Except for the quarrel, the two of them never had a tacit understanding."

"Left, right, left, right." Wei Chaoren whispered to him and Jiang Lei's four legs and glanced back at them, "We have no tacit understanding, but we have a rhythm!"

Kou Chen gave him a thumbs up.

The ship slid slowly from the water to the boat in front.

The two people on the boat didn't notice the situation at all, and were talking happily.

Don't know why, suddenly Huo Ran was nervous.

After all, the person in front was Hu Yi ’s father, which was different from anything they had done collectively in the past. They saved Xu Zhifan ’s mother, and now they are going to sail against Hu Yi ’s father ...

Life is really wonderful.

He glanced at Kou Chen.

Kou Chen smiled at him, patted him gently, leaned his head to his ears: "I'm a little nervous."

"Huh?" Huo Ran was a little surprised.

"I'm afraid the boat is overturned ..." Kou Chen's voice was almost inaudible, "if I fall into the water ..."

"I can't swim either, I don't know if I'll save you first or my mother first," Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen made him amused, and laughed silently while covering his stomach for a long time before suppressing his voice: "You hold me, don't let me fall into the water."

To be honest, Huo Ran felt a little careless, or that Kou Chen was not like a weak person. If Kou Chen didn't say it, he would never remember that Kou Chen was afraid of water and could be drowned in the deep water of his feet Kind of.

Suddenly felt guilty.

He grabbed Kou Chen's hand and rubbed it on his leg. "Rest assured, I'm here and won't let you fall."

"You are really ..." Kou Chen whispered with a smile and stopped halfway.

"What?" Huo Ran turned his head.

Kou Chen got a little closer. When he turned his head, the noses of them both narrowed.

Suddenly it became a little faint.

He had a lot of intimidating intimate contacts with Kou Chen. To put it in perspective, Kou Chen had close contact with his pants | crotch. He also saw chickens popping out of Kou Chen's pants ...

But something like the tip of the nose, although it grows on the face and is unobstructed, is still at the forefront, but in many cases, it can be returned to the same position as the pants | crotch.

You can split your legs and let them lean against your pants | crotch, free and gentle, gentleman.

But you can't open your nose to the nose.

"Well!" Jiang Lei suddenly yelled.

Huo Ran could see Kou Chen's pupils shrinking in fright.

Then the ship's hull vibrated severely.

They both flickered at the same time.

Then the noses collided very openly.

"I **** ..." Huo Ran covered her nose, her voice couldn't come out, her tears were sour.

The author has something to say: ⊙Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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