Qing Kuang
Chapter 80 Table of contents


"What ... what's going on?" Huo Ran's head was blank for a moment, and the feeling of tightness in his scalp quickly infected the whole body. The whole person was stiff and couldn't move his neck.

"You were a bit strange at the time," Xu Zhifan said in a low voice. "Kou Chen, I don't know, but you must be a little bit wrong."

Huo Ran was out of breath, and her heart was shaking with ears.

"I ..." He frowned, "I don't quite understand, just ... this thing can't be done now ... I can't tell anyone."

"I can't tell anyone now," Xu Zhifan said, "what about after that?"

"I don't know." Huo Ran was angry.

"Okay," Xu Zhifan said, "I'll ask again in two days."

"Huh?" Huo Ran's voice was scared and raised up again, full of vitality.

"Huh, huh?" Xu Zhifan let go of him. "You don't tell others I can understand this, but if you really want to say, no one except you can say it."

Huo Ran looked at him and said nothing. After a while, he suddenly jumped to Xu Zhifan and said quietly, "Don't ask Kou Chen!"

"I'm not stupid," Xu Zhifan snorted. "Do you treat me as Leilei?"

Huo Ran smiled.

"Get in the car!" Kou Chen roared.

At this moment, Kou Chen's voice was heard suddenly, and Huo Ran almost let her knees softly.

Xu Zhifan pushed him: "Get in the car, let's have fun today."

There were many people on the bus. Kou Chen rarely crowded the bus. After getting on the bus, he raised his arms and couldn't avoid contact with the people around him.

"What are you doing?" Huo Ran reached behind him and pulled his arm down.

"There is no room for arms." Kou Chen turned back hard.

"Go back." Huo Ran pushed him.

Kou Chen was reluctant: "There are as many people behind ..."

"Go back!" The driver suddenly shouted. "Go back! What are you doing at the door! Go back!"

"Ah, hey," Kou Chen hurriedly pushed back, "back then ..."

There were actually a lot of people in the back compartment, but after crowding people, a lot of people could come up at the front door.

At the end of the drive, everyone was intimately attached together.

Kou Chen had a big bag on his stomach. Every time the car was turned upside down, the bag went up and down, rubbing his clothes up a few inches, and he didn't even arrive. It's pouring wind into it.

He turned back very hard, and it was better to stick it with the seven than to hang on the girl's bag.

But when he turned, his clothes didn't turn.

When he stood face to face with Huo Ran, he found that the zipper of his jacket was still under his left arm, and the back collar was still against his chin.

The clothes twisted tightly around him half a circle.

"I fuck." He whispered, grabbing his jacket and trying to pull the clothes back, but it didn't work, he returned the pocket to the tear line, "Fuck ..."

Witnessing the whole process, Huo Ran bowed his head and laughed.

"How about the fart?" Kou Chen whispered fiercely.

The seven started laughing after his words.

"Do you have any friendship?" Kou Chen frowned.

"Huo Ran helped him." Jiang Lei said with a smile.

"How can I help ..." Huo Ran smiled a little softly, dragging Kou Chen's clothes and pulling a few times without moving.

"Are you a woman?" Kou Chen was upset. "It's just that ..."

Huo Ran sighed, smiled, and clenched his teeth and grabbed his clothes, pulling **** his side.


The seven laughter disappeared at the same time.

Then it broke out again at the same time.

No one was stunned this time, all laughed and quacked.

The passengers next to him followed with a head of laughter.

Huo Ran looked at the pocket film in his hand, hesitated, and put it in his pocket.

"Hey--" Kou Chen gave up his struggle, leaned on him, lowered his chin on his shoulder, and sighed. "Forget it, just get off the bus in a while."

Huo Ran was silent.

After a while, he said, "Well."

Leaning on his body, Kou Chen whispered quietly with the group of seven, pulled out his mobile phone, and hugged him like a pillow, using his mobile phone to check what the amusement park has.

Huo Ran kept silent, all in his head was what he should do.

What kind of reaction did Kou Chen have before?

Doesn't seem to respond?

Would you like to talk to everyone?

Would you like to join the amusement park discussion?

What can we do to make Xu Zhifan not think he is "strange" ...

After two stops, Kou Chen's clothes were reset and he turned around.

However, Kou Chen still hung on him and looked at the phone.

Forget it.

Huo Ran gave up.

Xu Zhifan is a smart man. If he just feels skeptical, he won't ask.

He doesn't need to cover up anything deliberately, maybe Xu Zhifan thinks more clearly than himself.

Huo Ran sighed softly.

Yes, he could not answer Xu Zhifan, not entirely because he was unwilling to answer.

He wasn't sure what happened to him.

What should I do?

Can't say at all.

When the car was approaching the amusement park, people did not change much, all went to the amusement park.

Several people crowded for eighteen stops.

Kou Chen felt his legs straight when he got out of the car.

"I'll buy a ticket." He looked at the ticket office while moving his legs.

It's much stronger than the park. There is a large row of windows at the ticket office and a ticket scanning machine. You don't need to line up.

"Aa," Xu Chuan took out his mobile phone. "We transfer the money to you. There is no public ticket here, all for one price."

"Anyway." Kou Chen doesn't care, "Buy a pass, play it all, and eat in there."

"OK." Everyone nodded.

After buying a lot of tickets, a group of people entered the amusement park excitedly. Although buying tickets is fast and there is no need to line up, it is not the same after entering the amusement park. There are people in line before each project, but fortunately the team It's too long.

Several people are discussing how to play, and Kou Chen has gone forward according to the map's instructions.

"Where are you going?" Wei Chaoren shouted.

"Roller coaster!" Kou Chen waved in front. "Row the roller coaster first! I want to play a roller coaster!"

Everyone didn't have a goal. He said the roller coaster, and a group of people followed.

There are also many people in front of the roller coaster, dozens of people have been lined up, and neat screams came from the air.

Huo Ran took a look. In fact, this roller coaster is a fairly normal one. There is no particularly thrilling part in a large circle, diving or something.

But Kou Chen looked a little nervous, looking up at the roller coaster in the air.

"In addition to being afraid of water," Huo Ran asked, "are you afraid of anything?"

"No," Kou Chen glanced at him, "don't be afraid of heights, rest assured."

"This is OK, not scary." Huo Ran said.

"Why are they shouting so badly?" Kou Chen said.

"I also shouted when I went up," Huo Ran said, "it's exciting."

"Um." Kou Chen nodded. "I have to think about the words, what's the point ..."

"You think too much," Huo Ran said. "It would be nice to be able to speak."

The two roller coaster seats are in a row. Several of them are right in front. Kou Chen ran to the first row with interest: "I'm here! Come here!"

Huo Ran wanted to refuse. The first row was so exciting that he didn't want to bear it.

But Kou Chen had sat down, and he had to sit next to him.

Behind them are Xu Zhifan and Xu Chuan. They are a little more courageous. Although they are unwilling to sit like this, they also grit their teeth. Wei Chaoren refuses to move forward and insists on looking for a place in the fourth row alone.

However, after a girl who came to play sat next to him, he withdrew his desire to sit in the back row.

"It's all right," Wei Chaoren said to the girl, "don't be afraid."

After the staff checked their seat belt safety locks one by one, the car started and slowly drove forward.

Huo Ran raised his hand and grabbed the safety lock in front of him.

"If you are afraid, you can catch me." Kou Chen stretched his hand easily in front of him.

"Go away," Huo Ran answered simply.

"I think this thing ..." Kou Chen said with a smile, and the car reached the end of the platform. The track in front of it went down almost at right angles and suddenly disappeared in front of him. He paused, "Fuck, why is it so high? Just I don't think so when I look below ... "

After finishing their words, the roller coaster suddenly rushed down in this section, and Kou Chen's last word floated above them, turning into a roar.


Under his leadership, the car crew screamed neatly in turn.


Some were afraid, some were excited, and Huo Ran followed the big slip. He was quite mentally prepared and shouted a flower directly and happily: "Oh yeah yeah--"

When Kou Chen rushed to the bottom of the valley and climbed up, he cursed, "I fuck!"

"How!" Huo Ran asked.

"It's fun!" Kou Chen shouted.

The two of them worked hard backwards ... Exactly, they looked down. The people in the back row looked a little embarrassed. Wei Chaoren's eyes didn't seem to focus successfully at the moment. Smile.

"Superman is ashamed this time," Kou Chen whispered.

"It's about to top," Huo Ran reminded him.

Kou Chen quickly leaned back into the back of the chair, reached out and grabbed his wrist, forcibly dragged his hand holding the safety lock, held it in his hand, and squeezed it tightly.

"I depend, it hurts!" Huo Ran frowned.

Kou Chen ignored him. When the car had climbed to the top of the **** and had not gone down, he again led and shouted, "Ah-"

"Ah-" everyone shouted together.

As the car rushed down, Kou Chen shouted again: "Ranran--"

"Ah—sincere—" Huo Ran responded.

The whole time of the roller coaster is not long, but when everyone comes down, their voices are a little dumb, and many people are floating when they walk.

Hu Yi went out on the grass and closed his eyes.

"Carrot?" Jiang Lei kicked him in the past.

"I'm motion sick ..." Hu Yi answered frowning sadly.

A group of people immediately laughed and sat on the ground.

Kou Chen coughed: "Let's sit again, I just didn't realize it."

"There is nothing else to play for a while, you go up and sit by yourself, we are waiting for you here." Huo Ran said.

"You are not with me." Kou Chen asked.

"I ..." Huo Ran was flustered by his questioning and subconsciously glanced at Xu Zhifan.

Xu Zhifan didn't have any special expression. After feeling his sight, he smiled at him almost as usual.

"Aren't you going to play the building jump machine?" Huo Ran sighed slightly, and looked at Kou Chen again.

"Okay." Kou Chen snapped his fingers.

The jumping machine is much quieter than the roller coaster, the process is short, the weightlessness comes too suddenly, and many people have reached the end before they can scream.

When they lined up, they met the girl who was sitting next to Wei Chaoren again.

Wei Chaoren quickly lowered his head, head Xu Xu back.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Chuan turned back. "Hello, this fate."

"No," Wei Chaoren muffled his voice. "Just when I shouted too badly, she was laughing beside me all the time. I don't think this fate should continue."

"Hi, so coincidental!" Xu Chuanchong yelled at the girl in the back.

The girl smiled with a little surprise: "So coincident! Do you guys play this too? What about the handsome guy who just sat next to me?"

Immediately after the words of the handsome guy came out, Wei Chaoren raised his head suddenly and turned and waved at the girl: "Hi!"

As soon as the girl saw him, she even began to laugh wildly without even a second's pause.

"Would you like to go in front," Hu Yi pointed to Wei Chaoren's position, "sit with us for a while?"

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ..." The girl laughed and walked behind Wei Chaoren, and wiped her tears, "Will you cry for a while?"

"... Probably not," Wei Chaoren said, "I will really cry if you laugh any longer."

"I'm sorry," the girl covered her mouth. "It's mainly because you just shouted so badly that your voice broke. I couldn't help it. I thought of coming down to find you and add a friend, but you disappeared. "

Although Wei Chaoren was laughed a little awkwardly, he immediately pulled out his mobile phone.

"What luck is this," Kou Chen hung on Huo Ran, whispering on his shoulder and whispering, "a cute girl like Superman's?"

"Everyone likes it," Huo Ran said. "Do you think you should like yours?"

"Yeah," Kou Chen wasn't humble at all. "Do you like it? My one?"

Huo Ran was silent.

However, Kou Chen didn't seem to be waiting for his answer, and went straight on to himself: "However, I still prefer yours."

Huo Ran felt that his breathing had stopped.

The whole person becomes a heart, and the whole body is jumping.

Kou Chen pushed him to let him go forward, and then he changed from heart to person, trying to make himself answer naturally: "If I were a woman ..."

"No," Kou Chen said, "you can be a man."

Without waiting for Huo Ran to respond to this sentence, Kou Chen already laughed loudly beside his ears.

Huo Ran felt that his proper response was to wipe out his pleasant laughter.

What's wrong?

Is it neurotic?

After sitting on the jumping machine, Huo Ran glanced at Kou Chen, and made you laugh, and you will **** on your pants shortly!

Kou Chen is still researching the jumping machine.

"I don't think this thing is a roller coaster," he said. "As soon as I read the instructions, it was fifty meters high, and that was ..."

"It's 15 or 16 stories high," Huo Ran said.

"I fuck," Kou Chen turned to look at him in horror. "I just counted ten stories, and I didn't think it was too tall ..."

"It's three meters on the normal floor," Huo Ran said coldly. "It's not unreasonable that you always fail the exam."

"You **** understand this to me," Kou Chen stared at him. "It was intentional!"

"Ah." Huo Ran sneered.

"... Ranran." Kou Chen grabbed his hand.

"Get out." Huo Ran shook him away.

"I fuck, I'm really a little scared!" Kou Chen said in a low voice.

The jumping machine started to rise, slowly getting farther and farther away from the ground. Kou Chen kept staring at him, and did not dare to look down.

"Don't you be afraid of heights?" Huo Ran suddenly relented.

"I'm not afraid of heights," Kou Chen whispered. "This thing is not in the range of height fears. This is a personal fear!"

"I'm not afraid." Huo Ran pulled his hand and rubbed it.

"Don't let go." Kou Chen explained to him.

"Um." Huo Ran nodded.

Kou Chen's hands were cold, and Huo Ran rubbed a few times without rubbing.

However, to be honest, Kou Chen's hands are not very similar to him. They are thin and slender to the touch, and the joints are not obtrusive. They are strong but not pretentious.

And it's kind of smooth, at first glance, it was from childhood ...

A small jump from the building jumper interrupted Huo Ran's thoughts.

He suddenly found that the machine had reached its peak.

Not only has it reached the top, but it has also been released.

The people sitting in a circle screamed from their chests at the same time: "Ah-"

With no preparation at all, Huo Ran was overwhelmed by the terrible weightlessness before he could make any sound, and everything in his body shifted and floated.

Butt also left the seat.

In terror, Huo Ran grabbed Kou Chen's hand and pressed down hard, trying to make himself feel a bit real.

About a second.

He got a real sense.

The jumping machine is in the end.

When Kou Chen pulled his hand out, he suddenly realized that the position he pressed wasn't very suitable.

The author has something to say: ⊙Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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