Qing Kuang
Chapter 92 Table of contents


On the way to dinner, Huo Ran was always happy. He could not help thinking of Kou's second fly to Lao Tzu.

"Did my father hit you?" Kou Chen looked at him.

"No," Huo Ran said with a smile. "How could it be, your dad probably hit you."

"Did you scold you?" Kou Chen asked again.

"No," Huo Ran said, "In fact, many contradictions are wrong with people. Didn't you find out? It's easy to say how to change people."

"Then what stimulated you to be happy all the way," Kou Chen touched his face, "Is it crazy because I got too handsome?"

"... Yes." Huo Ran laughed even harder.

"That's understandable," Kou Chen said, without being humble. "Don't eat buffet. It's too far away. Let's find a restaurant nearby for dinner."

"You are hungry and thin, you have the final say." Huo Ran nodded. "Yes, your dad told me just now, let me tell you, he will be waiting for you at Lao Yuan's office tomorrow at ten."

"Why, duel." Kou Chen said.

"Probably Lao Yuan has any way," Huo Ran said, "I think this is also a step, you are almost out of money, and he will give you this month's money tomorrow."

"You have to go for the money." Kou Chen sighed.

Huo Ran patted him on the back as a consolation, thinking about it or not holding back, and asked Kou Chen with a smile: "" Did your father just shout what did you hear? " "

"What did you shout?" Kou Chen frowned. "My dad yelled at me so much, I usually don't hear it."

"Fly to Laozi-" Huo Ran happily learned the tone of Kou's second child, "Fei-"

Kou Chen laughed a bit: "Are you **** a little bit low?"

"It's just funny, especially when you think of it as an old heirloom," Huo Ran laughed.

"Hey," Kou Chen looked at him, then turned around and whispered in his ear, "Huo Ran, can I kiss you?"


... no no no no! On the street!

Without waiting to speak, Kou Chen had come over to mua a sip on his face.

Forget it.

That's it.

Anyway, I'm happy.

I should write "On How Pure Youth Fall" when I have time.

Xu Zhifan sent a message to ask about the situation while eating.

"Why not ask in the group?" Kou Chen said.

"I'm afraid that in case there is something wrong, answer the question in the group," Huo Ran said, "Xu Zhifan is still very cautious."

"Tell him nothing," Kou Chen thought for a moment, "I'll go back to the dormitory at night."

"Can't you stay at the hotel?" Huo Ran asked.

"Isn't there a duel tomorrow," Kou Chen frowned, "I'm not at ease."

"Afraid you can't beat him?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"I was afraid of such a toss, and in the end nothing changed," Kou Chen said. "If this time passes, it is still the same as before, I will definitely not have any ideas."

"But I'll give you a suggestion," Huo Ran said. "Don't just think about your dad's request. Your dad's request from you, you also have to think about why he wants you to go abroad because of your achievements and yours. I usually look like a child, right? "

"I wanted to talk to him that day, and my grades in junior high school weren't too bad, right? Or ... low, maybe ... lower?" Kou Chen said more and more.

"Do you want to study hard every day?" Huo Ran said, "Then tell him."

"No," Kou Chen hurriedly explained. "I didn't intend to express this attitude. I myself know what I am. I can set goals, I can't set them too high, and goals that cannot be reached cannot be motivated."

Huo Ran looked at him with a cheek and snorted.

"Be serious," Kou Chen said, "I'm serious."

"I know, set a small goal first," Huo Ran pushed his cup next to his cup, tinged it a bit, and picked it up for a sip of tea. "Say that tomorrow."

Kou Chen also drank tea, and looked at him with the same cheek.

"Why?" Huo Ran continued holding his cheeks.

"Look," said Kou Chen.

"It looks good." Huo Ran raised his chin.

"It's handsome," Kou Chen said, raising an eyebrow. "Mine."

Huo Ran smiled and said nothing.

"Isn't it!" Kou Chen asked fiercely under his voice.

"Um." Huo Ran smiled and responded.

After dinner, the two of them first took a taxi to the hotel to check out and get something.

Kou Chen has few things. After all, running away from home is an emergency. He took a schoolbag with a failed paper and changed clothes to stay in the hotel before buying.

"Your sister needs to know that you live here," Huo Ran said. "Maybe it will kill you."

"Can't tell her," Kou Chen said, "she definitely thinks this is an insult to her IQ and will be furious."

"Has everything been in place?" Huo Ran looked at his mobile phone. "It's okay to go back now, and I can talk to them for a few moments."

"Well," Kou Chen threw the packed schoolbag to the ground, turned around, put an arm in front of him, "come."

"What?" Huo Ran was nervous for a while.

"Hurry up," Kou Chen said, "I won't have such a chance when I get back to school."

"What ... opportunity ... opportunity?" Huo Ran was more nervous.

"Pretend to be **** stupid!" Kou Chen sat down on the bed with his arms still open. "Come here, kiss me!"

"Shut up!" Huo Ran felt that all the blood in his body rushed to his head, and because the position of the neck was too low, he was out of breath.

"Smoke a few more, and I want to bite you," Kou Chen not only didn't shut up, he didn't say a few words, "Of course, if you want to bite me, I can bear the pain, I ... "

Huo Ran rushed forward without waiting for him to finish, and flew up, throwing Kou Chen directly on the bed.

"Punch my ribs, when can you be a little bit counted!" Kou Chen clutched his ribs, "You really haven't suffered puppets ..."

Huo Ran bowed his head and pressed Kou Chen's lips.

Kou Chen seemed to be out of power. All movements, including breathing, were paused for a few seconds, and then restarted again, grabbing Huo Ran's clothes and lifting them up.

When Huo Ran's phone rang on the ground, Kou Chen rolled over and hugged him, pressed his face on his stomach, and muffled his voice, "No answer."

"What's the important call in case?" Huo Ran said.

"You are a small student, the highest position is a school basketball captain, you have an important fart." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran lay on the bed and laughed, Kou Chen's head went up and down along with his stomach.

"Ah," Huo Ran gasped, raising Kou Chen's head, "Do you know that the scene is particularly yellow now? It looks like ..."

"Are you implying to me?" Kou Chen turned his head on the bed with his arms, grabbed his waist and pulled down with one hand, "It's not impossible."

"No!" Huo Ran shouted, holding his pants, "I didn't mean it, I just said ... a bit like it."

"You just watched it," Kou Chen lowered his head and took a bite on his stomach, jumped off the bed, and went into the bathroom wearing underwear.

"No!" Huo Ran smiled and sat up.

"Is it a man or a woman?" Kou Chen poked his head out of the bathroom again. "Are you going to find something ..."

"You'll come out without washing!" Huo Ran jumped out of bed.

"Come again?" Kou Chen immediately came out of the bathroom. "I said it, Captain Huo, how could it be ended with just a handful, why not ..."

"I warn you, Kou Chen," Huo Ran pushed him to the wall and pressed his shoulders. "You converge."

"Do you hit me without convergence?" Kou Chen raised an eyebrow.

"I strangle you in the dormitory!" Huo Ran stared.

"Ouch," Kou Chen laughed, "I don't care, I'm afraid you're afraid."

"Wash not wash!" Huo Ran shouted at him.

"Wash!" Kou Chen also shouted.

"Quick!" Huo Ran roared.

"Got it! Do you want to wash a couple!" Kou Chen continued to growl.

Huo Ran covered his mouth: "You **** pay attention to the content, this door is not particularly soundproof."

Kou Chen's eyes narrowed with a smile.

Huo Ran estimated the position of his mouth and kissed on the back of his hand: "mua!"

On the way back to school, Huo Ran kept bowing his head in the group and chatting with several people in the group of seven.

In fact, he could not speak at all, but at this moment he had to work hard for himself to do something, talk and type. As soon as he stopped, he would remember what was in the hotel room just now.

Kou Chen's breathing, and those warm or warm in the palm of his hand, or a firm or soft touch.

Every flash of thought brings a current of electricity in my heart.


Still wondering.

"What did you say?" Kou Chen leaned on him and looked at the screen of his phone.

"They are waiting in the cafeteria to get you the wind," Huo Ran said.

"I fuck," Kou Chen smiled. "It's not a glorious thing, and I'm taking a fart. I just want to find an excuse for supper."

"They are waiting in the cafeteria," Huo Ran said. "Wait for you to have supper together."

"That's a lot more pleasing," Kou Chen stretched his arms back to hold his waist, stretched into the clothes and gently yanked at his waist, "I ask you something."

"Um." Huo Ran lowered his eyes and looked at it, making sure that the action was hiding under the clothes, and the driver couldn't see it in the rearview mirror.

"Just you ..." Kou Chen let go of his voice. "Did you tell anyone about this?"

"What?" Huo Ran tilted his head.

"Zhifan?" Kou Chen asked.

Huo Ran hesitated, then nodded: "He sees that I'm a bit ... what's wrong, just ask me and I'll say it."

"What about me?" Kou Chen asked again.

"Nothing," said Huo Ran, "if you mind if I don't tell him, he can see it anyway."

"Your uncle," Kou Chen smiled, "then tell him, wait till someone sees it, I'm so shameless."

"Then say tomorrow, today there are a lot of people." Huo Ran said, "In fact, I didn't even think about what to say ... Just a bit awkward."

"I guess he would look for a chance to ask you at night." Kou Chen said.

Xu Zhifan's eyes were probably helped by Taishang Laojun. As soon as Huo Ran and Kou Chen entered the cafeteria, they didn't speak. He already smiled meaningfully.

With Huo Ran's friendship with him over the years, such a smile indicates that he basically does not need to think about how to start talking about it with him.

"Fuck me!" Xu Chuan pointed at Kou Chen, "Don't say anything else, everybody has something to say, don't hide it from yourself!"

"I was wrong." Kou Chen confessed immediately.

"What's wrong with you!" Wei Chaoren said, "what did you say when you said Zhifan? You left it on yourself, and you didn't say anything about such a big thing. How much news do we send you and how many calls do we make You **** treat us as brothers! "

"Auntie!" Kou Chen shouted at the canteen, "Barbecue, like twenty skewers!"

"Yo, I haven't seen Kou Chen for a few days," said the aunt, "OK, I'll bake you and sit there and wait!"

"Don't interrupt," Jiang Lei said, "this is what Zhifan and Brother Chuan asked, don't interrupt this."

"Xing Xing Xing," Kou Chen sat at the table, "you scold me."

"You must have scolded you," Xu Chuan said, "but not now, now ... get a drink first."

"I'll go." Hu Yi stood up.

Jiang Lei went with him and brought a pile of drinks from the freezer.

Several people sat around the table, opened the drink together, then grabbed the drink and stared at Kou Chen together.

"Why?" Kou Chen became alert. "Who the **** dares to pour on me and I promise to do it."

"Who splashed you," Xu Chuan whispered, "Say!"

"Say what?" Kou Chen asked.

"What's going on these days, where did you go, and how did you handle this," Jiang Lei said with a finger, "need us to help make something more ... These are the points we have discussed these days . "

Kou Chen didn't speak, holding the drink bottle, and took a fist to everyone for a while: "I know what a man is, thank you."

"Uncle Kou will be meeting with Lao Yuan at 10 o'clock tomorrow," Huo Ran said. "I listened to what he meant. Lao Yuan gave him advice. He hasn't accepted it and is still considering it."

"What advice would it be?" Jiang Lei asked, "Would you like to ask Lao Yuan first?"

"I guess Lao Yuan won't say," Huo Ran said, "Uncle Kou hasn't agreed yet, but I don't think Lao Yuan's suggestion will definitely pit Kou Chen."

"I interrupt," Xu Chuan asked. "What is Uncle Kou's attitude now? What happened to this fainting this afternoon? Lao Yuan was really anxious and said he was fainted."

"Pretend," Kou Chen took a sip of the drink. "Tell me if I have any connection with you. If there is a connection, then I can lie to me."

"I fuck," Wei Chaoren said, "Also let him enter the plan, and you did go."

"Follow me to fight," Kou Chen snorted. "Fortunately, I stopped it, or I'm not sure where I am now."

Several people turned around and looked at Huo Ran again, all shocked.

"It can be arrogant," Xu Chuan said, "so dad so ... then you dare to stop?"

"Otherwise, he shouted to catch the thief." Huo Ran said.

A few people stunned and laughed.

"Your dad should be able to listen to persuasion," Xu Zhifan smiled and looked at Kou Chen, "I think you look a lot like him."

This supper was Huo Ran's most enjoyable meal in the past few days. Although he really wanted to stay alone with Kou Chen, a group of people sat and talked while eating, which made him feel at ease. .

When he returned to the dormitory, he was embarrassed to say good night to Kou Chen, and everyone shouted into the dormitory.

After closing the door, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Kou Chen.

-Good night zeal

-Good night, Koran Ran


-You said it yourself, my last name

-Okay, then you will be my brother.


-I'm struggling inside, I don't think my brothers are so good ...

-Huo Ran Huo Ran

Huo Ran happily smiled and lay on the bed.

The phone rang again, which was sent by Xu Zhifan.

-I wo n’t ask anything else, I ’ll ask one, I ’m really curious

Huo Ran glanced over to Xu Zhifan's bed. Xu Zhifan held his mobile phone and stared at him with a serious face.


-Has Kou Chen already liked you?

Huo Ran glanced at Xu Zhifan again, Xu Zhifan snorted, pointed at the phone, and stared again, urging him to reply.

-He said yes

"Fuck." Xu Zhifan whispered with a smile, turned over and lay down.

-Happy wedding

Huo Ran held a mobile phone and laughed wildly. After that, he felt very embarrassed and shoved the phone under the pillow.

At ten in the morning, Lao Yuan came to the classroom.

When Kou Chen saw Lao Yuan, he stood up, and when he was walking outside the classroom, the group of seven cheered his thumbs up.

He followed Lao Yuan calmly down the stairs.

"My dad is here?" Kou Chen asked.

"Here it is," Lao Yuan whispered. "Did your father pretend yesterday?"

"... You guessed it?" Kou Chen said.

"Then your dad performed well," said Lao Yuan. "I dropped a glass on the floor when I fell on my table yesterday."

"How did you find him out?" Kou Chen asked.

"He lost me a new cup today," said Lao Yuan. "I thought. When he passed out, the teacher beside him cleared the broken cup away. How did he know that the cup had fallen?"

"One hundred secrets and one sparse," Kou Chen whispered, "still didn't get home."

When Kou Chen entered the office, Dad was sitting at Lao Yuan's desk, admiring the cup.

When he saw him coming in, Dad leaned back in his chair, holding his arms, "Here it is."

Yuan pointed at Dad's arm: "Let it go down first."

Dad hesitated, and lowered his arms, leaving nowhere to rest, resting on the table.

"Take a chair and sit next to your father." Lao Yuan patted Kou Chen again.

Kou Chen dragged a chair past him, put it next to his father, hesitated and dragged it over to himself, when he was about to sit, Lao Yuan came over and kicked the chair over a dozen times cm.

Kou Chen sighed and sat down.

"Ms. Yuan," Dad put his arm on the table and raised his hand in a regular manner. "I have a request."

Kou Chen quickly tilted her head away, biting her lip for fear of laughing.

"What request?" Lao Yuan brought a glass of water to the table and handed a bottle of Coke to Kou Chen.

"Can you let Huo Ran come over?" Dad said.

"What do you want!" Kou Chen turned his head sharply, glaring at Dad.

"It's your fart?" Dad said, "You smile at you slowly, do you care about me?"

"What about us, what is your name Huo Ran? He is not your son," Kou Chen said.

"Mr. Yuan, did you see that?" Dad said, "I'm going to fight with this guy now that there are no more than three sentences. I talked with Huo Ran yesterday. The guy said it quite clearly. I felt he knew What is Kou Chen thinking? Ask him to help say something. "

Old Yuan looked at Kou Chen.

Kou Chen frowned and looked at Dad for a long time: "Don't yell at him."

"No," Dad said.

When Huo Ran appeared at the door of the office, he was like a thief.

After confronting Kou Chen's eyes, he stared and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Come in, it's okay," Kou Chen said. "My dad asked me to have a speaker over here."

"Ah?" Huo Ran froze.

"Come, Huo Ran, you come in," Lao Yuan turned back and beckoned at him, said with a smile, "you come to help your buddies relax the atmosphere."

Huo Ran was a little nervous. When he entered the office, he took a few steps and remembered that he was a spokesperson, and was not found to have been called torture.

So he changed his head to stand tall and got out of the momentum of the school basketball captain.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow. 2k novel reading network

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