Qing Kuang
Chapter 94 Table of contents


"That's the way today's conversation is," Lao Yuan said. "It's certainly impossible for your father and son to have no conflicts because of this chat, but there will be conflicts in the future. I hope you can sit down and talk like today."

"Thank you, Yuan." Kou Chen said.

"Let's go back to the classroom first," Lao Yuan patted him, and then patted Huo Ran's arm. "Huo Ran's role today is quite big, you worked hard."

"Come at my house this weekend," Kou also shot on his back. "I haven't talked to you before, you're kind of funny."

Huo Ran smiled.

"Let's go." Kou Chen picked up a half-bottle of Coke and poured it on his neck while walking outward.

"Leave it for me," said Kou, the second child.

"... What?" Kou Chen turned back, the bottle in his hand was empty.

"Your boy did it on purpose?"

"I, I, I, I, here ..." Huo Ran quickly took his own half bottle, and hesitated halfway before Kou's second child. "I drank ..."

"I'll get you another bottle," Lao Yuan said with a smile, "I used to see you always drink tea, thinking you don't like to drink these children's drinks."

"I don't like drinking, I just want to take a sip when I look at it." Kou Lao was a little embarrassed, and waved his hands at Kou Chen and Huo Ran.

"It's been delayed," Kou Chen threw the bottle into the trash can and looked at him. "Aren't you going?"

"I'll talk to Teacher Yuan again." Kou said.

"Chat?" Kou Chen was alert.

"I don't talk to you," Kou said impatiently and waved again. "Walk around, you have to report everything to you?"

"If you don't talk to me, who do you come here to chat with?" Kou Chen was still alert.

Huo Ran felt that he must have ears on his head now.

"Talk about how to be a good parent for a rebellious child." Lao Yuan said with a smile, "Where I am, you don't need to be nervous, go to class."

Kou Chen stared back several times in three steps before leaving the office with Huo Ran.

Kou pointed to the direction of the office door: "Mr. Yuan, look at this boy."

Lao Yuan smiled and poured himself a cup of tea: "You lied to him and fainted. He suspects that you have any other conspiracy is normal ... but today the effect is okay, you see, this child actually communicates well."

"He usually can talk to me, but he can't discuss the problem. If there is any right or wrong, he must stand opposite me," Shou Kou sighed. "How many years has this rebellion been rebelled, when can it be rebelled?"

"When you don't wrestle with him, you're done." Lao Yuan said.

"That's it," Kou snorted. "I won't screw him, he'll screw me."

"You try first," Lao Yuan said, "as he sees it, you will see changes."

"I also rebelled, when I was a kid ..." Kou's second child prepared to recall the past.

But Lao Yuan interrupted him: "When you were a kid, you didn't have reference sex. Your growing environment, character, and family were all different. What's the point of comparing yourself with yourself?"

"That makes sense," Kou nodded.

"A lot of parents have a problem, that is, they ask their children on their own, how are I, how are you," Lao Yuan said, "isn't it?"

"It seems to be." Kou snorted, "You summed it up so much that this parent was annoying."

"I used to have a student, a superpower, the school basketball captain, and then a science champion," Lao Yuan drank tea, "such a good child, the family is still not satisfied, there will never be that line Do you know what he said to me? "

"What?" Kou asked with interest.

"He thinks his parents are always pointing at Jiangshan. You can see how great the river and mountains that I knocked down. You have to follow my set. You can do this, that is not right," said Lao Yuan. "He told me, Can I lay down the rivers and mountains without saying a word, but I don't think they played well in the rivers and mountains. "

Kou stunned, then laughed: "This child has a character."

"There are also some parents who are not successful enough in their lives, but demanding that their children succeed in the rules they draw. This is even less convincing. It is normal for children to disagree," said Lao Yuan. "Even if you are If you are successful, your child may not want to be the second you. It is most important for your child to be a successful self. "

Kou was silent for a long time, and finally punched Lao Yuan: "The teacher is the teacher."

"Those you slowly think about, it takes time to improve the relationship with your children. Take your time," Lao Yuanxiaoxiao said. "Your first question is to learn."

"... Yes." Kou leaned on the back of the chair and sighed. "I promised to be a little impulsive."

"Do you know why Kou Chen only set a passing goal?" Lao Yuan said, "He is more rational than you."

"He is fart wise, think twice about the matter at most, and do it if he can't solve it!" Kou patted the table.

"That's better than you, he can't do it before he can do it," said Lao Yuan. "You can do it by hand. This method is something you taught him, and it took him more than ten years to train."

Kou didn't speak, leaning on a chair, it took a long time to look at Lao Yuan as if he had gone back to God: "Don't you say get me a bottle of Coke?"

Out of the office building, Huo Ran naturally walked to the opposite teaching building.

"Back to the classroom?" Kou Chen whispered behind him.

"Otherwise?" Huo Ran turned back, "this math class?"

"It's almost time to go to school, and it's time to go to the cafeteria in two minutes." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran hesitated: "Go to the cafeteria?"

"Go to the playground," Kou Chen whispered. "Now there is no one in the playground ... we can kiss, hold it, touch it ..."

"Class." Huo Ran turned in shock and rushed to the teaching building.

"Ah, heh, hee," Kou Chen took his arm, and dragged to the playground side while he was playing. "Funny, go to the playground and talk for a while, I'm a bit confused now."

"Leave by the wall." Huo Ran turned back.

They walked towards the playground against the wall of the office building. They took a few steps, and a ball of paper on the right smashed to the ground at their feet.

"I fuck." Kou Chen turned around and became happy, "Jiang Lei is pretty accurate."

Huo Ran turned his head and looked over to the second floor opposite. Jiang Lei's angry face was stuck in the lower left corner of the window, and he stretched out his arms and erected the **** at them.

They almost laughed and couldn't hold their voices, and stooped forward.

A few people in the group of seven quickly got the news and spoke to them in the group.

-You two are so **** hot!

-Are they out?

-Go to the playground! I want to make a small report! These two are not in class!

-I hit them

-Did you miss it?

-Moving targets are always difficult

-You two get back! !! !! !!

Kou Chen couldn't laugh, and replied in the group.

-Don't go to the cafeteria for a while, go out for dinner

-We are not angry at rice bowls and ramen.

-When did I invite you to eat these? The main entrance to school is waiting for you

The playground is not without people. There are a few seniors wearing headphones walking around the track. I don't know if they are endorsing or relaxing.

At the moment, the school's management of senior high school was relatively loose, and it was not strictly required to stay in the classroom. I didn't want to listen to the teacher's lecture, so I could go out and walk by myself.

Huo Ran and Kou Chen joined the team around the playground.

After walking slowly around, Kou Chen felt that he was a little calm.

"I just couldn't say a bit, I don't know if it was excited or excited," Kou Chen said, "not because of my dad's cooking."

"Your dad doesn't have to do it," Huo Ran said. "I think he's quite confident. Don't lose."

"He did seem to be doing well at school," Kou Chen sighed. "Just my dad, my uncle and a few of them, and their children, I am struggling to study alone."

"But you are the cutest." Huo Ran said.

"... I rely on it," Kou Chen smiled, and put his arms around his shoulders. "We are so sweet."

Huo Ran snorted.

"Really, don't believe it," Kou Chen said, "I have tasted it. It smells of chocolate."

Huo Ran stunned for a few seconds before responding, squeezing a word from his teeth with his voice: "Go!"

Kou Chen hesitated for a while and stretched out: "Ah, can you say that my dad can listen to those words of Lao Yuan?"

"Yes," Huo Ran thought for a while, "I think your dad really wants to get along with you."

"I want to, too," said Kou Chen, "I used to think about my dad when I was at school with my grandparents, and I was particularly envious of Kou Xiao."

"Little poor child." Huo Ran rubbed on his back.

"Does my dad find Old Yuan several times?" Kou Chen asked.

"Well," Huo Ran nodded. "I know it twice."

"It's almost the same," Kou Chen snapped his fingers and smiled with satisfaction. "I was a little bit confused. I don't know if I really ran away. Will he be in a hurry?"

"Surely anxious, isn't this nonsense," Huo Ran said, "you two are not enemies."

"But I'm being put off now," Kou Chen said, "this milestone trust and cooperation promoted by Lao Yuan's hand, how can I pass the final exam, even if I fail, I have to fight ... "

"You have to fight hard, you won't fail." Huo Ran said.

"Really?" Kou Chen said, "I haven't heard much since I attended high school."

"It's okay," Huo Ran said, "I help you, although I ... it's the same thing, but it's better than you, and there is Xu Xueba, he can help."

"Okay," Kou Chen frowned. "I really want to see if I have a problem with IQ."

"You don't need to watch this," Huo Ran sighed. "It's okay."

"Really?" Kou Chen looked at him.

"Please don't insult my eyes," Huo Ran said, "I like you for a long time. Do you want to tell me that I struggle with depression every day, and finally confess to a fool?"

Kou Chen looked at him and laughed happily after two seconds, the more he couldn't stop.

"I'll take back what I said," Huo Ran said. "You may really have a problem with IQ."

"I ask you," Kou Chen whispered into his ear, "when did it start? Did you like me?"

"Well, that's clear," Huo Ran frowned, thinking for a while, "I can't remember clearly, anyway, I just feel that something is wrong, especially after meeting Lin Wuzhen ..."

"I fuck, did you talk to him?" Kou Chen raised his voice.

"No, am I crazy? I talk to him," Huo Ran said, "but he ... I feel he can see it."

"Huh?" Kou Chen froze.

"I think he always thought we were a couple," Huo Ran said.

"Is he so powerful?" Kou Chen said, "observing us secretly in the back?"

"Do you need to observe? Year-round know that we both go to the toilet together," Huo Ran sighed. "I haven't slept together."

"Do you want?" Kou Chen immediately asked.

"What?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"Sleep together," Kou Chen said.

"You changed, zeal," Huo Ran said with emotion, "you changed."

"Where have I changed?" Kou Chen looked down at himself.

"You are the innocent little boy who is afraid of twists and turns." Huo Ran continued with emotion.

"Worry is still scared, pure love is not necessary, after all, I am now ..." Kou Chen said, glanced over the stand, and suddenly hesitated, "I rely on it, I can't say anyone behind!"

"Huh?" Huo Ran quickly looked over.

When he went out over the wall to find Kou Chen yesterday, Lin Wudi was sitting at the far side of the stands reading a book, and he was sitting in the same position again today.

"Is he out of class? Sit here every day." Huo Ran said.

"Every day?" Kou Chen's eyebrows were raised high, "How do you know? You come to see him here every day!"

"I fuck?" Huo Ran looked at him in shock. "You shout louder, are you afraid he won't hear you?"

"Early!" Kou Chen yelled at Lin Wudi as soon as he turned his face.

Lin Wuzhen looked up and smiled when he saw it was: "It's not early."

"Review?" Kou Chen walked to the stands.

"Kou Chen?" Huo Ran didn't know what he was going to do, and quickly reached out to hold him.

However, Kou Chen walked very fast. He only caught Kou Chen's clothes in the past, grabbed it and grabbed Kou Chen's waistband. Kou Chen wore a pair of sports pants today, and the waist was pulled straight away, and he quickly slackened his hands again.

The trousers immediately bounced back, hitting Kou Chen's waist, and cracking.

Kou Chen didn't look back, rubbed his back on his back, walked to Lin Wuzhen, and sat down.


Huo Ran had to follow it.

He should have seen it earlier! When they have no idea yet! Kou Chen just **** because he took a picture with a girl, and he extracted a pot of lemon juice from the fresh air!


Did it start from then?


Huo Ran suddenly felt a little hesitant, and some inexplicable joy, sat down with Kou Chen.

"No review," Lin Wuzhen said, "Where there are so many to review."

Very arrogant!

Huo Ran glanced at him.

"Then you are reading a novel?" Kou Chen pointed to the book in Lin Wuyi's hand curiously.

"This ..." Lin Wuzhen cleared his throat, hesitated, closed the book, and stood up and shook them both.

"Family?" Huo Ran was shocked.

"Brother, how much is the college entrance examination," Kou Chen shocked with the same paragraph, "you sit here and learn to look at palms seriously?"

"No," Lin Wuyi smiled. "A ... friend's book, I'll take a look and see what's nice."

"Does it look good?" Huo Ran could not help asking.

"It's okay," said Lin Wuzhen, "I can go to a stall after the college entrance exam has been dropped."

"Ah? Or ..." Huo Ran fished his sleeves.

"Let me see." Kou Chen slapped his hand aside, and stretched his hand in front of Lin Wuzhen.

"You two," Lin Wudi took down a pen from the book, and pushed Kou Chen's hand away with the pen. "Let's go for a walk, don't bother me."

"You didn't review it." Kou Chen stood up.

"Let's go," Lin Wuzhen said. "Let's go, I'll review palmistry."

As I crossed the runway, the bell rang.

"Go straight to the school gate," Huo Ran said.

"Well," Kou Chen glanced over to the playground, "Did you find out that Lin Wuzhen looked at the palmistry book and took a pen, and made notes?"

"I don't know," Huo Ran said, "I'm a scum in general, I can't understand the world of learning God."

"Zhao Zanran," Kou Chen smiled and hugged him from behind, and the two of them walked forward shaking together. "They also boasted that Haikou would help me study hard."

"I can at least pass the mark," Huo Ran said.

"Right," Kou Chen closed his arms, "go to my house this weekend."

"Huh?" Huo Ran froze, suddenly feeling excited, like some rogue medicine with his mother.

He felt very helpless.

"My dad has invited them in person," Kou Chen said in a series. "It's not good if you don't go. He likes you very much. You give him some face.

"Go, I'll go," Huo Ran said, "why are you looking for so many reasons?"

"I'm afraid you won't go." Kou Chen smiled.

"How come." Huo Ran touched his hand.

"I don't know," Kou Chen thought for a moment, and said quietly, "I probably can't believe you really like me till now."

"I really like you." Huo Ran bowed his head and kissed him.

Right after school, there are very few students. Huo Ran did a lot of relaxation and didn't try to avoid people.

But when he looked up, he froze: "Sun."

In front is the intersection of the school building and the playground leading to the gate.

Xu Chuan and Jiang Lei stood there.

Are looking at them together with their mouths half open.

"I fuck, it's over," Kou Chen looked up as if he looked up, "this **** can't seal a meal."

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow.

The other five of the seven: I fuck, sure enough. 2k novel reading network

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